Thursday, June 30, 2016

Book Shelf: Learning to Live (Hearts Out of Water #2) by Annie Cosby

Last summer ended in disaster for Cora. She scurried home, terrified of the secrets she’d uncovered and afraid to be honest with the one person who most deserved it—Rory. But after a grueling year of trying desperately (and unsuccessfully) not to think about what she left behind, Cora finds a surprise on her doorstep.

Rory's little brother, Aidan, has discovered the truth and recruits Cora, along with her best friend Rosie, to go with him to Ireland to explain their selkie heritage to Rory.

Desperate to get back the love she couldn't face last summer, Cora agrees to go. But will Rory want to see her after the way she abandoned him?

On a magical dash through the west of Ireland, following false leads and learning the all-but-forgotten myths of that wild land, Cora will learn even more about the O’Leary family than she ever imagined. And, maybe, just a little bit about herself.

The magic is back in the second Hearts Out of Water novel!

More info on Goodreads.....


Learning to Live is the second novel in Annie Cosby’s Hearts Out of Water series and is another well told and highly enjoyable romantic tale set for the most part in the beautiful land of Ireland and filled with wonderful adventure, sweet moments and unexpected discovery.

Learning to Live takes place almost a year after the first novel, Learning to Swim finished and sees Cora still struggling to reconcile the decision she made at the end of the summer the year before. Scared and reeling by the truth she’d just learnt, Cora made the decision to run--breaking her own heart and Rory’s in the process. Life has gone on, but Cora still can’t forget the boy she fell in love with and still yearns for. Especially when his brother Aiden turns up on her doorstep, having learnt about his and Rory’s true heritage and desperately begs Cora to accompany him to Ireland to finally tell Rory the truth. Dashing off on a spur of the moment trip with Aiden and her best friend Rosie, Cora hopes to get back the love she lost before…..but will Rory forgive her, especially when he learns the truth? Or has Cora lost him forever?

Backing up a great first novel isn’t always easy, but Learning to Live is even more magical than its predecessor! Set in exquisite Ireland, and exploring both sides of the country, Learning to Live explores just how much the characters have grown and continues to build Annie Cosby’s selkie mythology stone by stone with lovely results.

After the summer she spent in Oyster Beach, Cora made a choice she deeply regrets; letting go of the boy she loved. Learning to Live sees Cora fly across the continent alongside her best friend and Rory’s brother to tell him the truth and hopefully win him back. Personally, I was really impressed by the growth of the characters in this second book. Though there’s nothing wrong with it (at all!) Cora and Rory seemed a little bit like a superficial summer romance in the first book (though I loved them!) but in Learning to Live, I saw a lot more substance to their relationship.

Perhaps it’s because they’ve had time to grow up, but in Learning to Live, Cora and Rory seemed older and wiser and their choices stronger. I also felt Cosby did a great job building their relationship up to forgiveness. All wasn’t instantly forgiven; Cora had to really work to redeem herself in Rory’s eyes. Cora had to face the fears she had while she, Rory, Aiden and Rosie travelled Ireland in the hopes of finding Seamus O’Leary and finding the missing sealskins.

Unlike Learning to Swim which was set in one coastal town, I loved the sense of adventure and fun searching Ireland brought to Learning to Live. Annie Cosby keeps her characters guessing and trying different avenues in the hopes of tracking down the missing man. Aiden’s growing desperation also made for an added mystery as you as the reader wondered what he was hiding.

Swift to read and easy to enjoy, Learning to Live ends in what I’m coming to learn is an Annie Cosby specialty; a cliffhanger. Sweet and romantic at times, Learning to Live weaves elements of magic, romance, friendship and adventure beautifully and leaves me very exciting to read the third and final novel, Learning to Love as soon as it’s released!

Source: Sent for review by the author (Thank you Annie!)
Format: Kindle ebook.
Buy it:  The Book Depository | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo
My Recommendation: Enjoy paranormal/fantasy? This is perfect for you!
Cover: I think this cover is beautiful.
Will I read sequel/continue with series: Yes! Can't wait for the next book.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Waiting on Wednesday #138

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking The Spine where you can spotlight an upcoming release that you're eagerly anticipating.

This week I'm waiting on.....
Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor
Releases on: 29th September 2016
Strange the Dreamer is the story of:

the aftermath of a war between gods and men
a mysterious city stripped of its name
a mythic hero with blood on his hands
a young librarian with a singular dream
a girl every bit as perilous as she is imperiled
alchemy and blood candy, nightmares and godspawn, moths and monsters, friendship and treachery, love and carnage.

Welcome to Weep.
Oh. My. God.......Lani. Taylor. Lani Taylor has a new book coming out!! *does happy dance* Woot! Woot! Can I get an oh yeah? Oh yeah! Soooooo excited for this book. Nuff said......     

What do you think of Strange the Dreamer?
Are you going as crazy as I am?


Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Book Shelf: Desolation (Demon Road #2) by Derek Landy


The second book in the mind-blowing new supernatural thriller from bestselling author DEREK LANDY, creator of international sensation Skulduggery Pleasant.

Reeling from their bloody encounter in New York City, Amber and Milo flee north. On their trail are the Hounds of Hell – five demonic bikers who will stop at nothing to drag their quarries back to their unholy master.

Amber and Milo’s only hope lies within Desolation Hill – a small town with a big secret; a town with a darkness to it, where evil seeps through the very floorboards. Until, on one night every year, it spills over onto the streets and all hell breaks loose.

And that night is coming.

More info on Goodreads......


Desolation is the second book in Derek Landy’s Demon Road trilogy and is an exciting continuation to the series that I can only hope continues to get better.

Desolation picks up briefly where the first novel left off, with Amber and Milo fleeing the clutches of the Shining Demon Astaroth and heading towards the town of Desolation Hill. Hoping to hide out from Astaroth who sends his Hounds of Hell on their trail, Amber and Milo quickly discover that the polite town of Desolation Hill hides sinister secrets and isn’t the safe haven they hoped.

In all honesty, I’m at a mixed mind when it comes to this novel. Personally, I found the first novel Demon Road to be a really light, entertaining read, and while I could still easily see Desolation in the same manner, there were a few moments where I struggled with the novel at times. And I hated that. I feel like Landy made a few choices with the novel he didn’t need to and as such let the story down…..

Desolation is a quirky mix of light-hearted humor and horror. Blending different supernatural elements together, there’s no doubt Desolation is a fast paced story with a lot of substance. It’s one thing after the other and I never know what the characters are going to face next—something that keeps me guessing and eagerly turning the pages.

Yet as I mentioned, I did have a few issues with the novel. Landy introduces a number of new characters to this installation including a duo of mystery exploring old men, and a group of young people reminiscent of the Scooby gang, complete with dog, who hunt and stop things that go bump in the night. Personally I found the introduction of many of these characters unnecessary and confusing at times. I think Landy could have included maybe one or two of these characters and had a better effect on the story.

I’m also a little bit disappointed by the amount of emphasis Derek Landy has made on Amber’s looks so far in the series. Considering she has self-confidence issues, at first I understood when Landy pointed out the different in Amber’s beauty as a demon as opposed to a human—but it’s become too much now. The amount to times Amber was referenced as being ugly or less than attractive was beyond necessary. Landy could have pointed the issue out and then left it at that, but instead he has gone back to it time and time again. In a time when society is so focused on looks above all else, this was poor on Landy’s part as far as I’m concerned…..

That being said, kudos on Derek Landy for giving Amber a love interest that is outside the box. Amber and Milo’s friendship remains strong, something I enjoy and appreciate within the story. An unlikely team they may appear, Amber and Milo are enjoyable to follow and work well together.

Though I had my issues with this novel, for all its faults for the most part I enjoyed Desolation. There’s something so addictive about all the paranormal Derek Landy has packed together and I look forward to seeing how it all ends when the third and final novel American Monsters is released.

Source: Sent for review by Harper Collins Australia (Thank you Holly!)
Format: Paperback
Buy it: Bookworld | The Nile | The Book Depository | Amazon
My Recommendation: Only if you like light supernatural. Won't be for everyone.
Cover: I think it fits well with the first one.
Will I read sequel/continue with series: Yes. I'd like to know how Amber's story ends.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Owl Post #93

Inspired by The Story Siren's In My Mailbox, Owl Post allows us bloggers to showcase the books we've bought, won or received throughout the week and is hosted by Brodie over at Eleusinian Mysteries. We all know that the Owl Post is the fastest way to send and receive mail and they certainly make me happy every time they drop a book off.
Hi guys and welcome to this weeks Owl Post!
I have some great books to share with you this week :)
For Review:
From Bloomsbury:
- Hold Me Like a Breath by Tiffany Schmidt
I previously read and really enjoyed Tiffany Schmidt's novel Bright Before Sunrise so I'm really looking forward to reading Hold Me Like A Breath! I wasn't expecting to receive a copy for review, so it was a delightful surprise--one I look forward to reading.
....Thanks so much Bloomsbury!
I Bought:
- Unite by Jamie Campbell
- Divide by Jamie Campbell
- Conquer by Jamie Campbell
- Soar by Jamie Campbell
- Rise by Jamie Campbell
I attended the Sydney chapter of Supernova last weekend and was absolutely delighted when I stumbled upon author Jamie Campbell there. I've already read the first two books in her Project Integrate series, Unite and Divide (although I think I'm yet to post my review of Divide) and simply HAD to get myself a signed set of the series. Hope to read the rest of the books in the future :)
- The Best Goodbye by Abbi Glines
If you follow my Owl Post's you'll know I showcased a review copy of the next and final Rosemary Beach novel Up in Flames in my last Owl Post. The Best Goodbye is the only book in the series I've been missing and had to get myself a copy. Can't wait to read it!
And that's me this week!
What did the owls bring YOU this week?

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Book Shelf: Hostage to Pleasure (Psy-Changeling #5) by Nalini Singh

Separated from her son and forced to create a neural implant that will mean the effective enslavement of her psychically gifted race, Ashaya Aleine is the perfect Psy--cool, calm, least on the surface. Inside, she's fighting a desperate battle to save her son and escape the vicious cold of the PsyNet. Yet when escape comes, it leads not to safety, but to the lethal danger of a sniper's embrace.

DarkRiver sniper Dorian Christensen lost his sister to a Psy killer. Though he lacks the changeling ability to shift into animal form, his leopard lives within. And that leopard's rage at the brutal loss is a clawing darkness that hungers for vengeance. Falling for a Psy has never been on Dorian's agenda. But charged with protecting Ashaya and her son, he discovers that passion has a way of changing the rules...

More info on Goodreads.....


Hostage to Pleasure is the fifth instalment in Nalini Singh’s thrilling Psy-Changeling series and is another fast paced, sensual and richly entertaining romance that will excite readers from beginning to end!

Dorian Christiensen is a lethal DarkRiver sniper known for his charm and ferocity despite his inability to change into his leopard form. Damaged by the loss of his sister Kylie who was murdered by a Psy killer, Dorian struggles to move on, but finds his strength and anger tested by a beautiful Psy who ignites his inner fire. Ashaya Aleine is the perfect Psy—calm, emotionless and logical—at least on the surface. What no one knows is that this intelligent scientist is in the middle of a desperate battle to save her son and escape from the individuals who hold both he and her hostage. Taking a chance to trust Dorian and his DarkRiver pack mates may be the only option Ashaya has, but neither she nor Dorian are prepared for the attraction that simmers between them and the power it holds…..

Hostage to Pleasure was another wonderful Psy-Changeling book. Nalini Singh kept me on my toes with its forward moving storyline, fantastic characters and sizzling romance. I’d been excited to read Dorian’s story since we first met him and Singh did not disappoint with a great romance and a worthy mate for Dorian.

In a lot of ways Hostage to Pleasure wasn’t at all what I was expecting. Ashaya’s relationship with her son was a lot more complex than I initially thought and I have to commend Singh for the twists she threw in where this is concerned—it was brilliantly done. Keenan was an absolute sweetie and the fierce dedication Ashaya had for her son and the love she felt for him despite her Psy conditioning was beautiful.

Dorian and Ashaya had a wonderful connection and I very much enjoyed their romance. Due to his past loss, Dorian feels a lot of hate towards the Psy and as such Ashaya makes for an interesting partner for Dorian. He has to overcome a lot of his pain and Nalini Singh explores the journey between these two individuals wonderfully.

Engrossing and addictive, Hostage to Pleasure was another Psy-Changeling novel that I didn’t want to put down. Nalini Singh continues to surprise and satisfy and I’m ready to dive straight into the next novel featuring Mercy and Riley!

Source: I purchased from The Book Depository
Format: Paperback
Buy it: Bookworld | The Nile | The Book Depository | Amazon
My Recommendation: A must read PNR series
Cover: Has the same look and feel to the rest of the series.
Will I read sequel/continue with series: Hell to the yes!

Friday, June 24, 2016

Blog Tour: Legacy by Ellery A. Kane- Guest Post & Giveaway

Having had the pleasure of reading and reviewing this entire series already, I'm thrilled to be taking part in the Blog Tour for Legacy by Ellery A. Kane thanks to Xpresso Book Tours! Ellery A. Kane kicks off a great dystopian series with Legacy and I highly recommend you check it out!

How do you want to feel today?

In 2041, the choice is yours.

San Francisco is deserted, the Bay Bridge bombed, and the BART subway trains grounded. The Guardians, members of an elite and mysterious government-appointed military police force, are maintaining order at all costs—thanks to emotion-altering drugs like Emovere that suppress fear and anxiety. Lex Knightley, daughter of a prominent forensic psychiatrist, risks entering the devastated city to partner with the Resistance, a group of rebels intent upon exposing the dangers of Emovere. Lex discovers an ally in Quin McAllister, a magnetic Guardian Force recruit with a haunting past that binds them together. As she uncovers the secrets of the Guardian Force and confronts the truth about her family, Lex begins to realize that even those closest to her are not quite who they seem.

Check out my reviews of the series:
Legacy | Prophecy | Revelation

Purchase Legacy:
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes
A Day in the Life:

What exactly does a forensic psychologist do? I know precisely what you’re thinking right now. You’re picturing Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins—Clarice and Hannibal. You’re seeing a beleaguered Morgan Freeman as Alex Cross, hunkered over a desk, analyzing crimes scenes, profiling serial killers, putting together a puzzle no one else can solve. And you wouldn’t be entirely wrong. But for most forensic psychologists, a day in the life is far from Hollywood.
Forensic psychology begins at the intersection of psychology and the law, and its practitioners are involved in a variety of diverse issues, ranging from criminal insanity to child custody to violence risk assessment. My primary job responsibility is evaluating prison inmates, most of whom have committed murder or another serious crime, have been incarcerated for a very long time (some before I was born!), and are coming up for parole. I’m tasked with assessing the inmate’s risk for future violence, using an interview and standardized tools, to inform the parole board’s decision about release.
I’m often asked what it’s like to sit across the table from someone who has taken a life. In fact, this very question inspired one of my characters, George McAllister. But, I get the feeling no one really believes my answer, which is: It’s not that different than sitting across the table from anyone else. Through my work, I have become more and more certain that we all have the capacity for good and evil, that it is a peculiar blend of choice and circumstance that puts me on one side of the table, him on the other. One of my favorite poems, The Veteran by Dorothy Parker, reads in part:
When I was young and bold and strong,
Oh, right was right, and wrong was wrong!
…But I am old; and good and bad
Are woven in a crazy plaid.


You probably won’t believe this either, but being a forensic psychologist is a lot like being an author. My job is to tell a story. I start by getting to know the main character, gathering information from as many sources as possible (the inmate, his prison file, criminal history, etc.), and a picture begins to develop. The plot, already written and sometimes inexplicable, becomes clearer. I learn how the main character has developed, how he came to be who he was, and why he acted a certain way in the world. Then, I communicate the story to others, in a way they can understand, trying to make data-driven predictions about how the rest of the tale might unfold. As a young adult author, I relish the idea of my stories having impact, my words resonating with a reader. As a forensic psychologist, the stories (reports) I write carry great weight and with them great responsibility.
At the end of a day in the life, I hang up my forensic psychologist hat and trade one computer for another. Diet Snapple in hand, brain buzzing with inspiration, I sit down and start to tell a story.
Forensic psychologist by day, young-adult novelist by night, Ellery Kane has been writing—professionally and creatively—for as long as she can remember. Just like her main character, Lex, Ellery loves to ask why, which is the reason she became a psychologist in the first place. Real life really is stranger than fiction, and Ellery’s writing is often inspired by her day job. Evaluating violent criminals and treating trauma victims, she has gained a unique perspective on the past and its indelible influence on the individual. An avid short story writer as a teenager, Ellery recently began writing for enjoyment again, and the Legacy series was born.

Ellery’s debut novel, Legacy, has received several awards, including winning the Gold Medal in the Independent Publisher Book Awards, young adult, e-book category. Ellery was recently selected as one of ten semifinalists in the MasterClass James Patterson Co-Author Competition.

Visit Ellery:

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Book Shelf: Revelation (Legacy #3) by Ellery A. Kane

Lex Knightley is keeping count. It's been seventy-five days since Quin left for Los Angeles. Seventy-five days without one word from him. Sixty-one since she made a deal with a devil. A deal she already regrets. And exactly thirty-nine days since Onyx-the deadliest emotion-altering medication yet-hit the streets, leaving an escalating body count in its wake.

With Zenigenic promising a new drug-an anti-Onyx to make the world a little kinder and a lot more compliant-it seems Xander Steele will stop at nothing to satisfy his desire for power and control. Quin's dramatic return brings more questions than answers. Lex suddenly finds herself right in the middle of it all . . . on a run for her life.

It's a race against the clock to uncover Steele's diabolical plan as the fate of San Francisco hangs in the balance. Can Lex finally fulfill her mother's ambition to expose Zenigenic-or is it already too late?

Caution: Emotion-altering medications are in the air. Find a mask. Hold your breath. Get ready for Revelation, the page-turning conclusion to the Legacy trilogy.

More info on Goodreads.....


Revelation is the third and final novel in the Legacy Trilogy by Ellery A. Kane, concluding what has been an easy and enjoyable dystopian style series in wonderful fashion.

Lex Knightly has been to hell and back trying to expose Zenigenic for the deceptive company it is. Alongside her father and a close group of friends, Lex has lost loved ones and friends, and is determined to help uncover any evidence that might prove Zenigenic and its founder Xander Steele are up to no good as they prepare to release a new wonder drug. It’s been months since Lex saw Quin, but when an attempt on Steele’s life puts Quin in the spotlight, Lex soon finds herself in the middle of things once again. On the run for her life but still hoping to fulfil her mother’s legacy, Lex and her friends prepare to make one final stand against Zenigenic that will either see them finally win, or be lost forever……

This series has been one I’ve very much enjoyed reading. I can’t fault any of the books—they’re just good solid entertainment. Ellery A. Kane has created a vivid future world where drugs capable of manipulating your emotions are all the rage and cause dangerous side effects to those using them. As the daughter of the scientist behind the creation of many of these drugs, our main character Lex has been on a mission to help right the wrongs of her remorseful mother throughout the series, with danger, romance and plenty of twists never far behind. Ellery A. Kane has managed to pack a lot into three books with the storyline continually developing and changing during the trilogy.

Revelation begins a few months after the second book Prophecy ended, with Lex missing Quin but still hoping to help prove his father’s innocence. In Revelation motives are questioned and deceptions revealed with readers finally learning some long awaited truths. All the characters I’ve enjoyed seeing join Lex are back; Quin (obviously!), Edison, Elana, Max, Mr Van Sant, Artos, Lex’s Dad….even Emma, Sting and Carrie return with a place amongst the story.

I’ve enjoyed following Lex throughout the trilogy and feel she has been a strong protagonist. I loved her relationship with Quin and am glad to see that Ellery A. Kane finally gives her characters a lot of resolution, even if their futures are left uncertain but hopeful.

Fast paced and perfect for fans of the Article 5 series by Kristen Simmons, Revelation concludes Ellery A. Kane’s debut series and leaves this reader superbly satisfied with how everything ended!

Source: Sent for review by the author (Thank you Ellery!)
Format: Paperback
Buy it: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
My Recommendation: Perfect for fans Article 5 series by Kristen Simmons
Cover: This cover is really colourful and goes perfect with the rest of the trilogy.
Will I read sequel/continue with series: This is the final book but I look forward to reading whatever Ellery A. Kane releases next!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Waiting on Wednesday #137

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking The Spine where you can spotlight an upcoming release that you're eagerly anticipating.

This week I'm waiting on.....
Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco
Releases on: September 20th 2016
Add on Goodreads!
Presented by James Patterson's new children's imprint, this deliciously creepy horror novel has a storyline inspired by the Ripper murders and an unexpected, blood-chilling conclusion...

Seventeen-year-old Audrey Rose Wadsworth was born a lord's daughter, with a life of wealth and privilege stretched out before her. But between the social teas and silk dress fittings, she leads a forbidden secret life.

Against her stern father's wishes and society's expectations, Audrey often slips away to her uncle's laboratory to study the gruesome practice of forensic medicine. When her work on a string of savagely killed corpses drags Audrey into the investigation of a serial murderer, her search for answers brings her close to her own sheltered world.

The story's shocking twists and turns, augmented with real, sinister period photos, will make this dazzling debut from author Kerri Maniscalco impossible to forget.
So I'm gonna be honest, the fact that this book focuses on Jack the Ripper at all is what makes me want to read it. I absolutely love anything to do with Jack the Ripper and find that aspect of history fascinating. An author incorporating it into a story is just too enticing to pass up. Oh, and this cover is absolutely stunning!
What do you think? Is this something you would read?
What are waiting on this week?

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Book Shelf: Girl Underwater by Claire Kells

Nineteen-year-old Avery Delacorte loves the water. Growing up, she took swim lessons at her community pool and captained the local team; in high school, she raced across bays and sprawling North American lakes. Now a sophomore on her university's nationally ranked team, she struggles under the weight of new expectations, but life is otherwise pretty good. Perfect, really.

That all changes when Avery's cross-country flight home makes a ditch landing in a mountain lake in the Colorado Rockies. She is one of only five survivors, which includes three little boys and her teammate, Colin Shea, whom she's avoided since the first day of freshman year.

Now, faced with sub-zero temperatures, minimal supplies, and the dangers of a forbidding nowhere, Avery and Colin must rely on each other in ways they never could have imagined.

More info on Goodreads.....


Claire Kells debut novel Girl Underwater is a tale of survival and endurance in the face of tragedy and the difficulty of moving on when the past remains a haunting memory.

Avery Delacorte is on her way home for Thanksgiving when the plane she’s travelling on crashes in the water near the Rocky Mountains. A talented swimmer, Avery is one of the few survivors of the disastrous crash alongside a classmate Colin Shea; fellow swim team member and all round mystery. Rescuing three little boys and making it to shore, Avery and Colin are determined to keep their innocent charges alive. Yet with temperatures dropping, supplies dwindling and unexpected dangers mounting, rescue seems to be slipping away, meaning Avery and Colin must do everything in their power to keep their little group alive as long as they can if they have any hope of getting off the mountain alive.

Though I was unsure what to expect when heading into this novel, I did enjoy reading Girl Underwater very much. Though the description doesn’t convey it, this novel actually takes place over the course of two different time periods—during the plane crash and some months after as Avery struggles to move on and reconcile her time on the mountain. Girl Underwater is very much a tale of survival, but is also one of acceptance and mourning. It’s about Avery accepting who she was, and who she now is after this terrible tragedy that left her deeply affected and struggling.

Personally I thought Girl Underwater was decently written and well-paced. There were plenty of moments I enjoyed and I felt the romance aspect fell nicely in line with the other themes Kells explored. Having survived a major airline disaster, the bond that forms between Avery, Colin, Tim, Liam and Aayu during their time in the wilderness was deeply moving. The three boys were too cute for words and Kells writes some adorable scenes between them, Avery and Colin as the two adults attempt to keep spirits up and everyone alive.

The fact this novel explored during and after the plane crash wasn’t lost on me. We see so many movies and TV shows where the characters are happily rescued at the end, but how often do we stop and think what happens afterwards? How do people go on with their lives having survived against such tremendous odds? Do they struggle? Do they breeze through everything? What happens?

In Girl Underwater, our heroine Avery is faced with moving forward. Through a number of different moments we see how strong and affecting survivor’s guilt and PTSD can be on a young person who has witnessed and been through something traumatic……it was intriguing and emotional at times. Avery struggled and fought herself; especially considering how deeply her feelings changed after her time on the mountain. Her wants and desires weren’t the same and her fears weren’t something she could easily overcome.

I felt the ending was a tad abrupt for my liking. Don't get me wrong, I was thrilled with the choice Avery made in the end regarding her future, but I would have liked to see her get to that future a little bit more.

Featuring an adorable relationship between the characters and the perfect amount of romance, Girl Underwater is a decent debut by Claire Kells that I enjoyed a lot more than I expected. Definitely recommend if you're looking for an easy but riveting read.

Source: Sent for review by Random House Australia via Netgalley
Format: Kindle ebook
Buy it: Bookworld | The Nile | The Book Depository | Amazon
My Recommendation: If you enjoy survival tales, this is for you.
Cover: While I don't think it does the book the justice it deserves, the more I look at it, the more I seem to like it.
Will I read sequel/continue with series: This is a standalone novel, but I wouldn't rule out reading more by Claire Kells in the future.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Must Read Books!

As bloggers we have the opportunity to read and review some really incredible books. And sometimes that means we come across some self-published or little known novels that we wouldn't have necessarily heard of but absolutely blow our minds!

Today I want to share some of the best series I've had the pleasure of reading. These are books that are MUST reads in my mind that that I can't recommend enough!

Broken Skies series by Theresa Kay
Broken Skies is a sci-fi/dystopian read featuring aliens and is perfect if you're a fan of Jennifer L. Armentrout's Lux series. The first two books were brilliant and I can't wait for the release of the third!

The Ministry of Curiosities series by C.J. Archer
C.J. Archer has been a machine releasing these novels and though I've only read the first two so far, this series blew me away. Hands down some of the best paranormal historicals I've ever read! Can't recommend enough.

The Last Oracle series by Emily Wibberley
This series is an brilliant fantasy read! Featuring tones of action and a romance to die for, I just love it! Each book is as good as the first if not better and the male lead is one to swoon over for eternity!

Rebel Wing series by Tracy Banghart
OMG! This series is sooooooo good! Fast paced, action packed and with a romance that is beyond brilliant, Rebel Wing is a series you will love from beginning to end. I CANNOT wait until I can read the third and final book. Must read!

Mine series by Janeal Falor
The world within this fantasy series is so incredible. Featuring strong woman in a world where women have no value, Janeal Falor writes brilliant story after brilliant story. I've only had the pleasure of reading the first three books so far, but they were incredible reads.

Flicker series by Kaye Thornbrugh
Flicker introduces readers to a magical world of fae that is perfectly written. The characters are sensational, the writing excellent and there's wonderful chemistry with everyone involved. Perfect for fans of Cassandra Clare, I can't wait for the release of the third book!

Periodic series by Megan Curd
Looking for steampunk? This series is for you! If you want a well developed, exciting and romantic tale with great characters, excellent plot developments and soooo much excitement you won't want to miss these books! Can't wait for the next one!

Worth Mentioning:
Though these books are standalones, the only book released in a series so far, or the only one in a series I've had the chance to read yet, they are SENSATIONAL and I highly recommend!
- Basically ANYTHING by Kelly Oram
The woman is an awesome writer and you won't regret picking up something of hers.
- Soulless by Jacinta Maree.
One of the BEST dystopians I've read in a while. Loved it.
- Dancing In The Athenian Rain by Katie Hamstead
Fantastic historical/time period read!
- The Midnight Sea by Kat Ross
Great new fantasy series.
- The V Girl by Mya Robarts
I'm so proud to have read this book in it's early stages and love it as much now as I did in the beginning!
- Shadow Fire by Kimber Leigh Wheaton
Such a fun fantasy read!
- Ignited by Desni Dantone
Absolutely loved this fantasy read when I first read it--would love to read the rest of the series one day!
I feel privileged to have read so many of these books. From talented writers, they're sensational reads that give a lot of well known books a run for their money. I can't stress enough how good they are and have no doubt you won't regret picking them up and giving them a go!

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Book Shelf: Smash & Grab by Amy Christine Parker

Ocean’s Eleven meets the star-crossed lovers of West Side Story. Grab some popcorn and get ready for an adrenaline-filled heist!

LEXI is a rich girl who loves a good rush. Whether it’s motorcycle racing or BASE jumping off a building in downtown Los Angeles, the only times she feels alive are when she and her friends are executing one of their dares. After her father’s arrest, Lexi doesn’t think twice about going undercover at his bank to steal the evidence that might clear his name. She enlists her hacker brother and her daredevil friends to plan a clever heist.

CHRISTIAN is a boy from the wrong side of the tracks. The local gang has blackmailed him and his friends into robbing banks, and he is desperate for a way out. When the boss promises that one really big job will be the last he ever has to do, Christian jumps at the chance for freedom. In fact, he’s just met a girl at the bank who might even prove useful. . . .

Two heists. One score. The only thing standing in their way is each other.

More info on Goodreads.....


Smash & Grab by Amy Christine Parker is a fast paced contemporary read that is a delicious blend of Ally Carter’s Heist Society and Simone Elkeles Perfect Chemistry and will thrill you until the very final page.

Wealthy high school student and adrenaline junkie Lexi’s life comes crashing down around her when her banker father is arrested for fraud and her family’s assets are frozen. Setting out to prove her father wasn’t in it alone, Lexi goes undercover as an intern at the bank where he works. With the help of her brother and a close group of friends, Lexi hopes to discover some evidence that might prove that her father wasn't in it alone. Christian is a boy from the wrong side of the tracks, determined to protect his family. Blackmailed and forced to participate in a number of bank heists by the ruling gang in his neighbourhood, Christian is desperate for a way out that doesn’t end in bloodshed. When the gang boss promises freedom in exchange for Christian leading the biggest heist he’s ever conducted, Christian reluctantly agrees. But when a chance encounter between Christian and Lexi ups the stakes, the two teens discover that they may have to combine their individual heists if they have any hope of pulling either heist off……

Smash & Grab is one of those novels you read that is a little unrealistic, but you enjoy nonetheless. Do I really believe a bunch of high school students could infiltrate a bank and then participate in a multi-million dollar robbery? Um, no. But it was really fun to read regardless. If not simply for the entertainment factor and the romance.

Nicely paced and continually picking up speed, Smash & Grab has been well thought out by author Amy Christine Parker. If you’ve ever enjoyed heist tales, Smash & Grab is sure to please. Personally I think Parker put all the elements of the heist together well, and I enjoyed seeing the characters undertake different roles to bring things together. Ultimately when the heist is carried out is the most exciting part of the novel, but Parker still managed to keep me entertained with the connection between Lexi and Christian and all the developments that see the heist set up.

I enjoyed the basic rich girl/boy from the wrong side of the tracks element Parker adds into the story. Throw in the fact that Christian really is a good guy just wanting to take care of his family, and this Mexican bank robber quickly won me over.

Easy to read and definitely worth the time, Smash & Grab will bring a smile to your face as two teens from opposite sides of the spectrum attempt to pull of different heists. What starts out as a way to get what they want by using the other turns into an endearing romance that will leave you satisfied with its ending.

Source: Received for review via Netgalley from Random House Books
Format: Kindle ebook
Buy it: BookworldBarnes & Noble | The Book Depository | Amazon | Kobo
My Recommendation: Perfect Chemistry and Heist Society fans will love.
Cover: This cover is awesome. Love the colors and the model's stance--it's fierce.
Will I read sequel/continue with series: This is a standalone novel but I'd read more by Amy Christine Parker in the future.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Book Blitz: Remember Jamie Baker by Kelly Oram- Teaser Pics & Giveaway

Remember Jamie Baker the third and final book in Kelly Oram's Jamie Baker series released last week and if you're a Jamie Baker fan like me you'll be dying to see how this series ends! And, if you're yet to pick the series up, now is the best time to get to know Jamie and Ryan--you won't be sorry!

Remember Jamie Baker is the explosive and long awaited conclusion to the Jamie Baker trilogy.

Plagued by memory loss, Jamie Baker searches high and low for the answers to who she is, where she comes from, and why she’s able to do things other humans can’t. A not-so-simple task when she’s hiding from the people responsible for her amnesia—an evil scientific research company that wants to capture her at any cost.

When Jamie’s quest for the truth reveals a devastating betrayal from the one person she thought she could trust, she’s forced to team up with a secret military organization in order to ensure her safety and stop Visticorp’s horrific human experimenting once and for all.


Kelly Oram wrote her first novel at age fifteen—a fan fiction about her favorite music group, The Backstreet Boys, for which her family and friends still tease her. She's obsessed with reading, talks way too much, and likes to eat frosting by the spoonful. She lives outside of Phoenix, Arizona with her husband, four children, and her cat, Mr. Darcy.

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