Meanwhile, up in Atlanta, it’s quickly becoming clear that Heaven may have won a battle, but the war is far from over. Riley and Beck face a stormy future, as Lucifer's ex-right-hand-man, Sartael, proves himself to be more resilient than anyone thought. He has Atlanta in his grip and is about to begin a brutal war with the prince of Hell. As the seconds tick down toward a final confrontation, it's up to Riley and the man she loves to finally defeat their old enemy, or lose everything they've fought for.
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Review: (Warning: May contain some spoilers!)
Foretold is the riveting conclusion to Jana Oliver’s The Demon Trappers series and brings about a stunning end to the series in spectacular fashion!
Honestly, I’ve absolutely adored reading this series! Whether it was Jana Oliver’s gripping storyline, harsh, raw world or her incredible characters, this series has managed to steal my heart with every book. Each installment amped up my love for the series even more and as it comes to a close, I’m really not ready to let it go.
Foretold marks the thrilling conclusion to an oh so brilliant series and see’s Riley Blackthorne save the world (again) and finally get her guy once and for all! The Demon Trappers series began with Forsaken, introducing us to Riley Blackthorne, the daughter of a trapper and a teenage girl who lived in a harsh, almost dystopian-like world overrun with demons. As the daughter of a trapper (someone who hunts and traps demons) Riley was somewhat strong, but was also very naïve to the ways of the world. Throughout this series Riley has grown immensely. Having lost her father and been betrayed by someone she thought loved her, Riley has made mistakes and bad decisions, but she also managed to rectify them throughout all four books and has honestly grown into a very capable young woman who is able to handle herself very well on her own and knows exactly who she is.
In Foretold, Riley faces some of her toughest battles yet, including the battle for Denver Beck’s heart. I was thrilled with Riley in this book—I really was. Throughout this series I’ve loved Riley…..but I’ve also hated her at times. Jana Oliver has created such a great heroine in Riley—one who has tugged my heartstrings and yet who has also frustrated me to no end at times. I’ve cried with her and soared with her and having seen her grow, I can honestly say that in the end of Foretold I’ve never loved her more. Riley finds the courage to fight for what she wants, and who she wants, in this book and does so in a so very Riley way!
All of the characters have been brilliant throughout this series. Oliver has introduced us to so many different aspects of this spectacular world throughout the series with demon trappers, demon hunters, witches, necromancers and various others in amongst them all popping up at one time or another, but none was been more brilliant than Denver Beck.
If Riley ever needed a worthy love interest in this series, she certainly found it in Beck. To this day, I still believe that Beck is a standout in YA fiction. He’s a breath of fresh air that’s been so spectacular to read about. Jana Oliver has created an incredible male lead with Beck. There have been other romantic interests for Riley in this series but I think we all knew from the very beginning that Beck was always the one she was meant to be with. Denver Beck is wonderful and frustrating and so, so incredibly sweet. Oliver brought to life a character with strong, powerful morals and a heart of gold in Beck. He’s someone with harsh inner demons who came from no where to really be someone. Thanks in turn to Riley’s late father Paul, Beck managed to fight his inner battles and make a life for himself. As someone who couldn’t read or write, he wanted to better himself and he’s done that. He’s an amazing person at his core and as Beck faces his past in Foretold it only makes him stronger. It’s no wonder he stole Riley’s heart!
As a couple, Riley and Beck have had a tough run. Their relationship has never been a smooth one. They’ve been back and forth; caring for one another so deeply yet both unable to admit to it. They’ve had fallen angels and other trappers to contend with, but after the events of the last book it seemed like they would finally be together only to have them torn apart once more by Becks mysterious past and secrets. I admit, I was really nervous about this book at first. Considering Beck’s stance on his relationship with Riley at the end of Forgiven, I thought we wouldn’t be seeing a lot of him as he continued to push Riley away. Instead Jana Oliver throws these two together every chance she gets and forces them to finally work some things out once and for all. Beck and Riley are sweet and electric and bring out the undeniable best in each other. They strengthen and empower one another and their love is so very beautiful to read about.
Foretold truly is the perfect ending to this series! Jana Oliver has put her characters (and us as well!) through twists and turns and problem after another, and while it’s not the easiest of rides, she brings it to a perfect conclusion in Foretold. So many things are wrapped up, and while I’m heartbroken to leave this world I’ve so come to love spending time in behind, I find myself immensely satisfied with how it all ended.

Source: I bought.
Format: Paperback
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My Recommendation: This is the best demon series I've ever read and I'd recommend it to everyone!
Cover: LOVE it! All the covers in this series have been brilliant.
Will I read sequel/continue with series: Even though this is the final book in The Demon Trappers series, I've very excited for whatever Oliver has up her sleeve next!

LOVE LOVE LOVE this series so I'm glad you enjoyed this final book as well. I'm definitely looking forward to reading more from this author in the future but I'm quite sad the series is over now. Le sigh. Anyway, great review! :D