Here you will find all my current and upcoming contests and giveaways.


Win 1 of 5 Paperback copies of The Diviners by Libba Bray! (AU and NZ ONLY! Ends Nov 12th!
Win an ebook of Masquerade by Cambria Herbert (INT) Ends Dec 31st
Win and ebook of Cold Blood by Heather Hildenbrand (INT) Ends Dec 25th
Win 1 of 3 ecopies of A Matter of Perception by Tahlia Newland (INT) Ends Dec 16th
Tim O'Rouke's ENTIRE back list in e-format, including Vampire Shit and Vampire Wake (INT)
Blood Eternal by Marie Treanor (US)
Back to the Books Giveaway Hop (INT)
Ecopy of Darwin's Children by Natasha Larry (Int)
Ebook of The Commander And The Den Asaan Rautu (INTBack to the Books Giveaway Hop (INT)
Ecopy of Darwin's Children by Natasha Larry (Int)
Freedon Giveaway Hop (INT)
Ebook of Dirty Blood by Heather Hildenbrand (INT)
SIGNED copy of Betrayal by Mayandree Michel (US)