Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Book Shelf: Dividing Eden (Dividing Eden #1) by Joelle Charbonneau

Twins Carys and Andreus were never destined to rule Eden. With their older brother next in line to inherit the throne, the future of the kingdom was secure.

But appearances—and rivals—can be deceiving. When Eden’s king and crown prince are killed by assassins, Eden desperately needs a monarch, but the line of succession is no longer clear. With a ruling council scheming to gain power, Carys and Andreus are faced with only one option—to take part in a Trial of Succession that will determine which one of them is worthy of ruling the kingdom.

As sister and brother, Carys and Andreus have always kept each other safe—from their secrets, from the court, and from the monsters lurking in the mountains beyond the kingdom’s wall. But the Trial of Succession will test the bonds of trust and family.

With their country and their hearts divided, Carys and Andreus will discover exactly what each will do to win the crown. How long before suspicion takes hold and the thirst for power leads to the ultimate betrayal?

More info on Goodreads......


Dividing Eden by Joelle Charbonneau is Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake meets Game of Thrones and is a dangerous tale of political intrigue, thrilling action, unexpected betrayals and lingering mystery.

Twins Carys and Andreus were never meant to rule the Kingdom of Eden. Their older brother Micah was to sit on the throne upon the conclusion of their father’s reign, until a tragedy sees both their father and brother cut down by assassins. Though heartbroken by grief, Eden needs a Monarch and the laws state that both Carys and Andreus must compete in a number of trials against one another until a new King or Queen is chosen. Carys and Andreus have always been close and have kept each other’s secrets. Competing against each other is a nightmare, but as the trials begin it becomes clear that there are sinister forces willing to go to great lengths to control the crown, even if it means manipulation and turning the siblings against one another….

In the spirit of honesty, I have to say it took me almost half of Dividing Eden to really find myself invested in the story. In fact, I was concerned in the beginning that I would end up finding the book lacking. Then from around the halfway mark, I began to find myself enamoured by the story as the mystery, intrigue, betrayal and manipulations began to pick up. From that moment on, I was hooked, and even now after I’ve turned the final page in book one, I’m wondering what will happen next and why certain characters did what they did.

Dividing Eden unfolds through the back and forth POV’s of twins Carys and Andreus. Carys is known for her cold, unfeeling exterior while Andreus is somewhat of a ladies man and a visionary. Both are very different and bring a different side to this well written story. While Andreus is known for being the kinder of the two siblings, Carys sports an unexpectedly caring side to her that she keeps to herself. Carys genuinely wants what’s best for the kingdom, and her brother, even as he begins to make choices based on the words and whims of others as the novel progressed.  

Personally, I thought Carys the more likable of the two characters. Andreus was too easily swayed by his feelings for a certain woman and I felt as though he should have stood by his sister more; especially when she was so clearly doing everything right by him. You know when you want to just grab someone and give them a good shake for their stupidity? Yeah, that was Andreus for me. While Carys had traits I admired and appreciated. I think she could become a kick-ass heroine if given the chance.

Charbonneau includes two male characters in Dividing Eden who are potential love interests for Carys. On the whole, romance is a very minimal aspect to the story, but I will be keeping an eye out to see what happens. Eriik has been nothing but good to Eden and he seems like the whole package, whilst Garret is more mysterious, but I honestly believe he has Carys best interests at heart.

Despite its slow beginning for me, I did enjoy Dividing Eden and I look forward to discovering more about this world author Joelle Charbonneau has created. Hints of dangerous creatures and magical abilities have me intrigued and looking forward to reading more after the thrilling way this first novel concluded!

Source: Sent for review by publisher via Netgalley (Thank you guys!)
Publisher: H
Format: Kindle ebook via Netgalley
Release Date:
June 6th 2017
Purchase: Bookworld | Booktopia | The Book Depository | Amazon
Final Thoughts: After taking a while to get into this novel, I did end up enjoying Dividing Eden and can't wait to read the next one!


Monday, October 30, 2017

Owl Post #196

Inspired by The Story Siren's In My Mailbox, Owl Post allows us bloggers to showcase the books we've bought, won or received throughout the week and is hosted by Brodie over at Eleusinian Mysteries. We all know that the Owl Post is the fastest way to send and receive mail and they certainly make me happy every time they drop a book off.
Welcome to this weeks Owl Post! I have some great books to share with you this week :)
 For Review:
From Bloomsbury Australia:
- Mindstormer by A.J. Steiger  
I recently read and reviewed the first book in this duology Mindwalker and am super excited to read book two! Can't wait to see what happens in this one! 
....Thank you Sonia!
I Bought:
 -  Winter Halo by Keri Arthur
 I was SO thrilled to find this for only $2 at my local Red Cross store. Second hand but in perfect condition, unread. Keri Arthur will be at the Sydney Author Event next year so I'm hoping to get around to reading a few of her books before hand.
-   Sin & Suffer by Pepper Winters 
Another $2 bargain in perfect condition from Red Cross; I'm sure I'll be seeing Pepper Winters sometime in the future at a signing :)

New York Nights by C.J. Duggan
I already have my own signed copy of this book, but C.J. Duggan is someone I love seeing at signings, so I'll probably get this signed for a giveaway in the future seeing as it was $2 as well.

Kalona's Fall by P.C. Cast & Kristin Cast 
Man, I'm seriously behind on this series, but as a book hoarder I'll always take advantage of finding quality books at cheap prices. 

Fanged & Fabulous by Michelle Rowen 
This is book two in the Immortality Bites series and although I still don't have book 1 it was only $1 :) So of course I bought it. 

Anarchy Found by J.A. Huss 
Yay! Found this book at my local second hand bookshop for $4.40. Unread and soooo perfect. Still Undecided if I'm gonna attend Romancing the Coast next year, but if I do I now have this beauty to get signed. 

Valentine by Jodi McAlister 
I've been wanting to get a copy of this since it's release but haven't gotten around to it. Happy to find a second hand copy that's in pristine, unread condition for only $6 :) Looking forward to reading this. 

From Trade:
Matched by Ally Condie
- Crossed by Ally Condie  
Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi 
Eve by Anna Carey
Happy to get from #booksfortradeau for postage. I know it may seem insane that I haven't gotten around to the Matched but having the first two books may finally get me to start. I haven't had a finished copy of Shatter Me and I just LOVE this cover version and believe it not, but I own books #2 & #3 in the Eve trilogy but still needed the first one. 

Thanks Ellen!

And that's me! 
What did the owls bring YOU this week?

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Book Shelf: All the Crooked Saints by Maggie Stiefvater

Here is a thing everyone wants: a miracle.
Here is a thing everyone fears: what it takes to get one.

Any visitor to Bicho Raro, Colorado is likely to find a landscape of dark saints, forbidden love, scientific dreams, miracle-mad owls, estranged affections, one or two orphans, and a sky full of watchful desert stars.

At the heart of this place you will find the Soria family, who all have the ability to perform unusual miracles. And at the heart of this family are three cousins longing to change its future: Beatriz, the girl without feelings, who wants only to be free to examine her thoughts; Daniel, the Saint of Bicho Raro, who performs miracles for everyone but himself; and Joaquin, who spends his nights running a renegade radio station under the name Diablo Diablo.

They are all looking for a miracle. But the miracles of Bicho Raro are never quite what you expect.

More info on Goodreads......


All the Crooked Saints is Maggie Stiefvater’s latest release and is a unique and compelling story about the power of miracles and the individuals who wield them.

Set in the 1960’s, All the Crooked Saints introduces readers to the small town of Bicho Raro, Colorado, a place where the desert is home to miracles and mayhem, as well as an oddly eccentric family who have the ability to perform strange miracles. Cousins Daniel, Beatrix and Joaquin are members of the Soria family and all long for a different future. Beatrix is thought to be a girl without feelings and longs for the silence to examine her thoughts; Daniel is the Saint of Bicho Raro, tasked with using love and understanding to help the pilgrims who journey in search of help, but yearns for a different kind of love; while the youngest of the trio Joaquin wants to travel to the city where his alter ego Diablo, Diablo can light up the airwaves with music and passion. Everything changes with the help of an old box truck, a radio and the arrival of two strangers who are about to witness the biggest change Bicho Raro has seen in decades.

As someone who always adores Maggie Stiefvater’s novels, I knew heading into All the Crooked Saints that I was in store for something uniquely different. And Stiefvater definitely didn’t disappoint in this regard. Beautifully written, described and infused, All the Crooked Saints allows readers to visit a daring desert world of whimsical nature and magic in this very different, but alluring story.

I very much felt as though I was in another time and place with All the Crooked Saints. Not only was it set in the 1960’s where life was very different than it was today, but Stiefvater also added a lot of otherworldly occurrences and individuals to the story. Giant men, a priest with the head of a coyote, a man covered in moss and a woman who constantly had rain pour on her and her alone----these were only a few of the strange and unusual things we found within the desert surrounds of Bicho Raro.

Personally, I appreciated the uniqueness of All the Crooked Saints. Maggie Stiefvater weaves adventure, romance and familial bonds together in this luscious and adventurous story. There’s nothing this author could write that I wouldn’t adore and I enjoyed following all these different individuals on their journey. It was entertaining and delightful.

All the Crooked Saints is another enjoyable story from one of my favourite authors that is sure to satisfy readers with this difference and vitality. Can’t wait to see what Maggie Stiefvater releases to the world next!

Source: Sent for review by publisher (Thank you guys!)
Publisher: Scholastic Australia
Format: Paperback
Australian RRP: $19.99
Release Date: October 10th 2017
Purchase: Bookworld | Booktopia | The Book Depository | Amazon
Final Thoughts: A beautiful but highly unique story.


Friday, October 27, 2017

Book Blitz: Haven by Mary Lindsey- Teasers & Giveaway

Welcome to the Book Blitz for Haven by Mary Lindsey thanks to Xpresso Book Tours! I quite like the sound of Haven--it sounds like an awesome read, so I'm happy to be showcasing it today.

“We all hold a beast inside. The only difference is what form it takes when freed.” 

Rain Ryland has never belonged anywhere. He’s used to people judging him for his rough background, his intimidating size, and now, his orphan status. He’s always been on the outside, looking in, and he’s fine with that. Until he moves to New Wurzburg and meets Friederike Burkhart. 

Freddie isn’t like normal teen girls, though. And someone wants her dead for it. Freddie warns he’d better stay far away if he wants to stay alive, but Rain’s never been good at running from trouble. For the first time, Rain has something worth fighting for, worth living for. Worth dying for. 


Mary Lindsey is a multi award-winning, RITA® nominated author of romance for adults and teens. She lives on an island in the middle of a river. Seriously, she does. When not writing, she wrangles her rowdy pack of three teens, two Cairn Terriers, and one husband.

Inexplicably, her favorite animal is the giant anteater and at one point, she had over 200 "pet" Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches. The roaches are a long story involving three science-crazed kids and a soft spot for rescue animals. The good news is, the "pet" roaches found a home... somewhere else.

Visit Mary:

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Waiting on Wednesday #199

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking The Spine where you can spotlight an upcoming release that you're eagerly anticipating.

This week I'm waiting on.....

The Last Girl on Earth by Alexandra Blogier 
Releases on: January 23rd 2018
Add on Goodreads!

Raised among them.

Li has a father and a sister who love her. A best friend, Mirabae, to share things with. She goes to school and hangs out at the beach and carefully follows the rules. She has to. Everyone she knows--her family, her teachers, her friends--is an alien. And she is the only human left on Earth.

A secret that could end her life.

The Abdoloreans hijacked the planet sixteen years ago, destroying all human life. Li's human-sympathizer father took her in as a baby and has trained her to pass as one of them. The Abdoloreans appear human. But they don't think with human minds or feel with human hearts. And they have special abilities no human could ever have.

Fit in or die.

When Li meets Ryn, she's swept up in a relationship that could have disastrous consequences. How far will Li go to stay alive? Will she save herself--and in turn, the human race--or will she be the final witness to humanity's destruction?

I always enjoy a good alien tale--always have, always will and I have high hopes for this one. The Last Girl on Earth sounds very promising and I'm keen to see what kind of romance tale this author has planned for this novel. 

What are you waiting on this week?

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Book Shelf: Shattered Stars (Broken Skies #3) by Theresa Kay

Unexpected allies. Unexpected betrayals. Unexpected abilities.

The last thing Jax Mitchell ever wanted was to be a weapon. Her abilities are unpredictable at best, but with her twin lost, there’s no one else with enough power to take on Jastren and his mental manipulations. She doesn’t have to do it alone, though. Not only can she rely on the unwavering support of Lir, Rym, and her human friends, she also ends up with help from a surprising source.

Meanwhile, her twin brother Jace—his body controlled by Jastren, and the shattered pieces of his mind locked inside—has become a monster. The struggle to hold on to what’s left of his humanity has left him weak and more confused than ever before. Every thought, every impulse, and every memory has the potential to destroy him—and everyone else around him.

The futures of both the humans and the E’rikon are on the line, but as ulterior motives and political machinations are revealed, it becomes clear that the betrayals aren’t restricted to only one species. Can Jax and Lir get everyone to work together in time to prevent the two species from destroying each other? Can Jace find some measure of redemption for all he has done? And will Jax be able to harness her powers… without losing herself in the process?

More info on Goodreads......


Shattered Stars is the absolutely riveting conclusion to Theresa Kay’s Broken Skies series and is a fast paced, deeply engaging tale that brings what has been a thrilling series to a heart pounding ending.

Jax Mitchell has been through so much since her twin brother was kidnapped and Jax set out to rescue him from the group of aliens know as E’rikon that had taken him. Since setting out on her quest, Jax has discovered some startling truths about herself including the abilities that make her the most dangerous weapon there is. She’s also learnt unexpected truths about the E’rikon race as a whole and about the war between humans and Earths alien “invaders”. She’s found new friends and fallen in love, and as Jax and her bondmate Lir attempt to prevent her grandfather from destroying two whole races in his fight for power, Jax and those she loves are in for their most dangerous fight yet. And no everyone will make it out alive…..

As far as sci-fi series go, Broken Skies is one of my absolute favourites. In the tradition of the Lux series by Jennifer L. Armentrout and The 100 by Kass Morgan, Broken Skies is a stellar series that features a personable main character, thrilling romance and a fast paced and highly entertaining storyline. I just adore the series Theresa Kay has developed and have enjoyed every moment of this journey with Jax and Lir whose romance is one I have immensely enjoyed.

Jax has been a fantastic heroine to follow from start to finish, and I’ve loved seeing her grow so much out of the course of the series. She’s come into her own as her relationship and romance with Lir has given her confidence in herself and those around her. I’ve simply adored the romance between Jax and Lir. It has been electrically charged, endearing, swoon worthy and so very beautiful to witness blossom.

Continuing on where the last book left off and following in the footsteps of books one and two, Shattered Stars is a well written and action packed read. I’m really sad to see this series come to an end as I have truly loved it so, but Theresa Kay has concluded it so well. Edge of your seat moments weave with beautiful displays of friendship, family and romance.

Shattered Stars is a really heart-wrenching ending, with Theresa Key not holding anything back. Lives are on the line and there are loses, with Jax unable to prevent some of those she loves becoming casualties of war. A thrilling series from the opening chapter all the way to the final page of book three, Broken Skies ends in spectacular fashion with Shattered Stars and I have no doubt the characters will live on in my hearts always.

Source: Sent for review by author (Thank you Theresa!)
Publisher: Published by author
Format: Kindle ebook
Release Date: October 26th 2017
Pre-Order: Amazon | iBooks
Final Thoughts: Words can't say how much I adore this series. Shattered Stars was the perfect ending and I highly recommend anyone who hasn't read this series do so as soon as they can--you won't be sorry!

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Book Blitz: Voodoo Angel by Erin Hayes

Welcome to the Book Blitz for Voodoo Angel by Erin Hayes thanks to Xpresso Book Tours! Below you'll find an excerpt from Voodoo Angel as well as a tour wide giveaway you can enter.

Ruled by a demon. Bound by a curse.
Life in the new Big Easy is hard.

In the sunken ruins of New Orleans, everyone has been cursed to a life of protecting their bakas—talismans that hold pieces of their souls. That is if a person can find theirs. If a baka is destroyed before it’s located, the owner dies too.

Lost without hers, the fallen angel Nadège has been desperately searching for her baka while trying to stay hidden in this hellhole. With it, she’ll have access to her full angelic powers and the ability to break the curse. But without it, she’s at the curse’s mercy like everyone else.

Meanwhile, the witch doctor Emmanuel has been trying to escape his demons—literally. The last thing he needs is the Voodoo Angel on his trail, but that’s exactly what happens.

When Nadège learns the terrible truth about her baka’s connection to Emmanuel, there’s nothing she won’t do to break the curse. Even if that means killing the one man whose love could save her.

Check out some of the cool things author Erin Hayes found during her research on Voodoo Angel in New Orleans!

Sci-fi junkie, video game nerd, and wannabe manga artist Erin Hayes writes a lot of things. Sometimes she writes books.
She works as an advertising copywriter by day, and she's an award-winning New York Times Bestselling Author by night. She has lived in New Zealand, Hawaii, Texas, Alabama, and now San Francisco with her husband, cat, and a growing collection of geek paraphernalia.
You can reach her at erinhayesbooks@gmail.com and she’ll be happy to chat. Especially if you want to debate Star Wars.

Website | Goodreads | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram  Newsletter (Includes FREE book!) | Street Team

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Book Shelf: Mindwalker (Mindwalker #1) by A.J. Steiger

At seventeen, Lain Fisher has already aced the Institute's elite training program for Mindwalkers, therapists who use a direct neural link to erase a patient's traumatic memories. A prodigy and the daughter of a renowned scientist-whose unexplained death left her alone in the world-Lain is driven by the need to save others.

When Steven, a troubled classmate, asks her to wipe a horrific childhood experience from his mind, Lain's superiors warn her to stay away. Steven's scars are too deep, they say; the risk too great. Yet the more time Lain spends with him, the more she begins to question everything about her society. As she defies the warnings and explores Steven's memories, it becomes clear that he's connected to something much bigger…something the Institute doesn't want the world to discover.

Lain never expected to be a rule breaker. She certainly didn't plan on falling in love with a boy she's been forbidden to help. But then, she never expected to stumble into a conspiracy that could ignite a revolution.

More info on Goodreads.....


A.J. Steiger’s debut novel Mindwalker is a highly intriguing and enjoyable sci-fi tale that mixes dystopian elements with romance, danger and tangible character chemistry.

What if you could erase your past? Or your memories could be rewritten? These are questions seventeen year old Lain Fisher knows the answer to all too well as a Mindwalker, a specially trained therapist who is able to use advanced equipment to connect with a person’s mind and help erase traumatic events from their memories. Lain is one of the best at what she does and is on the fast-track to an exciting career as a Mindwalker until a troubled classmate by the name of Steven Bent approaches Lain and asks her for help in wiping a horrific experience from his mind. Helping Steven goes against all the rules Lain prides herself on following, yet as she gets to know Steven, Lain can’t help but wonder by all the irregularities she’s finding in his memories. Soon it becomes clear Steven is the link to secrets those in power will do anything to protect and Lain will need to question everything she thinks she knows about her society if they have any chance of outwitting those out to get them.

Heading into Mindwalker I wasn’t sure what kind of story I should anticipate so I was pleasantly surprised to find myself almost automatically invested and ingrained in the tale. With the story unfolding through the eyes of Lain, there was something so addictive about this novel that allowed author A.J. Steiger to quickly capture my attention and earn my respect.

Mindwalker has two important characters within the story; Lain our protagonist and Steven, the individual whose circumstances and request force her to begin questioning things. These two have a really great chemistry together and I found them really sweet. They were endearing and there’s a perfect amount of romance Steiger adds to the story as their relationship develops into something more than friendship.

Main character Lain was someone I genuinely liked; I thought she was intelligent, strong willed but also kind and clearly someone who wanted to help those around her. I enjoyed seeing Steiger open her eyes to the true workings of the world around her and begin Lain’s journey of growth and discovery. As Lain began to get to know Steven, he made her ask questions that she hadn’t previously pondered and take chances. 

Steven, as the male lead and love interest of Lain, was a very broken individual, but I liked the underlying attitude and sarcastic nature he had. He’d been through so much, and was very close to giving up, but there was also a spark in him that shone through—something I really liked, especially when he and Lain were together. They brought out the best in one another and I loved that.

Mindwalker introduces readers to a futuristic world with fantastical technology. Being able to delve into someone’s mind the way in which Lain and other Mindwalkers can makes for some interesting possibilities and as Mindwalker comes to a thrilling close, I cannot wait to see what A.J. Steiger does next in the sequel. I’ll definitely be keeping an eye out for as soon as it releases!

Source: Sent for review by publisher (Thank you guys!)
Publisher: Oneworld (Bloomsbury)
Format: Paperback
Australian RRP: $17.99
Release Date: July 2017
Purchase: Bookworld | Booktopia | The Book Depository | Amazon
Final Thoughts: I VERY much enjoyed this book and I can't wait to read the next one!

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Waiting on Wednesday #198

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking The Spine where you can spotlight an upcoming release that you're eagerly anticipating.

This week I'm waiting on.....
Cadaver & Queen by Alisa Kwitney
Releases: February 27th 2018

When Lizzie Lavenza enrolled at Ingold as its first female medical student, she knew she wouldn't have an easy time. From class demands to being an outsider among her male cohorts, she'll have to go above and beyond to prove herself. So when she stumbles across what appears to be a faulty Bio-mechanical--one of the mechanized cadavers created to service the school--she jumps at the chance to fix it and get ahead in the program.

Only this Bio-mechanical isn't like the others. Where they are usually empty-minded and perfectly obedient, this one seems to have thoughts, feelings...and self-awareness.

Soon Lizzie realizes that it is Victor Frankenstein--a former student who died under mysterious circumstances. Victor, it seems, still has a spark of human intelligence inside him, along with memories of things he discovered before his untimely death...and a suspicion that he was murdered to keep that information from getting out.Suddenly Lizzie finds herself intertwined in dark secrets and sabotage that put her life, and the lives of Victor and their friends, in danger. But Lizzie's determined to succeed--even if that means fighting an enemy who threatens the entire British Empire.

Ooooooh. This novel sounds really good! I mean it basically looks like a sci-fi type retelling of Frankenstein? Um, yes please. Just please let there be romance within the story and then the tale will be perfect. Very much hoping to read this when it comes out!

What do you think of  Cadaver & Queen? Is it something you would like to read?
And what are you waiting on this week?

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Book Shelf: This Mortal Coil (This Mortal Coil #1) by Emily Suvada

Catarina Agatta is a hacker. She can cripple mainframes and crash through firewalls, but that’s not what makes her special. In Cat’s world, people are implanted with technology to recode their DNA, allowing them to change their bodies in any way they want. And Cat happens to be a gene-hacking genius.

That’s no surprise, since Cat’s father is Dr. Lachlan Agatta, a legendary geneticist who may be the last hope for defeating a plague that has brought humanity to the brink of extinction. But during the outbreak, Lachlan was kidnapped by a shadowy organization called Cartaxus, leaving Cat to survive the last two years on her own.

When a Cartaxus soldier, Cole, arrives with news that her father has been killed, Cat’s instincts tell her it’s just another Cartaxus lie. But Cole also brings a message: before Lachlan died, he managed to create a vaccine, and Cole needs Cat’s help to release it and save the human race.

Now Cat must decide who she can trust: The soldier with secrets of his own? The father who made her promise to hide from Cartaxus at all costs? In a world where nature itself can be rewritten, how much can she even trust herself?

More info on Goodreads.....


This Mortal Coil is Emily Suvada’s debut novel and is a rich science based thriller that intermingles elements of sci-fi, dystopia and action into a fast faced, mysterious and engaging read.

Catarina Agatta is the daughter of legendary geneticist Dr Lachlan Agatta, the man who may be humanity’s last hope against a deadly virus that has crippled the population. In a world where everyone is implanted with technology that allows people to change their bodies any way they like, the majority of society survive in airtight underground bunkers, while Cat lives above ground; alone in a deserted cabin and fighting to stay alive and away from the infected. During the beginning of the outbreak, Dr Agatta was kidnapped by a shady company called Cartaxus and ever since, genius hacker Cat has managed to remain off their radar, just like her father wanted. Until the day a Cartaxus soldier comes baring the news that Cat’s father has died and she is now the only hope humanity has of a vaccine being made. Cole is a typical Cartaxus solider, encompassing everything her father told her not to trust about the organisation, but when it becomes clear there are more dangers out there than just the plague, will Catarina be able to survive the secrets she discovers? Or will learning the truth get her killed?

This Mortal Coil is a fast paced and highly detailed novel from Emily Suvada that offers readers a fresh twist on the age old zombie apocalyptic tale. Focusing heavily on the technology based themes of this futuristic society, Suvada has created a world in the middle of a catastrophe where codes and apps are a key element of everyday life and can act as everything from medicine and medicinal treatments to upgrades and alterations to an individual’s DNA and genetic makeup. It made for fascinating reading.

The main character in This Mortal Coil is Catarina. I did like her as the heroine; she was capable and resilient—clearly able to survive in extreme conditions, if her existence alone for so long was any indication. She was intelligent and willing for fight for herself and the right thing. I liked that as well as the relationships she had with those around her.

My only issue with this book is that there’s a twist towards the end of the story that I’m not sure was really necessarily if I’m being honest. I don’t want to give away any spoilers, but with the way in which the story was progressing and the relationships developing, the revelation seemed a little bit like a setback to the characters growth. I’m not saying it was the worst twist I’ve ever seen, but I feel like Suvada could have left it out of the story and all still would have been right with the world.

There are plenty of twists and revelations with this story and with Emily Suvada concluding this tale with a few key heart pounding chapters, I’m keen to see what happens next. I’m still eager to learn what happened to some of the characters including Agnes and Dax and will be hoping for a sequel so I can discover all the secrets we’re still left to uncover.

Source: Sent for review by publisher via Netgalley (Thank you guys!)
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Format: Kindle ebook via Netgalley
Release Date: November 7th 2017
Purchase: Bookworld | Booktopia | The Book Depository | Amazon
Final Thoughts: I did quite like this book and I'll definitely be keeping my eyes open for a sequel.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Owl Post #195

Inspired by The Story Siren's In My Mailbox, Owl Post allows us bloggers to showcase the books we've bought, won or received throughout the week and is hosted by Brodie over at Eleusinian Mysteries. We all know that the Owl Post is the fastest way to send and receive mail and they certainly make me happy every time they drop a book off.
Hello book lovers and welcome to another week's Owl Post! Hope you all had a great week in books :)
I Won:
 - Spellslinger by Sebastien de Castell 
- Shadowblack by Sebastien de Castell  
I was super stoked to win these two books from Allen and Unwin Teen's Facebook page! I've heard great things about them, but haven't had a chance to get copies or read them myself. Can't wait to dive into them. Oh, and these covers are just amazing!! 
I Bought:
- Gameboard of the Gods by Richelle Mead 
I love Richelle Mead, but it's taken me a strangely long time to get a copy of this, but seriously, a HARDBACK for $8.50 and that included shipping--glad I waited!

- Circle of Fire by Keri Arthur 
My first buy for Sydney Author Event next year. Still six months away, but I figure it's best to get my reading started early. This will also be my first Keri Arthur novel. Anyone out there a fan of her books?

- Guilty Pleasures by Laurell K. Hamilton
- Circus of the Damned by Laurell K. Hamilton
- The Lunatic Cafe by Laurell K. Hamilton
- The Killing Dance by Laurell K. Hamilton
- Cole's Redemption by J.D. Tyler
- Undead and Unemployed by MaryJanice Davidson  
- Undead and Uneasy by MaryJanice Davidson   
I LOOOOOVE getting myself some bargains from my local op- shops! Whether it's Vinnies, Salvos or Lifeline, I'm always on the lookout for secondhand books in great, practically new condition....and all these were only $1 EACH! 8 books for $8... I'm a happy girl, even if these are a bit of a mixed bunch and I'll have to get copies of some missing from the series, lol.

And that's me this week!
What did the owl's bring you? I'd love to hear!


Sunday, October 15, 2017

Book Shelf: Zenith (The Androma Saga #1) by Sasha Alsberg & Lindsay Cummings

Most know Androma Racella as the Bloody Baroness, a powerful mercenary whose reign of terror stretches across the Mirabel Galaxy. To those aboard her glass starship, Marauder, however, she's just Andi, their friend and fearless leader.

But when a routine mission goes awry, the Marauder's all-girl crew is tested as they find themselves in a treacherous situation and at the mercy of a sadistic bounty hunter from Andi's past.

Meanwhile, across the galaxy, a ruthless ruler waits in the shadows of the planet Xen Ptera, biding her time to exact revenge for the destruction of her people. The pieces of her deadly plan are about to fall into place, unleashing a plot that will tear Mirabel in two.

Andi and her crew embark on a dangerous, soul-testing journey that could restore order to their shipor just as easily start a war that will devour worlds. As the Marauder hurtles toward the unknown, and Mirabel hangs in the balance, the only certainty is that in a galaxy run on lies and illusion, no one can be trusted.

More info on Goodreads.....


Zenith is the first collaboration between authors Sasha Alsberg & Lindesay Cummings and is a compelling intergalactic tale that blends action, adventure and intrigue together in a heart-pounding sci-fi setting brimming with potential. 

In the Mirabel Galaxy most know Androma Racella as the Bloody Baroness, an infamous mercenary known for her ruthless brand of death, but to those aboard her starship the Maurader she's just Andi, their captain and friend. Yet when a routine mission doesn't go as planned, Andi and her all female crew find themselves in hot water and forced to take on a mission of dangerous proportions. Paired with a reckless bounty hunter named Dex whose history with Andi is checkered at best, Andi and the Mauraders are about to take on their most troubling task yet, but no one is prepared for the danger that is coming and the war that is about to break out....

Even though Zenith has been on my list of books I was looking forward to reading upon release, and I was stoked to receive an ARC for review, it admittedly took a while to win me over. It wasn't necessarily bad or even slow, but there was just something about the story that I struggled to connect with in the beginning. That being said, the more the story progressed, the more I seemed to enjoy this intricate and engaging world that Alsberg and Cummings have created. 

Told in third person, Zenith follows a number of important characters within the story, including the overall main character Andi as well as bounty hunter Dex, Andi's second in command Lira and a number of other characters who are for all intents and purposes the "bad guys". This allows for a well told story that brings a number of different elements together to bring the tale to life. It was interesting to come to understand what the different POV's meant for the overall storyline as the novel progressed. 

There's a lot going on within the story and Alsberg and Cummings bring it all together well. I really loved the aspect of female empowerment that comes with Andi's all female team that is made up of Breck, Lira and Gilly, outcasts who have built themselves a family together as they travel the galaxy. They had a very endearing friendship and I enjoyed the light and funny moments we see between them throughout Zenith. 

Something I also appreciated seeing was the different sides to the story. Considering we're witnessing a galaxy in the middle of a war, the authors do a fantastic job of blurring the lines and allowing you to see the good and bad in each side at different times during the tale. I felt for all those involved as I read the novel and couldn't help but feel for each character.

As far as first novels go, Zenith seems to have it all. Sasha Alsberg & Lindesay Cummings detail a very intricate and beguiling world and kick off their series with a bang! Ending spectacularly, I'll be keen to see what happens next after the cliffhanger conclusion that opens up so many possibilities and leaves me wondering just what we're in store for next! 


Source: Sent for review by publisher (Thank you guys!)
Harlequin Teen Australia
Format: Paperback ARC
Release Date: January 11th 2018
Pre-Order: Bookworld | Booktopia | The Book Depository | Amazon
Final Thoughts: After a slow start, I ended up enjoying Zenith and I'm looking forward to reading the sequel when it comes out.