Sophia can run but she can’t hide. RedZone is on her tail and those of the six tech-augmented soldiers who escaped its clutches with her. If she could only focus on fighting her way to safety, she might live long enough to disappear. But it’s not just her own backside she needs to watch out for.
At her side is her boyfriend, Kyle. He’s the reason she found the courage to escape, and she’ll do anything to keep him and his secrets out of RedZone’s hands. Only problem is, since she was once sent to capture him, he has good reason not to trust her.
In fact, there’s not much trust to go around. RedZone keeps finding them, suggesting someone is a traitor. And if that’s not enough to recapture the group, the organization has a backup plan. One that will force Sophia and Kyle to choose between safety and risking everything one more time.
Warning: Contains killer robots, mutant college students, and dangerous super soldiers. And those are the good guys. It’s enough to make a rogue assassin wish she were taking her philosophy final instead.
More info on Goodreads......
Resist is the second and final novel in the Red Zone duology by Tracy Martin and is concludes the series nicely.
Following in the footsteps of its predecessor Revive, Resist is told through the eyes of Sophia Hernandez and picks up where the previous book left off, with Sophia and her friends on the run after their escape from Malone and Red Zone. With Malone and the organisation he heads taking drastic measures to force the runaways home, Sophia and those loves decide it’s time to take Red Zone down once and for all…….
I want to be honest here; I’m at a mixed mind when it comes to this book, and this series as a whole really. Overall I did enjoy it and don’t regret reading it, but I wasn’t sucked in or blown away by the story. Resist featured a steady pace that at times lagged for me. I wanted to adore the characters, I wanted to be swept into the story, but I just wasn’t. Resist was decently written and has all the elements to make a great mysterious read; there was just something missing that could have taken it from an okay read and to the next level for me.
Resist unfolds across two different tenses; the past and an unknown present where Sophia has no memories of her time on the run and her feelings about Red Zone. Resist picks up where the last novel left off and bounces back and forth between the timelines until they ultimately meet and the novel moves forward. I have to admit that despite my issues with Resist, the stubbornness in me had me eager to know what was going on, and it was this streak in me that kept me reading a lot of the time.
Personally I think Sophia had potential and was easy enough to follow, but she didn’t blow me away as the main character either. Her voice was easy to follow, but honestly, I didn’t feel one way or another about her. Although I was glad about some of the choices she made.
Martin makes a real attempt at creating a character dynamic that shines and though I loved most of Sophia’s unit (Cole, Summer, Jordan, Lev, Gabe) it was she and Kyle who’s chemistry and dynamic I found the most lacking. It was another one of those instances where I tried, over and over to connect, but kept failing to do so.
The concept within Resist, and its predecessor Revive was something I thought Tracey Martin explored very well. Personally I would like the chance to explore Martin’s world more if the chance ever arose and would kill for a series featuring Cole as he won me over from the get go!

Source: Sent for review by Xpresso Book Tours and the author (Thanks ladies!)
Format: Kindle ebook
Buy it: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo
My Recommendation: Mystery lovers will enjoy this.
Cover: I really like this cover; it does wonderfully with the first book.
Will I read sequel/continue with series: This is the second and final book
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