Hello my lovelies!
It's been quite a while since I've been on the blog. Unfortunately, I've had a lot of family emergencies and lack of Internet. Really when things are wrong with the people you love, your priorities go in a whole new direction and blogging doesn't seem quite as important. *Gasp* I know, I can't believe I said that.
I hope you've all had a safe and happy holiday season. I'd wanted to post my wishes for Christmas and New Years, but wasn't able to. Hope you all had blasts regardless!
Now, I'd like to announce the winners of my 500 Followers Giveaway.
First, I'd like to thank each and everyone who entered. I had over 142 entries with almost 1000 individual entries once they were all counted up. I was so pleased with the response and want to take this time to thank each and everyone of you for following me here at The Rest Is Still Unwritten! I was so happy to thank you guys for reading my reviews, interviews and anything else I blog about.
So, without further ado....
The winner of Prize #1 and a pre-ordered book was:
The winner of Prize #2 and an already released book was:
The winner of Prize #3 and a book of their choice $10 or under was:
I'm sorry it's taken me so long to make this announcement, but I emailed all the winners about a month ago and all prizes have been ordered or are on their way.
Thank-you so much again to everyone who entered and congrats to the winners!
It's going to be a busy few days for me--I have quite a few emails to go through and sort out due to my absence. I'll be announcing the winners of the various other contest I've had going on too, once I've email some authors and have that all sorted out. I'll be (hopefully) catching up on some reviews, weekly meme's, sorting out my challenges for 2012 and I'll be back for IMM this week. Yay! Also, as a head up, I'll be holding a giveaway this February to celebrate Valentines Day so don't forget to check back. I'll be open internationally too ^_^
I hope you're all already having a great 2012!

congrats to everyone :D