Friday, November 29, 2019

Blog Tour: Slippers And Thieves by Christina Bauer- Guest Post & Giveaway

Welcome to the Blog Tour for Slippers And Thieves by Christina Bauer thanks to Xpresso Book Tours! Slippers And Thieves is the fourth novel in the Fairy Tales of the Magicorum series and another great tale in this fairytale retelling series!

Years ago, Elle—never call her Cinderella—escaped her evil step family in order to build a new life for herself in Manhattan. Today, Elle’s awful past is a distant memory. In fact, Elle even attends West Lake Prep, an exclusive high school where regular humans mix with members of the Magicorum, such as fairies, shifters and witches. Although she still must live in hiding from her evil stepfamily, Elle has always found ways to get whatever her heart desires.

That is, until Alec Le Charme.

Alec is the heir to the Le Charme dynasty of high-end jewelers. He’s also kind, charismatic, has a knee-melting smile. Elle has fallen for him, hard. Unfortunately, thanks to Elle’s evil step family, Alec is absolutely off limits. In fact, if Elle and Alec so much as kiss, it will start a magical chain reaction that would end in powerful factions of witches and wizards going to war. As a result, Elle and Alec vow to stay friends, no matter what. Then West Lake Prep holds a masquerade ball. Identities get mixed up and forbidden kisses are finally shared.

Time for the Magicorum to go to war, and for Elle to confront her hidden past in ways she never thought possible.

Add on Goodreads or check out my review!

Thoughts On... Where To Find Good Books
By Christina Bauer 

For me, being a writer means being a reader. On average, I read a book/day. And it's hard, but not from the reading side. My challenge is finding new books that I'm excited about.

Let's face it. Nothing's worse than a reading slump.

So, in the interests of sharing best practices, here are my favorite places to find new books that feed my brain...

One. iBooks 
iBooks is what I consider curated content. In other words, the iBooks team work their butts off to find authors that are fresh, original, and about to 'break through.' I can say this from experience because they took a risk on promoting my books when I was a first-time author. My trick is to go to the categories page and see who they have featured in:
  • Romance
  • Science Fiction and Fantasy
  • Young Adult 

Finding good books is as much an art as it is a science; the iBooks team does a great job.

Two. BookBub and Freebooksy 
There are a lot of book newsletters out there. As I said before, I'm a fan of hand-curated content. Both BookBub and Freebooksy are selective in who they accept. Their teams do a great job of making sure that the featured books are interesting and cool. And subscribing is free!

Three. Goodreads 
Hands-down, this is my top place to go. I have a short list of all-time favorite books where, every so often, I go to Goodreads and check out their "Readers Also Enjoyed" section. There's always something cool in there.

I also look at the equivalent on Amazon, but that doesn't seem to work as well for me for some reason. I suspect it's because the Amazon algorithm takes my personal browsing/buying history into account, which is a mess. I look into all sorts of books and genres as my 'publisher self' versus my 'reader self.' You don't want to know the strange things I get recommended (hint: on occasion, it has included dinosaur porn!)

Four. Goodreads Friends 
I also get TONS of great ideas from my friends on Goodreads. Plus, it's a lot of fun to see what people thought of the books that I've read, and vice versa. The bottom line? Goodreads is all-around awesomesauce.

So there you have secret weapons in the war for finding new books to read. Hope you found some of them helpful!

**I'm a BIG fan of Goodreads so I love to see it in this list! Some great ideas from Christina!**

Christina Bauer knows how to tell stories about kick-ass women. In her best selling Angelbound series, the heroine is a part-demon girl who loves to fight in Purgatory’s Arena and falls in love with a part-angel prince. This young adult best seller has driven more than 500,000 ebook downloads and 9,000 reviews on Goodreads and retailers.

Bauer has also told the story of the Women’s March on Washington by leading PR efforts for the Massachusetts Chapter. Her pre-event press release—the only one sent out on a major wire service—resulted in more than 19,000 global impressions and redistribution by over 350 different media entities including the Associated Press.

Christina graduated from Syracuse University’s Newhouse School with BA’s in English along with Television, Radio, and Film Production. She lives in Newton, MA with her husband, son, and semi-insane golden retriever, Ruby.

Visit Christina:

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Book Shelf: Slippers And Thieves (Fairy Tales of the Magicorum #4) by Christina Bauer

Years ago, Elle—never call her Cinderella—escaped her evil step family in order to build a new life for herself in Manhattan. Today, Elle’s awful past is a distant memory. In fact, Elle even attends West Lake Prep, an exclusive high school where regular humans mix with members of the Magicorum, such as fairies, shifters and witches. Although she still must live in hiding from her evil stepfamily, Elle has always found ways to get whatever her heart desires.
That is, until Alec Le Charme.

Alec is the heir to the Le Charme dynasty of high-end jewelers. He’s also kind, charismatic, has a knee-melting smile. Elle has fallen for him, hard. Unfortunately, thanks to Elle’s evil step family, Alec is absolutely off limits. In fact, if Elle and Alec so much as kiss, it will start a magical chain reaction that would end in powerful factions of witches and wizards going to war. As a result, Elle and Alec vow to stay friends, no matter what. Then West Lake Prep holds a masquerade ball. Identities get mixed up and forbidden kisses are finally shared.

Time for the Magicorum to go to war, and for Elle to confront her hidden past in ways she never thought possible.

More info on Goodreads......


Slippers And Thieves is the fourth instalment in the Fairy Tales of the Magicorum series by Christina Bauer and is a fun and easy story that finally features Ella and Alec in their long awaited tale!

As a Cinderella template, Ella has put a lot of effort into changing her fate and that includes escaping her evil stepfamily and making a life for herself in Manhattan. She even attends West Lake Prep alongside her best friend Bry, an exclusive school where regular humans mix with fairies, shifters and witches. Although she must live a life in hiding, Elle has always been able to get her heart’s desire……until Alec. Alec Le Charme is the heir to a chain of high-end jewellers and someone who melts Elle’s heart with his charm and kindness. Despite her best intentions, Elle has fallen for Alec, something that is a big no-no thanks to her evil step-mother, who is determined arrange a marriage between Alec and her daughter Ivy. Staying friends with Alec is the best option, but when masquerade balls, mixed identities and secret kisses occur, Elle and Alec will need to decide just how far they’re willing to go to be together and if they can overcome not only all the obstacles in their way, but Elle’s fear of letting someone close as well.

I’ve been a fan of this series since the first instalment was released and even now I continue to be entertained by the tales Christina Bauer creates. Fairy Tales of the Magicorum is a fun and effortless series to read. The idea---that a number of supernatural beings exist (shifters, witches, fairies) and that there are people whose lives mimic the structure of a number of common fairytales (Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty etc) is really intriguing. I think it’s a different twist on a fairytale retelling. I mean, the characters know they are living fairytale templates; it was a part of everyday life---this idea is just really fun to me.

After three novels, we finally get to see the story of Elle and Alec! Readers will be familiar with Elle who is Bryar Rose’s best friend and Alec who is Knox’s. The chemistry between them has always been there so I have been [patiently] waiting for the day Christina Bauer finally told their tale and I don’t think she disappoints!

Slippers And Thieves unfolds through Elle and Alec’s varying, back and forth perspective. Part of the novel takes place prior to any of the other events of the series to help set the stage and give readers a better understanding of all that Elle has been through to get where she is. I actually quite liked this aspect, although I was surprised to see that Elle and Alec had actually met before I thought they had.

I really do love both Elle and Alec as characters and think they are both sweet but capable individuals. They had a great chemistry together and were adorable. I enjoyed the fact that even though they were somewhat influenced by their fairytale templates they didn’t let that dictate their decisions and actions. Their feelings were entirely their own.

Slippers And Thieves is full of colourful creatures and characters including mining dwarves, animated objects and talking animals. Romance, adventure and excitement mingle and I can’t wait to see what will happen with Elle and Alec next. Oh and I wouldn’t mind seeing Jacoby feature and brought to his knees by a woman….perhaps by Agatha!

Source: Sent for review by Xpresso Book Tours and the authors (Thank you ladies!)
Publisher: Monster House Books
Format: Kindle ebook
Release Date: November 26th 2019
Buy: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Google Play
Final Thoughts: A fun and enjoyable read I can't wait for more.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Waiting on Wednesday #294

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking The Spine where you can spotlight an upcoming release that you're eagerly anticipating.

This week I'm waiting on.....

The Shadow Wand by Laurie Forest 
Releases on: May 5th 2020 b

Separated from her friends, Elloren Gardner must hone her newly discovered powers with the help of her new fastmate and unexpected ally, Lukas Grey, in order to keep the darkness sweeping over Erthia at bay.

For the first time in the series, Laurie Forest will be writing in multiple character POVs, following the stories of several fan-favorite secondary characters from earlier books, including Trystan Gardner, Tierney Calix, Wynter Eirllyn, and a young Urisk woman named Sparrow.

The Black Witch Chronicles is one of my favourite fantasy series---I just love this series---and I cannot WAIT until book three comes out. After the killer ending of the last novel I simply must have this book ASAP. Just no love triangle please Laurie Frost; just keep it Elloren and Yvan!

Have you read this series? If not, you should!
And what are YOU waiting on this week?


Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Book Shelf: Navigating the Stars (Sentinels of the Galaxy #1) by Maria V. Snyder

Terra Cotta Warriors have been discovered on other planets in the Milky Way Galaxy. And Lyra Daniels' parents are the archaeological Experts (yes with a capital E) on the Warriors and have dragged her to the various planets to study them despite the time dilation causing havoc with her social life.

When one of the many Warrior planets goes silent, and looters attack her research base, Lyra becomes involved in discovering why the Warriors were placed on these planets. And, more importantly, by who.

More info on Goodreads.....


Navigating the Stars is the first novel in Maria V. Snyder’s Sentinels of the Galaxy series and is a rich and surprising science fiction YA that draws readers in with its mystery, suspense and promising storyline.

Terracotta Warriors have been discovered on planets all across the Milky Way and Lyra Daniel’s parents are the foremost archaeological experts on them. This means Lyra has been dragged to various planets to study them all her life. Lyra is tired of always loosing friends and of the constant moves, even as her parents promise that the most recent find is the most exciting of them all. Stuck on a research base isn’t Lyra’s idea of fun, but when one of the many Warrior planets go silent and looters storm the base, Lyra quickly finds herself involved in discovering the Warriors true origin but with dangers coming from unexpected places and a blast from the past throwing her through a loop, Lyra will need all her skills to outsmart the bad guys before those she cares about are hurt.

Maria V. Snyder is an author I absolutely love. I’ve been a fan since Poison Study came out as a debut (yes that long) and have devoured her novels ever since, continuously getting lost in her tangible and alluring worlds. Navigating the Stars proved to be something different than her fantasy tales and Snyder doesn’t disappoint with this intergalactic and futuristic adventure.

I really enjoyed the concept of China’s infamous terracotta warriors being discovered throughout space, although at this point the implications and reasons behind their existence is yet to be explained. I have a feeling that Maria V. Snyder has a lot planned where their origin and purpose is concerned and given some of the events of this first instalment, I’m very keen to see what we uncover as the series progresses.

Navigating the Stars is told through the eyes of Lyra, a talented hacker (called worming in this series) and daughter of the two leading archaeologists on the terracotta warriors. Admittedly the novel does read younger than some of Snyder’s other books and I think this stems from the fact that protagonist Lyra is seventeen years old and still very young in a lot of ways; something that is highlighted in her occasionally childish voice and actions throughout the story. Lyra is rash and often unthinking however I do see a lot of area for potential growth in her and can only envision the kind of character she will become throughout the series.

Maria V. Snyder weaves elements of action and romance within her story while also focusing on the mystery and unknown surrounding the terracotta warriors. Her ideas behind space travel and time jumps was interesting if not somewhat confusing in the beginning. I felt the story got off to a somewhat slow start in the very beginning but steadily progressed with the turn of each page.

Building towards some surprising revelations that leave more questions to be answered, Navigating the Stars features likable characters and an intriguing storyline. Maria V. Snyder concludes this chapter of the series very well and has me excited to see what she has in store for her characters and her readers with the next novel---I can’t wait to read it!

Source: Sent for review by publisher via Netgalley (Thank you guys!)
Publisher: Harlequin Australia
Format: Kindle ebook via Netgalley
Release Date: November 19th 2018
Buy: Angus & Robertson | Booktopia | The Book Depository | Amazon
Final Thoughts: A unique and engaging story; I can't wait to read the next one!

Monday, November 25, 2019

Owl Post #245

Inspired by The Story Siren's In My Mailbox, Owl Post allows us bloggers to showcase the books we've bought, won or received throughout the week and is hosted by Brodie over at Eleusinian Mysteries. We all know that the Owl Post is the fastest way to send and receive mail and they certainly make me happy every time they drop a book off.
Welcome to another Owl Post booklovers :)
I Bought:
- The Queen of Nothing by Holly Black 
Like so many readers I am absolutely IN LOVE with The Folk of the Air series and am so excited to finally have my hands on this book! I've already started reading it and so happy to be with Jude and Cardan for their final tale!

- Empire of Night by Kelley Armstrong 
I enjoyed the first novel in this series and with Kelley Armstrong attending the Ballgowns and Books Event I'm looking forward to reading the rest before then :)

 And that's me!
What did the owls bring YOU this week?

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Book Shelf: Assassin's Mask (Assassin's Magic #2) by Everly Frost

Is love worth fighting for?
When Hunter Cassidy revealed her true power to Slade Baines during a fight for their lives, everything she wanted was ripped away from her.

Now, with her heart in pieces, Hunter is left only with her determination to find and destroy the deadly weapon that led her to infiltrate the Assassin's Legion in the first place.

But Hunter's quest proves more complicated than she expected, leaving her with no choice but to make a deal with one of the Legion's most formidable assassins—a deal that catapults her right back into Slade's life.

Now the Master Assassin, Slade's power grows by the day and so does his determination to fight the bond he formed with Hunter and the powerful attraction that keeps drawing them together. No matter what, he will protect her from the enemies she makes at every turn, including the new leader of the underground whose mission is to destroy them both.

When tragedy strikes, Hunter discovers that the weapon she sought is nothing like she expected. She and Slade will need to work together to defeat the rising power behind the underground. But can they fight together when their hearts are torn apart? 

More info on Goodreads.....


Assassin’s Mask is the second novel in the Assassin’s Magic series by Everly Frost is a fantastic sequel and continuation in the saga that is full of danger, exhilarating romance and edge of your seat excitement.

When Hunter Cassidy revealed the truth of what she is to Slade Baines during a battle for their lives, everything she treasured was ripped away. Now with a broken heart, Hunter is left with only her mission to locate and destroy the weapon that led her to infiltrate the Assassin’s Legion to begin with. This is easier said than done and Hunter will have to make deals with fellow assassins if she wants to succeed; something that will put her straight back into Slade’s path. Now Master Assassin, Slade’s power grows day by day, as does his resolve to fight the bond he formed with Hunter---if only for her own good. Then a new enemy surfaces and Hunter and Slade have no choice but to work together if they want to survive. Will their fears keep them apart or will they discover that their greatest strength lies in each other?

I’m seriously in love with this series! After two novels I am very much besotted with the characters and story and am invested in their journey. Well written and paced, Assassin’s Mark continues to explore this rich world of assassins, magic and monsters that Everly Frost has created. With elements of mythology and plenty of solid fight sequences, battles and action, this series has plenty to offer and continues to develop. It’s enchanting and enthralling with a fantastic main character and a great cast of supporting characters whose dynamics I’m loving; Cain, Vlad, Tansy, William, Briar, Dean---they’re all fabulous!

Everly Frost writes our protagonist Hunter as someone so very likable that I’m hopelessly addicted to her story. Hunter is kind, genuine, honourable and so very kick-ass. She’s not perfect and she’s not infallible, but she tries her hardest to do the right thing and not hurt anyone in the process. Hunter is just a fantastic character that is perfect within the story and in her role.

Oh, and she certainly has a perfect match in Slade Baines who faces a lot of his own struggles in Assassin’s Mask. Everly Frost is a writer after my own heart with absolutely NO love triangle in sight with this series. Hunter and Slade are committed to one another only and regardless of the difficulties they are facing there is no denying their chemistry and feelings for one another.

As Assassin’s Mask ends with some shocks, and some losses, I cannot wait to see what happens to Hunter, Slade and all their friends next and will be diving straight into the next book to find out!

Source: Read via Kindle Unlimited
Publisher: Ever Realm Books
Format: Kindle ebook
Release Date: March 10th 2019
Buy: The Book Depository | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo
Final Thoughts: This book was as fabulous as the first---love this series!

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Waiting on Wednesday #293

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking The Spine where you can spotlight an upcoming release that you're eagerly anticipating.

This week I'm waiting on.....
Sisters of Sword and Song by Rebecca Ross
Releases on: June 23rd 2020
From the author of The Queen’s Rising comes a thrilling YA stand-alone fantasy about the unbreakable bond between sisters. Perfect for fans of Ember in the Ashes, Sky in the Deep, and Court of Fives.

After eight long years, Evadne will finally be reunited with her older sister, Halcyon, who has been proudly serving in the queen’s army. But when Halcyon appears earlier than expected, Eva knows something has gone terribly wrong. Halcyon is on the run, hunted by her commander and charged with murder.

Though Halcyon’s life is spared during her trial, the punishment is heavy. And when Eva volunteers to serve part of Halcyon’s sentence, she’s determined to find out exactly what happened. But as Eva begins her sentence, she quickly learns that there are fates much worse than death.

I absolutely adored The Queen's Rising and I'm looking forward to reading more by Rebecca Ross---her storytelling is beautiful so I have high hopes for this. Can't wait to read it!

What are YOU waiting on this week?

Monday, November 18, 2019

Owl Post #244

Inspired by The Story Siren's In My Mailbox, Owl Post allows us bloggers to showcase the books we've bought, won or received throughout the week and is hosted by Brodie over at Eleusinian Mysteries. We all know that the Owl Post is the fastest way to send and receive mail and they certainly make me happy every time they drop a book off.
Happy Monday everyone! Here's to another great week!
I Bought:
 - Last Star Burning by Caitlin Sangster 
I've wanted to read this novel for a while now and I'm stoked to finally have a [very pretty hardback] copy of it to read. 
- Reign of Shadows by Sophie Jordan 
This book sounds really good and I'm looking forward to reading it. 
- Crimson Bound by Rosamund Hodge  
I've heard a lot of great things about Hodge's retellings and I'm hoping it'll be as good as it appears.
- Defiance by C.J. Redwine 
I've been waiting to read this series for a while and beside the heroines awesome name (hehe) I think it sounds kickass.
- Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon 
I still haven't watched the movie of this novel but I think it looks so good and I'm hoping to read this book first before I see it.   
- Scythe by Neal Shusterman 
 I'm yet to read anything by Neal Shusterman but I think the series sounds amazing and when The Book Depository had this on sale for $7 I had to get myself a copy.  
What did the owls bring to you this week?

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Book Shelf: One Blood Ruby (Seven Black Diamonds #2) by Melissa Marr

In this gripping follow-up to Melissa Marr’s lush Seven Black Diamonds, Lily and her friends are forced to reckon with the truth of their own lineage and to protect one of their own, no matter what—or who—comes between them.

Now that Lilywhite Abernathy is the heir to the Hidden Lands, everything is about to change.

The Queen of Blood and Rage wants Lily to help broker peace with the human world, but Lily knows that harmony won’t come easily. After decades of waging war on the humans, who cost the queen her firstborn daughter, the fae are struggling to accept Lily, a half-human monarch. And the humans, while no match against faery affinities, will hardly agree to the queen’s détente without resistance.

Lily wants to be a fair ruler but fears having to abandon the life she’s known. Now that she and Creed are more than just fellow Black Diamonds—operatives for the queen—her priorities have shifted. But her worries about assuming the throne are derailed when it becomes clear that someone—or some fae—is masterminding violent attacks to discourage peace.

Who can end the war between humans and fae?

More info on Goodreads..... 


One Blood Ruby is the second novel in Melissa Marr’s Seven Black Diamonds series and is a deeply engrossing sequel that is filled with danger, adventure and romance.

After discovering her true Fae heritage, LilyWhite Abernathy has accepted her role as heir to the Hidden Lands and the combined Seelie and Unseelie thrones. After decades of raging war with the humans, the Queen of Blood and Rage is open to brokering peace with the human world and Lily knows her position in both worlds is the key to securing this. Alongside their fellow black diamonds, Lily and her new boyfriend Creed stand alongside Lily’s newly found fae family to create a new peaceful world but with recent violent attacks on humans leaning towards a fae involvement is the hope for peace over before it has even begun?

Having fallen in love with Seven Black Diamonds, I jumped into One Blood Ruby as soon as my copy arrived and was delighted to find all the aspects I loved about the first novel alive in its sequel. Picking up where the first novel left off, One Blood Ruby is a thrilling and exciting story full of romance, friendship and blossoming familial connections.

One Blood Ruby continues to follow Lily primarily but is also told through the varying perspectives of Creed, Eilidh, Zephyr, Will and Violet as well, offering readers a very well rounded and inclusive view of the happenings within the novel. I genuinely love all the characters and enjoy seeing them individually and as a group as they connect and fight for one another.

Melissa Marr is very inapt at creating darkly riveting and complex characters with different personalities, desires and drives. One Blood Ruby continues to feature characters like this who are all very different but complement one another immensely. Fae, fae-blood or human, Marr writes her characters fiery, passionate, capable and endlessly thrilling to follow. I like their wit, attitude and mannerisms across the board and feel like the cast of characters within this series is truly fabulous.

As the Hidden Lands and human worlds look to unite, we see a more maternal and almost human side to the Queen of Blood and Rage. Amongst the romance, friendship and action of the story, it was sweet to see Endellion motherly towards her newly found granddaughter Lily and even her grandson Zephyr. This made for a nice touch to the story and balanced nicely with other aspects that were at play.

One Blood Ruby was another fabulous novel from Melissa Marr filled with excitement, danger and even unexpected loss. Emotional and riveting, One Blood Ruby leaves me highly excited about seeing more of the characters and I will be keeping my fingers-crossed and my eyes peeled for another novel in the series as I would love to see what Melissa Marr does next!

Source: Purchased by me
Publisher: HarperCollins
Format: Paperback
Release Date: May 1st 2018
Buy: Angus & Robertson | Booktopia | The Book Depository | Amazon
Final Thoughts: I'm absolutely loving this series and hoping there will be more in this series in the near future---love it!

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Free Ebooks

Hi book lovers and welcome to my latest batch of Amazon freebies! I have some great books to share with you this week. Enjoy!

The Keeper's Legacy by Meg Anne
Where the Darkness Ends by Alicia Rades
Indebted to the Vampires by Erin Bedford
Ravenite by Alicia Rades

Dead Rising by Debra Dunbar
Shadow of Time by Jen Minkman 
A Witch's Blood by Cheri Winters
The Priestess of Camelot by Jacqueline Church Simonds

Good Sister, Bad Sister by Carol Marrs Phipps & Tom Phipps
A Witch's Mortal Desire by Chloe Adler
Trick of Fae by S. L. Mason
The Bear and The Dove by Felicia Greene

Sleepwalker by Claire Farrell
Axira by Odette C. Bell 
Fledgling by Katrina Cope 
Enchanted Hearts by Belinda Boring  

Friday, November 15, 2019

Book Shelf: Assassin's Magic (Assassin's Magic #1) by Everly Frost

Is love worth the danger?

When Hunter Cassidy plans to infiltrate the Assassin's Legion, posing as an assassin-in-training, she is prepared to encounter danger every step of the way. What she doesn't expect is the ruggedly handsome and relentlessly fierce trainee, Slade Baines.

It's hard enough that Hunter is the first female to be accepted to train with the Master Assassin himself. Even when she beats the other candidates, the Master ranks her lowest of all. In the male-dominated Legion, the other trainees see her as a weak link to be driven out of their ranks.

When they try to force Hunter out, Slade gets in their way, becoming an unexpected ally. Despite her best intentions, Hunter finds herself lowering her guard around him, which only makes carrying out her secret mission more difficult and puts her in danger of falling for him.

But there's more at stake than Hunter's heart. The Master Assassin possesses the key to locate a weapon that Hunter must ensure remains hidden at all costs. In her quest to stop this deadly power from falling into the wrong hands, she must make a choice between following her heart... or fulfilling her destiny. 

More info on Goodreads...... 


Assassin’s Magic is the first novel in Everly Frost’s series of the same name and is a fast paced and deeply addictive urban fantasy full of magic, action, danger and romance!

Having seen her mother die, Hunter Cassidy plans to infiltrate the Assassin’s Legion in order to avenge her death and recover the relic her mother died trying to protect. Pretending to be an assassin-in-training, Hunter thought she was prepared for danger, but she certainly wasn’t prepared for Slade Baines, a fellow candidate and someone who treats Hunter with respect and kindness. In the male dominated Legion, Hunter is the first female to train with the Master Assassin and seen as weak by the other candidates. All except for Slade who quickly becomes an ally. As Hunter attempts to fulfil her secret mission, getting close to Slade can only be a mistake, yet he makes her lower her guard despite her best intentions. As the Master Assassin closes in on a weapon of immense power, getting her hands on it first is the only way Hunter can ensure he can’t use it but with her growing feelings for Slade weighing on her mind and clouding her vision, will Hunter be able to make difficult choices or will the Master Assassin find a way to destroy her first?

As the first novel by Everly Frost I have ever read, I have to say I was very impressed by Assassin’s Magic. Heading into the story I don’t think I was as prepared to like the characters and the story as much as I did, but I will say one thing…..I’m seriously hooked! Perfectly paced, Assassin’s Magic introduces readers to an intriguing world of magic and monsters where certain individuals train to become assassins and hunters of things that go bump in the night.

Assassin’s Magic unfolds through the perspective of Hunter Cassidy, a young woman with secrets. I genuinely loved Hunter and thought she was intelligent, capable and kick-ass. Her voice is distinct and easy to follow with author Everly Frost writing Hunter as someone you can’t help but like. I felt she was honourable and mission orientated even as it becomes clear that she has many secrets and isn’t what people think she is.

Everly Frost implores some really interesting mythology within her novel and I’m really keen to see more of her take on Keres and Valkyries. Greek myth is some of my favourite and I always enjoy seeing something a little different which I think Frost manages to succeed with in Assassin’s Magic. I appreciated the way Frost slowly revealed certain parts of Hunter’s past and heritage and allowed readers to come to their own conclusion about what is happening while also making sure you needed to know more.

There’s so much about Assassin’s Magic to love—the mythology, the action, the mystery and most definitely the romance. Hunter and Slade’s romance has that slow burn feeling that develops over time from the initial attraction to slithers of friendship with an undeniable chemistry. I really liked seeing Hunter let Slade in. Slade was sexy and capable while also being kind and respectful and he clearly cared about Hunter. They have plenty of obstacles in the way of their relationship, the biggest of which the truth about what Hunter is, but I for one am cheering for them and can’t wait to see them find their way to each other again.

Thrilling and very enjoyable, Assassin’s Magic felt like The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare meets Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder and is something I can’t wait to continue with. I’ll be starting the next novel straight away to see what Everly Frost has in store for Hunter next!

Source: Read via Kindle Unlimited
Publisher: Ever Realm Books
Format: Kindle ebook
Release Date: December 26th 2018
Buy: The Book Depository | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo
Final Thoughts: I loved this novel and can't wait to continue with the rest of the series!

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Waiting on Wednesday #292

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking The Spine where you can spotlight an upcoming release that you're eagerly anticipating.

This week I'm waiting on.....
Set Fire to the Gods by Sara Raasch & Kristen Simmons 
Releases on: August 4th 2020
Ash is descended from a long line of gladiators, and she knows the brutal nature of war firsthand. But after her mother dies in an arena, she vows to avenge her by overthrowing her fire god, whose temper has stripped her country of its resources.

Madoc grew up fighting on the streets to pay his family's taxes. But he hides a dangerous secret: he doesn't have the earth god’s powers like his opponents. His elemental gift is something else—something that hasn't been seen in centuries.

When an attempted revenge plot goes dangerously wrong, Ash inadvertently throws the fire and earth gods into a conflict that can only be settled by deadly, lavish gladiator games. The fights put Madoc in Ash's path, and she realizes that his powers are the weapon her rebellion needs—but Madoc won’t jeopardize his family, regardless of how intrigued he is by the beautiful warrior.

But when the gods force Madoc’s hand, he and Ash uncover an ancient war that will threaten more than one immortal—it will unravel the world.

Gladiators? Gods? Powers? Yes, please! I'm having thoughts of An Ember in the Ashes when I read the description of this novel and that makes me so excited! 

Do you like the sound of Set Fire to the Gods?
And what are you waiting on this Wednesday?

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Book Shelf: Shadow and Ice (Gods of War #1) by Gena Showalter

Gena Showalter, the New York Times bestselling author who brought you the Lords of the Underworld, introduces a brand-new scorching new paranormal romance series…GODS OF WAR.

Knox of Iviland, the most ruthless warrior in All War history, has spent his life fighting others to the death, winning new realms for his king. Now the stakes are higher than ever. If he prevails in the battle for Earth, his slave bands will be removed. Victory is his sole focus…until he meets her.

On an arctic getaway with her foster sister, street tough but vulnerable Vale London is shocked to stumble upon a cave filled with ancient gods waging epic combat. When she is inadvertently drawn into their war, she is forced to team up with an unlikely ally—the sexy god who makes her burn with desire.

Though Vale is his enemy, Knox is consumed with lust and a fierce need to protect her. But only one combatant can triumph, and he will have to choose: live for freedom, or die for love.

More info on Goodreads.....


Shadow and Ice is the first novel in Gena Showalter’s new PNR series Gods of War and introduces readers to a new band of alpha men and the strong women who are going to bring them to their knees.

Knox of Iviland is the most ruthless warrior in All War history. He has won more wars and realms for his king than anyone else. Now the stakes are higher than ever. If he wins the battle for Earth he’ll be given the one thing he’s always wanted; his freedom. Victory is almost guaranteed until he meets a woman who has him questioning his desires. Street smart Vale London just wanted to enjoy an Arctic getaway with her foster sister. She never expected to stumble upon a cave filled with ice encased immortals. When she is reluctantly drawn into their war, Vale has no choice but to team up with an unlikely ally—-a brutal but sexy immortal who makes her burn with unexpected desire. Vale wants to stay alive and Knox needs to win but with working together seeming to stroke the fire that burns between them will Vale and Knox discover more than they planned; will they find a love more important than any battle.

Gena Showalter has been a favourite author of mine for many years. Ever since I read her first Lords of the Underworld series I have been addicted to her novels. I have been a little underwhelmed by a couple of her most recent ones (we will not speak of the William/Gillian disappointed) but I felt that Shadow and Ice was a return to the Gena Showalter tales of old and a great start to a promising new series!

Shadow and Ice unfolds through the varying perspectives of both main characters Vale and Knox. This is my favourite way to read PNR as I feel it allows readers the best opportunity to understand the feelings, emotions and thoughts of the characters as they embark on an often crazy journey. Showalter’s writing is always passionate, sexy and full of humour. She keeps things light but highly entertaining with intricate storylines that usually involve a great cast of side characters---as is the case with Shadow and Ice. I know Bane and Nola’s is next but I’m looking forward to Zion’s as well as having the opportunity to get to know some of the other immortal players.

I liked Knox and Vale easily enough. Knox was very alpha male while Vale was a fairly competent modern century woman. My only fault with Vale was that she seemed to feel like she needed a man to want her to be validated. I understand as a foster child she would have gone looking for such validation if she wasn’t given enough love, but I still disliked Vale’s frequent insecurities and sadness over not being wanted. I actually found this to be distasteful to her character. Vale shouldn’t have needed a man’s desire to be complete; she was more than enough on her own.

Reminiscent of the success Gena Showalter has found with her Lord’s of the Underworld series, Gods of War has a lot of potential as a series. I’m looking forward to reading more and discovering just what she has planned with the ongoing storyline and the multitude of characters we have already been introduced to.  

Source: Purchased by me
Publisher: HQN Books 
Format: Paperback
Release Date:
October 23rd 2018 
Buy: Angus & Robertson | Booktopia | The Book Depository | Amazon
Final Thoughts: A solid start to a new series from Gena Showalter---I can't wait to read more. 


Monday, November 11, 2019

Owl Post #243

Inspired by The Story Siren's In My Mailbox, Owl Post allows us bloggers to showcase the books we've bought, won or received throughout the week and is hosted by Brodie over at Eleusinian Mysteries. We all know that the Owl Post is the fastest way to send and receive mail and they certainly make me happy every time they drop a book off.
Hi booklovers and happy Monday! Are you all ready for another great week?
I Bought: 
- The Wrath and the Dawn by Renée Ahdieh 
I've heard a lot of great about this series and am looking forward to discovering it for myself.

- Empress of a Thousand Skies by Rhoda Belleza 
I've wanted to read this novel ever since I learnt about it. Happy to finally have a copy.

- Don't Look Back by Jennifer L. Armentrout 
I love Jennifer L. Armentrout's books and have been meaning to get a copy of this novel for a while. Can't wait to read it.

- The Evil Queen by Gena Showalter 
Gena Showalter is one of my fave authors ever and I'm sooooooo looking forward to reading this book. It sounds amazing!

And that's me! 
Hope the owls were kind to you too this week :)

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Book Shelf: Dukes Are Forever (London Steampunk: The Blue Blood Conspiracy #5) by Bec McMaster

A compromising situation forced him into marriage. But has his wife been working for the enemy all along?

In a steam-fuelled world where vampires once ruled the aristocracy, the Duke of Malloryn knows his nemesis, Lord Balfour, has finally returned to enact his plans of revenge.

Malloryn can trust no one, and when incriminating photographs surface—of an enemy agent stealing a kiss from his wife—he is forced to question just why his wife, Adele, trapped him into marriage.

Is she an innocent pawn caught up in a madman's games, or is she a double agent working against him?

The only way to discover the truth is to seduce her himself...

Adele Hamilton may have agreed to a loveless marriage in order to protect herself, but that doesn't stop her heart from yearning for more.

Her husband promised her a cold marriage bed. He swore he'd never touch her. But suddenly he's engaged in a campaign of seduction—and the only way to keep her wits about her is to fight fire with fire.

The ruthless beauty has locked her heart away, but can she deny the passion that flares between them? And when the truth emerges, will she be the only thing that can save Malloryn's life?

Or the weapon his enemy will wield against him?

More info on Goodreads.... 


Dukes Are Forever is the explosive conclusion to Bec McMaster’s London Steampunk: The Blue Blood Conspiracy series and brings this incredible saga to an end in what can only be described as a blazing and deeply sensual meeting of two formable minds as the Duke of Malloryn meets his match in the woman he least expects; his wife.

The Duke of Malloryn and his Company of Rogues are preparing for the final showdown with the Lord Balfour. Yet even as he approaches what has been the compilation of years of fighting his enemy, Malloryn finds his mind drawn to the last thing he wants to be thinking about; his wife. After a compromising situation forced them into marriage, Malloryn was sure Adele had a heart of ice, but recent events have left him with turbulent feelings towards her and when a series of incriminating photos surface of her kissing another man, Malloryn sets out to determine if she has been playing him all along---even if he has to seduce her in order to find out. Adele Hamilton may have tricked her husband into a loveless marriage in order to protect herself but that doesn’t stop her for wishing for more. After years as prey to the Echlorn lords who took what they wanted from her regardless of her consent, Adele knows she is finally safe even as Malloryn remains cold and distant. She knows he sees her as heartless but when he suddenly approaches her with seduction in mind, Adele lets herself imagine a future without a cold marriage bed and a husband who could love her. He’d sworn he’d never love again after what Lord Balfour took from him but Malloryn can’t deny his lady wife knows how to get under his skin. He plans to lure her into revealing her secrets but as they give into the passions between them he’s soon left wondering exactly whom is seducing whom....

Reading Dukes Are Forever was such a bittersweet experience. I was so excited to read Malloryn and Adele’s story but also somewhat sad as I knew it would be the last novel. Bec McMaster has truly entranced me with this series and its predecessor series since the moment I began reading the very first novel Kiss of Steel.

As with all the other instalments, Dukes Are Forever features scorching sex scenes, but the brilliance of this series is that it is so much more than a sexually charged adventure. There is a real storyline with mystery and intrigue woven into each novel. McMaster has written characters who have personality individually but also a fantastic chemistry together. It’s been wonderful seeing all the friendships and familial bonds that have developed and I’ve loved seeing all the characters of past novels continue to be so focal.

Bec McMaster left me entirely besotted with Malloryn and Adele in Dukes Are Forever. Malloryn has always been so controlled that it was wonderful seeing a woman get under his skin so completely. I personally find him so, so sexy but seeing him get all riled up and emotional about a woman only made him more swoon-worthy. There’s something to be said about seeing a rational, intelligent man come undone thanks to the woman he least expects.

And Adele....I think she’s now my favourite female lead in this series! We first met her in Lena’s story as Lena’s best friend and a woman who had a certain reputation within polite society. Given today’s obsession with “slut-shaming” I really appreciate what Bec McMaster did with Adele as a character as I felt it was relevant. Adele was misunderstood in so many ways. She was simply a young woman who was trying to protect herself—and her younger sister—from the vicious Elchon lords who preyed on them for their blood. Adele was actually a real sweetheart who had never been loved or appreciated. Intelligent but fiercely underestimated, Adele wasn’t afraid to say what was on her mind; something that made her a perfect match for Malloryn.

The relationship between Malloryn and Adele was simply scorching to read about. Bec McMaster could not have gotten the banter, simmering tension and sexual chemistry any better between them. The push and pull, the way they drove each other mad and kept each other on their toes—so addictive to read about. I devoured the stolen kisses and carnal explorations McMaster wrote between them. As an innocent, Adele came alive in the arms of her husband as he taught her about passion and it was very sexy seeing Malloryn bring her inner desires to life. Especially when she learned to turn the tables on him and the shoe was on the other foot.

There was so much to love about this novel. From the moments of humour between the Rogues and their jesting with each other in an easygoing way to the action and danger as they took on Balfour to the burning connection between leads Malloryn and Adele, Dukes Are Forever had it all.

Bec McMaster has quickly become one of my new favourite authors and I will definitely be recommending this series to anyone who will listen as well as rereading them in the future as I want to loose myself in the characters and their world all over again!

Source: Purchased by me
Publisher: Lochaber Press
Format: Kindle ebook
Release Date: February 12th 2019
Buy: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo
Final Thoughts: An amazing ending to an amazing series---I absolutely LOVED this book!