The son of two senators, Altair Orpheus leads a life of privilege that provides the perfect cover for his side job: working with the rebel Shadow Ravens to undermine the ruling Seligo government. Everything is running like clockwork until he crosses paths with Quanta. As he watches her deftly maneuver through life in a perverse prison, his plastic heart melts. A jailbreak would be suicide, but Tair is willing to sacrifice everything to give her a chance at happiness.
Now Quanta senses a terrifying new future brewing. She and Tair are bound together, but every image of them kissing, snuggling, and acting knee-weakeningly happy is balanced by a much darker possibility. They’ll be picture perfect together, but only until time rips them apart. How can she follow her heart when she’s seen how their love plays out?
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Quanta by Lola Dodge is the second novel in The Shadow Ravens series and introduces readers to a brand new heroine and a new branch of this dynamite series that is guaranteed to have you eagerly turning the pages and desperately wanting more.
Having spent most of her life imprisoned thanks to her ability to see the future, Quanta knows her time is running out—it’ll only be so long before her captors realise the information she feeds them is rubbish and she’ll run out her usefulness. Escape seems impossible…..until Quanta meets Tair. Altair Orpheus is the son of two senators and someone who has used his highborn position to infiltrate the Seligo government and their various science divisions, working undercover for the Shadow Ravens to bring down those in power. Used to maintaining his icy façade, Tair isn’t prepared to meet Quanta and have her affect him so---his mission is reliant on his staying in the Seligo’s good graces, but after spending time with Quanta, Tair is suddenly willing to risk it all to help her break free. Tormented by visions of a future with her and Tair kissing, cuddling and deeply in love, Quanta is torn between wanting Tair’s help to escape and protecting him from the grisly end she knows he’ll meet if he stays with her. Her options are limited, and with the Seligo closing in, will Quanta be able to find a future she can live with? Or are she and Tair destined to be a tragedy.
Having enjoyed the first book Cipher so much, I was delighted to find that though it was so different, I did love Quanta just as much. Featuring the benefit of being able to be read without reading the first book first, Quanta introduces readers to a new branch of the Shadow Raven world, a kick-ass new heroine and promising romance. Told by Lola Dodge, Quanta weaves an interesting story that explores an intriguing take on future prediction and visions.
There’s plenty of action to be found within Quanta as well as the developing relationship between Quanta and Tair that accompanies the storyline. I found the concept of the timeghosts really interesting—the possibilities of different futures, all visible by Quanta and alterable by the tiniest of actions or smallest of changes. Lola Dodge keeps things progressing nicely, but there’s a lot of time shifts and changes that is reminiscent of all the best Sci-Fi movies.
With the book unfolding through the perspectives of both Quanta and Altair, it was easy to get to know the two of them and I have to say I liked what I saw. Quanta had fire for someone who had been held in captivity and experimented on and I enjoyed seeing her fight back when she had the chance. She was smart having managed to survive for as long as she had, and although she has been effected by all she’s been through, I think she’s a really strong character.
As for Tair, well, Tair I just loved; plain and simple. Tair is an intelligent, capable individual who was born to wealth and status, but who has instead chosen to use his luck in life to help fight alongside the Shadow Ravens. Tair was just a really lovely guy—he was sharp and very caring where Quanta was concerned and I appreciated that he just wanted to do the right thing, even if it seemed like doing so would be a suicide mission.
Unlike the romance between Cipher and Knight in the first book, Quanta and Tair are taking their time to get to know each other. They also don’t have the benefit of sharing a history, but they very much have chemistry. I really liked seeing them begin to care for the other and even thought Quanta’s visions mean that she knows what is possible between
them, Lola Dodge slowly develops their romance in a way that isn’t intsta-love (yay!) and allows them to bond over time.
Quanta begins what I believe will be a Quanta-Trilogy in the middle of the series and with Quanta ending the way it does, I’m ready to just straight into Quanta Reset to discover what Lola Dodge has planned for Quanta and Tair next!

Source: Sent for review by publisher via Netgalley (Thank you guys!)
Publisher: Ink Monster, LLC
Format: Kindle ebook via Netgalley
Release Date: October 13th 2015
Purchase: Bookworld | The Book Depository | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo
Final Thoughts: Excellent read with a stunning cover--will be diving straight into sequel.
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