Leaving behind the mysterious country of her birth, she is determined to fit back into normal life. But the world she’s left behind won’t let her go that easily. Kidnapped and imprisoned by her true family’s enemies, Wendy soon learns that the lines between good and evil aren’t as defined as she thought. And those things she’d taken for granted may have been lies all along. With the help of the dangerously attractive Loki, she escapes back to the safety of Förening – only to be confronted by a new threat.
It’s time to make a choice – can she put aside her personal feelings for the sake of her country? Torn between duty and love she must make a choice that could destroy her one chance at true happiness.
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Torn is a worthy follow up to Amanda Hocking’s wildly popular novel Switched and is a great sequel that manages to develop and build on the already interesting storyline whilst still leaving me ready for more.
After the events of the first novel, Wendy Everly is now home; in her human home that is. Escaping from Forening with the help of Rhys, Wendy has returned to her brother Matt in the hopes that things can return to normal. However it seems that the Vittra have no intention of letting her go and follow her, intending on taking Wendy back to their kingdom. Taken alongside Rhys and her brother, Wendy discovers some startling truths about the Vittra before she is rescued and brought back to Forening. Once more at home in the palace, Wendy sets out to discover just who she is and how she can stop the war between the Trylle and Vittra. With the help of new friends, including a beguiling Vittra named Loki, Wendy must decide to accept her place in life before the Trylle are destroyed forever.
After enjoying Switched so very much I was excited to be following Wendy once more in Torn. I was excited about the prospect of getting to learn more about the Vittra, and I must admit Hocking doesn’t disappoint; revealing a lot about the joined Trylle and Vittra history and why they are the way they are. Nicely detailed and with solid writing once more, Hocking continues to develop Wendy’s story; taking us into the heart of the Vittra world at one point and making it clear that not everything is as black and white as it can first appear.
Personally, I’m quite happy with how the storyline is developing and am enjoying seeing Wendy continue to grow, question things and make tough decisions. Her relationship with Finn is an ongoing struggle for her as it becomes evidently clear that no one, including Finn himself, really supports the idea of any romance between them. Something made even more conflicting with the inclusion of Loki, a contradictive, snarky and mysterious Vittra who comes into the picture and makes Wendy feel something she wasn’t expecting to feel.
Wendy’s relationship with her mother Elora is also explored a little bit more, and her brother Matt’s time in Forening sees some changes come to light. I really loved seeing Wendy's two worlds begin to intertwine and am intrigued by the direction Hocking is taking the series. As with the first novel, Hocking leaves the story at an opportune moment and I for one can't wait for more.
Vibrant, entertaining and wonderfully written, I'm ecstatic to read the third and final book and I have absolutely no doubt that Amanda Hocking has big plans for her finale!

Source: I purchased from The Book Depository
Format: Paperback
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My Recommendation: A great fantasy series--worth a read!
Cover: This cover is as pretty as the first and goes perfectly with it.
Will I read sequel/continue with series: Yes
Amanda Hocking books seem very popular. I'll add her to my list of reads.