What happens when you discover you aren't who you thought you were? And that the person you love is the person who will betray you? If your fate is already determined, can you fight it?
When Evie Tremain discovers that she’s the last in a long line of Demon slayers and that she’s being hunted by an elite band of assassins –Shapeshifters, Vampires and Mixen demons amongst them – she knows she can’t run. They’ll find her wherever she goes. Instead she must learn to stand and fight.
But when the half-human, half-Shadow Warrior Lucas Gray - is sent to spy on Evie and then ordered to kill her before she can fulfil a dangerous prophecy, their fates become inextricably linked. The war that has raged for one thousand years between humans and demons is about to reach a devastating and inevitable conclusion. Either one or both of them will die before this war ends.
If your life becomes bound to another’s, what will it take to sever it?
(Blurb from Goodreads....)
Sarah Alderson blew us all away with her debut novel Hunting Lila, and with Fated she proves she’s definitely not a one trick pony! Fated is an exciting read that catapults you into the world of Hunters and Unhumans—a world you won’t want to leave!
I must say I’m a fan of Sarah Alderson. Hunting Lila quickly became an all time fave of mine, so I’d be lying if I didn’t admit I had high hopes for Fated. And it did not disappoint! Alderson creates a vivid world within Fated, blending the supernatural creatures we all love together in a way that’s fresh enough to keep you glued to the pages of the book as you follow main character Evie in her journey of discovering who she really is!
The demons and creatures we meet in Fated are very intriguing, as are the two sides to this “war”. No one is exactly what they appear and there are certainly some revelations to be discovered and some shocks to be found over the course of this book. There’s both good and bad guys, and even I must say I’m not quite sure about the motivations of many of these characters. Alderson blurs the lines of “good” and “evil” and gives her characters a depth and complexity that could make some be either good or bad regardless of their histories or species. And what characters they are too! Alderson’s characters are so fun and all very different. Whether they’re the main characters or one of the vast array of minor/extra characters that litter the pages they’re all engaging to the story.
Evie’s a really grounded heroine to follow. Just an ordinary small town girl, she’s very flawed and she reacts to the changes in her life with a maturity and rationality that make her easily identifiable as a character. I liked that she was afraid. I liked that a lot of the impacts her newfound Hunter status left her feeling somewhat broken and destroyed. It made it so much more brilliant watching her pick the pieces of herself up and take control of her life. Learning to trust her own instincts and feelings in a world where everyone wasn’t what they seemed. Seeing her accept who she was and what it meant for the war was a big moment for her and really shows how much she’s growing already.
And Lucas....aw, what an awesome guy! He’s typical of some YA fiction, but it never lessons his appeal. Half Shadow Warrior, half human, Lucas has always been different in a world of Unhumans. His humanity has always been his weakness, but in Fated it becomes a lot of his strength. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit it was pleasing watching Lucas fight his feelings and struggle with himself. He had to learn to let go of his revenge and developing feelings for Evie certainly helped him put a better perspective on things.
With so much going on for both main characters throughout the book, told in duel perspective, the romance that developed between Evie and Lucas seemed to take a back seat to a lot of other plotlines. And I didn’t really believe that to be a bad thing. It was nice to focus on the growth of each character individually and then see what impact their relationship with each other had in regards to their choices about where their future lays. Their loyalty to each other is a major factor in what they want, but I also didn’t feel their “love” like I wanted too. Their attraction definitely, but it just seemed to me like they didn’t know each other enough to be “in love”. I would have liked to see them spend more time together and hope to see that in the next book.
With more revelations and change of alliances in the last chapters than you’ll know what to do with, Fated has me hanging for the next book. It left me with a few questions and an urge to pick up the next book, like now. Fated will definitely catch you......hook, line and sinker!

Source: Sent for review by Simon & Schuster Australia (Thanks so much Caroline!)
Format: Paperback
AU Release Date: Febuary 2012
Expected AU Price: $16.99
Recommend: Yes!
Recommend borrow or buy: Buy it!
Cover: It's awesome--goes perfectly with the book.
Read sequel/continue with series: Umm, let me think.....duh! Yes!

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ReplyDeleteI'm glad you loved this one too. I think Sarah Alderson is becoming one of my favourite YA authors now. Hunting Lila . . . now Fated . . . I can't wait to see what else she brings up onto the table! Great review!
ReplyDeleteDitto Erin! I think she's becoming one of mine too! Sarah is definitely one of the most exciting new authors we've had in a while. So excited to see what else she has up her sleeve!! And thanks <3
DeleteEeek! I just reviewed this yesterday and i really enjoyed it too. I love Sarah she creates awesome characters and great romance!! So happy you enjoyed this too!
Xpresso Reads
She really doesn't doesn't she? Sarah is an incredible author!
DeleteOh totally agree with you, Rachel, especially on the characters and their growth! And I love how they're all so layered... like you said, it's not as simple as he's good, she's bad. Something she pulled off both in Fated and Lila.
ReplyDeleteHer stories are just so freaking addictive! I want MOAAAARRR ALDERSON! <3
Brilliant review!!
YES! Sarah has been able to have me so enthralled with all her characters in both books--they're so complex!
DeleteYep, yep. I want more too! More. More. More.
And thanks <3
Glad you loved Fated, Rachel!! I've been hearing so many great things about this book but I haven't read Hunting Lila which I really need! Awesome review! :D
ReplyDeleteThank-you. I highly recommend Hunting Lila Celine! And this, of course. I'd love to hear what you think about it :)
DeleteI haven't read either! I'm definitely looking for authors to watch, though! I was actually hoping some other bloggers would be able to help me develop my TBR list by sharing their faves. If you'd like to contribute visit me here Glitter Lit
ReplyDeleteI think you'd be nuts not to read both Ashley and I'll definitely stop by and share some of my faves!!
DeleteI have fated to read. I shall crack open soon. So glad you enjoyed it.
Crack it open soon Michelle. It was fab! Have you read Alderson's other book, Hunting Lila? If not, you should read that one too. <3 it!
DeleteEeeee! Fated! I finished this yesterday and <333333
ReplyDeleteALSO! I could've sworn I commented yesterday.... buuuuuuut apparently not. *sorries*
I LOVE your point about no-one being what they seem, and I'm also a little intrigued... because, honestly, the Hunters sound like their own brand of bad guys... and not ALL of the Brotherhood seem bad... The Sybills, Shadow Hunters and Shapeshifters don't seem inherently evil. I was so curious, and you wind up backing Lucas over his father's death... so it's kind of interesting--hard to see them as all evil, when you're following his POV, too.
And YES YES YES! about Evie! she totally grounds the story, and I loved her. I loved watching her come into her own, and I *felt* along with her throughout the book. Her anger, her indignation, her confusion, and then that numbness. Aaaah, Amazing.
ANYHOW! What I'm getting at: AMAZING review! <3
Woo-hoo! Glad you loved Fated. <3 Sarah Alderson!
DeleteHmmm, don't know what happened there. LOL. Perhaps it didn't load/save properly. That's happened to me before.
EXACLTY!! Yes. Yes. Yes. You know, when the book first started I was expecting something like Lucas realising that his father was evil and kinda deserved to die or something similar. I've seen things like that before in books. BUT then Alderson turns it all around and it suddenly seems as though he'd been so wronged. Not all the "monsters" are monsters and not all the good guys are entirely good. LOVED IT!
*nods head* Isn't if fab when a character grows so much, even in a first book? I adored Evie's growth and the strength she discovered as she battled through her fear and anger!
Awww, thanks lovely! <3