Monday, August 31, 2015

Owl Post #70

Inspired by The Story Siren's In My Mailbox, Owl Post allows us bloggers to showcase the books we've bought, won or received throughout the week and is hosted by Brodie over at Eleusinian Mysteries. We all know that the Owl Post is the fastest way to send and receive mail and they certainly make me happy every time they drop a book off.
Hello lovelies!
It's that time again; Owl Post time! I've got some fabulous books to share with you this week :)
For Review:
From Allen & Unwin:
- Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine
I'm super excited to read this. It really does sound fantastic and Ink and Bone is definitely one I'm going to be trying to read soon!
- This Broken Wondrous World by Jon Skovron
This is the sequel to Man Made Boy which I read and reviewed last year. I actually thought Man Made Boy was a standalone and could have really stayed this way. I will read this though to see what happens to Boy next.
......Thank you guy!
From Pan Macmillan:
- A Thousand Nights by E.K. Johnston
I'm really looking forward to this one too. It was a pleasant surprise to receive a copy for review, so I'm hoping to be able to get to this soon :)
- Firewalker by Josephine Angelini
This is the second novel in Angelini's The Worldwalker Trilogy, and though I'm grateful to have been sent a copy, I've yet to get my hands on the first novel. I have heard good things about this series, so I hope to get myself a copy in the near future!
.....Thanks guys!
And that's me this week! Some great books to read.
Hope you managed to get some wonderful goodies too :)

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Free Ebooks

Hi guys!

It's that time again :) I have some fabulous freebies to share this time around. Enjoy!

And this week I have a special mention for You Are Mine by Janeal Falor which is also currently free; I LOVE this book and cannot recommend it enough!! Seriously, it is a STEAL to get this for free, so don't miss out!
Hope you managed to snag something awesome (including You Are Mine!) and enjoy your new free reads :)

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Book Shelf: MacRieve (Immortals After Dark #13) by Kresley Cole

In this pulse-pounding Immortals After Dark tale, #1 New York Times bestselling author Kresley Cole delves into the darkest mysteries and deepest passions of Clan MacRieve. . .

A Beast In Torment

Uilleam MacRieve believed he’d laid to rest the ghosts of his boyhood. But when a brutal torture revives those ancient agonies and destroys his Lykae instinct, the proud Scot craves the oblivion of death. Until he finds her—a young human so full of spirit and courage that she pulls him back from the brink.

A Beauty In Chains

Seized for the auction block, Chloe Todd is forced to enter a terrifying new world of monsters and lore as a bound slave. When offered up to creatures of the dark, she fears she won’t last the night. Until she’s claimed by him—a tormented immortal with heartbreaking eyes, whose touch sets her blood on fire.

A Full Moon On The Rise

With enemies circling, MacRieve spirits Chloe away to the isolated Highland keep of his youth. But once he takes her to his bed, his sensual mate becomes something more than human, evoking his savage past and testing his sanity. On the cusp of the full moon, can he conquer his worst nightmare to save Chloe . . . from himself?

More info on Goodreads......


MacRieve is the 13th instalment in Kresley Cole’s widely popular and extremely entertaining Immortals After Dark series. Exploring the rich world of the Lore, each book follows a different couple and sees all manner of supernatural beings blend together in fast paced, romantic and exciting stories. MacRieve is no exception as Cole pens another exhilarating and sensual tale!

As a definite fan of this series, I’ve adored each and every book and MacRieve is no exception to this rule. Told through the eyes of Lykae Uilleam "Will" MacRieve, a tormented werewolf with a painful past and the woman we discover is his mate Chloe Todd who will bring to life the memories of his past, MacRieve is a riveting and sensual romance that explores another of the MacRieve clan.

We were briefly introduced to Will and his twin brother Munro, affectionately dubbed Hot and Hotter in Wicked Deeds on a Winter’s Night, Bowen and Mariketa’s book. Despite being referenced to during that novel, Will’s history has been something not spoken of much and it’s not until this novel that you discover just how traumatic his childhood was and the painful way he was taken advantage of.

I must say I really liked Will in this novel. Prior to beginning MacRieve he had just been a character who had faded into the background, but seeing him front and centre in MacRieve managed to open my eyes to a new side of him and I definitely think he manages to stand on his own as a character. MacRieve really is a haunted and angry person. His recent imprisonment in the Order's prison and the torture he endured opened up old wounds and in MacRieve Will struggles to overcome some mighty fears and is very set in his ways and beliefs; something he needs to overcome if he hopes to keep his newly found mate in his life.

Chloe Todd is an athlete; tough as nails and a fighter through and through, but the last thing Chloe expects to have to fight for is her life when she’s kidnapped by creatures of myth and put up for sale at a slave auction. Despite being the daughter of Order leader Dustin Webb, the most hated man in all of the Lore, Chloe has been in the dark her whole life about her father’s dealings and her own magical heritage. When hardened and mysterious Will MacRieve saves her from the auction block and claims her as his mate, Chloe’s life is turned upside down, even as she slowly begins to transition into a supernatural creature herself----a creature MacRieve hates above all others!

Personally I found Chloe and MacRieve’s relationship to be really intriguing to watch unfold. Chloe is a delightful combination of seasoned athlete and uncertain virgin and MacRieve is a hardened werewolf who longs to claim his mate but who hates what she is turning into. With MacRieve’s history it’s understandable why he has his issues when it comes to Chloe and what she is becoming and the two of them have a lot of obstacles to face; the least of which is his hatred for her kind. Chloe has a lot to prove to Will and it’s only when he slowly lets down his walls does she begin to convince him that she’s nothing like the woman who victimized him as a child.

MacRieve is an exciting and sensual story that Kresley Cole manages to ensure entertains from beginning to end. Cole sets up the beginning of MacRieve’s brothers Munro’s story and I find myself looking forward to that one in the future. With yet another solid instalment in a great series, I find myself eager to begin Thronos and Lanthe’s tale next!

Source: Sent for review by Simon & Schuster (Thank you guys!)
Format: Paperback
Buy it: Bookworld | The Nile | The Book Depository | Amazon
My Recommendation: If you enjoy PNR, this series is for you!
Cover: I like it; it's different from the others in the series so far, but I do like it....
Will I read sequel/continue with series: Yes!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday #107

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking The Spine where you can spotlight an upcoming release that you're eagerly anticipating.

This week I'm waiting on.....
Serpentine by Cindy Pon
Releases on: September 8th 2015
SERPENTINE is a sweeping fantasy set in the ancient Kingdom of Xia and inspired by the rich history of Chinese mythology.

Lush with details from Chinese folklore, SERPENTINE tells the coming of age story of Skybright, a young girl who worries about her growing otherness. As she turns sixteen, Skybright notices troubling changes. By day, she is a companion and handmaid to the youngest daughter of a very wealthy family. But nighttime brings with it a darkness that not even daybreak can quell.

When her plight can no longer be denied, Skybright learns that despite a dark destiny, she must struggle to retain her sense of self – even as she falls in love for the first time.
Few people know I'm actually a real fan of Cindy Pon's Kingdom of Xia series and I'm super excited to get to revisit the Kingdom of Xia world with Serpentine! I really loved the Kingdom of Xia books and I'm ready to get lost in this world once more!
What do you think of Serpentine? Is it something YOU might read?
And what are you waiting on this week?

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Stepping Stones by Kacey Vanderkarr- Excerpt

I'm happy to be sharing Kacey Vanderkarr's latest release with you today Stepping Stones! I'm a big fan of Kacey Vanderkarr, so I'm thrilled to be helping her showcase her latest release with an excerpt and a giveaway!

Onnaleigh Moore is part of a plan—and it isn’t hers. When her brother dies in a car accident, Onna is desperate to preserve the tatters of her family. Any hope of finding normalcy vanishes when her mother runs off and her dad turns to booze to numb his pain. Onna’s grief is crippling, but the boy who showed up just when she needed him is helping her cope.

Everett’s presence is comforting, though he knows things—Onna’s name just before they met, where she lives, and sometimes he comments on thoughts she doesn’t say aloud. She pegs him for a stalker, or maybe psychic, but the truth is deadlier than she imagines. As their feelings for one another deepen, Everett confesses a horrifying secret: Onna’s brother is only the beginning of the plan, and some fates are worse than death.

Add on Goodreads or check out my review!


From Stepping Stones....

Later that day, Onna plucked her phone off the bed and cradled it in her hands. She’d never considered how much of her life revolved around the tiny piece of plastic and metal. 

Her father left, off to the funeral home to pick out a casket. She tried to go with him, but he refused to the point of yelling, so she let it go. She couldn’t imagine walking between the caskets, trailing her fingers over shiny silver and brushed brass, trying to find a perfect fit for Caleb. Would he want mahogany and gold? Lacquered black with silver accents? What about the interior, the satin where his skin would rest forever? White? Ivory? Open or closed? Maybe he wanted to be cremated.

Onna shuddered, relieved she hadn’t gone. 

Unlocking her phone, she pressed the number three, waiting while speed dial connected. Her hand shook when she lifted the phone. It went straight to voicemail. 

“It’s Caleb, you know what to do.”

She waited patiently for the beep. “It’s me,” she started, words hardly a whisper. “I—” she broke off, trying to arrange her thoughts into something that made sense. “I just…miss you.” She hung up and dialed again. One day, she knew a stranger would answer. 

 Biting her lip to ward off tears, she sat on the bed and pulled her knees up to her chest, trying to think of what Caleb would tell her to do. Life is for the living, Leelee, he’d say, or, I love you little sister, but it’s time to let me go. Or maybe, just think of how small my carbon footprint is, hardly a blip! 

She smiled a little. That was exactly how Caleb thought. 

Onna pushed a few buttons on her phone, stalling, knowing she would regret whatever came next. Then she dialed her mother’s number. It didn’t ring. Dead, crackling air, filled her ear and then a stranger’s voice, the one she feared from Caleb’s number, told her the number she was trying to reach was no longer in service. She disconnected, clutching the phone until her knuckles turned white. 

A hot ache swelled in her belly, arcing upward to her throat. Onna pressed her mouth against the bony curve of her knee to stifle the screams, so hard that she drew blood, but the sounds kept coming, over and over, until her throat was raw. She was glad her father wasn’t home to hear it, that Hunter hadn’t seen her break down. She was on her own in this, determined not to let her dad see how devastated she felt. Someone had to take care of him.

Her hand vibrated, and she looked down, surprised to see her cell still clutched there. Everett’s name flashed on the screen, though Onna knew she hadn’t added his number. He must’ve done it sometime the day before. 

E: Do you want me to come back?

She stared at the words, remembering how he knew where she lived, and how he told her his mother was dead. She should say no. Everett was a stranger, but twice now, he’d seen her cry. He bandaged her wounds and watched over her while she slept. His hands helped pull Cora from the burning car. 

He’d helped her, but he’d also held her down. Maybe she couldn’t save Caleb, but she could’ve died trying.

Still, Onna couldn’t deny the bit of the warmth Everett created inside of her when everything else was frozen. 

She sniffed and wiped away a tear. Maybe a stranger was exactly what she needed. She hit reply.

O: Yes.

Want more? Get your copy today!

KACEY VANDERKARR has a penchant for fantasy and frequently listens to the voices in her head—most of whom are teenagers. Her favorite place to write is an old salon chair in her kitchen, with coffee in one hand and adoring cats sprawled across her arms. She prefers her music loud and her skeptics quiet. When she’s not writing, Kacey coaches winterguard, works as a sonographer, and hangs out with other weirdos like her at the Flint Area Writer’s club. In addition to her novels, The Reflection Pond Series, Antithesis, and The Stone Series, Kacey’s short fiction is featured in Sucker Literary Vol III, Ember: A Journal of Luminous Things, and Out of the Green: Tales from Fairyland.

Visit Kacey:

Congrats on your latest release Kacey! I'm sure tones of people are going to adore it and urge you all to check it our!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Book Shelf: Stepping Stones (The Stone Series, #1) by Kacey Vanderkarr

Onnaleigh Moore is part of a plan—and it isn’t hers. When her brother dies in a car accident, Onna is desperate to preserve the tatters of her family. Any hope of finding normalcy vanishes when her mother runs off and her dad turns to booze to numb his pain. Onna’s grief is crippling, but the boy who showed up just when she needed him is helping her cope.

Everett’s presence is comforting, though he knows things—Onna’s name just before they met, where she lives, and sometimes he comments on thoughts she doesn’t say aloud. She pegs him for a stalker, or maybe psychic, but the truth is deadlier than she imagines. As their feelings for one another deepen, Everett confesses a horrifying secret: Onna’s brother is only the beginning of the plan, and some fates are worse than death.

More info on Goodreads......


Stepping Stones is author Kacey Vanderkarr’s latest release and is a mysterious novel that will having you guessing all the way until the very end.

Told through the eyes of seventeen year old Onnaleigh Moore, Stepping Stones sees Onna’s life begin to crumble when her beloved older brother is killed in a car crash and her parents’ marriage deteriorates. With her brother gone, her mother absent and her father wallowing in grief over his lost son and lost marriage, Onna finds herself experiencing endless pain and with the worst yet to come, Onna discovers that the new guy at her school Everett may have more answers to the strange things Onna has begun to experience than she ever could have expected. 

In all honesty Stepping Stones was a bit of a hit and miss for me; which is a real shame as I’ve previously enjoyed Kacey Vanderkarr’s work. I could see where she was going with Stepping Stones and I think it held potential but it just didn’t quite get there for me. 

There was plenty of mystery to be found in the story, and it’s clear that Vanderkarr has made a real attempt to create something unique and different. Now I won’t give away spoilers, but the young man our heroine finds herself drawn to isn’t exactly normal, but who and what he is remains different and offers a lot of possibilities for the rest of the series.

For the most part I liked Onna. She was a tough cookie and considering she was delt blow after blow after blow, she managed to hang in there pretty well. You can’t help but feel for her and all the pain she is experiencing. Her whole world is taken from her and its quite emotional at times. 

I really liked Onna’s late brothers girlfriend Cora and thought she was a really sweetie. She suffered too and I really wanted some happiness for her. I liked Everett as Onna’s love interest and thought they had potential as a couple. It’s not really an instant-love kind of situation, but there’s no denying the attraction is there from the beginning. With Everett’s history, I do wonder what Vanderkarr plans to happen with Onna and Everett next.

The one character I wasn’t actually a fan of in this story was actually Onna’s best friend Hannah. Though I appreciated Hannah’s commitment and dedication to her friend, I didn’t like her as a person. Her questionable morals and her inability to be faithful to her boyfriend combined with her grating personality begun to really wear on my nerves as the novel progressed. It seemed like whenever Hannah was in the story it became overtly dramatic and filled with silliness that didn’t need to be there in my mind. 

Despite some misgivings I had with Stepping Stones, on the whole I did enjoy reading it. Kacey Vanderkarr includes some surprising twists that impact Onna’s life and I’m interested to learn more about those like Everett; enough so that I would like the chance to read the sequel upon its release……

Source: Sent for review by the author (Thank you Kacey!)
Format: Kindle ebook
Buy it: Amazon
My Recommendation: After something different? This might be it......
Cover: I think this cover is really beautiful--simple, but beautiful!
Will I read sequel/continue with series: As a fan of Kacey Vanderkarr, I would like to read more, yes......

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Free Ebooks

Hi guys and happy Sunday!

I'm hoping to make it even better by sharing some wonderful FREEBIE'S!

Hope you snagged something new!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Book Shelf: Brightly (Flicker #2) by Kaye Thornbrugh

Lee Capren’s life isn’t exactly normal... but it’s hers. When she’s not slinging spells with her monster-wrangling roommate, Filo, or honing her magical abilities with her boyfriend, Nasser, she’s working in a shop that caters to the magical crowd.

When three strangers arrive with a desperate plea for help, Lee and her friends are swept up in their quest to break the curse that plagues their home. Unraveling the mystery of the curse will take them from an island where merfolk swim in the coves to a city hidden beneath the streets of Seattle and beyond. As the danger grows, relationships are tested, new ones are forged, and in the face of impossible choices, Lee learns the hardest lesson of all: Where there is love, there is also heartbreak.

With time running out, failure could cost their lives—and success could cost them everything else.

More info on Goodreads.....


Brightly is the stunning sequel to Kaye Thornbrugh’s arresting debut novel Flicker and is easily as good, if not better than its predecessor! If ever Cassandra Clare and Julie Kagawa had a love child, the Flicker series would be it! Utterly perfect!

Lee Capren has begun to settle into her new life after the events of the last book. She has great friends, a wonderful boyfriend and a job with her roommate and friend Filo learning about magic. Everything seems to be going wonderful, until three strangers arrive at Flicker with a dangerous request. With no choice but to agree to a very difficult mission, Lee, Filo, Nasser, Jason and Alice travel to a small seaside town on a secluded island where the locals seem to be affected by a mysterious disease that begun when a new colony of merfolk decided to call the island home. Tasked with curing the town, Lee and the gang find themselves delving into dangerous places in order to complete the job, but none of them could ever have predicted the sacrifices they would have to make and the way it would change their lives forever……

Eeep! My goodness do I love this series! Kaye Thornbrugh won me over with her debut, but Brightly is as easily as good, if not better. Thornbrugh’s stunning world, attention to detail and lyrical writing blend with wonderful characterisation to create a story you instantly get swept up in. Told in the third person, Thornbrugh’s ability to go from character to character allows an incredibly well rounded story where you really feel for her characters and you get lost in the lush worlds within the story.

Every individual within Brightly owns a little place in my heart. They’re so personable and likable and endlessly interesting. From their own individual thoughts and feelings to the way they interact with each other…..I’m one hundred invested in their journeys. I love the authentic way Kaye Thornbrugh has written her characters. They’re not perfect. They’re flawed. They make mistakes. They suffer. And goodness knows they’ve all experienced different levels of hardship and pain throughout their lives.

However throw them all together….Lee, Filo, Nasser, Jason and Alice….and they make up this complex, devoted and heart-warming family that cares so deeply for each other. The friendships between them; all very different, but none less powerful than the others, are wonderful to read about, and I love that Thornbrugh is still developing them and still adding more layers to them---honestly I can only imagine where they’ll all go and I can’t wait to see it unfold before my eyes.

There’s so much going on within this story but never once does it seem too much. New characters mingle with old and you can see there’s a purpose behind every shared moment, revelation and discovery between the characters. It’s pretty clear Kaye Thornbrugh has a lot up her sleeve and a definitive plan for the overall storyline even as little bits are revealed over time. Personally I’ve really enjoyed the fact that both Flicker and Brightly have had their own individual little storylines, but each plot arc seems to be a part of a bigger picture. Every development within this story only adds to the complexity and makes you want to know more and read more.

Brightly was highly emotional towards the last half of the book, with the characters having to make a tough choice where one of them is concerned. It really was quite painful to witness the aftermath and the agony in which they struggled to find their way back together. They’re a bit frayed at the seams right now, but I know, know, things will have to get better. In fact I may hunt Kaye Thornbrugh down if it doesn’t!

Highly entertaining, but oh so underrated, Flicker, and now Brightly are quite possibly some of the best indie books out there and deserve to be sitting on the shelves with some of the greats. Brightly’s ending is superb in setting up the next story and leaves me extremely eager to get my greedy little hands on book three, Lights, as soon as possible!

Source: Sent for review by the author (Thank you Kaye!)
Format: Kindle ebook
Buy it: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Smashwords
My Recommendation: If your a fae fan, be sure to add this series to your TBR list--you won't be sorry!
Cover: Pretty and fits with the first one perfectly, but I don't think it gives the story inside justice either.
Will I read sequel/continue with series: YES! Can. Not. Wait!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Blog Tour: Blackmail Boyfriend by Chris Cannon- Excerpt & Giveaway

Welcome to the Blog Tour for Blackmail Boyfriend by Chris Cannon thanks to YA Bound Book Tours! Yesterday I shared my review of Blackmail Boyfriend and today I have an excerpt from the fun novel as well as a giveaway to share!

Sometimes, blackmail is the only weapon a girl has…

Haley Patterson has had a crush on golden boy Bryce Colton for ages. But when she hears a rumor that he hooked up with her she gives him a choice: be her boyfriend for a month to show other guys that she’s dateable—despite her overprotective and very intimidating brothers—or deal with the angry, cage-fighting boyfriend of the girl he actually did hook up with.

Bryce didn’t know the other Haley even had a boyfriend. He was just trying to get his ex off his back. And now, not only is he being blackmailed, he's being blackmailed by an honor student. His new “girlfriend” has two three-legged dogs, her father mows grass at the country club, and she's…well, difficult. And different.

Can something so fake turn into something real?

Add on Goodreads or check out my review!
From Blackmail Boyfriend....

Bryce stood outside of the theatre looking like an Abercrombie model, wearing dark jeans, a pale blue shirt, and a black leather jacket. As we climbed out of the car and strode across the parking lot, I was privy to the Bryce Colton reality show, where two girls, each as tall as he was, engaged in a hair-toss and giggle-flirt fest.

He laughed and talked with both of them, touching each of them on the arm in a subtle way. As we drew closer, he spotted us, or should I say, me. Do you think he told those girls his date was here and graciously excused himself from the conversation? Nope. He made eye contact with me, nodded in acknowledgement and then...he continued his conversation.

Real date or not, that was rude, and disrespectful, and I was ten seconds away from telling those girls he was a post- op-transsexual and all his parts were not in working order. Or maybe I should post that information on YouTube. It was a satisfying fantasy. In reality, I stood off to the side with Jane and Nathan, and waited for Bryce to wrap up whatever he was doing.

When he joined us, he said, “Hi.” And nothing more. Why did he have so much to say to those girls while I was only worth a one- syllable greeting? Was there any way I could realistically dump a cherry slushie in his lap during the show?

Want more? Get your copy today!
Chris Cannon lives in Southern Illinois with her husband and her three dogs, Pete the shih tzu who sleeps on her desk while she writes, Molly the ever-shedding yellow lab, and Tyson the sandwich-stealing German Shepherd Beagle. She believes coffee is the Elixir of Life. Most evenings after work, you can find her sucking down caffeine and writing fire-breathing paranormal adventures or snarky romantic comedies.

Visit Chris:

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Book Shelf: Blackmail Boyfriend by Chris Cannon

Sometimes, blackmail is the only weapon a girl has…

Haley Patterson has had a crush on golden boy Bryce Colton for ages. But when she hears a rumor that he hooked up with her she gives him a choice: be her boyfriend for a month to show other guys that she’s dateable—despite her overprotective and very intimidating brothers—or deal with the angry, cage-fighting boyfriend of the girl he actually did hook up with.

Bryce didn’t know the other Haley even had a boyfriend. He was just trying to get his ex off his back. And now, not only is he being blackmailed, he's being blackmailed by an honor student. His new “girlfriend” has two three-legged dogs, her father mows grass at the country club, and she's…well, difficult. And different.

Can something so fake turn into something real?

More info on Goodreads......


Blackmail Boyfriend is a sweet and easy to read contemporary romance from author Chris Cannon that is the perfect way to breeze through an afternoon.

Honor roll student Haley Patterson has been happy to fly under the radar during her high school years. Sure, she's got two over-protective brothers that have made dating impossible, but she's also got a fabulous family, a wonderful best friend Jane and a volunteer job at an animal rescue center that she just adores. Everything seems pretty awesome until she goes to school one morning to learn there are rumors abroad that star student and popular ladies man Bryce Colton hooked up with her at a recent bonfire. Quickly discovering that the real Haley Bryce hooked up with has a boyfriend, Haley gives Bryce an ultimatum; pretend to be her boyfriend to dispel the rumors she's an easy hookup or face the wrath of the other Haley's massive, angry boyfriend. Neither teen expects the other to be more than a fake partner, but what happens when what they feel starts to feel, well, not fake?

Blackmail Boyfriend was quite an easy read. It's not overly deep or life changing, but still worth a read. I literally read it in a couple of hours and enjoyed the story Chris Cannon has penned. It was cute and fluffy and uncomplicated whilst still managing to encompass all the teen angst and drama these kinds of YA novels thrive on.

Told through both Haley and Bryce's POV's, Blackmail Boyfriend was a sweet romance. There were a few standout moments that I loved above others, but the overall pace was still fairly good. Both Haley and Bryce were decent characters, but I'd be lying if I didn't admit there were a couple of moments where they both wore on my nerves. Bryce occasionally came across as a real jerk and I didn't like the way Haley got defensive one moment and then insecure the next. I felt like the author made a real attempt at growth with both their characters, but didn't quite get there. There was the seed of real development in both Haley and Bryce that could have potentially been explored more had Cannon more time.

My biggest issue is that I felt that Haley and Bryce's story wasn't really over when Blackmail Boyfriend ended. There was a lot still unresolved, and I personally would have liked Chris Cannon to have left her readers with something a little more solid. Maybe it was just me, but the ending felt rushed and I didn't like that.

I did find Blackmail Boyfriend to be a really fun read though and despite any issues my review might indicate I had, Chris Cannon had me eagerly reading with this story. I enjoyed many of the other characters in Haley and Bryce's lives, especially their friends Nathan and Jane and Haley's brothers Matt and Charlie, and would actually quite enjoy a spin-off down the track if possible to visit them all again.

Sweet and endearing, Blackmail Boyfriend is a great way to spend a few hours and if you're looking something to dive headfirst into for some fun, smiles and laughs, then Blackmail Boyfriend is just the book for you!

Source: Sent for review by YA Bound Book Tours and Entangled Publishing (Thanks guys!)
Format: Kindle ebook via Netgalley
Buy it: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iBooks
My Recommendation: Wanting a fun, easy YA read? This is it!
Cover: Simple, but fresh it doesn't blow me away but does the job.
Will I read sequel/continue with series: This is a stand alone novel, but I wouldn't turn down the opportunity to get to know some of the other characters if ever possible.....

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday #106

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking The Spine where you can spotlight an upcoming release that you're eagerly anticipating.

This week I'm waiting on.....
These Vicious Masks by Tarun Shanker & Kelly Zekas
Releases on: February 9th 2016
Evelyn has no interest in marriage and even the dashing Mr. Kent can’t inspire her to give in to society’s expectations. She’d much rather assist her beloved sister Rose in her radical quest to become a doctor. Then she meets Sebastian Braddock. The reclusive gentleman is vexing, annoyingly attractive, and quite possibly mad—and his interest in Rose is galling. So when Rose disappears, Sebastian is immediately suspect.

Yet Sebastian’s strange tales of special powers soon prove to be true, and Evelyn learns that Rose’s kidnappers have much worse in mind for her than simply ruining her reputation. Surrounded by secrets, lies, and unprecedented danger, Evelyn has no choice but to trust Sebastian, yet she can’t help but worry that his secrets are the most dangerous of all…
Every now and then I enjoy a historical novel with a good paranormal or fantasy twist and These Vicious Masks sounds like it could one of those novels. The idea of special powers and maybe an alluring romance totally gets me!
What do you think of These Vicious Masks?
And what are YOU waiting on this week?

Monday, August 17, 2015

Owl Post #69

Inspired by The Story Siren's In My Mailbox, Owl Post allows us bloggers to showcase the books we've bought, won or received throughout the week and is hosted by Brodie over at Eleusinian Mysteries. We all know that the Owl Post is the fastest way to send and receive mail and they certainly make me happy every time they drop a book off.
It's that time again! Welcome to another Owl Post--I have some fabulous books to share this week :)
For Review:
From Allen & Unwin:
- Lair of Dreams by Libba Bray
I have been waiting almost three years for this book; ever since I read and adored The Diviners. I'm super excited to read this, but I'm at a mixed mind as to whether I'll re-read The Diviners first as it was a big, awesome but complex book. Still can't wait!
....Thanks guys!
From Bloomsbury:
- Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas
Eeeep! Queen of Shadows! I don't know whether to dive straight into this or savior it.....or hide from it because I'm a strict Celaena and Chaol fan and I've heard whispers of spoilers!
.....Thank you Sonia!
I Bought:
- White Cat by Holly Black
- Black Heart by Holly Black
- The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black
- Tithe by Holly Black
- Valiant by Holly Black
- Ironside by Holly Black
I think I mentioned it in my last Owl Post, but I'm attending a Bloggers Night thanks to Hachette Australia tonight with Holly Black as the special guest and I've been making sure to stock up on those of her books I didn't previously have so I could get them signed! I'm sure it's going to be a brilliant night :)
- A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray
This was another bargain buy from the new bargain bookstore near me, but for $5 I couldn't pass it up. And I do enjoy Claudia Gray as a writer!
And that's me!
I'd love to hear about what the owl's brought YOU this week :)

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Book Shelf: Off the Page (Between the Lines #2) by Jodi Picoult & Samantha van Leer

From #1 New York Times bestselling authors Jodi Picoult and her daughter and co-writer, Samantha van Leer, comes OFF THE PAGE, a tender and appealing romantic YA novel filled with humor, adventure, and magical relationships.

Sixteen-year-old Delilah is finally united with Oliver—a prince literally taken from the pages of a fairy tale. There are, however, complications now that Oliver has been able to enter the real world. To exist in Delilah’s world, Oliver must take the place of a regular boy. Enter Edgar, who agrees to take Oliver’s role in Delilah’s favorite book. In this multilayered universe, the line between what is on the page and what is possible is blurred, but all must be resolved for the characters to live happily ever after. Includes twelve full-color illustrations, and black-and-white decorations throughout.

Full of humor and witty commentary about life, OFF THE PAGE is a stand-alone novel as well as a companion to the authors’ bestseller Between the Lines, and is perfect for readers looking for a fairytale ending. Fans of Sarah Dessen and Meg Cabot are sure to appreciate this novel about love, romance, and relationships.

More info on Goodreads.....


Mother and daughter writing duo Jodi Picoult and Samantha van Leer are back with another whimsical adventure sure to easily sweep you into its magical story. If you’ve ever wondered what happens when the famous words, “And they lived happily ever after," are uttered, then Off the Page is the perfect novel for you!

After the difficulties they faced in the first novel Between the Lines, Delilah, a normal and everyday teenage girl and Oliver, the fairy-tale hero she fell in love with and then fought to release from the confines of storybook he called him are facing new challenges. Living in Delilah’s world, Oliver is now attending high school, and bonding with his “mother” and everything with Delilah is going wonderful….minus a few hiccups of course. That is, until some of the characters from Oliver’s story and the book itself start reaching out to Oliver and Delilah in an effort to right the wrongs Oliver’s absence has caused. Delilah can’t bear the thought of Oliver returning to the pages he was so happy to leave, but it soon becomes clear that neither teen may have a say in the matter….

I really quite enjoyed Between the Lines and found its sequel Off the Page to be a worthy follow up. In all honesty, I think Delilah and Oliver’s story could have been left concluded in the last book, but having now read Off the Page I am glad the authors decided to write a sequel. Off the Page details the events after Oliver’s escape from his book and makes it abundantly clear that even though Delilah and Oliver are together, their challenges are not over just yet….

The way in which Off the Page is written really appeals to me. Obviously Oliver has come from a fairy-tale so there is that aspect the authors weave into the story alongside today’s modern world. Picoult and van Leer manage to create a very fun and well written story that I honestly think will appeal to all ages. Friendship and romance blend together with wit and humour that compliments a whimsical storyline that features fire breathing dragons and mermaids and princess and pirates….and so much more. Add in the beautiful and detailed drawings that make an appearance throughout the novel on occasion and Off the Page becomes a very entertaining story.

Even though it seems like they should have been through the worst after the events of the first book, things are not smooth sailing for Delilah and Oliver in Off the Page, something that makes for highly entertaining reading. Both Delilah and Oliver are still the same delightful characters I found them to be in the first book and I really do enjoy their romance. They’re smile inducing and oh, so sweet to witness. I enjoyed seeing Oliver stumble around it Delilah’s world and learn how to be a “normal” teenager in Off the Page. It was really quite funny at times and have to commend both Picoult and Van Leer for the comedy and humour they manage to weave into the story. 

I don’t want to give away too many spoilers, but obviously the aim for Delilah and Oliver is to find a way for Oliver to stay in the real world permanently—something our young lovers thought they had discovered, but soon realize isn’t the case. Picoult and van Leer certainly make Delilah and Oliver work for their relationship but I really appreciate this fact. It gives them more foundation.

Overall, Off the Page is a lovely follow up to Between the Lines that expands on main characters Delilah and Oliver’s story and with Oliver’s “double” Edgar front and center in this book too, I have to say Off the Page is definitely worth a read!

Source: Sent for review by Allen & Unwin (Thanks guys!)
Format: Paperback
Buy it: Bookworld | The Nile | The Book Depository | Amazon
My Recommendation: Fans of magic and Picoult will not want to miss this one.
Cover: I'm not the biggest fan. I think it has potential but just doesn't do anything for me.......
Will I read sequel/continue with series: I would love to see more of Delilah and Oliver but I think their story is well and truly told.