City of Fallen Angels takes place two months after the events of City of Glass. In it, a mysterious someone’s killing the Shadowhunters who used to be in Valentine’s Circle and displaying their bodies around New York City in a manner designed to provoke hostility between Downworlders and Shadowhunters, leaving tensions running high in the city and disrupting Clary’s plan to lead as normal a life as she can — training to be a Shadowhunter, and pursuing her relationship with Jace. As Jace and Clary delve into the issue of the murdered Shadowhunters, they discover a mystery that has deeply personal consequences for them — consequences that may strengthen their relationship, or rip it apart forever.
Meanwhile, internecine warfare among vampires is tearing the Downworld community apart, and only Simon — the Daylighter who everyone wants on their side — can decide the outcome; too bad he wants nothing to do with Downworld politics. Love, blood, betrayal and revenge: the stakes are higher than ever in City of Fallen Angels.
Blurb taken from Goodreads....
Review: (Warning Heavy Spoilers)
ahh, think that I....I don’t know....
I literally just finished this book and I’m at a loss of words to describe it. Was it brilliant? Yes! Was it fantastic? Yes! Was it worth the wait? Yes, yes, yes....lord yes! I feel like I’
ve been waiting for this book an entire lifetime. Yes, that may seem weird, but that’s how I feel. There have been waits for books that I thought would kill me-
Richelle Mead's Last Sacrifice being a big one- but none like this. I was happy and satisfied when City of Glass ended, but learning that Clare decided to write more books was just the icing on the cake. It’s been a while between books, but this was more or less everything I expected and more!
It was different and yet completely the same. There’s no way to pretend that the characters haven’t changed--that they’re not different and that everything that went into the storyline and plot of the first 3 books
hasn’t changed. That chapter of the series is over and a new dawn has emerged (yes, cheesy, I know, but sue me).
The characters were still the amazing, incredible people that stole my heart throughout the first 3 books and being with them again was a lot like coming home from a long trip. I must say---I thought Jordan was an awesome inclusion! I always thought Maia’s ex was a real jerk, but he’s nothing like I thought or expected and I love that.
I will admit that I did miss seeing more of Clary and
Jace. They’re still my fave everything of this series, fave characters, fave couple, but I still loved the book regardless. It was so strange getting such an in-depth look into Simon and following him the most. Obviously the books have always changed
POV’s, jumping back and forth, but it’s always been fixed mostly on Clary, whereas this time it was more Simon than anything else. And yet... I
didn’t have a problem with that.
I love Simon--always have--and even though I never wanted him to be the one Clary ended up with, I still wanted the best for him. He’s still the same great Simon he’s always been, but he’s slightly different too. I think he’s got a long way to go and there’s a lot of growth that I think will happen to him. I can’t wait to see though...
It’s odd, when the last book ended, if anyone had asked me, I’d have been one of the few people who actually said they wanted Maia to be with Simon, but after this book it’s plain to see that Izzy is the one that for him! Perhaps I’m late to the party, but it always seemed to me that she was a bit much for him and (even though I love her, heart and soul) I
didn’t believe she was right for him. I honestly thought that Maia and he would have made a better couple, but after this book I’ll never think that way again. Perhaps it was Jordan coming into the storyline and seeing how he and Maia were/are, but I finally looked and realised that Simon and Isabelle really have something. There’s so much more to Izzy than we’
ve seen and I think that Simon may actually break through her defences and worm his way into her heart if she lets him!
Oh, and it goes without saying that I want Maia and Jordan back together too. Hello?
Weren’t they just perfect together? The issues they have and Maia wanting to rip him to shreds aside.
I was sad to see so many issues for Clary and
Jace in this book, but I can’t say I was surprised either. I knew Cassandra Clare
wouldn’t just let them be. It seems like they’
ve been through so much, but of course it’s not the end for them, no sir-
ee. There are more problems facing them and new struggles, but I don’t doubt for a second that they can get through it.....somehow. That’s not to say that I
didn’t love every single moment they were together, because I did. I absolutely did! The moments between Clary and
Jace were electric. Every time they’re together, every kiss, every time they touch, things just sizzle. I’
ve loved a lot of book couples over time, but none compared to them. They’re like no other. You can’t deny that they’re made for one another, you can’t miss the chemistry they have. It’s truly impossible not to see and feel. They just go together so well, they both make each other better.
Jace makes Clary stronger, and she’s his whole world. She means he world to him and it makes me giggly inside (Yeah, yeah, yeah....I went there =D)
This book was perfectly paced and the ending was a heart-stopping roller coaster ride. So much happened and I was on the edge of my seat, wanting to see how Simon,
Jace and Clary would get out of things. I
couldn’t believe that Lilith was trying to bring Sebastian back. There’s no one who deserves to stay dead more than him...well, perhaps expect Valentine.
The ending of this book was jaw dropping. I. Could. Not. Believe. It! Still can’t, if I’m honest here. I cannot believe that Sebastian is alive again and what he’s done to
Jace. It’s shocking, it’s exciting, it’s heart-breaking, it’s everything I
didn’t want, but at the same time I CANNOT wait to see what’s going to happen next.
The next book is going to be a showstopper--I can so tell—and I can’t wait to see what happens now. Can Clary and everyone else manage to free
Jace from Sebastian? Can they defeat Sebastian? Just what does this mean now?
God! I
NEEEEEED the next book, like stat! Seriously, this series is just brilliant and I can’t wait for the next instalment!
Bring on the awesome!
Rating: ***** stars
Recommend: Yes!!!!!!!!!
Did I Buy, Borrow or is it an ARC: Bought
Recommend Buy or Borrow: Buy!
Ebook or Actual Book: Actual Book.
Cover: My fave outta the whole series! It's awesome!
Read sequel/continue with series: Yes, for the love of all things holy, yes!
Buy City of Fallen Angels here: