My review for Secret went live last Tuesday, so be sure to check it out and in the meantime, ladies and gentlemen, I give you Brigid....

Hi Brigid and welcome back to my blog, With Secret’s release just around the corner I imagine it’s a very busy time for you - thanks so much for taking the time out to talk to me!
Secret marks the fourth installment in your Elemental series - congrats! How does it feel having four books under your belt? Has the process changed that much for you since Storm’s release?
Thank you! It’s been a bit of a whirlwind, really. The other day I sat down and thought about it, and I realized that since Storm came out in April 2012, I’ve released four books and three novellas in less than two years. It’s a lot. And I’m tired, hahaha. But no, the process hasn’t changed much. I feel like my writing gets stronger with every book, but I still like to write from front to back. I’ve tried writing in pieces and trying to connect them later, but that just feels like more work to me.
What can readers expect when heading into Secret? What’s changed this time around?
What can readers expect when heading into Secret? What’s changed this time around?
Secret follows two hidden romances: Nick’s growing attraction to Adam, which he’s keeping secret from his brothers, and Quinn’s growing attraction to someone who was previously a Very Bad Guy in the Elemental world. It was a really emotional book for me to write, and the final third is full of action, which was a ton of fun.
Nick and Gabriel may be twins but they’re both very different, something made even more evident with every book. Are the boys like anyone you know in real life?
Nick and Gabriel may be twins but they’re both very different, something made even more evident with every book. Are the boys like anyone you know in real life?
Nope! I make them up out of my head. If anything, Nick is a lot like me: a dependable peacekeeper who’ll give you the shirt off his back. Gabriel is a lot like how I wish I could be sometimes. :-)
Readers all over the world have fallen in love with the Merrick brothers as well as Hunter over the course of the series, many with a penchant for one character over the others. I’ll be the first to admit to that having a soft spot for Michael. Does it surprise you that you’ve had such a response to your boys?
Yes! It means so much that these boys have created such an emotional impact for so many readers. I love them, and it’s so rewarding to know that others love the Merricks too.
Do you have a favourite quote from Secret that you might want to share?
When he tried to pull away, Adam caught his face and held him there, putting his forehead against his. "You’re going to break my heart. I can feel it."
"Not if I can help it." He put a hand over Adam’s, holding it to his cheek. "Slow?"
Adam nodded, turning his head to kiss Nick’s palm.
Then he grinned. "Well," Adam said. "Slower."
What new characters can we expect from Secret? Anyone introduced that we should take particular note of?
Adam was a lot of fun to write, and, in fact, he’s a new favorite of mine. You’ll also see another side to someone who was previously very bad for the Merricks.
Let’s talk a little about the author behind the story. Is there anything readers would be surprised to learn about you?
Hmm, I’m not sure. Right now I’m pregnant with another boy, which will make four boys in the Kemmerer family. I keep telling people I set myself up for a self-fulfilling prophecy by writing these books. Here’s hoping they don’t come into any Elemental powers when they hit puberty…
All the characters throughout the Elemental series are so very different. Each has different strengths and weaknesses. Is there anyone whom you identify with yourself more so any of the others?
Oh, wow, I identify with them all. I probably identify with Michael most closely.
If you had control over an element (Earth, Fire, Water, Air or Spirit) which would you like to have and why?
I think Fire or Water would be pretty useful.
Now that Nick’s story is out in the world, Michaels will be next up with Sacrifice. Any hints or snippets that you want to share with readers?
Right now it’s shaping up to be the most action-packed book yet…
Thanks again for chatting with me Brigid! Personally, I can’t wait to read Secret and then Michael's story - looking forward to seeing where you take the series next!
Visit Brigid:
Nick Merrick is stretched to breaking point. He's trying to keep his grades sky-high or he won't get in to college. He's trying to keep his brother's business afloat or the Merricks will be out on the street. He's trying to keep the secret of where he's going in the evenings from his twin brother Gabriel - or he fears he'll lose his family. And he's trying to keep his mind off the hot, self-assured dancer who is his 'girlfriend's' partner.
And then Quinn takes to hanging around his sworn enemy, and an Elemental Guide is counting the hours until he can try again to kill the Merrick brothers. Storms are brewing. On all sides.
Nick Merrick is stretched to breaking point. He's trying to keep his grades sky-high or he won't get in to college. He's trying to keep his brother's business afloat or the Merricks will be out on the street. He's trying to keep the secret of where he's going in the evenings from his twin brother Gabriel - or he fears he'll lose his family. And he's trying to keep his mind off the hot, self-assured dancer who is his 'girlfriend's' partner.
And then Quinn takes to hanging around his sworn enemy, and an Elemental Guide is counting the hours until he can try again to kill the Merrick brothers. Storms are brewing. On all sides.
Bookworld | The Nile | The Book Depository | Amazon
Be sure to check out the rest of the series here!
Be sure to check out the rest of the series here!
I hope you all enjoyed my interview with Brigid! I adore this series and urge you all to pick it up if you haven't already!
Wonderful interview! So Michael Brigid most identifies with. AND! pregnant with # 4 WOW!! Congrats!