Thursday, May 30, 2019

Book Shelf: The Vampire Trap (City of Wishes #2) by Rachel Morgan

Elle and Dex concoct a plan to lure in the Allegiant vampires responsible for the recent spate of human abductions, but a surprising revelation threatens to change everything.

While Elle works hard to keep the ugly truth of who she really is from Dex, it turns out Dex is keeping a secret of his own.

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CITY OF WISHES is an urban fantasy serialized retelling of Cinderella. This episode is approximately 100 print pages.

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In a world of fae, vampires and shifters, where wishes can be bought and bargained for, Elle is human, bound to her stepmother by a slave charm. Her only hope at freedom is to wish for it. But the Godmother rules the illegal wish trade, and the price she demands is steep. Is Elle willing to pay it?

More info on Goodreads..... 


The Vampire Trap is the second instalment in the City of Wishes series by Rachel Morgan and is another fast paced and exciting adventure full of magic, danger and character connections.

Elle Winter is desperate for her freedom, so much so that she has agreed to be the bait while Dex and his friends attempt to track down a dangerous vampire faction in exchange for three vials of Essence each day. As she gets closer to her goal of having enough Essence for a wish, Elle must continue to keep her secret from Dex who appears to have more than enough secrets of his own. It’s simple; get her wish, gain her freedom…..but unfortunately for Elle nothing is ever simple when magic and fae are involved.

The Vampire Trap is another quick and effortless read that picks up not long after the first instalment left off and is filled with all the aspects I loved so much about the first novel. Rachel Morgan once again brings the City of Wishes series to life with a forward moving storyline that is sharp and entertaining as she offers her take on the classic Cinderella tale.

Heroine Elle continues to feature in each chapter with an occasional one thrown in through Dex’s perspective for good measure. Elle is sweet, likable and easy to follow and it’s impossible not to genuinely want the best outcome for her. Anyone who has read or seen a Cinderella tale will know the basic premise and timeline it follows but that doesn’t mean you wish any less for Elle to escape the clutches of her evil step family and find her “prince”.

Rachel Morgan’s vision of Elle’s journey is fraught with danger as she remains the target of a group of vampires who will stop at nothing to find her. There is a lot of questions and mystery surrounding why Elle is being hunted, why she has the ability to erase memories and who, and what, Dex is exactly. I’m really keen to see these questions explored and answered down the track and hope Rachel Morgan doesn’t make us wait too long for the next instalment.

The Vampire Trap truly is an easy story to find yourself lost in and one that I highly recommend for those who love fairy-tale retellings with magic and supernatural and full of likable characters and blossoming romance.

Source: Sent for review by author (Thank you Rachel!)
Publisher: Published by author
Format: Kindle ebook
Release Date: May 10th 2019
Buy: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo
Final Thoughts: Another great read--I need more!

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Waiting on Wednesday #272

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking The Spine where you can spotlight an upcoming release that you're eagerly anticipating.

This week I'm waiting on.....
The King of Crows by Libba Bray 
Releases on: February 4th 2020

The breath-taking finale to the epic New York Times bestseller, The Diviners, from Printz winner and beloved author, Libba Bray.

After the horrifying explosion that claimed one of their own, the Diviners find themselves wanted by the US government, and on the brink of war with the King of Crows.

While Memphis and Isaiah run for their lives from the mysterious Shadow Men, Isaiah receives a startling vision of a girl, Sarah Beth Olson, who could shift the balance in their struggle for peace. Sarah Beth says she knows how to stop the King of Crows-but, she will need the Diviners' help to do it.

Elsewhere, Jericho has returned after his escape from Jake Marlowe's estate, where he has learned the shocking truth behind the King of Crow's plans. Now, the Diviners must travel to Bountiful, Nebraska, in hopes of joining forces with Sarah Beth and to stop the King of Crows and his army of the dead forever.

But as rumors of towns becoming ghost towns and the dead developing unprecedented powers begin to surface, all hope seems to be lost.

In this sweeping finale, The Diviners will be forced to confront their greatest fears and learn to rely on one another if they hope to save the nation, and world from catastrophe...

I love The Diviners series and count it as one of my favorites. The wait between each book has been long--but always worth it--and with this novel marking eight years since the first one came out I'm more than ready to see how Libba Bray plans to bring this brilliant series to a close!

What are you waiting on this week?


Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Release Day: A Shifting of Stars by Kathy Kimbray- Excerpt

Kathy Kimbray's debut novel A Shifting of Stars releases today and fans of fantasy are going to love it! Danger, magic and hints of romance, A Shifting of Stars has something for everyone.

A squandering emperor. A handsome stranger. A reluctant heroine. And the ancient magic that will capsize a kingdom.

Seventeen-year-old Meadow Sircha watched her mother die from the wilting sickness. Tormented by the knowledge that the emperor failed to import the medicine that would have saved her, she speaks out at a gathering of villagers, inciting them to boycott his prized gladiator tournament.

But doing so comes at a steep cost.

Arrested as punishment for her impulsive tongue, Meadow finds herself caught up in the kind of danger she’s always tried to avoid. After a chance meeting with an enigmatic boy, she’s propelled on a perilous trek across the outer lands. But she soon unearths a staggering secret: one that will shift her world—and the kingdom—forever.

Filled with longing and heart, surprise and wonder, A SHIFTING OF STARS is perfect for fans of AN EMBER IN THE ASHES, RED QUEEN and SHADOW AND BONE.

Add on Goodreads or check out my review

I should not be here. I’m foreign to this village of broken rooftops and dull stone walls. I brush my fingers over a pillar. Its coldness burns my skin, makes me pause.
Go home.
The words sing loud like a taunt as moonlight slithers across my shoulders. The parchment digs like thorns in my palm. I imagine its shape, every fiber and ink blot.
Something moves near my feet and I jump. It’s just a rat, one of hordes from the city. They’ve grown bolder during these past few seasons, always darting out of alleys and running by arches, desperate—like us—to fill their bellies.
As it squeaks away, nails tapping in rhythm, I inspect the darkened street before me. Lamplight glows from a crooked post, but the shadows are still and the windows are empty. A leaf-strewn house looms in the distance, enticing me over the cobblestone ground. That house is the reason I’ve ventured so late into this weary part of town. Beside me, buildings cringe with moss. Walkways glisten with dirty puddles. Teetering balconies slouch from walls with garments strung between casements like cobwebs.
But that smell.
I halt to sniff the air. It wafts from the dwelling ahead of me. It winds from beneath its splintered panes—the pungent scent of broth and ale.
            I wish it were stew.
Saliva brims on my tongue at the thought of meat cooked with spices and oils. The last time venison passed my lips, my mother was alive, my father smiled, and the future stretched before us, unending. Those were the days of Emperor Komran, a king who lived and bled for his people. I barely remember the white of his beard or how he limped through the fields during harvest. And it’s the same with my mother. I’m losing her, too. The curve of her cheek. The shade of her tresses. When she died, we set her afloat in the Geynes, and I sat on the bank with my toes in the water, not wanting to break that connection to her.
It’s a year tonight.
My chest starts to cave, but I fight and I fight to be still, to not cry. At least the dead are not hungry, not in turmoil. They do not see what Centriet has become.
I urge my feet toward the house. Komran would never have driven me here. When he reigned, our streets were routinely swept, and fountains dotted the well-kept pavements.
And medicine was—
A loose stone clacks. Forgetting my thoughts, I dart to an alcove. Since Komran’s son became our emperor, soldiers lurk where you’d least expect them.
In the dark, I steady my breaths, in and out. Not that I’m breaking any laws—that I know of. I listen to the night: crickets chirping, a soft breeze, and the whinny of a horse that’s so indistinct, perhaps it’s from Sledloe, the next village over.
I wait longer, just to be safe. Many of the soldiers are kind, though not all. Father says they’ve been granted more powers, but that we won’t know what it means for a while.
I hate not knowing. Just like tonight. I hate not knowing what awaits in the house. When the street remains silent, I rejoin the road, but my ankles wobble when I try to walk.
So I jog.
It soothes my jangled nerves, and I reach the house, breathless and flushed. Planks board the four square windows; rust from the nails seeps into the woodgrain. The stones are all different sizes and shapes, charred by the remnants of a long-ago fire. Ivy clings to the rutted surface, its end pieces curling like ribbon from the door.
You should leave, Meadow.
But I raise my fist. All I need to do is knock. I’ve already abandoned my stonebrick at dusk without letting Father know where I have gone. The loss of my mother hits me anew—the pain a reminder of why I have come here. That I’ve come to move on, to at last let her go. Even though I’m not sure what that means anymore.
Or if I can.
“Are you here for the Gathering?”
The question shatters the bracing air. Someone’s behind me and I spin to face him, shrouding myself with my long dark hair. But I’m wrong. There are two. One’s tall and strapping. The other is smaller in every way. As they chance another step, I notice that they’re young—about my age, seventeen.
“Why I’m here is not your concern,” I say.
“We do beg your pardon,” the smaller boy says. He has a scar on his brow like a cutlass. And another on his forearm, dark as molasses. He gestures to the vacant street behind him. “Have you ever visited Yahres before?”
“Yes,” I say, though my words are false. It’s safer to make them believe I’m a local.
            “And your name?” asks the boy, but I shake my head at the same time his companion lets out a grunt.
            “Don’t bother,” he snaps. “We leave tomorrow.”
            The smaller boy nods, looking slightly embarrassed.
“We watched you for a bit,” he tells me.
“And what did you see?” I ask.
He smiles. One of his teeth is chipped. “We assumed you’d turn back many times.”
My pulse quickens at their presumption, especially since it’s mostly true. The slums of Yahres are outside the walls. My home lies inside in the village of Maytown. In Maytown we’re warned to always tread wisely in places like Yahres, Florian, and Sledloe. Perhaps that’s why I’d appeared so unsure. Yet neither of the pair looks remarkably dangerous.
“You proved us wrong,” the boy continues.
“No hard feelings,” I say.
He laughs. “Come inside with us.”
He holds out a hand, but I back away.
“Forgive me,” he says, withdrawing swiftly, color blotching his cheeks. “We lodge with the man who hosts these gatherings . . . and I noticed you had a parchment to read.”
“You saw?” I jolt, clutching it tightly, blood surging through my legs and arms. Since Mother’s passing, it happens quite often. My heart beats fast, and I need to run.
“You don’t have to read it,” he says.
I swallow.
“Although you can if you want to, of course. Unless you didn’t come here for the Gathering?”
“I doubt she’s here for anything else.”
It’s much too hard to read his expression, but the taller boy speaks with a dash of disdain. He sidesteps his friend with two no-nonsense strides.
“You don’t know my business,” I say.
“Oh, please.” He comes in close, reaching past me, and the scent of leather and steel is intense. It reminds me of sitting in my father’s workroom when he’s mending quivers for the elder archers. The boy raps on the door with his knuckles. Three times, then nothing. The way we’re supposed to. “Of course you’re here for the Gathering,” he says, as metal grinds and a peephole opens.
My need to bolt escalates.
“Get in. You’re the last,” says the face inside. The cumbersome timber shifts outward before us. It breaks the leaves and they flutter in spirals.
“After you,” the tall boy says.
The parchment feels like a stone in my hand. It dawns on me how stifled this is—this narrow black corridor, deep in the kingdom.
I brush the still-dangling leaves to one side. The passageway stretches a good twenty paces. I could perish in there and no one would find me.
“Are you waiting for something?”
“No,” I say.
Ignoring the boy, I stoop to enter, trying to focus my thoughts on the brickwork. The blocks have eroded from years of scuffing. They smell like lichen and tarnished copper. Light spills through the distant doorframe, and our guide clears his throat to urge us on. I double my pace, though the boys hang back. The weight of their presence behind me is strong.

Kathy Kimbray is a YA author from Australia.

After graduating from the University of Technology, Sydney, with a degree in Media Arts and Production, she went on to complete postgraduate studies in education and spent many years as a primary school teacher.

Now a full-time novelist, Kathy is lucky to be able to tell stories every day.

Aside from writing, Kathy is an avid reader, dancer, language learner, musical theater enthusiast and fan of terrible reality TV. She lives with her husband in Sydney, and dreams of one day owning that elusive chateau in France.

Visit Kathy:

Hope you all have the chance to check out this novel--you won't be sorry!

Monday, May 27, 2019

Book Shelf: A Shifting of Stars (A Shifting of Stars #1) by Kathy Kimbray

A squandering emperor. A handsome stranger. A reluctant heroine. And the ancient magic that will capsize a kingdom.

Seventeen-year-old Meadow Sircha watched her mother die from the wilting sickness. Tormented by the knowledge that the emperor failed to import the medicine that would have saved her, she speaks out at a gathering of villagers, inciting them to boycott his prized gladiator tournament.

But doing so comes at a steep cost.

Arrested as punishment for her impulsive tongue, Meadow finds herself caught up in the kind of danger she’s always tried to avoid. After a chance meeting with an enigmatic boy, she’s propelled on a perilous trek across the outer lands. But she soon unearths a staggering secret: one that will shift her world—and the kingdom—forever.

Filled with longing and heart, surprise and wonder, A SHIFTING OF STARS is perfect for fans of AN EMBER IN THE ASHES, RED QUEEN and SHADOW AND BONE.

More info on Goodreads..... 


A Shifting of Stars is Kathy Kimbray’s debut novel and is a vivid fantasy novel that will appeal to fans of Sarah J. Maas, Leigh Bardugo and Maria V. Snyder.

Seventeen year old Meadow Sircha has never been the same after she watched her mother die from an illness the emperor could have cured had he imported the medicine that would have saved her. Her grief has overwhelmed her in the year since, and the knowledge that the emperor spends vast amounts of money on violent gladiator tournaments while his people live in squalor eats at her. Which is why she decides to speak out at a secret gathering of those who oppose the emperors rule, but when she is caught and imprisoned by the emperors soldiers, Meadow quickly finds herself drawn into the danger she only ever wanted to stay out of. Alongside a mysterious and secretive young man, Meadow journeys across the kingdom and discovers a secret that could not only change the very course of the emperors rule but Meadow’s very own destiny….

Offering readers a vivid and lush world, A Shifting of Stars was an enjoyable and solid fantasy novel, kicking off what I’m hoping will be an interesting series. Though the novel began somewhat slow for me personally, I felt like A Shifting of Stars got better and better as the novel progressed. Author Kathy Kimbray steadily developed the plot well and utilised all the best elements of the fantasy genre; detailing an eventful story of danger and ones love of family, amidst a world where the majority of the population prizes brutal and barbaric fights to the death.

A Shifting of Stars unfolds through the eyes of seventeen year old Meadow, a simple village girl who finds herself fighting for her freedom when she is caught speaking out against the emperor. The vast majority of Meadow’s actions stem from her desire to save her father and prevent him from being punished for her actions. I found it refreshing that Meadow wasn’t setting out to save the world. The novel wasn’t about her epic battle against a tyrannous ruler—although as the story progressed she begins to care more for the plight of the people and this does somewhat become a concern—however Meadow honestly does just want to find and rescue her father.

In the beginning of the novel there seems to be an overload of characters introduced and readers will be forgiven for getting names mixed up, however the purpose and role of these numerous individuals does become apparent as the novel progresses, especially in the final few chapters. A few unforeseen twists will keep readers on their toes with more than a few developments largely unexpected that will impact future storylines.

Kathy Kimbray had me biting my nails the last few chapters as Meadow and her traveling companion Vogel found their lives on the line. A Shifting of Stars entertained me until the end and left me very keen to see what happens in the next chapter of Meadow’s story now that she finds herself in a position to change the kingdom for the better.

Source: Sent for review by publisher (Thank you guys!)
Publisher: Published by author
Format: Kindle ebook
Release Date: May 28th 2019
Buy: Amazon
Final Thoughts: An enjoyable YA fantasy--I'm looking forward to seeing more.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Release Blitz: Torian by Eden Summers

Today marks the release of the third novel in Eden Summers Hunting Her series and I'm honored to help share Torian with you all! Torian is a dark and riveting novel that I absolutely adored and highly recommend.

He's my nemesis.
My tormentor.
A notorious criminal with a smoldering smile to mask the devil hidden beneath.

Conniving. Threatening. Brutal.
He stalks me from the shadows.
Makes me itch to place him behind bars.

But he has an offer I can't refuse.
A major risk with the perfect reward.

I can't let down my guard.
Can't be tempted to trust him.

Not even when I begin to understand his corrupt ways.

Because the only face the devil shows is the one he wants you to see.
And all I’m seeing is hunger.

 Add in Goodreads or check out my 5 star review!


Check out the first two books on Goodreads:
 My Reviews:

Eden Summers is a bestselling author of contemporary romance with a side of sizzle and sarcasm.

She lives in Australia with a young family who are well aware she's circling the drain of insanity. Eden can't resist alpha dominance, dark features and sarcasm in her fictional heroes and loves a strong heroine who knows when to bite her tongue but also serves retribution with a feminine smile on her face.

Visit Eden:

Friday, May 24, 2019

Book Shelf: Torian (Hunting Her #3) by Eden Summers

He's my nemesis.
My tormentor.
A notorious criminal with a smoldering smile to mask the devil hidden beneath.

Conniving. Threatening. Brutal.
He stalks me from the shadows.
Makes me itch to place him behind bars.

But he has an offer I can't refuse.
A major risk with the perfect reward.

I can't let down my guard.
Can't be tempted to trust him.

Not even when I begin to understand his corrupt ways.

Because the only face the devil shows is the one he wants you to see.
And all I’m seeing is hunger.

More info on Goodreads..... 


Torian is the third novel in the Hunting Her series and is without a doubt Eden Summer’s best book yet! Darkly thrilling, evocative and passionate, Torian is a captivating novel of danger, revenge and romance built in a world where crime and family go hand in hand with startling consequences….

Cole Torian is the ruling head of an infamous crime family, whose reputation for being a brutal, calculated killer is well known. Keeping his control is important to Cole but there’s one thing more important; family. And Cole is determined to protect his…even if it means playing a dangerous game with member of the police force. FBI Special Agent Anissa Fox is a cold hearted SOB, or so she’s been told. The daughter of a disgraced agent, Anissa has fought tooth and nail for her position, and has finally been able to arrest the patriarch of the Torian family for sex trafficking and enslavement. It should be her crowning achievement, but Nissa is tormented by thoughts of the Torian prodigal son, Cole, a man she despises and wants to see behind bars with his father. Then the unexpected happens and Nissa finds herself facing a deal with the devil; help Cole and he’ll give her the one thing she craves—justice for his father’s victims, but as the attraction between them intensifies, Cole and Anissa quickly realise that criminal and agent may not be so different after all….

Eden Summers has absolutely blown my mind with Torian! A dark masterpiece of sexual tension, unexpected passion and explosive situations, this novel lives up to its promise and more. After enjoying Hunter and Decker, Torian was already geared to be a fantastic read, with each inclusion of Cole throughout the previous two novels ramping up my desire to see him front and centre. Eden Summers writes both Torian the story and the man beautifully; layered, nuanced, deceptive, complex, conflicting and enthralling.

There’s a dark brutality to the story and the characters that will draw readers in as Summers details a series of events where not everything is black and white and grey seems to be the colour of choice. I simply adored both of our protagonists. As the novel unfolds through the varying perspectives of both Cole and Anissa, I really felt I got to know the characters exceptionally well, with a lot of surprising insights into their motivations and true natures coming to light as Torian progressed.

It almost goes without saying that I knew I was going to like Cole. Eden Summers has always written tortured, misunderstood heroes perfectly and it doesn’t help that much of what people say and think about Cole is somewhat true…..he’s a bit of a naughty boy, but he’s also loyal, determined and lives by his own code of morals. He’s also cocky, arrogant, intelligent and basically your ultimate panty-dropping bad boy. And I love him.

Plus, there’s FBI Special Agent Anissa Fox! A woman I thought might have been the devil after Decker but now can’t get enough of. In my history of reading there have been two female characters who have gone from being the villain in my eyes to someone I’ve come to love; Aphrodite from P.C. and Kristin Cast’s House of Night series and Nan from Abbi Gline’s Rosemary Beach series. Until now. Until Anissa Fox. Anissa is someone who comes across as a cold-hearted b**** but while she is a genuinely capable and intelligent woman, there is also a side to her that is somewhat gentle and vulnerable, a side very few see. Anissa has had to fight for her position in a male dominated industry and takes her job as an FBI agent very seriously which puts her in confliction with her blossoming desires and feelings for the very man she should be trying to bring down.

Torian sees two people who should be worlds apart—criminal and FBI agent—come together with explosive results. They’re technically toxic in a lot of ways for each other, but the push and pull between them is undeniable and so electrifying. Between the brutal, but so sassy and on point verbal exchanges and their desperate need to push each other, Anissa and Cole’s relationship truly lights up the pages. It’s obsessive and passionate and unexpectedly tender at times as they eventually give into their desires. It’s highly intriguing reading as they can’t stay away from each other but despite their differences and different ideals where morality and justice is concerns, they’re surprisingly similar in a lot of ways. Oh and the sex scenes? Seriously H.O.T!

Explosive in nature and thrilling with unexpected revelations and developments, Torian is a spectacular read. At no point did I want to put this novel down and as it came to a close, I was already desperate to see what Eden Summer’s had planned for Cole and Anissa next. I’ll be counting down the days until I can read their next story and highly recommend Torian as either a standalone or as part of the overall series—you won’t be sorry you gave it a go!

Source: Sent for review by author (Thank you Eden!)
Publisher: Published by author
Format: Kindle eARC
Release Date: May 25th 2019
Buy: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
Final Thoughts: Absolutely brilliant, this is Eden Summers at her best--I'm ready for more!

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Waiting on Wednesday #271

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking The Spine where you can spotlight an upcoming release that you're eagerly anticipating.

This week I'm waiting on.....
Capturing the Devil by Kerri Maniscalco
Releases on: September 10th 2019
In the shocking finale to the bestselling series that began with Stalking Jack the Ripper, Audrey Rose and Thomas are on the hunt for the depraved, elusive killer known as the White City Devil. A deadly game of cat-and-mouse has them fighting to stay one step ahead of the brilliant serial killer---or see their fateful romance cut short by unspeakable tragedy.

Audrey Rose Wadsworth and Thomas Cresswell have landed in America, a bold, brash land unlike the genteel streets of London they knew. But like London, the city of Chicago hides its dark secrets well. When the two attend the spectacular World's Fair, they find the once-in-a-lifetime event tainted with reports of missing people and unsolved murders.

Determined to help, Audrey Rose and Thomas begin their investigations, only to find themselves facing a serial killer unlike any they've heard of before. Identifying him is one thing, but capturing him---and getting dangerously lost in the infamous Murder Hotel he constructed as a terrifying torture device---is another.

Will Audrey Rose and Thomas see their last mystery to the end---together and in love---or will their fortunes finally run out when their most depraved adversary makes one final, devastating kill?

As one of my most anticipated reads in 2019, Capturing the Devil is a book I simply MUST HAVE ASAP! I've already got myself a copy pre-ordered and you can be guaranteed I'll be reading it as soon as it hits my hot little hands. Audrey Rose and Thomas= literacy perfection and I can't get enough of them!

Are you a Audrey Rose and Thomas fan too?
And what are you waiting on this week?

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Book Shelf: The Memory Thief (City of Wishes #1) by Rachel Morgan

Every wish has a price …

In a world of fae, vampires and shifters, where wishes can be bought and bargained for, Elle is human, bound to her stepmother by a slave charm. Her only hope at freedom is to wish for it. But the Godmother rules the illegal wish trade, and the price she demands is steep. Is Elle willing to pay it?

~ ~ ~

It’s just another night of breaking her stepmother’s rules and sneaking out. Another night of drawing as little attention to herself as possible.

Get the job done. Earn a little more Essence. Move one step closer to legitimately purchasing a wish.

But when Elle runs face-first into a charming and handsome faerie—and then ends up in the clutches of a vampire—her usual fly-under-the-radar plans are knocked off course.

~ ~ ~

CITY OF WISHES is an urban fantasy serialized retelling of Cinderella. This episode is approximately 27,000 words or 120 print pages.

More info on Goodreads.....


The Memory Thief is the first novel in Rachel Morgan’s new fairytale serial City of Wishes and is a fun and quirky Cinderella retelling woven with a supernatural twist and fae element.

Nineteen year old Elle Winter is human in a world of fae, vampires and shifters where wishes can be bought and sold. Bound to her stepmother by a slave charm, Elle dreams of the day when she has enough Essence to buy her freedom with a wish. However sneaking out and earning Essence is becoming harder, and with humans beginning to be abducted, Elle knows that drawing attention to herself is a dangerous thing. Then a chance encounter with a dangerous vampire and an enigmatic fae at a club puts Elle right in the centre of the abductions and soon Elle’s priorities include not only gaining her freedom, but figuring out how to just stay alive.

Rachel Morgan is an author I always enjoy—whether she’s writing paranormal or contemporary, she always hits the nail on the head. And The Memory Thief is no exception. Set to be a part of a serial and slightly shorter than regular novels, The Memory Thief proves to be a quick, on point read that is filled with magic and possibility.

Introducing readers to Elle, The Memory Thief offers a fae twist on the traditional tale of Cinderella with Elle the human slave to her fae-stepmother and step-sisters. The world and concepts Morgan explores in this first instalment alone already have me very intrigued by this world were life essence is currency and wishes and magic are part of everyday life. Elle lives in a world primarily occupied by the fae and humans are considered lesser beings, more often than not, slaves to their fae masters.

It's an interesting idea with our protagonist having to hide who she is as she attempts to escape the control of her step-mother and survive in the fae controlled world. The concept that humans are nothing but the lowest of lows and are considered less works really well with the world Rachel Morgan is building with this series. I’m keen to see what others besides Sienna and Dex (our obvious potential love interest) accept Elle for who she is.

Quick but enjoyable reading, City of Wishes looks like it is going to be a very addictive serial to read and The Memory Thief ends leaving me ready to dive straight into the next instalment to see what Rachel Morgan has planned for Elle next!

Source: Purchased for FREE on Amazon
Publisher: Published by Rachel Morgan
Format: Kindle ebook
Release Date: April 26th 2019
Buy: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo
Final Thoughts: An enjoyable retelling--I can't wait to read more!

The Memory Thief is currently FREE on most online retailers!
Get it today:

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Book Shelf: Decker (Hunting Her #2) by Eden Summers

He protected me from danger and became my biggest threat.

He’s my defender. My savior.
A brutally determined man with a cocky smirk and an equally cocky attitude.

Broad. Strong. Focused.
He seduces me with his flirtation.
Warms me with his care.

But he’s hiding something.
There are ulterior motives beyond his concern for my security.
A thirst for more than my safe keeping.

I can’t fall for him. Can’t be tempted by his touch.

Not when he can’t be trusted.

But questioning my protector means I’ve now become his target

More info on Goodreads.....  


Decker is another heart wrenching and raw standalone novel from Eden Summers that draws readers into a thrilling world of criminal activity, danger and passionate romance.

Tech genius Decker has always been known more for his brains than his brawn, but since finding himself imbrued with the Torian crime family Decker has been found he’s been put in situations where he must rely on brute force and put his body on the line. And that includes being tasked with protecting Keira, the youngest daughter in the family. Keira rouses all of Decker’s protective instincts and even though it goes against everything he knows, all he wants to do is save her from the life and family she is a part of. Yet Deckers secrets could destroy any relationship he hopes to build with Keira; that is if they don’t get him killed first that is…..

Eden Summers is back with another explosive novel, this time featuring Decker who was previously introduced to readers in Hunter and who comes to life in this companion novel that can be read as a standalone or alongside its predecessor. Fast paced, mysterious and with plenty of twists and turns, Decker is a gritty and suspenseful novel that brings to life a dangerous world of criminal activity, violence and danger.

Decker expands more on the Torian family and their activities, something that has me very intrigued as I’m keen to see if Cole is the devil everyone thinks he is. There are heavy themes explored in this novel which may be a trigger for some people but Eden Summers does also include plenty of romance and humorous dialogue between male leads Hunter and Decker that will keep you smiling and entertained.

Keira is Decker’s female counterpart in this story and is a member of the Torain family we have not previously met. As Cole’s younger sister, Keira is no stranger to her family’s inner workings, but is also somewhat innocent to their most heinous transgressions; having been protected from the truth as much as possible. In Decker, Keira has her eyes opened and must face some harsh truths as she finds herself falling for Decker and attempting to reconcile the dangerous secrets he has kept and the position they put her family in with the brutality and cruelty her family have been responsible for.

I liked both Keira and Decker. Like Sarah and Hunter before them, they were well suited to one another and had chemistry that made their romance steamy. Decker was so much more than the sarcastic individual we previously met and I enjoyed seeing different sides to him—even if his motivations were sad to learn about.

Overall, this darkly gritty world of hitmen, violence and criminal activity is enthralling. I’m keen to see what Eden Summers has in store for the next novel Torain that is set to feature Cole Torain and  Special Agent Anissa Fox. Paring Cole with the FBI ice-cold agent is sure to be an explosive combination. Can’t wait to see for myself!

Source: Read via Kindle Unlimited (I also own a signed paperback copy)
Publisher: Published by Eden Summers
Format: Kindle ebook
Release Date: December 25th 2018
Buy: The Book Depository | Amazon | Barnes & Noble 
Final Thoughts: I enjoyed this novel and can't to read the next one!

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Free Ebooks

Hi book lovers and welcome to this back of free ebooks. Enjoy!

The Dragon's Blade by Michael R. Miller
Fury Rising by Yasmine Galenorn
Night Myst by Yasmine Galenorn

Dollhouse by Anya Allyn
The Bastard Prince by Patty Jansen
King Of Flames by Kathryn Ann Kingsley
Witchy Wickedness by Sherry Soule

Council of Consort by Jade Lewis
Strawberry by Lena Fox
The Witch's Familiars by G.A. Rael
Lightning Blade by D.N. Erikson

Lash by L.G. Castillo
Damian's Oracle by Lizzy Ford
The Tin Rose by Anne Renwick
Fortissima by Sara Kingsley   

Hope you managed to snag something new!

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Book Shelf: Seven Black Diamonds (Seven Black Diamonds #1) by Melissa Marr

Melissa Marr’s return to faery is now in paperback! The combination of ethereal fae powers, tumultuous romance, and a bloodthirsty faery queen will have longtime fans and new readers alike at the edge of their seats.

Lilywhite Abernathy is a criminal—she’s half human, half fae, and since the time before she was born her very blood has been illegal. A war has been raging between humans and faeries and the Queen of Blood and Rage, ruler of the fae courts, wants to avenge the tragic death of her heir due to the actions of reckless humans.

Lily’s father has always shielded her from the truth, but when she’s sent to the prestigious St. Columba’s school, she’s delivered straight into the arms of a fae sleeper cell—the Black Diamonds. The Diamonds are planted in the human world as the sons and daughters of the most influential families, and tasked with destroying it from within. Against her will, Lilywhite’s been chosen to join them … and even the romantic attention of the fae rock singer Creed Morrison isn’t enough to keep Lily from wanting to run back to the familiar world she knows.

Melissa Marr’s newest series explores the precarious space between two worlds—and the people who must thrive there.

More info on Goodreads.....


Seven Black Diamonds is Melissa Marr’s foray back into the world of faery with this bewitching and enchanting fae tale that will draw readers into a breathless world of deception, danger and forbidden romance.

Lilywhite Abernathey’s very existence is a crime. The daughter of a human and a fae, Lilywhite lives in a world where being half human, half fae is illegal and has been since long before she was born. A war has been raging between the Queen of Blood and Rage, the ruler of the fae courts and the humans since the tragic death of her infant child. The Queen holds humans responsible for her loss due to their reckless actions and is determined to make them pay. Lily’s father, a untouchable crime boss has always kept her shielded and protected, but when he decides to send Lilywhile to an exclusive boarding school, Lilywhite soon finds herself being drawn into the lives of others like her and caught up in a Sleeper cell who have been sent by the Queen to infiltrate the human world. It doesn’t help that the magnetic rock star Creed Morrison calls to her like no other. Though she is determined to stay out of the war, Lilywhite soon discovers that not only does she have no choice in the matter, but her very presence has the chance to change it forever….

Though she is renowned for her storytelling abilities, Melissa Marr is an author who can be hit and miss for me. Sometimes I enjoy her novels; sometimes I struggle. Seven Black Diamonds however was a novel I absolutely adored and didn’t want to end! I was enchanted by the story and the characters from the very first chapter and found myself becoming more invested in their plight the more the novel progressed.

Beautifully written, Seven Black Diamonds draws readers into a bewitching world of fae as Marr details a world where the existence of the fae is known and they consider themselves at war with the human population. Sharply told, vivid and addicting, Seven Black Diamonds unfolds in the third person and follows a number of different characters within the novel, primarily protagonist Lilywhite as well as fae Eilidh  and sleeper call member Zephyr.

I felt the desire to follow both sides of the divide—both fae and “human” characters—worked really well for Marr in Seven Black Diamonds. At first I worried whether the varying characters would wear thin, but as the novel continued, I found myself liking and caring for them all the more. They’re all so beautifully layered and have intricate relationships and connections with one another that become apparent as you read the book.

Seven Black Diamonds will satisfy the romantic at heart with plenty of forbidden romances included in the story as characters come together and find their way to one another. Lily and Creed, Eilidh  & Torquil and Zephyr and Alkamy are all super sweet and endearing couples who face different dangers and obstacles to their relationships. It’s impossible not to be swept up with the kisses, touches and connections these couples share and Melissa Marr has me very invested in their future happiness.

As this chapter in the series comes to a conclusion, Seven Black Diamonds ends very well, though it leaves many options and changes a foot for future novels. I for one can’t wait to begin the sequel as soon as possible so I can once again be immersed in this dangerously beautiful and beguiling world Melissa Marr has created.

Source: Purchased by me
Publisher: Harper Collins
Format: Paperback
Release Date: January 31st 2017
Buy: Angus & Robertson | Booktopia | The Book Depository | Amazon
Final Thoughts: Seven Black Diamonds was a fabulous read and I can't wait to read the sequel.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Waiting on Wednesday #270

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking The Spine where you can spotlight an upcoming release that you're eagerly anticipating.

This week I'm waiting on.....

Children of Virtue and Vengeance by Tomi Adeyemi 
Releases on: December 3rd 2019

After battling the impossible, Zelie and Amari have finally succeeded in bringing magic back to the land of Orisha. But the ritual was more powerful than they imagined, reigniting the powers of not only the maji but also some nobles with magic ancestry.

Now, Zelie struggles to unite the maji in an Orisha where the enemy is just as strong and magical as they are. When Amari's mother forms an army of royals with newly awakened powers, Zelie fights to secure Amari's right to the throne and protect the new maji from the monarchy's wrath.

But with civil war looming on the horizon, Zelie finds herself at a breaking point: she must find a way to bring the kingdom together or watch as Orisha tears itself apart.

I thoroughly enjoyed Children of Blood and Bone and am very much looking forward to this sequel. Children of Blood and Bone was such a lush and vivid magical story and I'm sure this one is going to be as brilliant. Can't wait to read it. 

Have you read Children of Blood and Bone?
Are you wanting to read this too?