After a lengthy stay in hospital, budding singer and songwriter Sam Marshall ends up as a resident in Willow Creek Nursing Home. Jane soon becomes his guiding light. But how can he be a man for her when he relies on so many others day-to-day?
Will Sam turn out to be the perfect muse to help Jane write her epic romance? Will Jane be the one to teach Sam how to truly live? Does love truly know no barriers?
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Sing It, Sam is the latest release by Jennifer Ryder and is a romantic and emotional story of love and loss and the power of being ready to take chances and move forward.
Wannabe author Jane Rhynehart lives in the pumpkin-obsessed town of Willow Creek. Beginning a new job at a nursing home, Jane is hoping her new position as well as a writers support group will help her pen the perfect romance. Too bad she doesn't have any experience with romance herself. Enter Sam Marshall. After a lengthy hospital stay, budding singer and songwriter Sam has become a resident at the Willow Creek Nursing Home. Suffering debilitating pain and lost to the effects of his illness, Sam has shut himself away from people and spends all his time alone in his room. Until he meets Jane. Determined to draw Sam out of his shell, Jane soon becomes Sam's guiding light, but when he's reliant on people everyday, can he be the man Jane needs? Will Jane be able to teach Sam to live? And will love be the saving grace both young people desperately need?
Now while I’m going to do my very best to avoid giving away spoilers as much as possible, I do have to say that Sing It, Sam absolutely broke my heart. Beginning and developing with all the elements of contemporary romance that I enjoy, Sing It, Sam eventually built to a heartbreaking and unexpected ending. Emotional and harrowing, the final few chapters in Sing It, Sam gripped my heart and squeezed it for all the emotions it held, making me feel every painful and agonising emotion.
Set in a small Australian town, I really enjoyed that Jennifer Ryder explored and highlighted real issues in Sing It, Sam. She created likable characters in both main characters Jane and Sam as well as the nursing home residents who are unique and vivacious personalities. I appreciated her inclusion of a neurological disorder that isn't as well known as some--this made me go away and think about it's implications and ramifications.
Well written with moments of hilarity, friendship and beautiful romance, Sing It, Sam is an emotional ride that will leave you heartbroken but hopeful that the characters will one day find happiness they deserve within their lives.

Source: Sent for review by Give Me Books Promotions and the author (Thank you guys!)
Publisher: Published by author
Format: Kindle ebook
Release Date: February 11th 2019
Buy: Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon AU | Barnes & Noble | Kobo
Final Thoughts: Heartwarming and heartbreaking--Sing It, Sam defintely brings the feels.
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