Friday, September 25, 2015

Book Tour: Playing the Player by Lisa Brown Roberts Excerpt & Giveaway

Today I'm taking part in the Blog Tour for Playing the Player by Lisa Brown Roberts thanks to YA Bound Book Tours! Yesterday I posted my 5 star review and today I've got a couple of excerpts and the tour wide giveaway to share with you :)

The Good Girl Vs. The Player
Round one begins...

Trina Clemons needed the money. Why else would she - the most organized, prepared student in school - spend the summer as a nanny and partner with the biggest slacker ever? Now she's ready to tackle nannyhood with her big binder of research and schedules. Just don't ask her about the secret job of "fixing" the bad habits of a certain high school player...

Slade Edmunds prefers easy hook-ups, and Trina is definitely not his type. She's all structure and rules, while Slade wants to just have fun. Fortunately, Trina has no idea about the bet Slade made with his best friend that he can totally get her to unwind by the end of summer...

Then the weirdest thing happens. There's chemistry. A lot of it.
But nothing gets between a boy and a girl like a big, fat secret...

Add on Goodreads or check out my 5 star review!


From Playing the Player.....

Excerpt 1:
His grin was disgustingly sexy, even when he rolled his eyes. “I feel sorry for your future husband. You should come with a warning label stamped on your forehead.”

Anger flared in my chest. “You need a warning label, too,” I shot back. He cocked an eyebrow, still grinning.

“Yeah? What would mine say?”

Warning: Player. Slacker. Smartass. Lazy. Sexy. Wait, what? “Never mind,” I muttered.

Excerpt 2:
Girls never reacted like that around me. Was that why I couldn't stop thinking about her? Because she wasn’t interested in me? Or was it something else? One thing was for sure, the more she pulled away, the more I wanted to pull her close. Some how she'd gone from being weird little Bird Brain to this impossible-to-catch fairy, flitting in and out of my life and driving me crazy with the desire to catch her. And figure out her secrets, because she had a few. I was pretty sure about that.
Lisa Brown Roberts still hasn't recovered from the teenage trauma of nearly tweezing off both eyebrows and having to pencil them in for an entire school year. This and other angst-filled memories inspire her to write YA books about navigating life's painful and funny dramas, and falling in love along the way.

Her almost forever home is Colorado, though she occasion ally pines for the days when she lived within walking distance of the Pacific Ocean. Her house is full of books, boys, several four- legged prima donnas, and lots of laughter.

Visit Lisa:

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a fun book. Thanks for sharing your review and this giveaway!


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