Saturday, January 31, 2015

Book Shelf: Lick (Stage Dive #1) by Kylie Scott

Evelyn Thomas's plans for celebrating her twenty-first birthday in Las Vegas were big. Huge. But she sure never meant to wake up on the bathroom floor with a hangover to rival the black plague, a very attractive half-naked tattooed man in her room, and a diamond on her finger large enough to scare King Kong. Now if she could just remember how it all happened.

One thing is certain, being married to one of the hottest rock stars on the planet is sure to be a wild ride.

More info on Goodreads.....


Lick is the superb first novel in Kylie Scott’s Stage Dive series and addictively blends passion and humour in this deeply sensual romance that will without a doubt hook you from the very first page!

Why oh why did I wait so long to read this book?!? I mean, honestly…I must have been out of my mind because Lick by Kylie Scott was absolutely sensational! Having now read Lick, I have to say I can see why Kylie Scott is fast becoming a self-published turned published sensation. If Lick is any indication of what Ms. Scott is capable of, then I look forward to many, many more well told, addictive and highly entertaining stories in the future.

Lick is told through the eyes of Evelyn Thomas, a rational and level headed twenty-one year old woman whose life is turned upside down when she wakes up on the bathroom floor after a huge night out, married to one of worlds most famous rock stars with no recollection of how she got that way! As the lead guitarist of rock band Stage Dive, David Ferris may be the sexiest thing she’s ever seen, but surely Evelyn doesn’t want to stay married to someone she barely knows, right? Right? Wrong! As the two explore what their options are, Evelyn and David slowly begin to connect and get to know each other and Evelyn finds herself falling for her husband, although there’s trouble in store for these two.

The characters in this book were fantastic! From our leading lady and protagonist Evelyn to rock god David to the bunch of minor characters we met briefly including fellow band members Mal, Jimmy and Ben. Personally I’m already dancing with excitement for Mal’s story next and Jimmy’s followingI’m ready to get to know these boys more!

As the main character Evelyn was seriously awesome to follow! One of the reasons I loved Ev so much was that she was such a normal, down to earth person. She was someone easy to follow with fears, flaws and worries. I think Kylie Scott did a great job ensuring that Evelyn was relatable and authentic and that she encompassed today’s woman. I liked that she wasn’t stick thin and perfect and that she had personality as well an honour, but featured her own insecurities and inhibitions.

Kylie Scott has done a great job with the romance in this book and the relationship she weaves together between Evelyn and David. To start with David is a boneifide rock god and so sexy to boot! Scott has written him appealing physically and sexually but also taken the time to develop his fears and insecurities. David oozes charm and dark appeal but he has trust issues and at times a snappy temper. David often acts and talks before he thinks things through and this makes for quite a few difficult moments between he and Evelyn as the two of them try to work out the kinks in their relationship.

Personally I really liked the romance between Evelyn and David. Evelyn is just a very normal girl, while David is rich and famous, but they mange to connect so well. Evelyn makes David feel normal and treats him like an actual person with feelings and needs outside of his rock and roll lifestyle whereas David appreciates Evelyn exactly as she is. I really liked how Scott depicted their relationship both physically and mentally. Obviously both are practically strangers to the other when they get married but as they get to know each other their relationship deepens. Scott depicts the physical aspect of their relationship very accurately and I appreciated her honest description of Evelyn’s true introduction into a sexual relationship and the feelings that brings to a person.

Electrifying and honestly addictive, Lick is a fantastic tale by Kylie Scott that not only follows an excellent pair but introduces us to other alluring characters that promise to reveal their own amazing stories! A brilliant read, through and throughI’m ready for the next book!

Source: Purchased from Kmart
Format: Paperback
Buy it: Bookworld | The Nile | The Book Depository | Amazon
My Recommendation: This is a brilliant series--READ IT!
Cover: Very sexy--I love it.
Will I read sequel/continue with series: YES

Friday, January 30, 2015

Hoping To Read In 2015

With so many amazing books released every day and every week it's impossible to keep up with all the fantastic books out there to read. Goodness knows I get enough review copies to keep me reading but that doesn't stop me from buying books. Below are some books I'm hoping I might get to this year.

Obviously I'll keep buying and ordering more as they're released, especially the ones I'm very excited about and am waiting on, but below are some books I hope to read at some point.

Series I LOVE and hope to finish or continue:
Adult series I love and need to continue:
Book's I've got and want to start:

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Book Shelf: Legacy (Legacy #1) by Ellery A. Kane

How do you want to feel today?

In 2041, the choice is yours.

San Francisco is deserted, the Bay Bridge bombed, and the BART subway trains grounded. The Guardians, members of an elite and mysterious government-appointed military police force, are maintaining order at all costs—thanks to emotion-altering drugs like Emovere that suppress fear and anxiety. Lex Knightley, daughter of a prominent forensic psychiatrist, risks entering the devastated city to partner with the Resistance, a group of rebels intent upon exposing the dangers of Emovere. Lex discovers an ally in Quin McAllister, a magnetic Guardian Force recruit with a haunting past that binds them together. As she uncovers the secrets of the Guardian Force and confronts the truth about her family, Lex begins to realize that even those closest to her are not quite who they seem.

More info on Goodreads......


Legacy by Ellery A. Kane was a well paced and well thought out novel that surprised me with it's exciting storyline and tangible characters. Set in an alternate future where drugs can alter your emotions and military forces control society to an extent, Legacy was a wonderful debut!

Following eighteen year old Alexandra "Lex" Knightly, Legacy is set in the alternate future of 2041 where society is a shadow of it's former self and pharmaceutical companies produce drugs that suppress fear and uncertainty, working together with military forces known as Guardians to create super soldiers incapable of feeling fear and disobeying orders. As the daughter of the forensic psychiatrist who first came up with the emotion altering drug known as Emovere, Lex finds herself entering the deserted city of San Francisco to meet up with a group known as the Resistance in order to potentially take down the Guardians and bring to light the truth about Emovere and its devastating side affects.

Heading into Legacy, I wasn't completely sure what I should expect. The description sounded promising, but if I'm honest the cover didn't go a long way to fuelling my imagination. Still I was hopeful. And I'm thrilled to say Legacy encompasses the saying that you shouldn't judge a book by it's over. Ellery A. Kane's debut novel was a very exciting story that has obviously been very well thought out and constructed.

I quite liked Lex as the main character and have to commend Kane on writing a heroine easy to like and follow. Lex takes on a hard task when she risks entering San Fransisco to find the Resistance and even though she is untrained and afraid, she faces her fears knowing that she has the potential to save lives.

All the characters we meet throughout the story compliment the plot line beautifully. I enjoyed seeing Lex make friends with some ex-Guardians and see Kane explore the damages harsh childhoods and painful pasts have had on the individuals treated with Emovere.

I was very satisfied with Lex and her relationship with Quin McAllister, the tough and fractured former Guardian who helps her throughout the story and quickly wins her heart. While admittedly I felt Lex and Quin "fell in love" too soon, I did believe their feelings and their romance. By the end of the book it was no surprising at all that they felt so deeply about each other after all they had been through but I would have liked a slower process of them getting there. Quin had some very real demons he needed to face and I appreciated Ellery A. Kane forcing him to face hard truths and growth requirements in Lecacy.

My only issue with this story is that I would have liked to explore the world within Legacy just a little bit more. I'm very intrigued to see exactly how society got to be the way it is in 2041 and can only hope Kane expands on this some more should she write a sequel and continue on with the series.

Legacy concludes very well, with Lex and her friends taking on powerful individuals to bring to light the truth about what is going on, and in saying that Legacy could very easily be a stand alone novel. And yet, despite how well it concludes, I do hope Ellery A. Kane writes a sequel as I wouldn't mind the chance to see and learn a bit more about this world and about these characters.

Source: Sent for review by the author (Thank you Ellery!)
Format: Paperback
Buy it: Bookworld | The Nile | The Book Depository | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo
My Recommendation: If you enjoy stories like Article 5 by Kristen Simmons or Disruption by Jessica Shirvington then you'll enjoy Legacy!
Cover: The cover doesn't do the story justice really.
Will I read sequel/continue with series: I hope this isn't the last book because I want to read more.....

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Release Day Celebration: Ever Darkening by Janeal Falor- Excerpt

I'm super excited to be featuring Janeal Falor's latest release Ever Darkening today on The Rest Is Still Unwritten to celebrate it's release into the world! I'm a massive fan of Janeal's Mine series and the awesome woman herself

Perfection. Goodness. Elimination of evil. It's what seventeen-year-old Kaylyn has trained her entire life to achieve. But no one is prepared for the consequences of her actually defeating all evil people on the planet. Finally successful in her mission, Kaylyn faces an unfamiliar world, full of good people doing good things, in which she no longer has purpose.

When the skies grow dark, and a stranger from another village pleads for her help, her instincts roar to life. It turns out their perfect world isn't exactly what it seems. Kaylyn's new quest, harder than any she's been on before, will rip apart her friendships, her life, and her soul more than any evil man ever managed to.


From Ever Darkening.....

"Any cute boys caught your eye yet?”
  “When would they have had a chance to?”
She grabs a leaf and throws it at me. It floats to the ground several inches from me, and I laugh.
Go ahead and joke about it for now,” she says. “When a man finally captures your heart, you’ll realize you’re the silly one. Love doesn’t need time. It forces its way into your life whether you’re prepared for it or not.”
It had better wait to force its way in until later. There’s too much to do right now.”
She sighs. “I wish it would have waited for me. Jorrin’s always busy, like you, even though I’ve been struck by him. It’ll probably be the same for you. Some handsome guy making you swoon even if you haven’t got time for it.”
I set my empty bowl down. “No time and definitely no swooning.”
Oh, you’ll swoon all right.”
Want more? Get your copy today!
Amazon best selling author Janeal Falor lives in Utah with her husband and three children. In her non-writing time she teaches her kids to make silly faces, cooks whatever strikes her fancy, and attempts to cultivate a garden even when half the things she plants die. When it's time for a break she can be found taking a scenic drive with her family or drinking hot chocolate.

Visit Janeal:

I'm so thrilled that Janeal has another novel out! Her storytelling is spot on every time and her world building perfect. Personally I can't wait to see what she has up her sleeve with this new story and urge you all to check out Ever Darkening, and her other books as soon as you can!


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Book Shelf: Black Ice by Becca Fitzpatrick

Britt Phieffer has never been that adventurous, but that's about to change. Wanting to impress her ex-boyfriend, Britt convinces best friend, Korbie, to take a trip with her and go trekking through the Grand Teton Mountains in Wyoming.
But when a freak storm leaves the girls stranded they seek shelter in a cabin, and find two knights in shining armor, Shaun and Mason, who are also hiding out.

But all is not as it seems, and Britt quickly discovers that the guys are there for reasons other than hiking…dangerous reasons that mean they need to get off the mountain, fast. In exchange for her life, Britt is forced to guide them down, and as they set out on a harrowing journey through the cold and snow, Britt realizes the only way to get out of this alive is to pretend she is on their side.

But playing nice is hard, especially when Britt is unsure whether Mason, gorgeous and sexy, is the enemy or an ally. And as she begins to lose track of who is in control it is only a matter of time before things turn deadly…

More info on Goodreads......


Black Ice by Becca Fitzpatrick is a thrilling and suspenseful novel set in the Idiho wilderness and is a tale of danger, survival and murder amongst the ice and snow that will leave you guessing until the very end!

Told through the eyes of Britt Pfeiffer, Black Ice sees Britt in the fight of her life when a hiking trip with her best friend Korbie turns deadly. Whilst heading into the mountains, an unexpected storm leaves the girls stranded and at the mercy of the two strangers from whom they seek refuge. Taken hostage by the two young men with secrets, Britt knows the only way she and Korbie will survive is to play a deadly game of cat and mouse with their captors. And yet, as one of the boys, Mason, displays a lot of contradictory behaviour who may be more ally than enemy, a series or disappearances and murders on the mountain haunt Britt and soon it becomes clear that no one is as they seem, nothing is as it appears and survival may mean relying on the last person you expected and facing the truth about someone you trust.....

Having previously read Becca Fitzpatrick's Hush, Hush series, Black Ice was a very different novel of hers to read. While her writing is still as detailed and solid as ever, Fitzpatrick explores a very different story within Black Ice. And I have to say....I loved it! From the very beginning of Black Ice I found myself caught in Britt's tale of survival. I was quickly trying to put the pieces together and discover whether they would make it off the mountain or not.

Fitzpatrick manages to pack a lot of emotion, thrill and excitement into the story and I thought Fitzpatrick did a fantastic job with her character development and storyline of this stand alone novel. Adrenaline pumping and fast paced, Black Ice proves that no one is what they seem as our heroine Britt quickly learns that in order to survive she'll need to reply on the one person she's not used to relying on; herself.

As the main character, I very much liked Britt. She's a normal teenager with plans to spend her summer hiking in the mountains, but who must learn to survive when everything comes crashing down. Having always relied on the men in her life to take care of her, Britt has no choice but to take care of herself in this novel. Though she is young and in a lot of ways sheltered, she displays a lot of strength to make the choices and decisions she does in Black Ice. Britt is quick thinking and fast acting; something that very much keeps her alive as the story progresses. The growth Britt undertakes and the discoveries she makes are very intriguing to read about and witness.

Throughout the story there's an immense tone of danger and mystery within it's pages. With the murders and disappearances of young women having taken place on the mountain it's clear someone within the story is to blame, but you're never quite sure who. Admittedly I did put some pieces together, but that didn't make it any less enjoyable to see the truth come out.

There's also an undertone of romance within the story with Britt seeing a very different side to her captor Mason. You'll get no spoilers from me, but I must admit I was happy with how Fitzpatrick explored this aspect within the novel and how the relationship between Britt and Mason developed into one of teamwork, companionship and tentative trust and yet Britt continuously managed to question and, mostly, keep a level head where Mason was concerned.

Dark, intense and dangerous, Black Ice is fast paced and harrowing from beginning to end. Featuring a tale of survival with the perfect splash of romance and character development, Black Ice will take you on a thrilling journey, all the way to the final page.


Source: Sent for review by Simon & Schuster (Thank you Jen!)
Format: Paperback
Buy it: Bookworld | The Nile | The Book Depository | Amazon
My Recommendation: If you're looking for a mystery with plenty of adrenaline pumping moments, Black Ice is it.
Cover: It's not too shabby....
Will I read sequel/continue with series: This is a stand alone novel, but I'll definitely read whatever Becca Fitzpatrick writes next.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Owl Post #49

Inspired by The Story Siren's In My Mailbox, Owl Post allows us bloggers to showcase the books we've bought, won or received throughout the week and is hosted by Brodie over at Eleusinian Mysteries. We all know that the Owl Post is the fastest way to send and receive mail and they certainly make me happy every time they drop a book off.
Hey guys and welcome to another Owl Post! I've got some fantastic books to share with you this week, including a bunch I bought from Basement Books--one of my favorite online bargain book stores :)

For Review:
From Simon & Schuster:
- Last Call by Alice Clayton
I love, love, LOVE Clayton's Cocktail series and this book is without a doubt the perfect ending. Yes I've already read it and loved it--review to come!
..........Thank you Jennifer!
From HarlequinTEEN Australia: 
 - Shadow Study by Maria V. Snyder
Eeeep! There. Are. No. Words. For. How. Excited. I. Am. To. Read. This!!!! The Study series is one of my all time faviourite series with Poison Study the book I'd want if I was stuck on a dererted island and though I was thrilled with how the series ended prior, I CANNOT wait for more Yelena and Valek!
......Thank you Miranda!
I Bought:
Here are my Basement Book bargains......
- Tidal by Amanda Hocking  
- Elegy by Amanda Hocking
I've read the first book two books in Amanda Hocking's The Watersong Quartet but haven't had a chance to get books three and four--now I do and I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the series.
- Ascend by Amanda Hocking
Annnnd, in saying that I enjoy the Watersong Quartet, I think I need to try Hocking's Trylle series. I own books one and two (not yet read though) so I thought I better get the third book while I was at it from Bargain Books :)
- Texas Gothic by Rosemary Clement-Moore
This has been on my TBR list for a while and for $2.99 I could not say no!
- Spellcaster by Claudia Gray
I read Claudia Gray's Evernight series and her standalone novel Fateful so I don't know what I haven't gotten a copy of this yet. Better late than never though....
- The Shape Stealer by Lee Carroll
More proof I'm a book hoarder; I own the first two books in this series (this is book three!) and though I'm yet to read either, nor am I sure I'd even like the series, I had to get this one for only $2.99. Say it with me; book hoarder, lol!
- Original Sin by Allison Brennan
I know there's some mixed reviews out there for this series, but seeing as it was only $2 I figured it was worth taking a chance with :) Maybe I'll get around to it one day......
- Unbreakable by Elizabeth Norris
I enjoyed the first book in this series Unraveling so I'm happy to have finally gotten a copy of it's sequel---I hope I enjoy it just as much!
- Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers
I've heard some great things about this series and have wanted to get a copy of this for a while. So when, sucker that I am, I saw this for $5.95 at The Book Depository...I bought it :)
- Splintered by A.G. Howard
This book had sounded SO GOOD to me for SO long, I finally decided to snag a copy now that the trilogy is finished. Can't wait to read it....Oh and isn't that cover the prettiest thing you have EVER seen?!?!
And that's me! What did you receive this week?

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Book Shelf: Pleasure of a Dark Prince (Immortals After Dark #9) by Kresley Cole

#1 New York Times bestselling author Kresley Cole enraptures again with this seductive tale of a fierce werewolf prince who will stop at nothing to protect the lovely archer he covets from afar.


Lucia the Huntress: as mysterious as she is exquisite, she harbors secrets that threaten to destroy her -- and those she loves.


Garreth MacRieve, Prince of the Lykae: the brutal Highland warrior who burns to finally claim this maddeningly sensual creature as his own.


From the shadows, Garreth has long watched over Lucia. Now, the only way to keep the proud huntress safe from harm is to convince her to accept him as her guardian. To do this, Garreth will ruthlessly exploit Lucia's greatest weakness -- her wanton desire for him.

More info on


Pleasures of a Dark Prince is another great installment in the addictive and sensual Immortals After Dark series featuring Lykae Garreth and Valkerie Lucia the Archer!

This is plain and simple another great read. Pleasures of a Dark Prince, finally tells the tale of Lucia and Garreth--the Valkerie and Lykae we first met all the way in the first book, amidst Emma and Lachlain's tale, and yet who seemed to have their own connection and secrets of their own.

I really liked the way Kresley Cole wove Lucia and Garreth's tale together. I thought it was really interesting to learn that their story actually began long before Lachlain and Emma ever met. I thought the setting and plotline of this book was really interesting. Getting lost in the Amazon and facing massive gators, shifters and long dead God's proved to be highly entertaining--the atmosphere of the story was exhilarating.

I adored Lucia and thought she had such great strength and personality. She was a really likable heroine and someone I truly enjoyed reading about. Her history was really shocking and harsh, but I thought the way it impacted the story was really genius of Cole. It was somethingdifferent to explore.

Garreth was a really sexy Lykae. What can I say....there was something so very sexy about that Scott. I can certainly understand why Lucia fell for him. With his gruff and fierce alpha nature and he-man attitude, it was very easy to become drawn to him. He cared deeply for Lucia and fought everything for her--that determination and desire was very admirable and great to read about.

I really enjoyed the sensual relationship between Lucia and Garreth. Considering Lucia's history, it was very fitting to see Lucia re-discover passion and trust someone with her body and heart again. Their sexual tension was off the charts and very addictive to read about.

A thrilling and confronting ending, leaves three of the characters in strife and has me ready to dive straight into the next book pronto!

Source: I bought
Format: Paperback
Buy it: Bookworld | The Nile | The Book Depository | Amazon
My Recommendation: Don't miss this fantastic series!
Cover: Sexy as always.
Will I read sequel/continue with series: YES!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Spotlight: Sacrificed by Emily Wibberley- Excerpt & Giveaway

Today I'm very excited to be showcasing Sacrificed, Emily Wibberley's debut novel and the first in her new The Last Oracle series. Thanks to Emily I've got an excerpt to share with you today as well as a giveaway for not one, but TWO paperback copies of Sacrificed! Isn't that awesome? Be sure to check out this awesome sounding novel and enter for your chance to win!
Fifteen-year-old Clio should have never been the Oracle of Sheehan. That power is passed from mother to eldest daughter, and Clio is the youngest of four sisters. But when her entire family is murdered by Mannix, the king's adviser, Clio is left all alone and heir to a power she never wanted and doesn't understand.

Hunted by Mannix, Clio seeks refuge in a foreign city where oracles are absolutely forbidden. If she's found out, she will be sacrificed atop its great pyramid.

Clio has no choice but to win the trust of Riece, an enemy warrior. Despite the growing feelings between them, Clio knows that if he finds out who she really is, he won't hesitate to kill her.

Clio tries to hide her budding powers, but the visions she has of Mannix bringing a barbarian army into Sheehan torture her conscience. She alone has the strength and foresight to stop him, but only if she can embrace her destiny and sacrifice everything.

Sacrificed will release on February 13th!

Add on Goodreads or pre-order on Amazon!

 From Sacrificed......

The temple wasn’t empty, however. She stopped when she saw a man standing on the edge of the pool. He wore long sweeping robes of deepest red.


 Clio shivered. Something about Mannix had always unnerved her. He came to Sheehan not five years ago, and already he had somehow gotten himself a position as the King’s prized adviser. She knew he had played an instrumental role in brokering a peace with Morek.

 A thin-lipped grin spread across his pale face as his eyes fell on Clio. His head and face were completely hairless. In the place of eyebrows, Mannix wore a multitude of ruby piercings. He turned to her, his red eyes lighting up as she approached.

 She barely spared him a glance. She was racking her brain for ideas of where Ali could be. “You shouldn’t be here.”

 “Is that so? Tell me, why is it that men cannot come in here unattended?” His gaze fell on her like flames.

 “Not my temple, not my rules.”

 “Ah, but it may be your temple one day.” He walked around the pool to get a better look at her.

 “Not likely. Youngest of four, remember?”

 “I do. And yet you really are…flowering.” His grin ripped itself higher into those hollow cheekbones, giving light to those red, empty eyes.
 “It’s probably comments like that why men aren’t allowed in here.” Ali could be anywhere, doing anything by now, and Clio was stuck dealing with Mannix in an empty temple.

 She could still feel his eyes moving over her body. He wasn’t like the other men who came to see the Oracle. Their stares seemed to strip Clio of her clothes. Mannix looked like he was stripping the very skin off her bones. Rage flickered up in her chest, but the best way out of this was to move him along as quickly as possible. She had to find Ali.

 “Can I help you with something, or are you just here to bother me?”

 He ignored her and bent down at the pool’s edge, skimming his fingers along its surface.

 “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” she warned.

 “The sacrificial waters, yes? I wondered if the lore was true. They say it carries the power of the Oracle. That she cannot be the servant to the Deities without it. Have you ever gone in?”

 “I don’t know about all that, but yes, once. I fell. Came out covered in blisters. Truly, you are ugly enough already.” The water was another of her mother’s flashy tricks, poisoned in a way to seem like it held power from the Deities.

 “Interesting. So only the Oracle herself can touch it?” he wondered to himself, his fingers curling around his chin. “But Clio, that mouth of yours will get you into trouble one day. Learn to guard yourself in the presence of powerful men.”

 “Is that what you are now? You serve the King — the servant of men. I serve the Oracle — the servant of the Deities. Whatever power you have stops at the doors of this temple.”

 They glared into each other’s eyes until —

 “Clio, escort Mannix out of the temple and help him with the offerings.” Her mother’s voice broke their eye contact.

 Unnoticed by Clio, her mother had entered the room. She stood at the top of the steps, a vision in her white robe and headdress made of pure white pearls almost indistinguishable from the striking white of her hair. While all of her daughters had hair the color of darkest night, hers was whiter than sunlight reflected on a snowy field. She stood at the vestibule to her private chamber that attached to the temple. Clio didn’t know what was in there, and she never would. It was for the Oracle’s eyes only.

 Mannix lowered himself into an obsequious bow. Clio couldn’t help but snicker. The Oracle looked down on her. “Clio, I won’t ask you twice.”

Want more? I know I sure do! Be sure to pre-order your copy of Sacrificed today!
I have been reading voraciously ever since I met the Vampire Lestat in the 4th grade. Add in some Cassandra Clare, some marching band, and a somewhat unhealthy obsession with Buffy the Vampire slayer, and you have a pretty good picture of my teenage years. It wasn’t until my sophomore year at Princeton University when I had the idea for Sacrificed that I began my foray into writing, and I haven’t been able to stop ever since. I’m now back in sunny California with my two rescue German shepherds and a mountain of YA books on my shelves.

Visit Emily:


Thursday, January 22, 2015

Book Shelf: How to Beguile a Duke by Ally Broadfield

The spirited Catherine Malboeuf has just arrived in England to reclaim her ancestral home, Walsley Manor, and a valuable missing heirloom. Nicholas Adair, the attractive and frustratingly inflexible Duke of Boulstridge, however, is quite unwilling to sell the estate back to Catherine. Unless, of course, she accepts a small wager...

Nick will sell Walsley Manor if—and only if—Catherine secures an offer of marriage from an eligible member of the ton before the end of the London season.

Of course, Nick is certain he'll win. After all, no proper gentleman would ever marry a woman who conceals a cutlass in her skirts. Yet something about Catherine's unconventional disposition seems to ignite a need deep inside him. A need that won't just cost him the wager, but the very heart he swore to never give away...

More info on Goodreads......


How to Beguile a Duke by Ally Broadfield is an enticing and beguiling historical tale featuring a rough-around-the-edges young woman with a heart of gold and a stoic Duke who underestimates her, but ultimately finds himself drawn to the entrancing lady…..

How to Beguile a Duke is told through the varying POV’s of Catherine Malboeuf, a spirited young woman who has just arrived in England in the hopes of reclaiming a home that once belonged to her mother’s family in order to hopefully find clues to a family heirloom believed to be hidden on its grounds, and Nicholas Adair, the appealing and stoic Duke of Boulstridge who now owns the home, Walsley Manor, and who has no intention of selling.

Although the two come from very different social standings, sparks fly when the pair team up in the hopes of finding the expensive tiara Catherine refuses to return home without. But when a wager between them sees Catherine look to garner an offer of marriage in order to win Walsley Manor from Nicholas, both are unprepared for the attraction between them to blossom and soon both find the other may be exactly what they never knew they needed…..

Having previously read Ally Broadfield’s debut novel Just a Kiss, Broadfield has won me over with her detailed writing and charismatic characters. Though I’m not the biggest historical fan, I’m beginning to be won over, and its novels like How to Beguile a Duke that are getting me there.

Following Catherine and Nick was really an enjoyable experience. They’re understandably results of their standings and their time, but I liked that they both had fire and attitude. Catherine said what she thought, and though she tried very hard to be a lady, really was someone different. I liked that Broadfield had her fight social norms and tell Nicholas exactly what she was thinking.

Nick on the other side was a Duke through and through, but he was also a kind man who had plenty of personality of this own. Sure he had honor and charm, but he was also cheeky at times and I enjoyed seeing him rile Catherine uphe knew how to push her buttons, and she certainly knew how to give it back.

Together, Catherine and Nicholas were sweet. There’s an underlying sexual tension to their relationship; the attraction is there, but neither willing to face it in the beginning. Eventually though they give into the inevitable with a few stolen kisses and a sexy parlor scene before Broadfield takes them to where readers hoped they would go……

Rich in high society, scandal and even mystery, How to Beguile a Duke is a great short historical readcan’t wait to see what Ally Broadfield writes next!

Source: Sent for review by the author (Thank you Ally!)
Format: Kindle ebook
Buy it: BookworldBarnes & Noble | The Book Depository | Amazon | Kobo
My Recommendation: A brilliant historical completely worth a read!
Cover: I think it's very sexy and I love the colors.....
Will I read sequel/continue with series: This is a stand alone novel, but I'll definitely read more by Ally Broadfield if I have the chance!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday #82

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking The Spine where you can spotlight an upcoming release that you're eagerly anticipating.

This week I'm waiting on.....
The Sin Eater’s Daughter by Melinda Salisbury
Releases on: February 24th 2015
Add on Goodreads!

Seventeen-year-old Twylla lives in the castle. But although she’s engaged to the prince, Twylla isn’t exactly a member of the court.

She’s the executioner.

As the Goddess embodied, Twylla instantly kills anyone she touches. Each month she’s taken to the prison and forced to lay her hands on those accused of treason. No one will ever love a girl with murder in her veins. Even the prince, whose royal blood supposedly makes him immune to Twylla’s fatal touch, avoids her company.

But then a new guard arrives, a boy whose easy smile belies his deadly swordsmanship. And unlike the others, he’s able to look past Twylla’s executioner robes and see the girl, not the Goddess. Yet Twylla’s been promised to the prince, and knows what happens to people who cross the queen.

However, a treasonous secret is the least of Twylla’s problems. The queen has a plan to destroy her enemies, a plan that requires a stomach-churning, unthinkable sacrifice. Will Twylla do what it takes to protect her kingdom? Or will she abandon her duty in favor of a doomed love?

How. Freaking. Good. Does. This. Sound??? Honestly, I'm bouncing in my seat as I'm reading that description as this is exactly the kind of fantasy story I go gaga over! I'll be marking my calendar for this release and looking to get a copy as soon as I can!

What do you think of The Sin Eater’s Daughter?
And what are YOU waiting on this week?


Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Book Shelf: Death & Co. (Death & Co. #1) by D.J. McCune

Adam is a Luman, and it runs in the family. Escorting the dead from life into light, Adam must act as guide to those taken before their time. As his older brothers fall into their fate however, Adam clings to his life as a normal kid - one who likes girls, hates the Head and has a pile of homework to get through by Monday morning.

When Adam gets a terrible premonition he realises that he must make a devastating choice, risking his life, his family and his destiny.

More info on Goodreads.....


Death & Co. is D.J. McCune’s debut novel and is a quaint read with a unique twist on the mythology that is the grim reaper and their important role between life and death.

Told through the eyes of fifteen year old Adam Mortson, Death & Co. introduces us to the Lumen, a race of benevolent beings tasked with transporting souls into the afterlife. As a Luman, our hero Adam is one of many, with his entire family having devoted their existence to helping souls move on. His brothers and father may be happy with their positions as Lumen but Adam has other ideashe simply wants to be a normal teenager.

D.J. McCune does a good job with setting up the initial details of her Lumen society within Death & Co. This is a unique twist on the typical Grim Reaper and explores the familial bond that exists between them as they’re all happy to be Lumenall but Adam. Whilst this book didn’t blow me away I did enjoy reading Adam’s tale.

McCune does just enough to capture her reader’s attention, although I will admit I think the premise had more potential. The concept is great and while the story is readable, it could have benefited from a more driven plotline and substantial character development. Though Adam, for the most part, is likable, I found it hard to become attached and really invested in his story. While I understood his reluctance to be a part of the Lumen society, I felt bored by his constant groaning over his situation. I just wanted him to accept things, and try a bit harder.

I liked how McCune explored teen issues like bullying realistically but I wished more had eventuated from the storyline. There didn’t seem to be a real purpose to the story like I hoped there would have been and I wanted to explore the Lumen moresomething I hope McCune does with the next book.

Personally, Adam’s brother Luc was the biggest draw from the story for me. I loved his personality and would enjoy getting to see more of him. Adam’s love interest Melissa is bland and their chemistry almost non-existent. I appreciated the longing’s of first love that McCune hints at but at the same time didn’t really feel it.

Overall, Death & Co. has a unique plot whose potential unfortunately fell flat. And yet for the society D.J. McCune has introduced us to alone, I think I’d like to read the next book, just to see what happens. Personally, I think Death & Co would appeal to a male audience (not trying to be sexiestjust honest) more-so and may be more up their alley!

Source: Sent for review by Hot Key Books (Thanks guys!)
Format: Paperback
Buy it: Bookworld | The Nile | The Book Depository | Amazon
My Recommendation: If you want something different, maybe give this a try.
Cover: This cover is awesome and so absolutely striking--I love it!
Will I read sequel/continue with series: Possibly.....

Monday, January 19, 2015

Book Blitz: #Hater by Cambria Hebert- Excerpt & Giveaway

Today I'm excited to be taking part in the Book Blitz for #Hater by Cambria Hebert thanks to Xpresso Book Tours! The second book in the Hashtag series, #Hater follows #Nerd, which I reviewed in November last year. I really enjoyed the first book and am thrilled to feature #Hater today--I can't wait to read it myself!

It started with unspoken animosity. The bitter bite of jealousy. And now its full blown hate.

It was during my first football game that I first felt the first chill of hate. I looked it right in the eyes and felt its sticky tentacles reach out for me. I’d never experienced something so cold and empty before.

The effect of that look lingered, like an unspoken promise, long after it was gone.

Becoming a couple – becoming the other half of a campus celebrity wasn’t easy. I let down walls guarding my heart and he looked past my glasses and accident prone tendencies. Romeo and I are an unlikely match, a #nerd and a jock. But we made it.

And we’re happy.

Zach doesn’t want us to be happy. He wants Romeo to pay for getting him kicked out of Omega and for the night he spent in jail. He’s going to use anything and everything he can to get his revenge. Including me.

As the weather on campus grows cold and the days become dark, revenge becomes the center of someone’s life and the happiness Romeo and I worked so hard for is threatened.

I can’t help but worry that our love is going to be overshadowed by hate.

Sequel to:

From #Hater......

Romeo caught me around the elbow and gently pulled me around. “What’s wrong?” 

“You used to be just like him,” I blurted out. Then I slammed my lips together, cursing myself for not thinking before I spoke.

Romeo’s brows drew together. “Braeden?” 

I nodded. “You liked to have fun. You hit on a different girl every day…” I paused and took a breath. “Pretty girls.”

Something very close to anger lit up his eyes and burned there like the hottest part of a flame. Before I could backpedal, his large hands slid beneath my arms and hooked beneath my shoulders. Romeo lifted me off the ground like it was easy, like it didn’t even take effort. My feet dangled in the air as he drew me up so we were eye to eye. 

“A thousand of those girls”—he made a slight motion with his head toward Braeden—“couldn’t even make up one of you.”

“Romeo,” I whispered, caught up in the molten blue flame flickering in his gaze. 

“You know I was like that once. I’ve never made a secret of it. But you’re it for me now, Rim. There’s no one else. There never could be.” 

Even though he spoke softly, I still felt the room around us listening. My neck still prickled with a thousand stares, but I didn’t care. His words pierced me. They took the feelings of doubt creeping up inside me and totally vanquished them.

I smiled and something in his eyes relaxed. Worry I hadn’t seen until that moment disappeared. He gave me one of his oh so charming lopsided smiles and pulled me closer to kiss me.

Want more? I know I do! Be sure to snag your copy today! 

Cambria Hebert is a latte sipping author of the Heven & Hell series, the Death Escorts series, and the Take It Off series. She loves a caramel latte, hates math and is afraid of chickens (yes, chickens). She went to college for a bachelor’s degree, couldn’t pick a major and ended up with a degree in cosmetology. So rest assured her characters will always have good hair. She currently lives in North Carolina with her husband and children (both human and furry) where she is plotting her next book.

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