Welcome to the Blog Tour for Plus One by Elizabeth Fama thanks to Oops! I Read Again Tours! Below is a fabulous excerpt from the book as well as the tour wide giveaway for a paperback copy of the book :) Enjoy!
Divided by day and night and on the run from authorities, star-crossed young lovers unearth a sinister conspiracy in this compelling romantic thriller.
Seventeen-year-old Soleil Le Coeur is a Smudge—a night dweller prohibited by law from going out during the day. When she fakes an injury in order to get access to and kidnap her newborn niece—a day dweller, or Ray—she sets in motion a fast-paced adventure that will bring her into conflict with the powerful lawmakers who order her world, and draw her together with the boy she was destined to fall in love with, but who is also a Ray.

“Sol, I need you,”Ciel said, snapping me out of it.
“You need me?” I found my voice rising. “For two years I was alone—where were you? Where were you when I slogged through every school day without hearing a single kind word? When there was shopping and cooking and cleaning and hot blister packs and force-fed Modafinil coming out of my ears, and hospitals and appointments and radiation and chemo and vomiting and Poppu dying before my eyes and I couldn’t do a thing to stop it?” It was pouring out of me now. “I was fourteen when they took you away, Ciel. I was a kid. It was too much. You abandoned me in the dark, while you had freedom and daylight and William and Miho and Kizzie. And now I’m sup-posed to gird myself for battle and help you?”
It was too late to fend him off. He was storming toward me and before I could put up a fight he had grabbed me hard—but he was holding me, not hurting me. He was wrapping himself around me in a Harcourt–Le Coeur trap, squeezing me until I couldn’t breathe, ignoring my pathetic writhing to get loose, subduing me the way a parent holds a toddler whose tantrum is a danger to herself, saying, “Sol, Sol, Sol,” through his teeth, over and over again until I stopped resisting against his vise arms and I stopped saying “Let me go, let me go,” and my muscles caved and I let him hold me and I found myself putting my own arms around my brother— the brother I had hated for so long and had given up forever but somehow got this one chance to hug again despite everything.
“Oh god, I’ve missed you so much,” he growled into my hair.
I’ve missed you, too, my brain volunteered instantly without per-mission. But I knew it was true. I knew that my hate was really battered, bloodied, devoted love, and that I would do anything if I could be his sister again, just as I’d do anything to have Poppu back and be D’Arcy’s lover for more than one night. And I knew that none of those wishes could ever be granted, and that whatever had happened with D’Arcy, whatever was happening right now with Ciel, was temporary, was a bittersweet goodbye, that the galaxy would keep spinning without a thought for me, a blade of grass on a meadow in Iowa, and I would be ripped away from them all, as permanently as I had been torn from Poppu. So I held Ciel, I wrapped my arms around him as tight as I could for this one frozen second, I hugged him to me and he squeezed in return until we both knew how we felt without having to say it.
“You need me?” I found my voice rising. “For two years I was alone—where were you? Where were you when I slogged through every school day without hearing a single kind word? When there was shopping and cooking and cleaning and hot blister packs and force-fed Modafinil coming out of my ears, and hospitals and appointments and radiation and chemo and vomiting and Poppu dying before my eyes and I couldn’t do a thing to stop it?” It was pouring out of me now. “I was fourteen when they took you away, Ciel. I was a kid. It was too much. You abandoned me in the dark, while you had freedom and daylight and William and Miho and Kizzie. And now I’m sup-posed to gird myself for battle and help you?”
It was too late to fend him off. He was storming toward me and before I could put up a fight he had grabbed me hard—but he was holding me, not hurting me. He was wrapping himself around me in a Harcourt–Le Coeur trap, squeezing me until I couldn’t breathe, ignoring my pathetic writhing to get loose, subduing me the way a parent holds a toddler whose tantrum is a danger to herself, saying, “Sol, Sol, Sol,” through his teeth, over and over again until I stopped resisting against his vise arms and I stopped saying “Let me go, let me go,” and my muscles caved and I let him hold me and I found myself putting my own arms around my brother— the brother I had hated for so long and had given up forever but somehow got this one chance to hug again despite everything.
“Oh god, I’ve missed you so much,” he growled into my hair.
I’ve missed you, too, my brain volunteered instantly without per-mission. But I knew it was true. I knew that my hate was really battered, bloodied, devoted love, and that I would do anything if I could be his sister again, just as I’d do anything to have Poppu back and be D’Arcy’s lover for more than one night. And I knew that none of those wishes could ever be granted, and that whatever had happened with D’Arcy, whatever was happening right now with Ciel, was temporary, was a bittersweet goodbye, that the galaxy would keep spinning without a thought for me, a blade of grass on a meadow in Iowa, and I would be ripped away from them all, as permanently as I had been torn from Poppu. So I held Ciel, I wrapped my arms around him as tight as I could for this one frozen second, I hugged him to me and he squeezed in return until we both knew how we felt without having to say it.
Elizabeth Fama is the author of Plus One (FSG, 2014), Monstrous Beauty (FSG, 2012), a YALSA Best Fiction for Young Adults selection and Odyssey Award honor winner, and Overboard (Cricket Books, 2002), an ALA Best Books for Young Adults. She is represented by Sara Crowe of Harvey Klinger, Inc.
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