She's forced to learn a new language and culture, and faces her fears of never returning to her own time. The society hates her, especially because they think she’s an Amazon, which forces her to confront her issues—being compared to her genius brother, borderline abusive friends, and a cheating boyfriend.
But her husband, Peleus, is kind and patient. Although against her best judgment, she allows him into her heart. He counters all the negative voices from her past, but those voices drive a wedge between them. She must let go of her fears, her inhibitions, and insecurities, and admit her feelings, or she could lose him and the life they’ve built.
More info on Goodreads.....
Dancing In The Athenian Rain by Katie Hamstead is an incredibly rich and detailed romance set in an authentic feeling Athens that is powerful, beguiling and absolutely delicious. Prepare to be swept away to another place and time and to be lost to a tantalising romance….
Dancing In The Athenian Rain introduces readers to Donna, an eighteen year old Australian woman who catches her boyfriend cheating and seeks comfort from an eccentric friend of hers, known for his crazy beliefs and inventions. When Dr Stephens uses one such invention to send Donna back to ancient day Athens, Donna is shocked, frightened and in the middle of a world she knows nothing about. Armed with a few useful tools from Dr Stephens, Donna attempts to survive in the new world, a task both helped and hindered when she is bought and taken as a wife by an Athenian warrior known as Peleus, a soldier who is both fierce and kind and who has the power to change Donna’s world forever.
From beginning to end Dancing In The Athenian Rain was a wonderful book to read. I can’t fault it and found it to be exciting, authentic and endlessly romantic. It was a periodical tale of wonderful depth and I think author Katie Hamstead did a fantastic job detailing ancient Athens and the people who called it home.
Something I really appreciated about this book, and want to point out, is that Katie Hamstead sets it out over the course of two years. It’s not some quick couple of month’s long escapade by our main character. Donna actually lives and resides in Athens for almost two years. She builds a very wonderful life for herself there and it’s very genuine. I won’t go into too much detail to avoid spoilers but there is a lot of harsh trials and situations for Donna to face in Dancing In The Athenian Rain.
Set in a time where women have no value or worth, Donna is a normal, modern day Australian woman sent back to place where everything that makes her who she is has no importance. Prior to being sent back, Donna is a somewhat self-conscious young woman, but she’s also hot-headed and sure of her beliefs; especially when compared to the thoughts of those in ancient day Athens. Lucky for Donna, the man who makes her his wife, Peleus, is a saving grace in a time where men have no respect for their wives and considered them possessions; meant for baring them sons and sexual pleasure only.
Peleus goes against the grain in this novel and treats Donna with respect and kindness. He’s a prime example of a wealthy Athens man; sensational physique, fierce fighter and proud beyond compare….but he’s also very understanding and compassionate, unlike most of his time. It’s this that allows Donna to fall for him, and if I’m honest, me too. I loved Peleus and the way Katie Hamstead wrote him. Given the time, setting and society Donna found herself in, finding a man like Peleus was a miracle. It doesn’t get better than him.
I actually felt really proud of the woman Donna had become by the end of the Dancing In The Athenian Rain. And she really was that; a woman. She’s someone’s wife by the close of the story and has responsibilities she didn’t have prior to Athens. Again, no give-aways, but the things she experiences and the road her life takes---well no one can say she’s a girl anymore, that’s for sure. It was beautiful seeing how much Peleus appreciated Donna, both inside and out and I love how he was able to ease her body issues—adoring ever part of her.
I loved the romance between Donna and Peleus and how their relationship progressed. Hamstead develops it wonderfully and over time, but there’s no denying the sizzling attraction is there. It was both believable and beautiful and I give her props for allowing two people from very different times to fall for one another in such an enjoyable way.
Katie Hamstead fills Dancing In The Athenian Rain with some lovely side character who add both depth and confliction to the story. From servants and friends to those to oppose Donna’s relationship with Peleus and the power she brings to women in the Athens time period, Dancing In The Athenian Rain has it all. Love, romance, war, pain…..power, fight and wonderful development all make this a fantastic read.
Perfect for those who want to explore history but who are also looking for high entertainment and romance, Dancing In The Athenian Rain is fast paced, rich and absolutely does not disappoint!

Source: Sent for review by Xpresso Book Tours and the author (Thank you ladies!)
Format: Kindle ebook
Buy it: Amazon
My Recommendation: This is a perfect story for those who love exploring ancient times and romance.
Cover: I think it's lovely.
Will I read sequel/continue with series: This is a standalone novel, but I'd definitely consider reading more by Katie Hamstead in the future......
Thanks for hosting Rachel! This sounds like an exciting and well written read! :)