Despite the looming threat, Emi can't escape her greatest distraction: Shiro, the fox yokai who has so deftly claimed her heart for his own. Soon—too soon—she will have to break the curse that binds his magic and memories. And once the ancient power inside him awakens, the yokai she loves will be changed forever.
As the earthly gods gather to wage war against the heavens, Emi and Shiro must gamble everything to turn the tide against their immortal, all-powerful foes. Together, they will find a way to save her world—even if it means losing each other.
More info on Goodreads.....
Immortal Fire is the thrilling third and final novel in Annette Marie’s Red Winter Trilogy and brings the series to a passionate and spectacular conclusion that was as fast paced and thrilling as it was romantic.
As a traitorous deity stands to bring mankind to its knees, Emi and her yokai companions continue on their quest to free the last of the imprisoned earth gods before it's too late. Yet even though the solstice approaches and her time on earth nearing its end, it is Shiro who continues to monopolize the majority of Emi's thoughts. Soon he will have to break the curse that binds the last of his powers and memories and more than anything Emi fears loosing the cheeky kitsune who has stolen her heart. As the earthly gods prepare to wage war against the gods of the heavens, Emi and those closest to her may have to make the biggest sacrifices imaginable in order to defeat their foes.
After the adventure rich journey Emi has been on throughout the series, Immortal Fire brings the trilogy to a close with a heart pounding, occasionally soul-crushing ending that will have readers gasping in its final moments. This is one thrilling conclusion that will keep you entranced until the very end with its twists and unexpected developments—I just loved it!
Beautifully written, the Red Winter Trilogy has been a fantastic series to read. I honestly feel that it encompasses so many perfect elements of Japanese fantasy and mythology and has been woven together with tangible and likable characters, moments of passionate romance and friendship and excited fight sequences. I’m quite surprised more people have not found themselves bewitched by this fantastically written world Annette Marie has created.
From beginning to end, Emi has been such a solid protagonist to follow. The final few chapters of Immortal Fire more than any other point in the series highlight how true this is, but I think each novel has also made it fairly evident Emi was evolving substantially. From her initial mentality on how she viewed the world and her role as kamigakari to her actions and willingness to take chances and make sacrifices, Emi truly did grow a lot. She was always a likable character, but she became even more so as the series progressed. As the reader you honestly wanted everything to work out right for her and to see her find a way to a happy ending. Emi fought so hard even when things became quite dire and there seemed like there would be only one outcome that would see her give her own life for victory—you have to love a heroine like that!
One of the largest ongoing themes within the story and a focal point of the overall storyline has been Shiro and in particular his developing romance with Emi. As we've recently come to discover the truth behind Shiro's past, Immortal Fire sees Emi facing a lot of hard choices and needing to put the greater good over what her heart wants. Emi and Shiro are absolutely delightful together and I just adore the chemistry and connection between them that has blossomed over the series. It's impossible not to feel

Source: Purchased by me through Kindle Unlimited
Publisher: Dark Owl Fantasy Inc.
Format: Kindle ebook
Release Date: April 11th 2017
Purchase: The Book Depository | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo
Final Thoughts: A fantastic series I highly recommend!
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