Thursday, March 31, 2016

Book Shelf: Princess of Tyrone by Katie Hamstead

Apolline is happy hunting magical creatures on her pirate infested outer-perimeter planet. She is a fantastic shot, and doesn’t flinch at the blood and guts of her kills. Never once did she consider she could be the missing Princess of Tyrone.

All her life, she has heard the story of the Princess, cursed to sleep for eternity, unless her betrothed, the Prince of Oran, gave her true love’s kiss. Although Apolline knows she is betrothed, she thinks her fairy guardians arranged it out of ignorance of human ways. The thought she could be a princess is inconceivable.

Then Allard appears. Handsome, charming—but he’s not hers to have. He’s betrothed, too. Her guardians warn her against her new found friendship, but she and Allard meet in secret anyway. Despite her rough exterior, he sees beyond her gun-slinging bravado, and their love blossoms.

But the deadline for the sleeping curse is approaching. If Apolline falls in love with the wrong person, she could end up sleeping forever.

A quirky, adventurous retelling of Sleeping Beauty, with a less than princess-ly princess!

More info on Goodreads.......


Princess of Tyrone by Katie Hamstead is a delightful retelling of the fairytale classic Sleeping Beauty and is perfect for fans of Marissa Meyer and those who love a well told fairytale!

Apolline has lived her whole life on the planet of Mish, happily hunting in the forest and living with her three fairy guardians. Believing herself to be an orphan, there’s no way she ever considered she might be the missing princess of Tyrone, kept in hiding lest an evil sorceress force her to sleep for eternity due to a long ago placed curse, unless her betrothed, the Prince of Oran can wake her with true love’s kiss. Apolline knows she’s betrothed and that’s never been an issue….until she meets Allard. Handsome, intelligent and charming, Allard is betrothed too, but neither can fight the pull they feel for each other, and as their friendship grows and develops into something deeper, both Apolline and Allard are in for some unexpected surprises as danger arises and they must fight for all they love…..

My goodness was Princess of Tyrone a thrilling tale! Honestly, I just devoured it. Told through both Apolline and Allard’s POV’s, Princess of Tyrone was fun, adventurous and romantic; a brilliant reciting of Sleeping Beauty with a sci-fi twist. There’s pirates and ogres and magic galore as Katie Hamstead draws readers into a sweeping tale of romance, butt kicking heroines and a beautiful and addictive romance.

Apolline was a really fierce heroine to follow. She was as far from a typical princess as you could get and was the first one to jump into the fray; fighting, shooting and taking things down. With her huntress background, a gun in her holster and an often disheveled appearance, Apolline was a character you found yourself cheering for. She was sweet, but sassy and I loved her attitude. I couldn’t fault her as a main character—especially in a fairytale retelling. Apolline managed to be very strong in character and kick-ass as a heroine.

As Apolline’s love interest and leading man, Allard was a worthy match for Apolline. Sure he was charming and handsome, but he was also kind and honest and genuine. Allard was a good guy and someone swoon worthy. If I had to pick a fairytale prince; Allard is definitely someone I’d choose—he was just everything I could have wanted.

Now, I don’t want to give too much away, but Apolline and Allard were such a fabulous couple and I really enjoyed their romance. Hamstead writes their building friendship and budding romance in such a way, you actually feel the chemistry and the tension between them. Stolen glances and soft caresses keep their feelings growing and they manage to bring out the best in each other; as well as a smile to this readers face.

Princess of Tyrone was a very fun and fresh fairytale retelling and I’m very intrigued by the sci-fi world Katie Hamstead has introduced. We met plenty of fairytale characters in Princess of Tyrone and Hamstead clearly has a vivid idea of the twists she’s put on the classics. I’m very much looking forward to more and I highly recommend Princess of Tyrone!

Source: Sent for review by YA Bound Book Tours and the author (Thank you ladies!)
Format: Kindle ebook
Buy it: Amazon
My Recommendation: If you enjoyed The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer you'll love this!
Cover: This cover is absolutely beautiful and I love it.
Will I read sequel/continue with series: Yes. Cant wait for more!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Waiting on Wednesday #129

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking The Spine where you can spotlight an upcoming release that you're eagerly anticipating.

This week I'm waiting on.....
Up In Flames by Abbi Glines
Releases on: June 28th 2016
The villain of Rosemary Beach finally gets her own happy ending in the long-awaited final novel of the #1 New York Times bestselling new adult romance series by Abbi Glines.

The blockbuster #1 New York Times bestselling Rosemary Beach series ends with a bang when the troubled character readers love to hate gets her very own happily ever after in this eagerly anticipated and overwhelmingly requested story. Known for causing problems for everyone in Rosemary Beach, Nan has been growing up lately, and she’s finally taking center stage—and finding love with the man she least expected.
From the moment I realized that Nan would be having her own story I've been super excited and as June get's closer I'm even more excited for this book! I don't know who her love interest will be, but I can't wait to see Nan get her redemption and own HEA! Bring it on!

What do you think of Up In Flames? Are you an Abbi Glines fan?
And what are YOU waiting on this week?


Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Book Shelf: See How They Run (Embassy Row #2) by Ally Carter

Inside every secret, there's a world of trouble. Get ready for the second book in this new series of global proportions--from master of intrigue, New York Times bestselling author Ally Carter.

Grace's past has come back to hunt her . . . and if she doesn't stop it, Grace isn't the only one who will get hurt. Because on Embassy Row, the countries of the world stand like dominoes, and one wrong move can make them all fall down.

The twists get twistier and the turns get even more shocking in the second thrilling installment of Embassy Row.

More info on Goodreads.....


See How They Run is the second novel in Ally Carter’s Embassy Row series and continues on with all the mystery, intrigue and secrets so prominent in the first book with our heroine learning even more shocking truths…..

In the first book, All Fall Down, Grace Blakely learnt some startling secrets about the truth behind her mother’s death and what really happened that fateful day. Now in See How They Run, Grace is struggling to reconcile her involvement with what she now knows happened. In the midst of finding her feet, an unexpected murder occurs and someone Grace loves is suspected of being the murderer. Fighting to prove their innocence, conspiracies begin to come to light and it soon becomes clear that no one is safe, especially Grace, and wanting the truth to come out may just put her in even more danger than ever.

You know what? I really enjoyed See How They Run. It was a worthy follow up to the first book that touched on what previously happened and continued on with an intriguing storyline; evolving previously introduced concepts and introducing brand new mysteries. Embassy Row sure is a dangerous place to live and Ally Carter manages to have her characters situated in the very heart of it. All Fall Down was a steady paced novel for me, while See How They Run seemed to move swifter and at a faster paced. I definitely enjoyed this book more than the first.

Grace is an interesting main character to follow. At sixteen she’s still relatively young and does read like a normal teenager. Yet Grace is also a very fractured individual and her mental stability often comes into focus; especially where those who know her becomes concerned. There’s a lot of guilt there in Grace over her role in her mother’s death and I commend Carter for writing this so—Grace has a lot to come to terms with and she’s only taking baby steps at times and everything continues to fall apart around her.

By Grace’s side during the story and her attempts to discover answers are her friends Noah, Megan, Rosie and Alexei, as well as her older brother Jamie who pays her a visit at Embassy Row and Noah’s twin Lila who becomes an unexpected ally. Personally I like all the characters and feel they fit the story well. Grace continues to care for Alexei and he obviously cares for her deeply if his actions in this instalment are anything to go by. I’m looking forward to seeing them take the next step in their relationship—I feel like it could happen at any moment.

Ally Carter sure packs a lot into the last couple of chapters. There’s danger, excitement and some very unexpected revelations. The life of someone Grace loves is left on the line at the end of this book and See How They Run concludes at a powerful moment.

A worthy follow up to its predecessor, See How They Run sets the stage for the next novel and all future ones to follow and Ally Carter leaves me highly intrigued to discover what will happen to Grace next!

Source: Sent for review by Scholastic Australia (Thank you guys!)
Format: Hardback
Buy it: Bookworld | The Nile | The Book Depository | Amazon
My Recommendation: If you enjoy contemporary mystery and intrigue, this is the series for you?
Cover: I do actually like this cover--it fits the story and goes well with first book's cover.
Will I read sequel/continue with series: Yes. I want to know what happens next!


Sunday, March 27, 2016

Cover Trends: Eyes


They say the eyes are the windows into the soul and covers featuring usually singular eyes often happen to be super striking. Some can look super creepy, but cover designers are doing some amazing things with colour where it comes to eyes. The more prominent the colour the prettier the cover can be. Whether they're self published or traditional covers, the eyes have it.....

Are you a fan of covers with eyes?
What are your faves?

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Book Shelf: Torch Rock (Reflection Pond #3) by Kacey Vanderkarr

War is coming, and she takes no prisoners.

Faced with an impending battle Eirensae cannot win alone, Rowan journeys to Macántacht to seek allegiance from its leader. The City of Honor is beautiful, still untouched by conflict, and full of surprises that bring Callie’s darkest experiences to the surface.

With her friends’ lives at stake, Callie must confront her past, and accept help from a faerie whose face torments her memories. Reconciling the power beneath her skin has never been more painful.

Amid persistent threats from Fraeburdh, an old enemy reemerges with deadly force. Even with Macántacht fighting beside her and Rowan at her back, the odds are insurmountable. Callie’s biggest trial will come not on a blood-soaked battlefield, but in the quiet moments when she must choose.

More info on Goodreads......


Torch Rock is the third and final novel in Kacey Vanderkarr’s Reflection Pond series and is an epic conclusion to what has been an exciting, passionate series full of twists, turns and wonderful moments.

Facing an upcoming war against their city’s enemies, Callie, Rowan and their loved ones must venture to a seemingly lost city to a last ditch effort to gain allies in their fight against Fraeburdh. With the threats greater than ever and Callie struggling to move on from the torture she experienced in the last book, Callie must make the toughest choices she ever has before and reconcile with herself if she has any hope of protecting the fae and stopping Eirensae from falling into the hands of fae who would see it destroyed once and for all……

From the moment Callie fell through the reflection pond and into the fae city of Eirensae in the first novel, Kacey Vanderkarr has had my complete and utter attention. Vanderkarr has released one well written, well detailed and incredibly paced instalment after another, and Torch Rock is no exception. Continuing on where the previous novel left off, we return to a world in chaos and in the middle of a war. The safety and the future of the people of Eirensae are once more in Callie’s hands and our beloved heroine must make some big sacrifices to save them.

Told through the varying POV’s of both Callie and Rowan, Torch Rock is a very fast paced and exciting novel. There are a lot of epic battle sequences and this novel is not without its losses as we see the lives of some of our beloved characters lost throughout the story. Kacey Vanderkarr sure makes you feel for those in this novel and no one is safe as Callie and Rowan make some difficult choices throughout the story.

I’ve fallen in love with Callie and Rowan over the course of the series and I loved following them as much in this novel as the past. Both Callie and Rowan were two very fractured and broken people and it's been beautiful to see them heal each other. Callie's journey to trust has been a long one and Kacey Vanderkarr has never shied away from the difficulty her heroine has faced.

All the characters Vanderkarr has introduced have been amazing and I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was sad to see them go. I don’t know whether Kacey Vanderkarr would ever consider revisiting her world, but I personally would love the opportunity to see more of many of them; especially Ember and Elodia. I feel like both these ladies have a lot more to tell and see the potential there.

From start to end Torch Rock was a worthy ending to what has been a brilliant series. If you’re a lover of the fae, or if you enjoy a well told fantasy series with solid characters, then the Reflection Pond series is the one for you. Romantic, exciting and seriously addictive, this series has been a pleasure to read and ends with perfect hope……

Source: Sent for review by the author (Thank you Kacey!)
Format: Kindle ebook
Buy it: Amazon
My Recommendation: Perfect for fans of Julie Kagawa, Aprilynne Pike and Carrie Jones
Cover: I think this cover is really beautiful......
Will I read sequel/continue with series: This is the last novel in the series, but as I mentioned I would love a spin-off.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Interview with L.A. Weatherly

I'm excited to welcome author L.A. Weatherly to the blog today to talk about her latest release Broken Sky which hit bookstores on March 1st.

You’ve previously found success with your Angel trilogy, but Broken Sky marks a whole new project for you. How does it feel for you beginning something new after Angel?
Very exciting! I've actually been writing this series for a while now, so apart from my editors and a few friends who've read it, I've been on my own with this world. So I’m really looking forward to finally seeing what readers think of it!

Broken Sky is set in a distorted 1940’s America and sounds really different. What can readers (like myself!) who are looking to jump into the book expect to find within the story?
An adrenalin-fuelled story with teenage fighter pilots, corruption, betrayal and a cool 1940s vibe. (Oh, and maybe some romance!)

Where did the idea of Broken Sky actually come from? The idea of a perfect world sounds pretty, well….perfect. How much work went into creating your world?
I genuinely don’t know; the concept literally just popped into my head one evening when my husband and I were having dinner. I have the writing fairy to thank for this one, I guess! The ‘perfect world’ bit is just propaganda put out by a particular leader, though – none of the characters think their world is perfect, though they do think they live in a society that’s successfully eradicated war.

Lots of work went into creating the world of Broken Sky, which has a historical feel but is actually set in the far future. My editors were amazing; they helped me spot any inconsistencies (of which there were legion!).

Can you describe your Broken Sky heroine Amity in one sentence?
Amity is a gutsy, idealistic young fighter pilot who blurts out whatever she’s thinking, is afraid to get close to others for fear of losing them, and is a bit too trusting of the organisation she serves.

What do you think would happen if Amity and Willow [From the Angel trilogy] ever met?
Oh, I love this question; it’s made my mind bend a little. Wow. They are SO different. I think if they had to work together to solve a problem, they’d make a phenomenal team. But if they just encountered each other at a party, they might struggle a little. Amity doesn’t do small talk very well, and Willow’s not into any of the things that interest Amity. If they could get beyond that, though, I think they’d really like and respect each other.

Let’s talk a little bit about the writer behind the story. What’s something readers might be surprised to discover about you?
Given the big, epic storylines I write about, readers might be surprised to know that unlike my characters, I do not, in fact, know how to fix cars, shoot a gun, fly a plane or save the world. I do make very nice omelettes, though.

Growing up did you always know you wanted to write?
Yes, always. One of my earliest memories is writing and illustrating a story when I was around five or six. I was very determined to get it published. (Alas, to have one’s hopes crushed at such a young age..!)

Who has been your biggest inspiration throughout your life?
No one particular person, really. I always find biographies of other writers or people in the arts inspiring. It’s comforting to realise that we’re all mad as snakes, and it’s not just me!

If you would meet anyone, living or dead, real or fictional, who would you want to meet and why?
I’m going to be very boring and say my parents. My mother passed away five years ago, and my father when I was twenty. Seeing them both again would be incredible. My father died before I was published, so I’d especially like to show him some of my work. I think he’d be really proud.

Even though Broken Sky is yet to hit stores, what can readers expect from the rest of the trilogy? Are you going to keep us on our toes?
I certainly hope so! Book 2 in particular goes to some very dark and perhaps unexpected places, and then book 3 has some tricks up its sleeve as well. (Checks inside book 3’s sleeve. Yep!)

Thanks again for taking the time to chat with me today. I have previously read and loved Angel, and I’m looking forward to reading Broken Sky—it sounds seriously good!
Thanks so much for the great questions! I hope you enjoy Broken Sky when you read it, too.

Note: I want to point out that since sending these questions to Lee, I have actually read Broken Sky and very much enjoyed it. I've heard mixed things about it, which surprised me, but I personally found Broken Sky to be really intriguing and unexpected, especially at the end.

Lee Weatherly was born in 1967 and grew up in Little Rock, Arkansas, USA. She lives with her husband in Hampshire, England, where she writes, goes on walks, tries out new recipes and has a cat named Bernard.

L.A. Weatherly is the pseudonym for Lee Weatherly.

Visit L.A:

Welcome to a ‘perfect’ world.

Where war is illegal, where harmony rules.

And where your date of birth marks your destiny.

But nothing is perfect.

And in a world this broken, who can Amity trust?

From the bestselling author of the Angel trilogy comes Broken Sky – an exhilarating epic set in a daring and distorted echo of 1940s America and first in a new trilogy.

Add on Goodreads or check out my 4 star review!


Congrats to L.A. Weatherly on the recent release. Published by Harper Collins, Broken Sky is available now online and in all good bookstores. Be sure to grab your copy!

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Book Shelf: Raelia (The Medoran Chronicles #2) by Lynette Noni

“Life is full of crossroads, Alex. Full of choices.”

Returning for a second year at Akarnae Academy with her gifted friends, Alexandra Jennings steps back through a doorway into Medora, the fantasy world that is full of impossibilities.

Despite the magical wonder of Medora, Alex’s life remains threatened by Aven Dalmarta, the banished prince from the Lost City of Meya who is out for her blood.

To protect the Medorans from Aven’s quest to reclaim his birthright, Alex and her friends seek out the Meyarin city and what remains of its ancient race.

Not sure who—or perhaps what—she is anymore, all Alex knows is that if she fails to keep Aven from reaching Meya, the lives of countless Medorans will be in danger. Can she protect them, or will all be lost?

More info on Goodreads.....


Lynette Noni continues her stunning Medoran Chronicles with Raelia, an incredible sequel that gives it's predecessor a huge run for it's money in adventure, excitment and non-stop edge of your seat moments!

Alexandra Jennings is back for a second year at Akarnae Academy, school for the gifted and those with incredible abilities, once more stepping through a doorway to Medora and returning to the place where anything is possible. Having only just managed to escape the hands of the banished Meyarin prince Aven who wants to use Alex to open a doorway to his home of Meya in the first book, Alex is once again battling to stay ahead of the vicious immortal as she and her friends try to make it through their everyday classes at Akarnae. Yet Aven is relentless in his pursuit to return to Meya and as the danger escalades it becomes clear that nothing is as it seems and Aven's spies are everywhere....

Last year I was blown away by Akarnae. Lynette Noni's debut novel quickly became a favorite of mine and skyrocked me into an incredible fantasy world. Raelia continues on with our heroine Alex's journey and is without a doubt as good as the first book. Often a sequel doesn't live up to it's predecessor, but in Raelia's case it only manages to expand on an already incredibly vivid world and introduce readers to new layers of this dynamite series!

Noni had my complete attention from the opening page of Raelia. Alex is an amazing heroine to follow and her character one I simply adore. Alex is down to earth and very normal but also so very strong and powerful in her personality. I love that she takes everything in stride and uses intelligence and sass to get things done.

Alex has an incredible support base in the form of her friends, classmates and teachers at Akarnae Academy. All the characters I loved from Akarnae are back alongside Alex in Raelia, but Noni also introduces us to some new voices and new individuals in this installment. As Alex journeys into Meya, we have the pleasure of meeting some fabulous Meyarin characters I can only hope continue to appear in the series as well as the Medorian royal family whose connection to one of Alex's closest friends is more prominent than ever.

Raelia is spectacularly paced and detailed. Magically and beautifully depicted, Lynette Noni writes some fabulous fight scenes and battle situations, managing to weave humor and wit into the story alongside danger and the perfect hint of romance. Strong character relationships and clearly thought out circumstances make the story one you don't want to leave and plenty of unexpected twists keep you on your toes.

There is nothing about this novel I can fault and as Raelia races towards a thrilling ending, Lynette Noni continuously manages to draw me in, leaving me dreading the moment when the story ends. Rich, powerful and so, SO good, Raelia is a sensational sequel and continuation of a brilliant series--I cannot wait for more and I highly recommend anyone who hasn't picked up this series yet does so, or risk missing out on an amazing adventure!

Perfect for fans of Harry Potter, The Mortal Instruments and the Chronicles of Narnia, Raelia is a delightful adventure made of magic and brilliance!


Source: Sent for review by Pantera Press (Thanks so much guys!)
Format: Paperback
Buy it: Bookworld | The Nile | The Book Depository
My Recommendation: If you enjoy YA fantasy, you do NOT want to miss this series--it's amazing!
Cover: I think this cover is beautiful--and goes perfect with the first one.
Will I read sequel/continue with series: OMG, yes! I can't wait for the next book!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Waiting on Wednesday #128

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking The Spine where you can spotlight an upcoming release that you're eagerly anticipating.

This week I'm waiting on....
The Darkest Torment by Gena Showalter
Releases on: May 31st 2016
Driven to his death by the demon of Distrust, Baden spent centuries in purgatory. Now he's back, but at what cost? Bound to the king of the underworld, an even darker force, he's unable to withstand the touch of another...and he's quickly devolving into a heartless assassin with an uncontrollable temper. Things only get worse when a mission goes awry and he finds himself saddled with a bride—just not his own.

Famed dog trainer Katarina Joelle is forced to marry a monster to protect her loved ones. When she's taken hostage by the ruthless, beautiful Baden immediately after the ceremony, she's plunged into a war between two evils—with a protector more dangerous than the monsters he hunts. They are meant to be enemies, but neither can resist the passion burning between them...and all too soon the biggest threat is to her heart.

But as Baden slips deeper into the abyss, she'll have to teach him to love...or lose him forever.

I'm a massive fan of Gena Showalter and her Lords of the Underworld is Showalter at her best. I'm super excited for the prospect of another instalment even if I'm dying for Cameo's tale to be told already. I'm keen to get to know Baden and Katarina however and I can't wait for this to be released.

What are you waiting on this week?


Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Book Shelf: Slave to Sensation (Psy-Changeling #1) by Nalini Singh

In a world that denies emotions, where the ruling Psy punish any sign of desire, Sascha Duncan must conceal the feelings that brand her as flawed. To reveal them would be to sentence herself to the horror of "rehabilitation" - the complete psychic erasure of everything she ever was...

Both human and animal, Lucas Hunter is a changeling hungry for the very sensations the Psy disdain. After centuries of uneasy coexistence, these two races are now on the verge of war over the brutal murders of several changeling women. Lucas is determined to find the Psy killer who butchered his packmate, and Sascha is his ticket into their closely guarded society. But he soon discovers that this ice-cold Psy is very capable of passion - and that the animal in him is fascinated by her. Caught between their conflicting worlds, Lucas and Sascha must remain bound to their identities - or sacrifice everything for a taste of darkest temptation.

More info on Goodreads.....


Slave To Sensation is the first book in Nalini Singh's Psy-Changeling series and is a well told, well written and deeply sensual start to what looks like a promising Sci-Fi/PNR series!

I'm almost a little ashamed to admit that this is the first novel of Nalini Singh's I've read, although I'm well aware that she is a prominent name in the PNR genre. I've heard nothing but good things about her and I was excited to discover for myself what makes her so popular. Slave To Sensation certainly didn't disappoint and if it's anything to go by I expect nothing but great things from Singh in the rest of the series.

Slave To Sensation introduces readers to a really beguiling world and to some really unique races of people. Sascha Duncan a member of the Psy, a race of people who long ago turned off their emotions and who have since ruled their world with complete control of themselves. Psy's are unfeeling, icy people who live through logic and reason.....only Sascha is flawed. Her whole life Sascha has fought the feelings and sensations that battle logic and reason within her. Hiding the truth from her people, Sascha's hope to remain uncaring is left in tatters when she meets Lucas.

Lucas Hunter is a Changeling; an Alpha panther who is hoping to track down the Psy responsible for murdering members of his pack. Fierce, sensual and unrelenting, Lucas can't deny that Sascha arouses something in him he never expected and soon both he and his panther are determined to prove that Sascha isn't the icy individual she pretends she is and soon both Lucas and Sascha find themselves falling for the last person they ever expected; each other.

I really loved this book. The PsyNet was an interesting concept and I absolutely loved the characters Singh has introduced. Both Sascha and Lucas were fabulous to follow and read about, and I found the other characters were fantastic too. Sascha and Lucas had brilliant chemistry and featured a well told romance--I'm already dying to read about the other DarkRiver and SnowDancer members we met, as well as the few Psy's we learnt are different from the rest. Dorian, Hawke, Sienna, Mercy, Vaughn, Brenna....I'm super excited to read their stories in the future and can only imagine what Singh has in store.

Slave To Sensation was wonderfully written and I have to commend Nalini Singh on allowing there to be a real storyline within this book that didn't focus solely on Sascha and Lucas's romance; although that was certainly sexy and cheeky. They made a great pair and really suited each other.

Slave To Sensation was a novel I powered through and I can't wait to read the rest of the series to get to know the other leopards, wolves and Psy's! A great start to what I have no doubt will be a brilliant series--I'm ready and eager to dive straight into the next book!

Source: Purchased by me from The Book Depository
Format: Paperback
Buy it: Bookworld | The Nile | The Book Depository | Amazon
My Recommendation: PNR lovers will not want to miss this series!
Cover: I like it, although the cover model isn't how I envision Lucas.
Will I read sequel/continue with series: Yes.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Book Blitz: The Witchling Apprentice by B. Kristin McMichael

The Book Blitz for The Witchling Apprentice by B. Kristin McMichael is on The Rest Is Still Unwritten today with an excerpt and tour wide giveaway for you to check out and enjoy :)

Witches, potions, and magical spells—that all made sense, but men turning into animal-like monsters in the middle of the night? That had to be fiction, right? Wrong. Cassandra Booth thought her world of witches would be complete when she joined her coven.

Fate didn’t plan to let that be the case for her. Joining the coven brings new knowledge, like mates and men as animals, all things Cassie would rather not know. As her plans unravel she must find a way to join the coven without committing her life to a guy she once was friends with and now hates.

From The Witchling Apprentice......

Tick … Tick … Tick …

Cassandra Booth tried to ignore the clock as it clicked away from above the desk beside her. It was nerve-wracking enough knowing that if you wanted to take the test to be an apprentice witch you had to do it in front of at least fifty people. However, the clock reminding her it was just about to start was driving her nuts.

Tick … Tick … Tick …

Cassie tried to go over each step of the potion she was making in her head. She needed to concentrate and ignore the noises around her as the room began to fill up with high schoolers.

Tick … Tick …

The sound was lost in the now-growing sound of students talking. Unfortunately, that wasn’t any better. She glanced up at the room in front of her. Mistake. It was almost half-full of people. No one was looking directly at her, but that didn’t make it any easier. Cassie was anxious enough sitting in the lecture area alone, on display, but now there were students who would be watching and talking about her.

Cassie kept her eyes locked on the table and all her supplies. Taking inventory was easy. Doing the actual potion and saying the spell correctly was supposed to be the hard part. No one in her high school, let alone grade, was even attempting to make the protection spell that had been assigned to her and which would move her from witchling up to the level of junior apprentice. Most people were shocked when she’d asked. It had been many years since a high school student had apprenticed, but that wasn’t going to stop Cassie. She was ready to get out of her boring classes. She was ready to join everyone in obtaining the great knowledge that came with being a full-time member of the coven. Cassie was ready to belong.
Originally from Wisconsin, B. Kristin currently resides in Ohio with her husband, three small children, and three cats. When not doing the mom thing of chasing kids, baking cookies, and playing outside, she is using her PhD in biology as a scientist. In her free time she is currently hard at work on multiple novels. Every day is a new writing adventure. She is a fan of all YA/NA fantasy and science fiction.

Visit B:

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Book Shelf: Annabeth Neverending by Leyla Kader Dahm

At first, teenager Annabeth Prescott thinks she’s found quite a deal when she talks down the price of an ankh pendant she discovers at a flea market. She soon wonders if the bauble is more than she's bargained for when she faints and glimpses images from a past life in ancient Egypt.

The discovery coincides with another new find: Gabriel, a handsome young man who takes an interest in her. When she meets his twin brother C. J. at a Halloween party, she realizes they look exactly like two boys who figure prominently into her memories.

Does C. J. share the heroic qualities held by his past incarnation Sethe, her bodyguard when she was Princess Ana? Does Gabriel possess the same evil powers he wielded as Kha, the black sorcerer who sought her affection?

Love meets the supernatural in this gripping young adult paranormal romance. Readers with an interest in reincarnation, as well as ancient Egypt, will be drawn to its mystical mixture of history and hesitation as Annabeth sways between the two brothers.

Will her reincarnated soulmate win out? Or will Kha finally find the way to her heart?

More info on Goodreads.....


Annabeth Neverending by Leyla Kader Dahm is a nicely woven tale of reincarnation, the power of love and the strength of destiny.

Annabeth Prescott has never been a normal teenager. At sixteen, she’s already had her fair share of health issues and having been adopted has left her with plenty of questions about her heritage, but when Annabeth picks up an ankh pendant from a flea market, the last thing she expects is for the pendant to bring about memories--memories of a past life where she was the daughter of a great Egyptian Pharaoh and promised in marriage to a powerful dark sorcerer named Kha. Wanting to learn about her past life as Ana where she was deeply in love with her slave guard Sethe, Annabeth draws on the ankh’s powers to delve into her past while at the same time finding herself drawn to Gabriel, a handsome and kind young man she quickly comes to realise is the reincarnated version of Kha, and C.J, Gabriel’s twin brother who is Ana’s lost love Sethe come back to life. Torn between her feelings for the two brothers in the present, Ana must discover the truth about her previous life as strange and dangerous things begin happening in the present…..

In all honestly Annabeth Neverending started out slow for me. I’m not quite sure why considering author Leyla Kader Dahm does a great job jumping straight into the story and beginning to detail both Annabeth’s present and past. Leyla Kader Dahm does a fantastic job with detailing a lush and vivid Ancient Egypt and she has clearly spent a lot of time researching different aspects. Eventually I found myself quite invested though and eager to learn what happened to Annabeth in her past life.

Annabeth was a decent heroine, although there were a few moments where I struggled to connect. Leyla Kader Dahm’s prose is beautiful and although Annabeth is quite literally an old soul, there were a few moments where I thought Annabeth’s voice and internal monologue seemed too old for her seemingly sixteen years. Whether this was intentional or not, it seemed at odds with the teenage drama and romances Annabeth was going though. Leyla Kader Dahm is clearly a stunning writer though; her writing technique is lyrical and detailed, and very thought invoking.

With Annabeth Neverending at its base focusing on Annabeth’s reincarnation and subsequence romances with Gabriel and C.J, I was really hoping to absolutely adore Annabeth’s love interests and to be absorbed in her romances, but this unfortunately wasn’t the case….at least not all of the time. Personally I struggled to connect with C.J. but I really liked Gabriel. He was a sweetie and I did genuinely like him. Who doesn’t love a good intellectual type—I know I do!

There were some moments in this story I enjoyed more than others and found myself extremely interested from about halfway onwards. Leyla Kader Dahm certainly surprised me with some twists in this novel, especially towards the end. There’s one big reveal I was not in any way expecting and I commend her on managing to keep her readers on their toes.

At this point in time I’m not a hundred percent sure whether Leyla Kader Dahm intends to write a sequel and turn Annabeth Neverending into a series, but with the novel ending how it does, I’m very intrigued to see what happens next!

Source: Sent for review by the author (Thank you Leyla!)
Format: Kindle ebook
Buy it:  The Book Depository | Amazon | Barnes & Noble
My Recommendation: Fans of Ancient Egypt will certainly enjoy this.
Cover: I think it's very pretty and very clever.
Will I read sequel/continue with series: I'd like to read more if there's a sequel yes.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Book Blitz: Daughter of Magic by Teresa Roman- Excerpt & Giveaway

The Book Blitz for Daughter of Magic by Teresa Roman is on The Rest Is Still Unwritten today thanks to Xpresso Book Tours. Check out the excerpt and tour wide giveaway I have to share with you today :)

Lilli sees things no one else does.

Desperate to make sense of the dreams and visions that have plagued her since childhood, Lilli confides in Devin, her closest friend, and the boy she's fallen for.

Instead of questioning her sanity, Devin confesses to secrets of his own, which are far darker. His revelations about magic, witches and demons stun Lilli. But it's what he knows about Lilli's mother, long believed to be dead, that leaves her feeling betrayed. Despite her anger, Lilli will have to learn to trust Devin again, because he is the only one who can protect her from a dark danger that's coming for her from a world away.

From Daughter of Magic.....

“Everybody needs a hero, Lilli. I want to be yours. You just have to let me.” He reached out to brush my hair over my shoulder.

I didn’t know what to make of his words. I wanted them to mean something—that he’d begun to feel about me the way I did for him. But it was probably wishful thinking. Knowing Devin, the reason for his extra kindness was because of what happened to my father.

“After all the things you’ve done for me, I think you hit hero status quite a while ago.” I kept my voice light, even though I meant every word. Not only did he get me a job—not an easy feat in Crescent City where unemployment was rampant—but he was the first person besides my aunt that I ever felt comfortable talking to about my mother. And if he hadn’t been with me when I found my dad, I don’t know how I ever would’ve gotten past the shock. 

He lifted my chin and looked into my eyes. “You’ve been crying.” His hand moved to my cheek. “I’m sorry, that was a stupid thing to say; of course you’ve been crying.”

Staring into Devin’s eyes, feeling his hand on my cheek, made me feel better and worse at the same time. He had no idea how impossibly hard it was to be around him when all I wanted was for him to kiss me, to tell me he needed me as badly as I did him. I lowered my gaze and he dropped his hand.

Want to know what happens next? Grab your copy today to find out!

Teresa currently lives in beautiful Sacramento, CA with her husband, three adorable children and a dog named Parker that her son convinced them to adopt. When she's not at her day job or running around with her kids, you can find her in front of the computer writing, or with her head buried in another book. If you'd like to find out more about her, she can be found at where you can also sign up for her newsletter to receive exclusive book release information.
Visit Teresa:

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Book Shelf: Conjured by Sarah Beth Durst

Eve has a new home, a new face, and a new name—but no memories of her past. She’s been told that she's in a witness protection program. That she escaped a dangerous magic-wielding serial killer who still hunts her. The only thing she knows for sure is that there is something horrifying in her memories the people hiding her want to access—and there is nothing they won’t say—or do—to her to get her to remember.

At night she dreams of a tattered carnival tent and buttons being sewn into her skin. But during the day, she shelves books at the local library, trying to not let anyone know that she can do things—things like change the color of her eyes or walk through walls. When she does use her strange powers, she blacks out and is drawn into terrifying visions, returning to find that days or weeks have passed—and she’s lost all short-term memories. Eve must find out who and what she really is before the killer finds her—but the truth may be more dangerous than anyone could have ever imagined.

More info on Goodreads......


Conjured is a deeply mysterious novel that weaves together surprising magic and even more surprising revelations and will keep readers guessing until the very end.

Conjured follows, and is told through the eyes of Eve, a mysterious teenage girl who has no memory of who she is, or what happened in her past. All Eve knows, is that she’s a witness to some kind of heinous event and is in the custody of an agency hell bent on bringing the perpetrator to justice. Suffering numerous bouts of amnesia every time she uses the magical abilities she seems to have, Eve finds herself loosing time with days and months often lost to her. In Conjured, Eve must rely on her instincts to find out how to stop the killer and to determine just who she can trust.

To be honest, I’m not quite sure how to wrap my head around Conjured. Even now that I’ve finished it. To begin with I was so excited to read this novel seeing how enticing the brief description was and when I received a copy I dived straight in. The mystery surrounding the main character and the constant bouts of amnesia she featured kept me reading, even if not a lot was happening, because I needed to know what it was Eve was being protected from and who she was. The eventual revelation made by Durst at the end basically had me thinking, "HUH!" At the end of the day there’s no way you’ll expect the revelations about who and what Eve is.

Practically everything within this novel is vague and while that isn’t always an issue, I feel Conjured could have benefited by Sarah Beth Durst detailing and explaining the workings of this world a bit more. Durst details the bare minimum and while this helps to keep the mystery and intrigue at its highest it doesn’t help to layer the story, especially at the end when the big reveal is made. I feel like Durst let something down that could have had amazing potential.

I liked Eve, but she didn’t blow me away either. She was sufficient as a main character and gets the job done but I struggled to connect to her at times, especially where Zach was concerned. I thought her relationships with Malcom and Aunt Nicki were sweet, but even they could have been a little deeper. Eve and Zach were sweet and fit within the story, but even then their romance could have been left out of the story and I don’t think it would have made much of a difference.

I did like Conjured; I just felt it had so much more potential. While the big revelation is a shocker, I wish there had been a bit more depth to Durst’s world, or worlds, I should say. A bit more backstory would have made things a lot easier to understand and I think that would have been possible without losing the mysteryit just wasn’t utilized.

Overall Conjured may be worth a read, but be prepared for a surprising ending.

Source: Sent for review by Bloomsbury (Thank you guys!)
Format: Paperback
Buy it: Bookworld | The Nile | The Book Depository | Amazon
My Recommendation: If you enjoy unique tales and being kept guessing, this is the novel for you.
Cover: I do like the cover--it's simple, but actually really fitting.
Will I read sequel/continue with series: This is a standalone novel, but I'll keep reading novels by Sarah Beth Durst--I do enjoy her novels.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Waiting on Wednesday #127

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking The Spine where you can spotlight an upcoming release that you're eagerly anticipating.

This week I'm waiting on.....
The Hidden Oracle by Rick Riordan
Releases on: May 3rd 2016
How do you punish an immortal?

By making him human.

After angering his father Zeus, the god Apollo is cast down from Olympus. Weak and disorientated, he lands in New York City as a regular teenage boy. Now, without his godly powers, the four-thousand-year-old deity must learn to survive in the modern world until he can somehow find a way to regain Zeus's favour.

But Apollo has many enemies - gods, monsters and mortals who would love to see the former Olympian permanently destroyed. Apollo needs help, and he can think of only one place to go . . . an enclave of modern demigods known as Camp Half-Blood.

Rick Riordan has another book coming out?!?! SQUEEEE! *dances around* This book sounds super good and I looooove Rick Riordan so incredible much. Honestly, as long as he keeps writing, I'll keep reading. Like seriously.

Are you a Rick Riordan fan?
And what are you waiting on this week?