This thrilling sequel to Traveler doles out adventure and heartbreak in equal measure as it takes readers through a kaleidoscope of intricately crafted worlds of wonder, discovery, and danger.
You’re still you no matter where you go.
Jessa has learned the hard way that traveling to alternate dimensions isn’t all delicious, glittering desserts and fancy parties: it also means accidentally running into people she thought she’d never see again. Still mourning a devastating loss, Jessa isn’t really prepared for the arrival of a reckless version of someone she once loved who is now bent on revenge. Add an increasingly complicated relationship with her best friend Ben, the reappearance of an old enemy, and the threat of the multiverse collapsing, and Jessa’s got a lot on her plate. She may be destined to help save an infinite multitude of worlds… but in the end, all Jessa really wants to do is save her friends.
In Dreamer, the young adult fantasy follow up to Traveler, author L. E. DeLano delivers a gripping, emotional story that will leave readers on the edge of their seat.
“What did you like or dislike the most about writing this book?"
DREAMER was such a labor of love. You would think that a second book would be a piece of cake, right? A simple matter of continuing the saga. The thing is, TRAVELER ended up a far different book after the editing process, we completely axed a subplot that was integral to the original arc of the story, and that completely altered the ending of the series as I had planned it.
All of this left me in the position of taking my beloved characters and writing a completely new adventure from scratch. It was daunting. It was also maddening. All my carefully laid plans! I knew it was for the best, but that didn’t make it any easier. I got frustrated a lot. I wrote and cut and reworked so many scenes, I swear to you I wrote seven different stories. I was so intent on tying up all the loose ends to a thrilling conclusion that I forgot one very important thing: I forgot to have fun.
My editor (the amazing Holly West at MacMillan) reminded me in very gentle terms that one of the best parts of TRAVELER was the excitement and adventure of each new reality, and each new life that Jessa leads there. We needed to find that for DREAMER.
So once again, I revisited my manuscript and started asking myself “What if this happened?” and “How fantastical would that be?” I put in a flourish here, dabbed a bit of amazement there, and also ended up writing one of the best chapters I’ve ever written – a solid piece of magic on a page (you’ll know it when you read it) and the satisfaction that came from that whole, torturous process is beyond measure.
I think that’s the nature of a book – you lose your way a bit and end up sliding down a mountainside and having to claw your way up an alternate route that ends up giving you a view you would have never found otherwise. A little glimpse of wonder that stays with you, and even more importantly, with your readers. That was DREAMER for me.
L.E. DeLano is a YA novelist rep’d by Barry Goldblatt Literary agency, author of the upcoming “Traveler” (Swoon Reads/MacMillan 2017) and lifelong writer. Her work has been featured on various online outlets and she lives in Pennsylvania with two very adventurous kids and two very ridiculous cats. In her spare time, she writes (of course) and binge-watches way too much Netflix.
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