And to annihilate Roman Pierce.
Sure, he was a smooth, smart and sexy attorney who made the senior partners at their law firm cream their pants. But he was also an annoying cocky jerk who she’d been competing with since they had both been hired over a year ago.
And Lauren didn’t care how amazing his smile was or how hot his body was underneath that suit—the firm-sponsored fun run had a lot to answer for—he was a ruthless, ambitious prick who would stop at nothing to climb the corporate ladder. He’d even climb over her given half the chance. Sadly, she’d probably enjoy that.
That wasn’t what she was supposed to be thinking.
She did not want him climbing over or under her, or doing anything else to her.
He was the enemy. Destroying him was the only option.
Wiping that smug, beautiful grin off his gorgeous, obnoxious face, a bonus.
Now, if she could just keep her objective in check and obliterate him before he did the same to her.
More info on Goodreads.......
#1 Rival is T. Gephart's latest release and is a severely addictive and sexy enemies-to-lovers tale that will win you over from the very opening page with it's tantalizing chemistry, sharp dialogue and delicious romance!
Lauren Harper hates Roman Pierce. Her colleague and rival at a prestigious law firm, Roman is the bane of her existence. He may be smooth and sexy-as-hell in his perfect suit, but he's also a cocky, arrogant and a self-assured jerk who never fails to push her buttons. So why all of a sudden can't Lauren stop thinking about kissing the arrogant grin off his pompous face....before strangling him to death that is. It's a fine line between love and hate and as Lauren and Roman work together on one of their firms biggest cases, the dynamic between them is about to shift, but will it be for better or worse?
Having just finished #1 Rival, I have to admit I absolutely annihilated this book; seriously! I even chose to put down a novel I was already halfway through because #1 Rival sucker punched me after I read the first few chapters and I couldn't bring myself to put it down. It was just that good.
T. Gephart has outdone herself with this novel. It was flirty, fun and highly addictive.
Main characters Lauren and Rowan had a chemistry that was out of this world, while the storyline and their subsequent romance was electrifying and endearing at the same time. Lauren was a confidant, capable woman able to hold her own in a male dominated environment and was an intelligent and enjoyable main character to follow. Roman while coming across as a "jerk" was actually very charming and likable. Oh and sexy as hell.
The back and fourth banter exchanged by Lauren and Rowan throughout the novel was just spectacular. It was sharp, witty, biting and oh so funny. These two went toe to toe with each other making for some hilarious exchanges and I loved that even as things heated up and developed between them, this dynamic didn't change but instead retained it's chemistry.
T. Gephart includes some sexy as sin encounters between Lauren and Roman while exploring their romance. I loved seeing them so crazy for one another and lost to each other. They were uninhibited and passionate and so sexy together. I definitely felt the balance between their physical relationship and the feelings that grew was written perfectly on Gephart's part. They were believable to follow and I loved seeing how everything played out.
Passionate and thrilling, author T. Gephart will have you hooked by this stellar romance from the minute you begin reading. #1 Rival absolutely blew me away and I can't wait to see who will be featured next and which Larsson brother we may get to follow in the next novel--can't wait!

Source: Sent for review by Social Butterfly PR and the author (Thank you ladies!)
Publisher: Published by author
Format: Kindle ebook
Release Date: February 21st 2018
Purchase: Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon AU | Barnes & Noble
Kobo | iBooks
Final Thoughts: #1 Rival was absolutely BRILLIANT and if you love sexy and thrilling romances then I can't recommend it enough!
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