Hello everyone and welcome to my first Owl Post since my long extended absence!
I may not have been online, but that certainly didn't stop me from buying books--in fact, I think I've bought more in the past few months than I have ever. The perks of working full time now. More money. Now I just have to find the time to read all my purchases *sigh*
I even went a little crazy at Basement Books who do free shipping when you spend $30 or more so all the books with an * beside them are my naughty little purchases ;)
Inspired by The Story Siren's In My Mailbox, Owl Post allows us bloggers to showcase the books we've bought, won or received throughout the week and is hosted by Brodie over at Eleusinian Mysteries. We all know that the Owl Post is the fastest way to send and receive mail and they certainly make me happy every time they drop a book off.
Let's take a look what I got.....
I Bought
-Eternal Rider by Larissa Ione
-Immortal Rider by Larissa Ione
-Lethal Rider by Larissa Ione
-Rogue Rider by Larissa Ione
I was a fan of Larissa Ione's Demonica series so I really don't know what took me so long to get this series. It was fabulous! Yes, I've read them already and yes, I loved them tonnes more than the previous series!
You can check out my review of Eternal Rider here--the rest will come soon!
-Through The Evernight by Veronica Rossi
Eee! I love this series. I adored the first book, and although I'm yet to post me review (naughty me!) I simply had to have this book as soon as it was released. Was fabulous!
-The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Braken
This book was actually a Christmas present from my brother (my only book present too!) and I've already and loved it. Looking forward to the next one already.
-The Indigo Spell by Richelle Mead
The. Indigo. Spell. Nuff said!! OMG was I so excited for this--simply adore this series. Richelle Mead is a genius! Look out for my review soon!
-Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes
This book looks sooooo good. Right up my alley--can't wait to read it :)
-Struck by Jennifer Bosworth*
I feel I must point out that I kinda went crazy last month with Basemend Books and bought like 9 books I've been meaning to get my hands on. This was one of them. Anyone read Struck and liked it?
-Wither by Lauren DeStefano *
This is a Basement Books buy too. Hello $2. Score! I know a lot of people are a fan of this so I figured it was about time I read it for myself.
-Illusions by Aprilynne Pike *
I adored the first two books in this series but for some sad reason I've fallen behind with the series and wanna catch up. Hence my finally getting a copy of book #3
-Insurgent by Veronica Roth*
*cowers* Don't shoot me. I know, I know. How can I not have read this yet? Am I nuts? Escpecially as Divergent is one of my fave books of all time. Just another book I've been meaning to getb forever it seems. Can't wait to read this one!
-Partials by Dan Wells
This book looks quite good and when I saw it was cheap from the Book Depo, I had to have it ;)
-The Faerie Ring by Kiki Hamilton
Been meaning to get book for ages. I'm a massive fan of Kiki as a person even though I haven't read her books yet (and stalk her blog) so I'm extra excited to know I can read this soon.
-Once Dead, Twice Shy by Kim Harrison*
Another cheap $2 buy from Basement Books. I've heard some people really love this series. Anyone read them?
-Cryer's Cross by Lisa McMann*
I really like Lisa's writing and when I saw this for only $3 at Basement Books it was in my shopping trolley before I knew what I'd done.
-Darkness Becomes Her by Kelly Keaton*
I've actually already got a copy of this book but it got really water damaged when we moved house last year so when I saw a copy of it for hello $2, I jumped at the chance to replace it. This is a really great series, check out my review for Darkness Becomes Her here!
-Low Red Moon by Ivy Devlin*
Yet another Basement Books pick up. $2 or $3, I can't remember. Looks alright, but I don't really know when I'll act ually get around to reading it.
-Melody Burning by Whitley Strieber
Okay, so this book's kinda a funny story. I never planned to read it, let alone buy it, but it was $1.60 at Kmart. At Kmart! So I bought it, hehe. Anyone read and liked this?
-Guardian of the Gate by Michelle Zink
-Circle of Fire by Michelle Zink
I've heard a lot of great things about Zink's Prophecy of the Sisters series, but I've never gotten around to reading it. Which is odd seeing as I've had a copy of the first book, Prophecy of the Sisters sitting on my shelf for more than six months. Finally got around to reading it, and although it wasn't what I was expecting, I strangely loved it. I've also read Guardian of the Gate with the reviews for books 1 and 2 to be posted soon, but I'm still yet to read Circle of Fire. Can't wait to find out how it all ends!
-Unraveling by Elizabeth Norris
Been wanting to read this book for sooooooo long! It was even my WOW a while back so I don't know why it's taken me so many months to finally get a copy. Looking forward to reading this as it just looks so good!
-Misguided Angel by Melissa de la Cruz
I've read the first 4 books in the Blue Bloods series but got a bit bored and stopped atfer the ending of the 4th that frustrated me to know end. Those that have read the series know a certain character dies and I kinda hated that. Lately though I've been hearing some things that make me think I wanna pick the series up again so when this went on sale at The Book Depositry I jumped at my chance.
-Stardust by Neil Gaiman
I LOVE the movie version of this. One of my faves, so I decided I wanna read the book. When I'll get around to actually reading this though I have no clue, haha!
-Beauty Awakened by Gena Showalter
I'm a MASSIVE Showalter groupie and had the second book in her LOTU spin-off on pre-order. Already read this and while I didn't love it like I'd expected, I'm digging the series.
-Last Kiss Goodnight by Gena Showalter
Another spin off/companion book from Gena of her Alien Huntress series. Same world, different perspective. Read this one and already sooooo excited to the 2nd book!
-Edge of Dawn by Lara Adrian
I loooove Lara Adrian's Night Breed series and this is the 11th book. So looking forward to Mira and Kellans story, but nervious about the time jump!
-Shadow of the Vampire by Megan Hatfield
Bought this on a whim from a second had bookstore. I may read it....one day.
For Review:

From HarlequinTEEN.......
-Hooked by Liz Fichera
I quite liked this one. It's different from what I've read before of contemporary novels. Review to come soon :)
-Indigo Awakening by Jordan Dane
I loved Jordan Dane's In The Arms of Stone Angels and this one sounds soooo good. Looking forward to reading it!
.......Thank you Polina! You rock!
From Harper Collins Australia......
by Cynthia Hand
I simply adore the Unearthly series and devoured this as soon as I got it. Practically perfect ending--review to come!
-Venom by Fiona Paul
I've heard some amazing this about this book and it sounds really good. Looking forward to reading it, but not sure what to expect. Anyone read this one?
......Thank you guys!
From Allen & Unwin.......
-Unravel Me
by Tahereh Mafi
Eeeee! I LOVED Shatter Me! It's an all time favourite, so I'm actually kinda hesitant to step into this one. I want it to live up to the first book but I'm not sure it will :/
-When We Wake by Karen Healey
This was my first book by New Zealand author Karen Healey but it definitely won't be my last. Read my review of When We Wake here!
.....Thank you Lara!!
From Hachette Australia.....
-Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo
This book is actually a bound copy of BOTH Shadow and Bone and it's sequel, Siege and Storm. I'm currently reading it right now and I've got to tell you---it's pretty darn good! I'm about 50 pages or so into Siege and Storm (my review for Shadow and Bone will be up during the week) and it's just as good as it's predecessor!
.....Thank you so much Alice!
From Simon & Schuster Australia....
-Paper Valentine by Brenna Yovanoff
I don't mind Brenna Yovanoff's books. I've read two to date (The Replacement and Smoulder) and they're been alright reads. This one sounds really different and I'm not sure what to expect. Anyone read it themselves and can clue me in?
....Thank you Caroline--you're a book goddess!!
As you can plainly see the Owls have been quite good to me these past few months. Now, I just have to find the time to read all my treasure!
What you the Owls leave YOU this week?
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Hope you have a great day and Happy Reading!