Nothing prepared her for being on her own. And she’s definitely unprepared for the warlocks hunting her down. But she must stay one step ahead because if caught, the best she can hope for is death.
More info on Goodreads....
Mine To Tarnish is a rich, well written prequel to Janeal Falor’s stunning debut You Are Mine, that details the harrowing and exciting tale of Katherine prior to her being tarnished and before to her involvement in You Are Mine.
After the brilliance that was You Are Mine, the chance to experience Katherine’s story was one I couldn’t pass up. Even with her minor role in You Are Mine, Katherine was beguiling. As she swiftly became a true friend to You Are Mine heroine, Serena, it became clear that Katherine had her own story to tell and while as a novella, Mine To Tarnish isn’t the longest of tales, Janeal Falor manages to satisfy her readers desire to discover Katherine’s beginning in this fantastic short read.
In terms of prequels, Mine To Tarnish is quite satisfying. The story is fast paced and driven, and Falor manages to put a lot of action, angst, sadness and love into its pages. Admittedly, I feel as though you need to have read the first full length story in the series, You Are Mine, to really appreciate this glimpse into Katherine’s world. This is simply because Falor doesn’t go too heavily into her explanation of the traits and customs of this intriguing society, something that was detailed and explained in greater length in You Are Mine, rather preferring to focus on Katherine’s story.
I have to say, after reading Mine To Tarnish I have an even higher opinion of Katherine. Her ability to look on the brighter side of her situation in You Are Mine was always something I admired about her, but seeing her journey to get to that place and seeing some of the hard choices she made only made me appreciate Katherine’s quiet strength all the more. Here is a girl who chose things that no one else would have willingly chosen—that’s a very powerful thing given her standing in this harsh society that is a man’s world and I love that!
Fast paced and exciting until the very end, Mine To Tarnish features a lovely unexpected romance and hints of friendship. My only issue? I’m not ready to leave Katherine behind, ha! Rich, riveting and very, very enjoyable, Mine To Tarnish is a great addition to the Mine series that fans will not want to miss!

Source: Sent for review by author (Thank you Janeal!)
Format: Kindle ebook
Buy it: The Book Depository | Amazon(Kindle) | Barnes & Noble
My Recommendation: This is a brilliant self-published series that I'm sure fantasy/paranormal fans will love!
Cover: Stunning. Simply stunning!
Will I read sequel/continue with series: Absolutely.
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