Thursday, August 31, 2017

Book Shelf: The Do-Gooder by Jessie L. Star

Does a bad girl deserve love?

A sassy, sweet romance perfect for fans of Christina Lauren, Colleen Hoover and Zoe Foster Blake

Lara Montgomery is no good. But she’s used to it by now – her high school reputation has followed her all the way to Bay University. She tells herself she doesn’t care, but a small part of her hopes she can neutralise the bad karma by doing good deeds for anyone who asks.

She’s really good at it, even if she does say so herself. But deep down, she knows there’s one thing she can never make better, no matter how many problems she solves . . . On the night her brother died, she was off hooking up with his not-so-single best friend, Fletch.

It’s been three years since that night, and Fletch has had it with Lara’s do-gooding – it only reminds everyone in their small university town about what they did. But Lara is determined to wipe the slate clean, even if it means heated arguments with Fletch whenever they meet on the way to class.

Trouble is, there’s more than just heat between Lara and Fletch – there are sparks and fire that can’t be ignored, and no amount of do-gooding is going to get rid of that.

More info on Goodreads.....


The Do-Gooder is Jessie L. Star’s recently released novel and is an emotional and intriguing NA about redemption, self-deprecation and the power to forgive oneself.

Lara Montgomery is not a good girl…far from it. She has a reputation and an attitude that’s seen her scorned by the majority of her peers at the University she attends. And it doesn’t help that Lara’s biggest regret is that she was hooking up with her older brother’s not-so-single best friend the night he died. Three years may have passed, but that hasn’t stopped the rumours from plaguing Lara’s life and her mistakes from mounting. Now Lara spends her days accomplishing good deeds for others in an effort to turn her bad karma around. Fletcher Townsend has always been Lara’s weakness and he hers. All he wants is for her to let go of what happened all those years ago, but as their relationship is more crash and burn than anything else, Fletch and Lara can’t be in the same room without getting into an a verbal sparring match. Can Fletch convince Lara to let go of her guilt? Or will her determination to make amends destroy any chance she has at happiness?

I want to be honest, The Do-Gooder seems to be different than a lot of the NA novels I’ve read in the past. Though there is plenty of the sex, drama and angst that is typical of these kinds of novel, the overall feel and tone of the book seems to be gloomier than I’ve seen in most NA stories. And I think a lot of that stems from the main characters, Lara and Fletch who have a very dysfunctional relationship.

Lara was a hard character to really get behind and she wasn’t altogether likable most of the time. She was self-deprecating, angry, moody, bitchy and prone to acting out. Oddly enough she embraced the way in which people saw her and played up to their low expectations of her. I’ve never really read about a character like her before, so being inside her head was a new experience for me. It was actually very sad to see someone with much attitude and persona have so little self-worth. She genuinely believed that all the unkind and untactful words spoken about her were stemmed in truth.

Though The Do-Gooder was entertaining and had some really shining moments, there were a few times when I very much struggled with connecting Lara and Fletch. I really wanted to, but I found myself at odds with the way in which they often reacted. I wanted to see them end up together and I wanted them to overcome their demons, but I wasn’t as invested as I wanted to be. I can’t put my finger on it, but something kept me from connecting to the extent I’d hoped for.

Overall however, The Do-Gooder was still a decent read and I’ll look for more from this author in the future. The Do-Gooder was a unique NA novel from Jessie L. Star that dares to be different. 

Source: Sent for review by publisher (Thank you guys!)
Publisher: Simon & Schuster Australia
Format: Paperback
Australian RRP: $29.99
Release Date: June 2017
Purchase: Bookworld | Booktopia | Amazon
Final Thoughts: A NA tale with a different feel, I'll be on the lookout for more by this author in the future.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Waiting on Wednesday #191

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking The Spine where you can spotlight an upcoming release that you're eagerly anticipating.

This week I'm waiting on.....
Heart of Iron by Ashley Poston
Releases on: February 13th 2018

An action-packed tale full of romance, royalty, and adventure, inspired by the story of Anastasia. Perfect for fans of Six of Crows, Cinder, and the cult classic television show Firefly.

Seventeen-year-old Ana is a scoundrel by nurture and an outlaw by nature. Found as a child drifting through space with a sentient android called D09, Ana was saved by a fearsome space captain and the grizzled crew she now calls family. But D09—one of the last remaining illegal Metals—has been glitching, and Ana will stop at nothing to find a way to fix him.

Ana’s desperate effort to save D09 leads her on a quest to steal the coordinates to a lost ship that could offer all the answers. But at the last moment, a spoiled Ironblood boy beats Ana to her prize. He has his own reasons for taking the coordinates, and he doesn’t care what he’ll sacrifice to keep them.

When everything goes wrong, she and the Ironblood end up as fugitives on the run. Now their entire kingdom is after them—and the coordinates—and not everyone wants them captured alive.

What they find in a lost corner of the universe will change all their lives—and unearth dangerous secrets. But when a darkness from Ana’s past returns, she must face an impossible choice: does she protect a kingdom that wants her dead or save the Metal boy she loves?

When it comes to this book, there is only one sentence I needed to hear; "inspired by the story of Anastasia" HELL TO THE YES!!!! Honestly I wouldn't need to read any of the rest of this description to be salivating for Heart of Iron but by god does it sound incredible *fangirling* Seriously LOVE Anastasia and seriously looking forward to this book. Bring on February 2018!!

Are you dying to read Heart of Iron as much as I am?!?
And what are YOU waiting on this week?


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Release Blitz: Nineteen Letters by Jodi Perry- Excerpt

I'm thrilled to be helping Jodi Perry celebrate the release of her latest novel Nineteen Letters today thanks to Give Me Books Promotions!

This book is simply brilliant and oh, so beautiful. Perfect for those who love Nicholas Sparks and Jodi Picoult. I can't recommend this book enough.


Nineteen. There’s something about that number; it not only brought us together, bonding us forever, it also played a hand in tearing us apart.

The nineteenth of January 1996. I’ll never forget it. It was the day we met. I was seven and she was six. It was the day she moved in next door, and the day I developed my first crush on a girl.

Exactly nineteen years later, all my dreams came true when she became my wife. She was the love of my life. My soul mate. My everything. The reason I looked forward to waking up every morning.

Then tragedy struck. Nineteen days after we married, she was in an accident that would change our lives forever. When she woke from her coma, she had no memory of me, of us, of the love we shared.

I was crushed. She was my air, and without her I couldn’t breathe.

The sparkle that once glistened her eyes when she looked at me was gone. To her, now, I was a stranger. I had not only lost my wife, I had lost my best friend.

But I refused to let this tragedy be the end of us. That’s when I started to write her letters, stories of our life. Of when we met. About the happier times, and everything we had experienced together.

What we had was far too beautiful to be forgotten.

Add on Goodreads or check out my 5 star review!


From Nineteen Letters.....

I’m driving cautiously but still faster than usual on my way to work. I know I shouldn’t, considering the roads are slippery from all the rain, but the backlog of work I’m going to face from being on holidays for a month is making my stomach knot. Just the thought of facing Andrew in one of his moods this morning is quickly undoing all the calm I’ve felt while being away from him. Braxton’s idea of starting my own business is sounding better by the second.

I smile to myself as I replay his words in my head. My fingertips lightly skim over my stomach. I’d like nothing more than to have his baby growing inside me again.

‘Shit,’ I mumble to myself when the heavens open up. I turn the wiper speed up to full, but visibility is still poor. I can barely see the car in front of me now. I jump when my phone starts to ring. I grip the wheel tightly with my right hand as I reach across the passenger seat, my hand blindly fumbling in my bag as I try to find it.

I just know that it’s Andrew wondering where I am; I should have been there fifteen minutes ago. My chest tightens just thinking about it.
My eyes leave the road for a split second as I glance down at the screen. I was right, it’s him. As I attempt to accept the call, I hear the loud sound of an angry horn, and the screech of tyres. My head snaps to the left as my body is thrown violently sidewards. The sickening crunching sound of metal is almost deafening.

Images of Braxton and our life together flash through my mind as a crushing sensation consumes the right side of my body. My head connects with the driver’s-side window, and the sound of shattering glass fills my ears.

Oh god. I don’t want to die.

‘Braxton . . . Braaaax,’ I cry out as the world around me stills, and I succumb to the darkness.

Want more? Trust me you do--get your copy of Nineteen Letters today!

Jodi Perry was born in Sydney, Australia, and has lived there her whole life. Under the name J. L. Perry, her last four novels were all number-one bestsellers in eBook. Jodi travels annually to the UK and US to promote her books and to meet her many fans. Nineteen Letters is the first novel to be published under the name Jodi Perry.

Visit Jodi:

An absolutely wonderfully told story, Nineteen Letters is a sensational release and a novel I highly reccomend!

Monday, August 28, 2017

Book Shelf: Nineteen Letters by Jodi Perry


Nineteen. There’s something about that number; it not only brought us together, bonding us forever, it also played a hand in tearing us apart.

The nineteenth of January 1996. I’ll never forget it. It was the day we met. I was seven and she was six. It was the day she moved in next door, and the day I developed my first crush on a girl.

Exactly nineteen years later, all my dreams came true when she became my wife. She was the love of my life. My soul mate. My everything. The reason I looked forward to waking up every morning.

Then tragedy struck. Nineteen days after we married, she was in an accident that would change our lives forever. When she woke from her coma, she had no memory of me, of us, of the love we shared.

I was crushed. She was my air, and without her I couldn’t breathe.

The sparkle that once glistened her eyes when she looked at me was gone. To her, now, I was a stranger. I had not only lost my wife, I had lost my best friend.

But I refused to let this tragedy be the end of us. That’s when I started to write her letters, stories of our life. Of when we met. About the happier times, and everything we had experienced together.

What we had was far too beautiful to be forgotten.

More info on Goodreads.....


Nineteen Letters is Jodi Perry’s latest release and is easily this talented author’s best work yet! Beautiful and emotional from start to finish, Nineteen Letters is perfect for those who love Nicholas Sparks and Jodi Picoult and details a heart-warming tale of tragedy, hope and the power of real love.

Jemma and Braxton have the perfect relationship. The envy of all their friends, it seems nothing could destroy the love these childhood neighbours, turned best friends, then lovers share ….until Jemma is in a car accident just nineteen days after their wedding and wakes up with no memory of who she is and no recollection of her husband. Brax is distraught that his beloved wife has no memory of the life they’ve shared but loving her more than anything, he is determined to stand by her side and support her as she adjusts to her new reality. Wanting to help her understand their relationship, Braxton begins a series of nineteen letters to Jem that detail and recount all their special moments and with each letter, Jemma finds herself falling in love with her husband all over again…..but will they ever get back the perfect love they once shared if Jemma can’t remember it?

As someone who loves Jodi Perry’s novels, both written under the name Jodi Perry and J.L. Perry, I have to say Nineteen Letters is my favourite book she has released by far. Though not as explicit and sexual as some of her other work, Nineteen Letters is an emotional and poignant read with a beautiful storyline, endearing characters and a powerful love story. Nineteen Letters is an emotion packed story, wonderfully told on Perry’s part and something I could not put down.

After the accident that costs Jemma her memories, Nineteen Letters unfolds through Brax and Jem’s varying POV’s as well as a series of gorgeously told letters Braxton writes to his wife that describe some of the most important moments of their life together, from their childhood as neighbours to partners in life and love. Honestly, every single one of the letters were wonderful to read. I felt like I’d lived a lifetime as Braxton recounted his and Jemma’s relationship across nineteen beautifully told and heart-warming stories.

Jemma and Braxton are two strong personalities you can’t help but fall in love with, especially considering Braxton may quite possibly the most perfect man on the planet after the way in which he reacts to his wife’s memory loss. Hurting and in pain himself, Brax is steadfast, understanding, caring and honourable as he supports Jem throughout her recovery even as she pushes him away in the beginning.

The ending of Nineteen Letters is absolutely perfect in my eyes. Jodi Perry doesn’t give Braxton and Jemma a band aid solution to their problems and doesn’t make everything they’ve been through miraculously disappear, but instead gives them an honest and true conclusion that is so beautiful and hopeful after all they’ve experienced together. Truly perfect.

From beginning to end, Jodi Perry writes Nineteen Letters so exceptionally that you’re guaranteed to feel every emotion possible throughout the course of the book. There is nothing about Nineteen Letters I can fault. The storyline was fabulous, the characters strong and the romance endearing. A brilliant read I highly recommend!

Source: Sent for review by Give Me Books and Jodi Perry (Thank you ladies!)
Publisher: Hachette Australia
Format: Kindle ebook
Australian RRP: $19.99
Release Date: August 29th 2017
Purchase: Bookworld | Booktopia | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo
Final Thoughts: Nineteen Letters is simply a beautiful tale and I highly recommend it.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Blog Tour: Omega by Jus Accardo- Excerpt & Giveaway

Welcome to the blog tour for Omega by Jus Accardo thanks to YA Reads Blog Tours! Omega is the second novel in Jus Accardo's Infinity Division and is a thrilling read!

Yesterday I posted my 5 star review and today I have a sizzling excerpt and giveaway to share :)

The second book in the Infinity time travel series is full of action, romance, and an intricately designed roller coaster plot.

One mistake can change everything. Ashlyn Calvert finds that out the hard way when a bad decision leads to the death of her best friend, Noah Anderson.

Only Noah isn’t really gone. Thanks to his parents’ company, the Infinity Division, there is a version of him skipping from one dimension to another, set on revenge for the death of his sister, Kori. When a chance encounter brings him face-to-face with Ash, he’s determined to resist the magnetic pull he’s felt for her time and time again. Because falling for Ash puts his mission in danger.

But there’s more going on in Ash’s alternate universe than either of them knows: a mysterious project called Omega. A conspiracy spanning multiple Earths and revolving around none other than Ash. Its creators would do anything to keep Omega secret…


From Omega......

“Maybe you used to be better at it?” I prodded. “I mean, you probably don’t get a lot of time to date while skipping all over creation, right? Maybe you’re just out of practice?”

“I’m not out of practice.” He seethed.

“It’s okay! It’s nothing to be ashamed of—”

For the second time since we’d met, he assaulted me. One second I was having the time of my life pushing his buttons—ridiculously easy to do—the next I was against the wall, Noah’s body covering mine. His lips moved furiously, scorchingly hot and with a level of passion I’d never felt before. His tongue slipped between my lips and despite having told other guys that I hated that, I melted, reveling in the millions of electrical tingles the action sent shooting through my body.

His hands gripped my head on either side. No roaming, no exploration. Somehow it made the whole thing hotter. Like he couldn’t bear to release me in fear that I’d move. That I’d get away and he’d have to stop.

And stop? No. That was a dirty word. A softly whispered sin in the darkest corners of the earth. Stopping this would be a crime of the highest caliber.

Except he did. Stop, that was.

He pulled away just far enough to look me in the eye, not yet letting go of my head. With an extremely satisfied tilt of his lip, he said, “Decent my ass.”

Want more? Get your copy today!

Check out Book #1
Nobody said being the daughter of an army general was easy. But when her dad sends a teenage subordinate to babysit her while he’s away… That’s taking it a step too far.

Cade, as beautiful as he is deadly, watches Kori with more than just interest. He looks at her like he knows her very soul. And when he saves her from a seemingly random attack, well, that’s when things get weird.

Turns out, Kori’s dad isn’t just an army general—he’s the head of a secret government project that has invented a way to travel between parallel dimensions. Dimensions where there are infinite Koris, infinite Cades…and apparently, on every other Earth, they’re madly in love.

Falling for a soldier is the last thing on Kori’s mind. Especially when she finds herself in a deadly crossfire, and someone from another Earth is hell-bent on revenge…

JUS ACCARDO spent her childhood reading and learning to cook. Determined to follow in her grandfather’s footsteps as a chef, she applied and was accepted to the Culinary Institute of America. But at the last minute, she realized her true path lay with fiction, not food. Jus is the bestselling author of the popular Denazen series from Entangled publishing, as well as the Darker Agency series, and the New Adult series, The Eternal Balance. A native New Yorker, she lives in the middle of nowhere with her husband, three dogs, and sometimes guard bear, Oswald.

Visit Jus:

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Book Shelf: Omega (The Infinity Division #2) by Jus Accardo

The second book in the Infinity time travel series is full of action, romance, and an intricately designed roller coaster plot.

One mistake can change everything. Ashlyn Calvert finds that out the hard way when a bad decision leads to the death of her best friend, Noah Anderson.

Only Noah isn’t really gone. Thanks to his parents’ company, the Infinity Division, there is a version of him skipping from one dimension to another, set on revenge for the death of his sister, Kori. When a chance encounter brings him face-to-face with Ash, he’s determined to resist the magnetic pull he’s felt for her time and time again. Because falling for Ash puts his mission in danger.

But there’s more going on in Ash’s alternate universe than either of them knows: a mysterious project called Omega. A conspiracy spanning multiple Earths and revolving around none other than Ash. Its creators would do anything to keep Omega secret…


More info on Goodreads.......


Omega is the second novel in The Infinity Division series by Jus Accardo and is another action packed, romantic and thrilling tale of inter-dimensional travel, danger and excitement that is even better than the first book in the series.

Ashlyn Calvert lives in a world where your nominated tier impacts on almost everything in your life; how you’re seen, how you’re treated, what opportunities you have…everything. And coming from the lowest of tiers means Ash has known nothing but cruelty and ridicule…except from her best friend Noah Anderson. He alone treated her with kindness and friendship, until a bad decision led to his death. Now Ash lives with her guilt and despair over his loss, sure she’ll never move on. Yet with the Infinity division in full force there’s another version of Noah out there, who alongside his best friend Cade is determined to stop the man to killed his sister. When Ash and this new version of Noah meet, sparks fly and the two can’t deny there’s something simmering between them, but with a new project of Infinity’s lurking in the shadows and threatening both Ash’s universe and Noah’s alternate one, will they be able to protect those they care about? Or will finding the truth cost them the ultimate price?

Picking up where the first novel Infinity left off, Omega is as thrilling and exciting as its predecessor. If not more so. And in all honesty I think I enjoyed it even more than the first novel, proving that this series is just getting better with every instalment. While Infinity unfolded through Kori and Cade’s POV’s, this time Noah is front and centre in Omega, alongside newly introduced character Ashlyn who is the focus of Noah’s secret obsession and someone he keeps searching for regardless of which reality he and Cade have found themselves in.

Throughout Omega, Noah comes across as a jerk upon occasion and does a good job trying to keep people out, but he honestly adores those in his life and it’s the loss he’s experienced that see him lash out with cruel words and actions to repel people. While Ash has experienced so much cruelty and has been looked down upon, but she’s still strong enough to pick herself up each time and continue on. You have to love a girl who doesn’t let the world push her down!

I really enjoyed both Noah and Ashlyn as characters. They both had such fire and attitude and a lot of personality. Jus Accardo writes them with so much chemistry and electricity. There’s such a great spark of attraction between them and the way they push and pull at each other makes for some fantastic banter and some great reading. These two have a thrilling relationship and I was stoked with the way in which Accardo developed their relationship.

Jus Accardo also introduces readers to some new characters in Omega that I’m just sure we’ll be seeing more of. There’s a new villain—possibly even more of a threat and danger than Dylan and some new friends with intriguing histories. I’m almost one hundred percent certain that newcomers G and Sera will feature as our next couple in the next novel and considering who they are, I’m super excited about the prospect of learning more about them and possibly following their romance in book three!

Fast paced, riveting and action packed reading, Omega is a fantastic sequel that is guaranteed to leave you not only hopelessly in love with Noah and Ashlyn, but desperately needing more of this sensational sci-fi series. Shaping up better with the turn of each page, I can’t wait to see what Jus Accardo does with the Infinity Division series next!

Source: Sent for review by YA Reads and author Jus Accardo  (Thank you ladies!)
Publisher: Entangled: Teen
Format: Kindle ebook
Release Date: August 1st 2017
Purchase: The Book Depository | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes
Final Thoughts: Omega was an absolutely thrilling read, better than the first novel! Can't wait for more!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Waiting on Wednesday #190

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking The Spine where you can spotlight an upcoming release that you're eagerly anticipating.

This week I'm waiting on.....
As She Fades by Abbi Glines 
Releases on: April 2018
Add on Goodreads!

First there was an accident. What happened next changed everything.

On the night of her high school graduation, Vale McKinley and her boyfriend Crawford are in a terrible car accident. They were supposed to spend the summer planning for college, for a bright future full of possibility. Together. Instead, Vale spends long days in the hospital, hoping Crawford will awaken from a coma.

Slate Allen, a college friend of Vale’s brother, has been visiting his dying uncle at the same hospital. When he and Vale meet, she can’t deny the flutter of an illicit attraction. She tries to ignore her feelings, but she’s not immune to Slate’s charm. Slowly, they form a cautious friendship.

Then, Crawford wakes up… with no memory of Vale or their relationship. Heartbroken, Vale opts to leave for college and move on with her life. Except now, she’s in Slate’s territory, and their story is about to take a very strange detour.

Abbi Glines’ millions of fans will adore As She Fades, a novel as romantic as it is full of twists and unexpected turns.

Abbi Glines never fails to impress me and I will read literally anything she releases, but I must say I am super excited for As She Fades--more so than I have been for any of her more recent releases. It just sounds so super good. I have no doubt I'm about to experience the feels but I. Can. Not. Wait!

Are you an Abbi Glines fan? Do you want to read As She Fades?

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Book Shelf: Gap Year in Ghost Town by Michael Pryor

Let's get this straight - ghosts are everywhere. I can see them. You can't. And, see them or not, they're dangerous. This is why my family has hunted ghosts for hundreds of years to protect people like you.

The Marin family are outcasts of the ghost hunting world. They run a two-man operation in inner city Melbourne. Anton has the Ghost-sight, but his father does not.

Rani Cross is supremely skilled in hand-to-hand combat, with enhanced speed and strength thanks to her magical initiation into the Company of the Righteous.

When it comes to ghost-hunting methodology, Anton and Rani don't see eye to eye - Anton likes to 'ease their passage' to the next world, while Rani's all about the slashing.

But Melbourne is under threat; with a massive spike in violent ghost manifestations, Anton and Rani must find a way to work together to keep supernatural forces at bay.

And what with all the blindingly terrifying brushes with death, Anton must decide if he really wants in on the whole ghost hunting biz anyway.

More info on Goodreads.....


Gap Year in Ghost Town by Australian author Michael Pryor is a ghostly tale of adventure and danger set amongst a Melbourne backdrop. 

Anton Marin is a member of a long line of descendants capable of seeing ghosts and who have spent their lives hunting them down and helping them move on. Living with his father and running a used book-shop in the heart of Melbourne, Anton spends his nights searching for ghosts and is used to taking the gentle approach with exorcising them. Until he meets sword welding, British expat Rani Cross on assignment from London. Rani's approach to ghost hunting is more slash first, ask questions never. The Marin family are anomalies in the ghost hunting world and the organization Rani works for is sure their way is right, but with a massive spike in ghosts threatening society, Anton and Rani must work together to stop the ghosts from hurting innocent people, even if it means acknowledging that not everything is black and white.

I have to be honest; I really wanted to adore this novel, I did. I went into it looking for something fresh and with an open mind, and although there were parts of Gap Year in Ghost Town I appreciated, it was a struggle for me to read this novel all the way through. While Michael Pryor is clearly a talented writer and has a decent writing style, I feel like Gap Year in Ghost Town could have been condensed with the majority of the dialogue removed and you wouldn't loose anything within the story. 

Anton's personality is all sarcasm and sass, but what began as endearing in the beginning of the novel quickly became grating to me. I could totally see what Pryor was going for and it may work for some people, but for me so much of the conversations seemed unnecessary and overly witty that it all fell on deaf ears. It grew tiresome quickly and I just wanted to skip over a lot of the dialogue to get to important parts of the story which seemed far and few in between as it was. 

That being said, I enjoyed all the Melbourne and Australian culture thrown into Gap Year in Ghost Town. There was a lot of pop-culture references throughout the story with a detailed and poignant Melbourne setting. Ghosts bring a scary element to the story and a spooky undertone to Anton and Rani's adventures. 

Overall, this novel wasn't to my liking, but I can see how Gap Year in Ghost Town would appeal to other readers and would recommend you check it out if you're looking for a witty ghost hunting tale with an Australian urban twist. 

Source: Sent for review by publisher (Thank you guys!) 

Publisher: Allen & Unwin
Format: Paperback
Australian RRP: $19.99
Release Date: July 26th 2017
Purchase: Bookworld | Booktopia | The Book Depository | Amazon 
Final Thoughts: Unfortunately Gap Year in Ghost Town just wasn't for me.....


Monday, August 21, 2017

Owl Post #129

Inspired by The Story Siren's In My Mailbox, Owl Post allows us bloggers to showcase the books we've bought, won or received throughout the week and is hosted by Brodie over at Eleusinian Mysteries. We all know that the Owl Post is the fastest way to send and receive mail and they certainly make me happy every time they drop a book off.
Hi guys and welcome to another Owl Post for 2017 :)
For Review:
 From Scholastic Australia:
The Fifth Room by Allison Rushby
I admit I hadn't heard of this book until this turned up on my doorstep, but it does sound quite intriguing.   
The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater  
I absolutely LOVE The Raven Cycle series and am sooooooo excited to finally have a copy of the final book to dive into. I'm dying to discover what Maggie Stiefvater has planned for this book and cant wait to read it!
And that's me for this week!
What did the owls bring YOU?

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Book Blitz: The Curse by Margaret McHeyzer

Welcome to the book blitz for The Curse by Margaret McHeyzer thanks to Give Me Books Promotions!

The Curse

It's been the butterfly effect.
I changed the course of my life because I warned a man.
I thought what I had was a gift, but it's quickly turning into my curse.

Now I realize I'm much more than a girl with an ability.
Because now... I'm becoming a weapon.

Add on Goodreads or check out my review!


**Write something worth reading**

I'm Margaret and I'm a self-published author.
Recently I was fortunate in obtaining New York Times best selling status on my YA/NA book - Ugly, and my YA book - Mistrust.

My last three books have been YA and I'm completely in love with the genre. I love being able to communicate with people through my words and stories.

My writing genres all differ, but the one thing I keep consistent is my heroines. All my female lead characters are strong, gutsy and not the 'perfect' woman. While my books all have romantic elements in them, they aren't just about the romance. They're about finding strength, acceptance and making life long connections.

I hope you enjoy my stories as much as I have while writing them.

Visit Margaret:

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Book Shelf: The Curse (The Butterfly Effect #2) by Margaret McHeyzer

The Curse

It's been the butterfly effect.
I changed the course of my life because I warned a man.
I thought what I had was a gift, but it's quickly turning into my curse.

Now I realize I'm much more than a girl with an ability.
Because now... I'm becoming a weapon.

More info on Goodreads......


The Curse by Margaret McHeyzer is the sequel and conclusion to The Butterfly Effect series and is a fast paced and action-packed follow-up to the first novel.

Ever since seventeen year old Alexa Murphy work up from a routine operation with a strange new ability to foresee someone’s future, she has found herself the target of various individuals determined to use her ability to further their own agendas. Lexi is sick of being kidnapped and held prisoner by someone who wants to take advantage of her visions, but when she’s taken by the most dangerous threat yet, lives are on the line and Lexi and Jude will have to make their final stand if they hope to outsmart those who will stop at nothing to keep Lexi in their clutches…..

Personally, I found The Curse to be a decent follow up to the first novel, The Gift. Picking up where the first book left off, The Curse begins with Lexi held hostage by a brutal and violent individual who won’t hesitate to kill in order to force Lexi to adhere to his whims. With Margaret McHeyzer exploring other aspects of the world she has created within this series in The Curse including those responsible for the creation of Lexi’s new gifts, The Curse is darker and grittier than the first novel.

There’s a lot of things happening during this novel, and with The Curse taking place over a number of weeks and even months, there’s a lot that heroine Lexi goes through. No one is safe and there are losses of life that bring Lexi to her knees and betrayals that change everything. The Curse is very fast paced, and there’s a lot of action and danger in the story to entertain the reader.

Lexi and Jude continue to have a complex relationship with Jude’s role varying between between kidnapper and savior. There’s no denying that his concern for Lexi seems genuine but upon occasion I struggled to reconcile why he felt that way and Lexi’s Stockholm-Syndrome like feelings for Jude didn’t always sit right with me.

Overall though, I did enjoy reading this series. Both novels were quick, effective reads and featured enough excitement and action to keep me entertained. 

Sent for review by Give Me Books and the author (Thank you ladies!)
Independently published by author
Kindle ebook 

Release Date: August 20th 2017
Amazon US | Amazon  UK| Amazon AU | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iBooks | Smashwords
Final Thoughts:
Though there were a few parts of this series where I wasn't as invested as I wished I could be, it was definitely worth a read.


Friday, August 18, 2017

Blog Tour: Rowan Wood Legends by Olivia Wildenstein- Teasers

I'm excited to be participating in the Blog Tour for Rowan Wood Legends by Olivia Wildenstein thanks to YA Bound Book Tours!

Rowan Wood Legends is the second novel in the Lost Clan and is a brilliant tale in a series I just adore and highly recommend!


I wasn’t the sort of girl who believed in fairytales, let alone tales about faeries. But that changed the day Faeries came to my small town and Hunters rose from their graves.

On that fateful day, I received a book, a peculiar collection of myths and legends. Turns out it was so much more than stories. And just as I was on the verge of unlocking its secrets, it was stolen from me by someone I called a friend.

Now, I don’t know whom I can turn to, whom I can trust. All I know is that there are two sides, and I am straddling the great divide because I am both Faerie and Hunter. And although I swore I would never choose, I am slowly falling for one of those sides…

Check out my reviews:


Wildenstein grew up in New York City, the daughter of a French father with a great sense of humor, and a Swedish mother whom she speaks to at least three times a day. She chose Brown University to complete her undergraduate studies and earned a bachelor's in comparative literature. After designing jewelry for a few years, Wildenstein traded in her tools for a laptop computer and a very comfortable chair. This line of work made more sense, considering her college degree.

When she's not writing, she's psychoanalyzing everyone she meets (Yes. Everyone), eavesdropping on conversations to gather material for her next book, baking up a storm (that she actually eats), going to the gym (because she eats), and attempting not to be late at her children's school (like she is 4 out of 5 mornings, on good weeks). Wildenstein lives with her husband and three children in Geneva, Switzerland, where she's an active member of the writing community.

Visit Olivia: