Saturday, February 28, 2015

Book Shelf: Crown of Midnight (Throne of Glass #2) by Sarah J. Maas

Crowned by Evil.
Bound by Duty.
Divided by Love.

Celaena Sardothien, royal assassin, is the King of Adarlan's deadliest weapon. She must win her freedom through his enemies' blood - but she cannot bear to kill for the crown. And every death Celaena fakes, every lie she tells, put those she loves at risk.

Torn between her two protectors - a captain and a prince - and battling a dark force far greater than the king, Celaena must decide what she will fight for: her liberty, her heart or the fate of a kingdom...

More info from Goodreads.....


Crown of Midnight is the superb sequel to Sarah J. Maas's riveting debut Throne of Glass and is another sensationally written story of political intrigue, fantasy and romance amongst a war torn backdrop.

Celaena Sardothien is back, deadlier than ever and ready to take back her freedom. Now the Kings Champion after the events of Throne of Glass, Celaena is continuing her journey to discover the truth about what is going on within the Kingdom, delving deep underground into long forgotten tunnels and tombs beneath the palace in search of answers. While serving as the kings assassin, for all her cunning and dare, Celeana is not willing to murder innocent people in the name of the King and instead chooses to fake deaths and tell lies to save those not deserving of the death she brings. Yet, as each lie brings her closer to discovery, dark forces within the palace make it clear that something even more dangerous is going on than Celaena can imagine. And then with the loss of someone she loves, Celaena is forever altered and soon on a mission to make those responsible pay......

Having enjoyed Throne of Glass immensely, it's a bit strange that it's taken me so long to continue on with the series, especially considering I have had both books in the series as well as a complication of all the short stories within the series, The Assassin's Blade, sitting on my shelf for a while now. So in saying that, I am glad I finally decided to delve back into this world.

There's no doubt in my mind that Sarah J. Maas is an extremely talented storyteller. As a debut novel, Throne of Glass made it clear that she was something special as a writer and in Crown of Midnight Maas only goes on to show just what she is capable of. Her world building and eye for detail paints a sensational picture of this fantasy world that completely draws the reader in. Weaving together danger and political intrigue, Maas manages to twist together a story where you never know what will happen next; drawing the reader on an emotionally charged journey where the adrenaline pumps the whole way through.

Told in the third person, Maas allows readers to witness the story unfold through the eyes of her numerous layered characters. Understandably Celaena, Dorian and Chaol are the most focal voices, although others pop up from time to time. Celaena continues to captivate readers with her dual nature and her contradictions; deadly assassin mingles with womanly innocence where Celaena is concerned, although a manner of startling developments within the story shake Celaena's foundation and drastically alter her desires within Crown of Midnight.

I honestly very much enjoy reading about Celaena's journey within this series, but boy does Sarah J. Maas know how to put her characters through the wringer at times. Crown of Midnight really is emotionally charged with Celaena experiencing so much joy, love and betrayal in this novel. Her pain leads her to make some drastic choices and Maas makes her readers feel every one, especially those who have a pertinent for Chaol, as he and Celaena's relationship takes a shocking turn.

Dorian and Chaol continue to stand by Celaena's side, the Crown Prince and the Captian of the Guard, two best friends who both love the same woman. Personally, I adore Chaol and Maas had me wanting to throw the book across the room at times with her developments, but there's no denying some of them make for sensationally emotional reading. As for Dorian, he is proving time and time again why he would make an amazing King should he get the chance and there's no doubt in my mind that should he take power he would change things forever. I can only hope this is something we see from Maas in one of the future novels.

Painful at times, heartbreaking and addictive to behold, Crown of Midnight is an excellent follow up to it's predecessor. Sarah J. Maas knows how to draw readers in and leave them begging for more, and with Crown of Midnight endings with a big discovery, I'm looking forward to beginning the next installment, Heir of Fire next.

Source: Sent for review by Bloomsbury Australia (Thank you Sonia!)
Format: Paperback
Buy it: Bookworld | The Nile | The Book Depository | Amazon
My Recommendation: This is a fantastic fantasy series absolutely worth a read.
Cover: This cover is seriously kick-ass and it goes so well with the first!
Will I read sequel/continue with series: Yes

Friday, February 27, 2015

Blog Tour: Avery by Charlotte McConaghy- Interview

Thanks to Random House Australia I'm chatting to Australian author Charlotte McConaghy as part of the blog today for about her recent release Avery, the first novel in her new The Chronicles of Kaya series! I recently had the pleasure of reading Avery for the tour and loved it--be sure to check out my 5 star review which was posted yesterday here. It's one of my favorite books of this year so far....

The people of Kaya die in pairs. When one lover dies, the other does too. So it has been for thousands of years – until Ava.

For although her bondmate, Avery, has been murdered and Ava’s soul has been torn in two, she is the only one who has ever been strong enough to cling to life. Vowing revenge upon the barbarian queen of Pirenti, Ava's plan is interrupted when she is instead captured by the deadly prince of her enemies.

Prince Ambrose has been brought up to kill and hate. But when he takes charge of a strangely captivating Kayan prisoner and is forced to survive with her on a dangerous island, he must reconsider all he holds true . . .

In a violent country like Pirenti, where emotion is scorned as a weakness, can he find the strength to fight for the person he loves . . . even when she’s his vengeful enemy?

Avery is a sweeping, romantic fantasy novel about loss and identity, and finding the courage to love against all odds.  

Add on Goodreads or check out my 5 star review!

Bookworld | The Nile | Kobo | Amazon

Hi Charlotte and thanks so much for agreeing to be interviewed on The Rest Is Still Unwritten! I'm super excited to read your latest release Avery and even more excited to chat with you today :)

Lets jump into it, shall we?

For those like myself who have not yet had the chance to read your latest release Avery but certainly plan to, what can we expect heading into the story?
Avery is a romantic, adventurous fantasy novel about loss, second chances, courage and love. It’s set in a world where the people die in pairs – they always have done and always will. But Ava is the first woman to ever survive the death of her mate, and so goes on a dangerous journey of vengeance into enemy lands. She finds something very different – the possibility that maybe love and connection has not been lost from her life after all.

Having read the description of Avery, the idea sounds REALLY interesting. Where did the concept come from?
I actually dreamt the prologue of Avery, and woke up to realise I had to write it down. It was so vivid, it just stuck in my head and quickly turned into the idea for a novel. The aspect of the concept about people dying in pairs was inspired by the stories I had heard of people who spend their whole lives together and then die almost at the same time. When one goes, the other stops holding on and follows. This seemed so sad and beautiful to me, and I started thinking about what it would be like if it was like that for everyone, no matter their age.

How would you describe your heroine Kaya in one sentence? (And here's where I have my blond moment.....boy do I feel silly! Well duh....)
My heroine’s name is actually Ava, and in one sentence I would say she’s: driven to the point of self-destruction, and tough as nails.

Avery has been released with Australian publishing house Random House Australia. What has your experience with Random House been like?
It’s been really great. From day one, they’ve been really supportive of my work, and have taken a chance by publishing a romantic fantasy novel in Australia, where there aren’t many of this genre released. I have a great editor, Lex, a great publicist, Kirsty, and a great publisher, Bev – all of whom are really passionate about telling powerful stories.

I think the cover for Avery is absolutely stunning! Did you have any say in the design?
Well I basically just help to choose between a couple of different options, and when they sent me this one through I immediately loved it, so it was an easy choice.

Do you have a favourite quote from Avery that you might want to share?
Ooh, tricky! Umm… ‘It was like we clawed at love with every ounce of our strength, like we held our breaths for it until no air existed in the world.’ Maybe. They all feel silly to me when taken out of context! Haha

I know most authors tend to think of their books as their babies, but is there a story of yours that holds a special place in your heart over others? And if yes, why?
Yeah, it’s this one, I think. Avery was the first novel I wrote for adults, as an adult myself. It came from a deep place, I guess, and I have a real love of the four main characters.

How about we talk about you now :) What's something we'd be surprised to learn about you? Goodness, that’s hard. Well I have synaesthesia, which means my memory is a bit different to normal memories – it all relates to colour and shape and texture. The only way I remember words or names or numbers is by remembering what colour they are in my head. Not sure if that’s surprising, but it always seems to pique people’s curiosity.

Wow! Certainly piques mine--very interesting! If you would meet anyone, living or dead, real or fiction, who would you want to meet and why?
King Arthur, Queen Guinevere and Sir Lancelot. I’m obsessed with that story!

Ooooh---I love everything Arthurian too! What's next for you? Do you have any more novels in the works that we'd be interested to hear about?
I’m working on finishing the Avery series – books two and three will be released this year. I also have a second series which is published with Pan Macmillan, called The Cure. It’s dystopian sci-fi, set in a future world where emotions have been cured from the population. The first in the series is called ‘Fury’, and is available now, and the second is ‘Melancholy’, which is released in April. I'm really grateful you agreed to answer my questions today.

Congrats on Avery's recent release--I can't wait to read it and lose myself in that amazing sounding story!
Thank you so much! Really glad to have a chat with an avid reader like yourself!

It's been an absolutely pleasure talking with you :)

Charlotte McConaghy grew up with her nose in a book. Her first novel, Arrival, was published at age seventeen, followed by Descent when she was twenty. She soon started her first adult fantasy novel, Avery, the prologue of which came to her in a very vivid dream. Avery launched The Chronicles of Kaya series, and is followed by Thorne – Book Two and Isadora, the third and final in the trilogy. She then published Fury, and Melancholy, the first and second books in a dystopian sci-fi series called The Cure.

Charlotte currently lives in Sydney, and has a Masters in Screenwriting at the Australian Film, Television & Radio School.

Visit Charlotte:

If you missed any of the tour, be sure to check out the tour schedule:
Thursday 29 January 2015
Aussie Author Challenge - Interview and Giveaway
Saturday 31 January 2015
Book Muster Down Under - Sneak peek
Thursday 5 February 2015
Speculating on SpecFic – Review
Friday 6 February 2015
Book'd Out – Review
Monday 9 February 2015
An Adventure in Words – Review
Thursday 12 February 2015
Inside my Words – Review
Friday 13 February 2015
Words Read and Written - Review and interview
Monday 16 February 2015
Stephanie Gunn blog - Review
Tuesday 17 February 2015
A Word Shaker – Review
Thursday 19 February 2015
Inside My Words – Interview
Tuesday 24 February 2015
Thoughts by Joy – Review
Thursday 26 February 2015
The Rest Is Still Unwritten – Review       
Friday 27 February 2015
The Rest Is Still Unwritten – Interview

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Book Shelf: Avery (The Chronicles of Kaya #1) by Charlotte McConaghy

The people of Kaya die in pairs. When one lover dies, the other does too. So it has been for thousands of years – until Ava.

For although her bondmate, Avery, has been murdered and Ava’s soul has been torn in two, she is the only one who has ever been strong enough to cling to life. Vowing revenge upon the barbarian queen of Pirenti, Ava's plan is interrupted when she is instead captured by the deadly prince of her enemies.

Prince Ambrose has been brought up to kill and hate. But when he takes charge of a strangely captivating Kayan prisoner and is forced to survive with her on a dangerous island, he must reconsider all he holds true . . .

In a violent country like Pirenti, where emotion is scorned as a weakness, can he find the strength to fight for the person he loves . . . even when she’s his vengeful enemy?

Avery is a sweeping, romantic fantasy novel about loss and identity, and finding the courage to love against all odds.

More info on Goodreads.....


Avery is an absolutely beautiful and sensationally told fantasy tale by Australian author Charlotte McConaghy that introduces readers to vivid and highly imaginative world with two sides at war and is a heartwarming, touching story of redemption, healing and power of allowing oneself to love again!

From beginning to end Avery blew me away; plain and simple. I headed into the novel with high expectations and Charlotte McConghy certainly met them. The moment I began Avery I was instantly drawn into the stunning world McConaghy has envisioned and swept up in the journeys of the four characters whose POV’s we follow throughout the novel. 

Avery introduces readers two different warring lands; Kaya a place where people die in pairs after bonding with their other half and mate, and Pirenti, a land known for its formable soldiers and barbaric ways, ruled by a brutal Queen who aims to bring the Kayan people to their knees. Avery follows four very different individuals from both domains; Ava, a broken Kayan woman who lost her mate Avery two years before but miraculously managed to live on, becoming a shadow of her former self and driven only by revenge for her lost love; Ambrose, the second Prince of Pirenti, a fierce solider who captures Ava masquerading as Avery and takes “him” prisoner; Thorne, the eldest Prince of Pirenti, Ambrose’s brutal older brother who is a known killer and first in line for the Pirenti throne, and Roslyn, Thorne’s wishful wife who is mocked and scorned for her mental unstableness and who is at Thorne’s whim.

I really appreciated seeing this novel unfold through the varying POV’s. We’re introduced to two kingdoms at war with one another, with one as brutal and as barbaric as you can get, and yet author Charlotte McConghy manages to make you really feel about her characters. You can’t help but think about the complexity of human nature as you read this story. The line between good and evil blurs and who is in the right often changes from situation to situation. Our characters make bad choices and the wrong decisions and they don’t always do the right thing, but they’re so complex and layered, and really grow. Honestly it’s impossible to not become invested in their individual pursuits and dreams and as McConghy weaves their lives together, you’ll find yourself even more invested in the inevitable outcome.

The seemingly broken and vengeful Ava, also known as Avery is one of the four characters we follow, if not the most important one. Ava has been left a shell of the person she used to be after the death of her mate Avery, and this novel really is her story of learning to live, and love again. Ava’s thirst for revenge leads her to Pitrenti where a failed attempt to assassinate the Queen sees Ava dragged by Ambrose to one of Pirenti’s most infamous prisons. Along the way Ava, disguised as a boy and known as Avery begins to form an unexpected friendship with the formable warrior and soon finds herself actually feeling again, more so than she has in a long, long time. 

Ava and Ambrose’s story is sensational to witness, but it’s not without its difficulties. Ava still feels so much pain over the loss of her mate in the beginning of the novel and it’s not until Ambrose helps her live again that she starts to even contemplate continuing on with a life without him. There’s plenty of guilt and then shame as she slowly falls for Ambrose, but seeing Ava slowly heal is a beautiful thing to watch. 

Ambrose is a complex character in and of himself. In the beginning he is very cruel to Ava and doesn’t treat her the best, but as he begins to develop a friendship with “Avery” he starts to question his actions and adjust his responses. I honestly found seeing Ambrose fall for Ava to be beyond beautiful in so many ways. I mean, Ambrose falls in love with Avery, not Ava. Obviously they’re the same person, but he loved her as the boy he knew her to be, and her sex was never as issue. It was pure love; for a person and who they were inside and I found that so, so beautiful.

Thorne and Roselyn have their own hurdles to overcome in this book and I very much enjoyed seeing their journey as well. Both brothers have had horrendous childhoods and lives, something that really shows but I was happy to see Throne learn how he needed to treat Rose and do the right thing in the end. 

Avery is an emotionally charged fantasy story and explores the possibilities of forgiveness and letting yourself move on. Charlotte McConghy weaves together a wonderful story of romance, danger and the strength of love and has won herself a fan in me!

Source: Sent for review by Random House Australia (Thank you Kirsty)
Format: Kindle copy through Netgalley
Buy it: Bookworld | The Nile | Kobo | Amazon
My Recommendation: This is a SENSATIONAL fantasy read--a must read!
Cover: I think cover is so very beautiful and is exactly how I envision Ava!
Will I read sequel/continue with series: Yes! I look forward to reading more......

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Blog Tour: Soul Crossed by Lisa Gail Green- Character Introduction & Giveaway

Today the Blog Tour for Soul Crossed by Lisa Gail Green stops by the blog thanks to YA Bound Book Tours. Yesterday I posted my 4 star review of Soul Crossed and today I'm introducing you to the characters of S

"A wickedly romantic story that will have you cheering for Lisa Gail Green’s addictive storytelling. SOUL CROSSED is devilishly delicious!" — Martina Boone, author of COMPULSION and the Heirs of Watson Island trilogy

"Soul Crossed blurs the lines between good and evil with addictive characters and plot that will have you eagerly turning the pages." ~Kelly Hashway, author of the Touch of Death series.

One Demon.

One Angel.

One Soul.

Josh lived a reckless, selfish life, so upon his death, escaping the eternal torments of Hell by assuming the role of a powerful, soul-corrupting demon is an easy choice. His first soul assignment doesn’t seem too hard: the mortal Camden is already obsessed with weapons, pain, and torture. If only Josh wasn’t distracted by Cam's beautiful friend, Grace.

Grace never expected to die violently at age sixteen, but now she’s an Angel, responsible for saving a soul. She can already see past Camden’s earthly flaws, so the job should be be easy. If only that handsome, playboy Josh would stop getting in the way.

It’s forbidden for an Angel to be with a Demon, so if Josh and Grace stop resisting each other, the results would be disastrous.

And only one can claim Cam’s soul.

Add on Goodreads or check out my review!

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo

 Meet The Characters!

Full Name: Gracelyn Anne Howard
Born and raised in Bothell, Washington
Lived with mother, father, and brother, Noah.
Born March 15, 1998. Died June 2014
Trusting, Sensitive, Loyal, Beautiful
Best Trait: Ability to find the positive
Biggest Flaw: Naive
Goal: Guide Cam’s soul to the light so she can visit her family again.
Temptation: Josh, Cam’s mysterious friend.
Angelic Powers: Glamour, Attraction, Strength, Healing
Full Name: Joshua Michael Gaynes
Born: Portland, Oregon Lived: Seattle, WA
Raised by father.
Born February 6, 1998. Died June 2014
Clever, Handsome, Daring, Manipulative
Best Trait: Easy-going
Biggest Flaw: lack of belief in self
Goal: Secure Cam’s soul for Lucifer to avoid eternal damnation and keep his powers.
Temptation: Grace (Cam’s too-good-to-be-true friend)
Demonic Powers: Glamour, Attraction, Strength, Enhanced emotions.
Potential Anti-Christ
Born: Chicago, IL
Lives with mother in Farmington Hills, MI
Born July 21, 1999
Intelligent, lonely, obsessed
Best Trait: Great engineering ability
Biggest Flaw: Fascination with pain
Goal: Win Grace’s Heart
Temptation: Grace 
Lisa Gail Green lives with her husband the rocket scie ntist and their three junior mad scientists in Southern California. She writes books so she can have an excuse to live in the fantasy world in her head. She likes to share these with readers so she's represented by the lovely Melissa Nasson of Rubin Pfeffer Content. She has a parrot but would most definitely get a werewolf for a pet if she weren't allergic.

Lisa loves YA. She believes with all her heart that te en readers are ready and willing to experience things that some adults have closed their minds to, that books are the safest way to explore, learn, and escape, and that imagination is the key to just about everything.

Visit Lisa:


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Book Shelf: Soul Crossed (Of Demons and Angels #1) by Lisa Gail Green

"A wickedly romantic story that will have you cheering for Lisa Gail Green’s addictive storytelling. SOUL CROSSED is devilishly delicious!" — Martina Boone, author of COMPULSION and the Heirs of Watson Island trilogy

"Soul Crossed blurs the lines between good and evil with addictive characters and plot that will have you eagerly turning the pages." ~Kelly Hashway, author of the Touch of Death series.

One Demon.

One Angel.

One Soul.

Josh lived a reckless, selfish life, so upon his death, escaping the eternal torments of Hell by assuming the role of a powerful, soul-corrupting demon is an easy choice. His first soul assignment doesn’t seem too hard: the mortal Camden is already obsessed with weapons, pain, and torture. If only Josh wasn’t distracted by Cam's beautiful friend, Grace.

Grace never expected to die violently at age sixteen, but now she’s an Angel, responsible for saving a soul. She can already see past Camden’s earthly flaws, so the job should be be easy. If only that handsome, playboy Josh would stop getting in the way.

It’s forbidden for an Angel to be with a Demon, so if Josh and Grace stop resisting each other, the results would be disastrous.

And only one can claim Cam’s soul.
More info on Goodreads.....


Soul Crossed by Lisa Gail Green is the first book in her new series Of Demons and Angels and proves to be a fast, fun and highly enjoyable novel that left me raring for more!

Told through varying POV’s Star Crossed introduces us to Grace and Josh, two very different individuals whose lives change forever when they wake up to find they’re both dead and being offered second chances in their afterlives. Having lived a selfish and reckless life, Josh finds himself waking up as a Demon in the middle of Hell, whereas Heaven sent Grace is offered the chance to become an Angel if she can manage to save the soul of teenager Camden; the same soul Josh has been tasked with corrupting. 

Facing the possibility of eternal damnation in the bowls of Hell if he can’t influence Camden to commit evil acts and damn his soul, the last thing Josh expects is to fall for Grace; especially seeing as they don’t actually know what the other is. Battling to claim Cam’s soul for their respective sides, Grace and Josh are about to discover there might be something more powerful than both Heaven and Hell; love.

I have to say I was really entertained by this novel. The writing was light and forward moving and made Soul Crossed a quick and easy read. Told through the dual point of views of both main characters, the dialogue was light and witty and wonderfully entertaining. It wasn’t too over powering and managed to compliment the Heaven versus Hell dynamic perfectly. 

I really liked both main characters author Lisa Gail Green introduces us to. Grace and Josh were very different, but still managed to fall for one another and effect the other’s actions. Personally I think they “fell in love” with each other a bit fast for my liking, but at the same time I honestly felt their chemistry and their connection throughout the story. The attraction between them is there from the moment they meet and as Grace manages to bring out so much good in Josh that it’s hard not to become invested in their relationship. 

He may have led a selfish life, and is now much do evil things as a Demon, but caring for Grace opens Josh’s eyes a lot and his assignment with Cam allows him to see what evil truly is. The face of evil isn’t what you’ll expect when heading into this novel.

A fast, endearing read, I was very happy with how Soul Crossed ended and find myself highly eager for the next book. Soul Crossed offers a sneak peak at the next novel, Soul Corrupted, and I for one can’t wait to see what happens to Grace and Josh next!

Source: Sent for review by YA Bound Book Tours and the author (Thank you ladies!)
Format: Kindle ebook
Buy it: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo
My Recommendation: If you enjoy a good angel and demon tale, don't miss this one!
Cover: This cover is simply breathtaking! One of my favorite of this year!
Will I read sequel/continue with series: Yes; I want to read more.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Owl Post #52

Inspired by The Story Siren's In My Mailbox, Owl Post allows us bloggers to showcase the books we've bought, won or received throughout the week and is hosted by Brodie over at Eleusinian Mysteries. We all know that the Owl Post is the fastest way to send and receive mail and they certainly make me happy every time they drop a book off.
It's that time again! Welcome to this weeks Owl Post! I've gotten some great books these past couple of weeks and as always I'm happy to share them with you :)
For Review:
 From Allen & Unwin:
- Every Move by Ellie Marney   
I've loved Ellie Marney's Every series and am thrilled with how it ended. This is a great book--review to come!
.....Thank you Clare!
 I Bought:
- Unhinged by A.G. Howard 
 - Ensnared by A.G. Howard
I recently read the first book in this trilogy, Splintered and thoroughly enjoyed the unique twist on Alice in Wonderland. I'm yet to post my review, but I'm very excited to read the rest of the series!
- The Ruby Circle by Richelle Mead 
I've ADORED Richelle Mead's Bloodlines series and absolutely devoured this the moment I got my hands on it. I loved every minute of it, even if I was sad to see the series come to an end. Review to come!

And that's me! What did you get this week?

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Spotlight: The Seventh by S.D. Wasley- Guest Post & Giveaway

Today I've got Australian author S.D. Wasley on the blog to share an insightful guest post about some spooky Aussie haunts and to showcase her debut novel The Seventh! I've also got an ecopy of The Seventh to give away to one lucky reader :)

So, here we all were. Wasn’t it nice to be in the car together as a family? My parents, me … and my ghosts.

Sixteen year old Mimi Alston has company. No less than three ghosts follow her around, and only she can see them. At her last school, she was known as the girl with imaginary friends. Now Mimi’s starting fresh in a new town, where she’s determined to make some real friends and fit in for once. She’s ready for a normal life...except Mimi never counted on her fascination with troubled goth-boy, Drew.

When she’s invited to join the elite Gifted Program, Mimi discovers she’s not the only one at the school with an unusual talent. Maybe being normal isn’t even an option anymore.


Ghost Tours – the good, the bad and the silly
Obviously, I love all things ghostly.

Even when my stories aren’t about ghosts, they often feature ghosts, or at least deceased people somehow intruding on the present.

My fascination with ghosts means I’ve been on a few ghost tours in my time. You might say I’m a bit of an aficionado. So I thought I would share some of my experiences – from the chilling, to the ridiculous, to the scientific.

Screaming dummies at the Fremantle Prison
The ghost tour of the Fremantle Prison had strong potential. I knew the dark history of the prison, one of the oldest in Western Australia. I’d heard stories all throughout my childhood. Just thinking about it made me imagine clanking chains as poor convicts dragged limestone blocks up from the shore to build their own gaol.

The actual tour, whilst interesting, was unfortunately rife with cheap thrills. When we stood beneath the jumpers’ net on the ground floor of the prison, and the tour guide told us in hushed tones how the net was in place to prevent prisoners jumping or being thrown from higher floors to their deaths, the atmosphere was perfect for a scare. So what did they do? They had a hidden staff member emit a blood-curdling scream and throw a stuffed dummy from the top floor. Not what I’d call a quality ghost-touring experience. The fact that we could hear subsequent blood-curdling screams (as the tours were staggered at fifteen minute intervals) didn’t help.

Note: I haven’t done this tour for over a decade – maybe it’s better now.

Holy ectoplasm! The Midland Town Hall
This one was full of promise – touted as one of the most haunted places in Western Australia, a group of friends and I booked well ahead for the Friday 13th Tour. We were duly impressed when we met the tour operator, accompanied by around a dozen of Perth’s Paranormal Investigation Club, and were required to don hi-viz vests and given what felt like military-issue flashlights. 

The Paranormal group introduced us to the equipment they used for their ghost hunts – everything from energy meters to subsonic recorders. It was very cool to be allowed to play around with that kind of equipment in the pitch blackness of the old town hall, which had also been used as a dance hall, council chambers and courthouse in its lifetime. It was like being a Ghostbuster.

Unfortunately the energy-detecting equipment also seemed to respond to cabling that ran through walls, which became apparent when the readings shot up as soon as we went near light switches and powerpoints. And I’m sorry, but I refuse to believe a light switch could be haunted. 

There was a highlight for me on this tour, involving the fancy sound-decoder/translator machine that picks up on very quiet sounds and translates them into the nearest word in the English dictionary. When we stood in the clock tower where a man had hanged himself, the device told us to ‘Get out!’ And when we questioned if anybody was in a very creepy bathroom, the translator clearly said, ‘Bill.’ Scienc-y and fun.

Kicking the Bucket at Manly Quarantine Station
This was a creepy place. Manly Quarantine Station’s history was one of sickness, hopelessness, despair and death. They had some neat tricks to support their tour, too. Like the story they told in the bathroom of how the showers sometimes came on by themselves. And then the shower that actually did turn on by itself. And the story of footsteps along the infirmary verandah … and then the footsteps we heard (or in our heightened state of fear, believed we heard) on that very verandah.

But tricks can go awry. At one point the tour guide was with us in the surgery room, showing us where limbs would be amputated. One of her lines was: ‘And then they’d haul you to the morgue if you kicked the bucket.’ At the moment she said that line, she was supposed to kick a concealed metal bucket under the table, but she was not quite in the right position and all she succeeded in doing was knocking it with the side of her foot and looking a bit clumsy. What was worse for her was that a teenager on the tour, sick and tired of being frightened, gave a triumphant ‘HA! You were supposed to kick that and scare us but you stuffed up!’

I wonder if that tour guide still remembers that and wishes she’d had a witty comeback?

A shot in the dark – The Fremantle Ghost Walk
You can probably tell Western Australia’s old places can be counted on one hand. Another tour I went on was also in Fremantle – this one started at the Fremantle Town Hall and took us on a meandering walk through the old town, where the rather dishy guide told ghostly tales about buildings and houses at certain points on our journey.

Let me tell you about this guide. He knew his stuff. Apart from being unexpectedly young and handsome, he arrived at the town hall suddenly on the strike of 8pm, dressed head-to-toe in black, including top hat and tails – very much like a nineteenth century gentleman. He spoke in a quiet, faintly English accent so everyone had to fall silent to hear his words.

His first story was about a man who was shot at the town hall. As he quietly told the story, our suspense and chills increased, until suddenly at the point when he was explaining how the man was killed with a pistol, he fired a cap gun he had concealed in the folds of his coat. Of course, we all screamed as one – a perfectly ecstatic, simultaneous howl of terror. Our guide watched us unsmilingly, seemingly surprised by our outburst, until we all fell silent again. Then he continued.

Of course, we were on edge for the rest of the tour. Each story he told in his creepily quiet voice worked us up into a fever pitch of fright even more than the last. We were all wondering, ‘What will he do next? What horrible sound will he make, or sudden shout will he give, or secret accomplice will leap from behind a corner and make us all pee our pants?’

The answer was: none. He did nothing else. The cap gunshot in the first tale had set us all up for terror for the rest of his tour, and his calm, chilling delivery did all it needed to do to keep us delightedly petrified. This was far and away the best ghost tour I ever went on.

And THAT, my friends, is how you tell a good ghost story. I definitely aimed to use some of that guy’s ‘quiet and chilling’ in The Seventh!

S.D. Wasley was born and raised in Perth, Western Australia.

She has been composing literary works since before she could write at five years of age she announced her first poem in the kitchen, improv-style. Today, she lives in the Swan Valley wine region with her two daughters, surrounded by dogs, cats and chickens.

The Seventh is S.D. Wasley’s debut novel.

Visit S.D:

Win an ecopy:
As I previously mentioned in my post, I've ONE (1) ebook copy of The Seventh to give away to one lucky follower thanks to author S.D. Walsey! To enter simple comment with a way to contact you and what format you would like. Giveaway ends on March 8th and is open internationally!

I want to say a big thanks so much to S.D Walsey for being on the blog today and CONGRATS on the release of her debut novel!

Michelle Willms--congrats!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Book Shelf: Mai Tai'd Up (Cocktail #4) by Alice Clayton

Looking for the perfect mix of smart, sexy, and sassy? Mai Tai’d Up continues New York Times bestselling author Alice Clayton’s Cocktail series, which began with Wallbanger and continued with Rusty Nailed and Screwdrivered.

The gossip mill in the seaside community of Monterey is churning about Chloe Patterson, the newcomer who is starting a sanctuary for rescued pit bulls. It’s rumored that she’s a former beauty queen (true) who ditched her fiancé the morning of their wedding (also true). And that while she’s not looking for a new man, the good-looking local veterinarian has his eye on her. Absolutely, positively true.

When Lucas Campbell isn’t at the family veterinary clinic, he’s paddle boarding in Monterey Bay. Recently single, he’s definitely not in the market for a new relationship, but he still can’t resist taking a second, third, and fourth look at the recent arrival of Miss Golden State.

Neither Lucas nor Chloe has any interest in being tied down. Being tied up, however—now there’s a thought. But are a few Mai Tais, a moonlit night, and the music of Frank Sinatra enough to allow them both to forget their past? Let’s hope Ol’ Blue Eyes knows what he’s doing.

Mix one part tiki, one part kinky, and a splash of old black magic matchmaking, and it’s time to be . . . Mai Tai’d Up.

More info on Goodreads......


Mai Tai’d Up is the fourth installment in Alice Clayton’s extensively addictive Cocktail series and is yet another luscious blend of romance, passion and sensual situations. Clayton’s storytelling ability is difficult to rival as she locks readers into another romantic journey full of laughs, smiles and sexy situations!

Told through the eyes of Chloe Patterson, the cousin of one Mr. Clark Barrow whom we met briefly during Screwdrivered, Mai Tai’s Up sees the sweet but confidant former beauty queen leave her fiancé the day before their wedding when Chloe comes to the conclusion that she doesn’t really love him. Striking out for the first time on her own, Chloe travels to the seaside town of Monterey where her family own a summer home on a small but usable acreage.

With the help of a few locals and connections, Chloe begins turning it into a sanctuary and rescue center for mistreated and abused pit bulls. One of Chloe’s helpers is the sexy redheaded vet Lucas Campbell who may be exactly what the doctor ordered to help Chloe get over her past. However when it becomes clear she and Lucas may have more in common than first thought, Chloe must decide whether hiding her secret past is more important than being honest with Lucas. Even if telling him the truth means Chloe may risk losing him forever…..

My goodness do I ever love this series! I mean, honestly…..Alice Clayton is a champion! Every one of her novels I’ve read almost instantly sweep me up and don’t let go, with Mai Tai’s Up no exception. Although admittedly Mai Tai’d Up was not as good as the first three books in my opinion, it was still another excellent installment in the series and absolutely worth a read.

As the main character I did quite like Chloe. She was very down to earth and likable and I liked the character growth she undertook. She made choices and decisions that weren’t easy but needed to be made and I was happy with the self-assurance and dedication she developed for herself and the dogs she rescued.

Personally I don’t think Chloe and Lucas had as much power together as the other couples in the series so far, although I still thought they were great together and wonderful to follow. While Caroline and Simon and Vivian and Clark made me giddy with possibility over their attractions and desires, Chloe and Lucas were rather a steadily progress who had chemistry and who went well together.

As far as these kinds of novels go, the Cocktail series is right up there as being one of best. Alice Clayton’s storytelling is fun, flirty and incredibly entertainingmanaging to once again prove to this reader why she’s quickly becoming one of the go-to names in NA/Chick-lit. Funny, sexy and downright fun, Clayton’s stories won’t disappoint!

Source: Sent for review by Simon & Schuster Australia (Thank you Jen!)
Format: Paperback
Buy it: Bookworld | The Nile | The Book Depository | Amazon
My Recommendation: This series is fantastic--a must read!
Cover: Simple, sexy and perfect with the rest of the books.
Will I read sequel/continue with series: YES!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Blog Tour: The Diabolical Miss Hyde by Viola Carr- Giveaway

Today I'm taking part in the Blog Tour for The Diabolical Miss Hyde by Viola Carr thanks to Pump Up Your Book. Yesterday I posted my review of The Diabolical Miss Hyde and today I've got an excerpt from the novel to share :)
Magic, mystery, and romance mix in this edgy retelling of the classic The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde–in which Dr. Eliza Jekyll is the daughter of the infamous Henry

In an electric-powered Victorian London, Dr. Eliza Jekyll is a crime scene investigator, hunting killers with inventive new technological gadgets. Now, a new killer is splattering London with blood, drugging beautiful women and slicing off their limbs. Catching "the Chopper" could make Eliza's career—or get her burned. Because Eliza has a dark secret. A seductive second self, set free by her father's forbidden magical elixir: wild, impulsive Lizzie Hyde.

When the Royal Society sends their enforcer, the mercurial Captain Lafayette, to prove she's a sorceress, Eliza must resist the elixir with all her power. But as the Chopper case draws her into London's luminous, magical underworld, Eliza will need all the help she can get. Even if it means getting close to Lafayette, who harbors an evil curse of his own.

Even if it means risking everything and setting vengeful Lizzie free . . .

Add on Goodreads or check out my review!


Viola Carr was born in Australia, but wandered into darkest London one foggy October evening and never found her way out. She now devours countless history books and dictates fantastical novels by gaslight, accompanied by classical music and the snoring of her slumbering cat. She loves history, and pops down to London’s many historical sites whenever she gets the chance. She likes steampunk, and thought it would be cool to investigate wacky crimes with crazy gadgets…just so long as her heroine was the creator of said wacky gadgets: a tinkerer, edgy, with a dash of mad scientist.

Visit Viola:

Viola is giving away a Steampunk jewelry piece, a signed copy of The Diabolical Miss Hyde and a Paperback of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Terms & Conditions:
* By entering the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
* One winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter to win.
* This giveaway begins February 2 and ends on 27.
* Winners will be contacted via email on Monday, March 2.
* Winner has 48 hours to reply.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Book Shelf: The Diabolical Miss Hyde (Electric Empire #1) by Viola Carr

Magic, mystery, and romance mix in this edgy retelling of the classic The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde–in which Dr. Eliza Jekyll is the daughter of the infamous Henry

In an electric-powered Victorian London, Dr. Eliza Jekyll is a crime scene investigator, hunting killers with inventive new technological gadgets. Now, a new killer is splattering London with blood, drugging beautiful women and slicing off their limbs. Catching "the Chopper" could make Eliza's career—or get her burned. Because Eliza has a dark secret. A seductive second self, set free by her father's forbidden magical elixir: wild, impulsive Lizzie Hyde.

When the Royal Society sends their enforcer, the mercurial Captain Lafayette, to prove she's a sorceress, Eliza must resist the elixir with all her power. But as the Chopper case draws her into London's luminous, magical underworld, Eliza will need all the help she can get. Even if it means getting close to Lafayette, who harbors an evil curse of his own.

Even if it means risking everything and setting vengeful Lizzie free . . .

More info on Goodreads.....


The Diabolical Miss Hyde by Viola Carr is a steampunk murder mystery set amongst a dark London backdrop in the Victorian era that will appeal to fans of the genre and those who love a good who done mystery!

In a fresh retelling of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, we follow Eliza Jekyll, the proper, perfectly put together daughter of the renowned Henry Jekyll in The Diabolical Miss Hyde. As a medical investigator who has inherited her fathers infliction Eliza houses her own second self in the form of Lizzie Hyde. Dwelling within Eliza, Lizzie is the polar opposite of Eliza, a saucy, impulsive and foul-mouthed woman who knows her way around the back-skirts of London and who often fights her way to the surface and takes control of the body they both share. As Eliza investigates a series of gruesome murders that are gripping London, she and Lizzie stumble into an unexpected discovery about their parentage and their connection to the murderer and must race to find the killer before they become his next victims. 

Overall, The Diabolical Miss Hyde was a decent read. Author Violet Carr has thought well and hard about her steampunk world and weaves together all the best elements of the Victorian era with mechanical contraptions, electrical machines and chemistry to create a dark and vivid alternate London. I found myself easily enough enjoying Eliza and Lizzie’s tale, even if I did tire at some parts, and I certainly found myself caught up in the murder mystery Eliza investigates alongside London police; a mystery I found myself guessing at until the very end. 

Though this novel is told predominately through the eyes of Eliza, I was surprised to find that Lizzie really was the star of the novel at times, although in hindsight, the name of the novel does give some of that away. Eliza was prim, proper and a fine lady despite her class, whereas Lizzie was impulsive, rash and often foulmouthed. The two share a body as a Jekyll and Hyde, but shift form with Lizzie is at the helm as a redheaded buxom beauty as opposed to Eliza who was fair and more refined. 

Carr gives the girls a love interest in the form of Captain Remy Lafayette, a member of the Royal Society who assists Eliza in her investigations. Lafayette is a cocky and self-assured officer of the law who irks Eliza and appeals to Lizzie’s naughty side. Readers may be surprised to discover who has the better chemistry and connection with the Lafayette, but I certainly appreciated what Carr did and I find myself pondering what will happen next.

A dark and mysterious read, The Diabolical Miss Hyde draws readers into a world of danger, murder and steampunk and as the story concludes I find myself wondering what will happen to Eliza and Lizze next; so much so that I may just be tempted to pick up the next book! 

Source: Sent for review by Pump Up Your Book and the author (Thank you guys!)
Format: Kindle ebook
Buy it: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | The Book Depository
My Recommendation: Steampunk fans will certainly enjoy this.
Cover: This cover is STUNNING. Absolutely stunning!
Will I read sequel/continue with series: Possibly, yes....