Seventeen-year-old Bryar Rose has a problem. She’s descended from one of the three magical races—shifters, fairies, or witches. That makes her one of the Magicorum, and Magicorum always follow a fairy tale life template. In Bryar’s case, that template should be Sleeping Beauty.
“Should” being the key word.
Trouble is, Bryar is nowhere near the sleeping beauty life template. Not even close. She doesn’t like birds or woodland creatures. She can’t sing. And she certainly can’t stand Prince Philpot, the so-called “His Highness of Hedge Funds” that her aunties want her to marry. Even worse, Bryar’s having recurring dreams of a bad boy hottie and is obsessed with finding papyri from ancient Egypt. What’s up with that?
All Bryar wants is to attend a regular high school with normal humans and forget all about shifters, fairies, witches, and the curse that Colonel Mallory the Magnificent placed on her. And she might be able to do just that--if only she can just keep her head down until her eighteenth birthday when the spell that’s ruined her life goes buh-bye.
But that plan gets turned upside down when Bryar Rose meets Knox, the bad boy who’s literally from her dreams. Knox is a powerful werewolf, and his presence in her life changes everything, and not just because he makes her knees turn into Jell-O. If Bryar can’t figure out who—or what—she really is, it might cost both her and Knox their lives… as well as jeopardize the very nature of magic itself.
1. Wolves And Roses (Fall 2017)
1.5. Moonlight and Midtown (Spring 2018)
2. Shifters And Glyphs (Fall 2018)
Perfect for readers who love young adult books, contemporary fantasy, fairy tales, satire/comedy, paranormal romance, fairies, magic users, shapeshifters, and coming of age stories.
More info on Goodreads......
Wolves and Roses is the first tale in Christina Bauer’s new Fairy Tales of the Magicorum series and is a highly entertaining fairy tale retelling that is sure to entice readers with it’s kick-ass heroine, strong romantic interest and beguiling fairytale world that is full of potential.
Seventeen year old Bryar Rose lives in a world where magic exists, even though it seems to be disappearing. Shifters, fairies and witches are only some of the magical creatures that inhabit the world as well as a few special individuals whose lives mirror fairytales. Bryar is a “Sleeping Beauty” template, decended from one of those three races and cursed by an evil fairy to fall into a frozen state. Luckily for Bry, her three fairy aunties have given her a special inhaler she uses that combats the symptoms of the curse when they begin to take effect. Yet Bryar is far from the typical Sleeping Beauty--she can't sing, doesn't like woodland animals and can't stand her so called "Prince Charming." Now Bryar is experiencing strange and vivid dreams of ancient pyramids and a darkly brooding bad boy that haunts her dreams more with each passing day. Being a normal teenager is all Bryar wants but when she meets her literal dream man, swoon worthy werewolf Knox, his presence will change everything and Bryar Rose is about to discover that not all fairytales are as they seem.....
Personally I really adore fairytale retellings and was really impressed and excited by what I found within the pages of Wolves and Roses. Christina Bauer has created a very light and fun world that mixes shifters, witches and fairies with classic fairytales a to bring to life something really promising. Wolves and Roses introduces and followers Bryar Rose who is a Sleeping Beauty template, but we're also introduced to characters that follow the classic tales of Cinderella and Red Riding Hood too. I very much hope to see their lives explored in further books.
Wolves and Roses unfolds through both Bryar and Knox's varying POV's and was wonderfully told. I loved Bry and Knox respectively and thought they had a great chemistry as a couple too considering their building attraction and romance played an integral part of the story. Bryar was very strong willed but sweet and I appreciated that Bauer wrote her physically capable and able to fight if necessary. She wasn't one of those weak kneed fairytale heroines who needed a man to save her.
Knox was very sexy and somewhat brooding as an alpha werewolf but I loved his way of thinking. Christina Bauer won me over with Bryar and Knox's inner wolves, especially Knox's. They were like their own individual personalities and Knox's wolf made me smile so often with his adamant nature where Bry was concerned and his inner tantrums. It was like a naughty but adamant puppy--so cute.
Bryar's best friend Elle and Knox's friend Alec were also two people I just adored. I'm so excited to see what Bauer has planned where they're concerned as they have the beginnings of a really great romance and I think they're both awesome. Hope we see plenty of them in future books--I'd love to see a novel told from their POV's in the future if possible. I think they'd both have so much to say and a real story to tell.
Magic, mayhem and romance make Wolves and Roses highly addictive and a downright enjoyable story. Can't wait to see more from the Fairy Tales of the Magicorum series and will keep my eye out to see what Christina Bauer does next!

Source: Sent for review by author and Xpresso Book Tours (Thank you ladies)
Publisher: Monster House Books,
Format: Kindle ebook
Release Date: October 31st 2017
Purchase: The Book Depository | Amazon | Barnes & Noble
Kobo | iBooks
Final Thoughts: I thought Wolves and Roses was a really enjoyable read and I can't wait to read the second novel when it comes out!
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