Valera longs to escape her sheltered life and overbearing mother. She just never imagines that her opportunity would arrive after being kidnapped.
Now she has a decision to make: face a world filled with danger and discover her own power, or return home where it's safe and live in a gilded cage.
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Escape Aether is the second novel in The Trinity Key Trilogy by L.M. Fry and allows readers to explore the world of Aetherland even more as Fry continues to develop her exhilarating series.
Picking up where the first novel left off, Escape Aether sees Valera Stein kidnapped by the recently discovered Aetherland-born Julia who is desperately seeking her part of the Trinity Key. Agreeing to help Julia find her missing piece allows Valera to do the one thing she’s always wanted; escape Aetherland Isle and see the world. Yet as Valera and Julia journey through both Aetherland and the human world, enemies change and dangers increase until both girls must decide to work together if they have any hope of finding Julia’s piece of the key.
Having enjoyed Into Aether, I found Escape Aether to be a fantastically written and wonderful follow up to its predecessor. Escape Aether explored different parts of Aetherland and allowed us to discover new areas of L.M. Fry’s dashing steampunk world, as well as get to know new characters.
Unlike Into Aether which took place through Theo’s eyes alone, Escape Aether unfolds through the varying POV’s of Valeria, Theo and Julia, allowing readers to follow all three of Danu’s daughters and members of the Trinity throughout the book. The back and forth POV’s really do allow you to get to know all three girls and learn of their hopes, fears and motives as the story unfolds. Nothing and no one is completely black and white as we come to learn, especially Julia.
I really enjoyed getting to know Valera and Julia in this book. I knew I was going to like Valera and she doesn’t disappoint—she’s just a happy, sweet person, plain and simple, although L.M Fry certainly takes her on an emotional journey with Escape Aether. While Julia on the other hand surprised me; she really was just misunderstood—someone who had grown up simply wanting her father’s love and someone who was willing to do anything is wanted in order to facilitate that. Julia isn’t really a bad person. She just needs someone to genuinely care for her and I think Theo and Valera can be those people if given the chance.
Mixing all the characters from the first novel—Theo, Victor, Nessie, Vivi, Valera and more---with new and exciting additions—most notably Gideon as a love interest for Valera, Escape Aether is a fast paced and adventurous sequel that highly entertains and leaves me ready to read the next book in the series!

Source: Sent for review by the author (Thank you LM!)
Publisher: Eleah Enterprises
Format: Kindle ebook
Release Date: March 31st 2016
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo
Final Thoughts: Another great read--you can bet I'll be diving straight into the next book.
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