Thursday, December 29, 2016

Favourite Books of 2016

As 2016 draws to a close, I thought I'd take the opportunity to share my favourite books with you of the year. As a blogger, I have the opportunity to read some very fantastic books, often discovering new favourites along the way to finding new authors to follow. Here are my favourite 2016 published releases, ebook reads and previously released books I finally read in 2016 :)

2016 Published Reads:
Raelia by Lynette Noni
Passenger by Alexandra Bracken
Ruined by Amy Tintera
Teach Me to Forget by Erica M. Chapman
 Ebook Reads:
Soulless by Jacinta Maree
Forbidden by Katrina Snow
The Midnight Sea by Kat Ross 
The Gender Game by Bella Forrest
Dancing In The Athenian Rain by Katie Hamstead
Previously Released But Read in 2016  
Beautiful Player by Christina Lauren 
Cipher by Aileen Erin
Kick, Push by Jay McLean
Caressed by Ice by Nalini Singh
A Corner of White by Jaclyn Moriarty

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Waiting on Wednesday #161

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking The Spine where you can spotlight an upcoming release that you're eagerly anticipating.

This week I'm waiting on.....
Defy the Stars by Claudia Gray
Releases on: April 1st 2017
Noemi is a young and fearless soldier of Genesis, a colony planet of a dying Earth. But the citizens of Genesis are rising up - they know that Earth's settlers will only destroy this planet the way they destroyed their own. And so a terrible war has begun.

When Noemi meets Abel, one of Earth's robotic mech warriors, she realizes that Abel himself may provide the key to Genesis' salvation. Abel is bound by his programming to obey her - even though her plan could result in his destruction. But Abel is no ordinary mech. He's a unique prototype, one with greater intelligence, skill and strength than any other. More than that, he has begun to develop emotions, a personality and even dreams. Noemi begins to realise that if Abel is less than human, he is more than a machine. If she destroys him, is it murder? And can a cold-blooded murder be redeemed by the protection of a world?

Stranded together in space, they go on a whirlwind adventure through Earth's various colony worlds, alongside the countless Vagabonds who have given up planetary life altogether and sail forever between the stars. Each step brings them closer - both to each other and to the terrible decision Noemi will have to make about her world's fate, and Abel's.
I generally like Claudia Grey's books and have been reading her tales since I first started getting back into reading 5+ years ago, so I was super excited to learn she had a new story in the works before I even saw the delectable cover and fantastic description! I CANNOT wait to read Defy the Stars--it sounds so brilliant. Bring on April!
Does Defy the Stars sound like something you want to read?
What are YOU waiting on this week?

Sunday, December 25, 2016


Wishing you all a safe, happy and merriest of Christmases! Hope it's filled with plenty of love, joy and presents! Oh, and books. Lots and lots of books ;)

Rachel xoxo

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Book Shelf: Quanta Reset (The Shadow Ravens #3) by Lola Dodge

Quanta has escaped her laboratory prison, but that’s where the good news ends.

Life at the Shadow Ravens’ compound is a disaster. She’s drowning in visions of the dark pasts and darker futures of her fellow Ravens and is plagued by her own panic-inducing memories, but Lady Eva still expects her to “train” and “participate in missions.” Plus, the food tastes like burnt plastic.

The only bright spot is her genetic pairing to the brilliant Altair Orpheus. As their relationship grows, she’s positive that chemicals aren’t the only things drawing them together—although chemistry is definitely involved.

While they test the limits of her game-changing new ability to reset time, word arrives from Eva’s agents: Doctor Nagi is still experimenting with her DNA. If he succeeds in duplicating her power…

Forget the Shadow Ravens. The whole world is toast.

More info on Goodreads.....


Quanta Reset by Lola Dodge is the third novel in The Shadow Raven’s seriesthe second to feature seer Quantaand picks up where the last book concluded, taking readers on an exhilarating journey from beginning to end.

Having managed to escape Doctor Nagi’s lab, Quanta and Tair are currently safe; hidden away in the Shadow Ravens compound. However life in the compound isn’t easy for Quanta whose timeghosts haunt her now more than ever as she struggles to rein in her abilities and adapt to life outside the lab. Watching the woman he cares about deteriorate is a nightmare for Altair Orpheus, but just as Lady Eva wants to train Quanta, all Tair wants to do it keep her safe. Their pairing a bright light in dark times, Quanta and Tair will once again have to face off against Doctor Nagi and his unexpected experiments if they have any hope of staying alive.

Picking up not far after the last book left off, Quanta Reset is another deeply enjoyable and fast paced story that readers are sure to love. Exploring new dimensions of the series and new aspects of Quanta herself, Lola Dodge does a great job capitalising on what we already know and throwing in more twists. Plus, it was super fun to see Cipher and Knight again!

Having gotten to know Quanta in the first book, I found it really interesting seeing her attempt to adjust and struggle in this novel. The ramifications of all she’d been through had taken its toll and Lola Dodge doesn’t shy away from this factinstead highlighting and showing the difficulties faced by Quanta. Our heroine has a lot of tough times ahead of her, but I love the strength she embraces as she faces them.

If I’m being honest and a little sappy, I really missed seeing a stronger amount of romance between Quanta and Tair in this instalment, although I did enjoy seeing them develop further as companions and confidants in Quanta Reset. Tair really is at a point where he’ll do anything for Quanta and its beautiful seeing the love he clearly has for her develop and shine through. All I’m saying is a little more kissing and snuggling will be definitely appreciated in the next book.

There’s tonnes of developments in this novel as Quanta and Tair face off against an unexpected enemy who is a replica of Quanta. I’m really keen to see what happens in the next book Quanta Rewind and I’m curious as to whether Devan will have a larger role in the series. Perhaps she will be our next heroine following Quanta?

Either way, I’m happy with how Quanta Reset played out and am looking forward to discovering what happens to Quanta, Tair and the rest of the Ravens when the next book releases in the new year!

Sent for review by publisher via Netgalley (Thank you guys!)
Publisher: Ink Monster      
Kindle ebook via Netgalley
Release Date: September 27th 2016
The Book Depository | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo
Final Thoughts:
Another great read in the series!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Waiting on Wednesday #160

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking The Spine where you can spotlight an upcoming release that you're eagerly anticipating.

This week I'm waiting on.....
Avenged by Amy Tintera
Releases on: May 2nd 2017
Add on Goodreads!
In the sequel to Ruined, the romance of The Selection and the epic stakes of Red Queen come together in a story of revenge, adventure, and unexpected love.

Emelina Flores has come home to Ruina. After rescuing her sister Olivia from imprisonment in rival kingdom Lera, Em and Olivia together vow to rebuild Ruina to its former glory.

But their fight has only begun. Olivia is determined to destroy everyone who acts against Ruina, but Em isn’t as sure. Ever since Em posed as Prince Casimir’s betrothed in Lera, she’s started to see another side to this war. And now that Cas has taken the throne, Em believes a truce is within reach. But Olivia suspects that Em’s romantic feelings for Cas are just coloring her judgement.

Em is determined to bring peace to her home. But when winning the war could mean betraying her family, Em faces an impossible choice between loyalty and love. Em must stay one step ahead of her enemies—and her blood—before she’s the next victim in this battle for sovereignty.
I was a little thrown after I read Ruined to discover that so many people didn't love the novel with the same passion that I did. Amy Tintera is yet to let me down and I'm dying for Avenged. Like seriously, is it May yet? I loved Em and I loved Cas and I want to see more of them together!

What do you think of Avenged? Did you like Ruined or are you yet to read it?
And what are you waiting on this week?


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Book Shelf: American Monsters (Demon Road #3) by Derek Landy

Bigger, meaner, stronger.

Amber closes in on her murderous parents as they make one last desperate play for power. Her own last hopes of salvation, however, rest beyond vengeance, beyond the abominable killers - living and dead - that she and Milo will have to face.

For Amber's future lies in her family's past, in the brother and sister she never knew, and the horrors beyond imagining that befell them.

More info on Goodreads.....


American Monsters is the third and final novel in Derek Landy’s Demon Road Trilogy and is a comedic and action paced ending to the series.

Having recently agreed to be Astroths representative and collect those foolish enough to hope to escape him, Amber finds herself hot on the heels of her murderous parents as she and Milo follow them across the country. Hoping to find a way to escape her deal with the Shining Demon herself, Amber and Milo must come out with a plan to outsmart Astroth that doesn’t get them killed, which is easier said than done…..

American Monsters finishes off Derek Landy’s demonic adventure in fitting form. On the whole, the Demon Road Trilogy has been easy enough to read. Perfect for those who have loved demonic shows like Supernatural and their books with a bit of bite, there’s no doubt in my mind that Derek Landy has written something unique and original with this series even if admittedly there were times when the series felt off to me.

Although the series failed to reach the heights I hoped it would reach in my eyes, it has been a decent enough read and I think Landy packed enough action, humour and sarcasm into the story to keep his readers satisfied. Personally, there were some times where the series faltered for me—mainly as I failed to connect with some of the characters on a deeper level and as things turned strange. Still, I'm glad I gave the series a go and am happy to have seen it out to the end.

As an intricate and unique story with a lot of different paranormal goings on—demons, ghostly hauntings, vampires, hellhounds etc—there is plenty to discover within American Monsters and Demon Road all together. This series will be a great addition to most male readers to-read-list and is something to give a go if you’re looking for something light, not overly serious and easy to follow.

Sent for review by publisher (Thank you Holly!)
Publisher: Harper Collins
Format: Paperback

Release Date: 26/08/2016
Bookworld | Booktopia | The Book Depository | Amazon
Final Thoughts:
A decent ending, this series is perfect for the male reader and those who like their demonic tales swimming in sarcasm.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Owl Post #108

Inspired by The Story Siren's In My Mailbox, Owl Post allows us bloggers to showcase the books we've bought, won or received throughout the week and is hosted by Brodie over at Eleusinian Mysteries. We all know that the Owl Post is the fastest way to send and receive mail and they certainly make me happy every time they drop a book off.
Hi guys and welcome to the second last Owl Post for 2016! Can you believe how fast this year has gone :)
For Review:
 From Bloomsbury:
- We Come Apart by Sarah Crossan & Brian Conaghan
This book was a real surprise for me as I hadn't heard of it when I received it in the mail, but I really enjoy Sarah Crossan's books and am looking forward to reading this book! It'll be her second novel in verse I've read, but I have a feeling it's going to be amazing.
...Thank you guys!
And that's all for me this week. One book but a good book :)
What did the owls bring YOU this week?

Friday, December 16, 2016

Book Blitz: Grail by Realm Lovejoy- Excerpt & Giveaway

As a fan of this series, I'm excited to help share the Book Blitz for Grail, the third book in the Le Fay series by Realm Lovejoy thanks to YA Bound Book Tours. This series is a brilliant twist on King Arthur and Camelot and I hope you enjoy the excerpt I have to share.

A hero has fallen, and darkness threatens a splintered Camelot. In the midst of turmoil, the last hope for the kingdom is Morgan le Fay. Morgan is both feared and revered . . . and currently in prison for treason.

In the wake of King Uther’s tragic death, the wicked Mordred is closing in on young King Arthur, and the boy king turns to Morgan for help. Freed from her imprisonment through his order, Morgan searches for a way to protect him. But she is still an outcast, and no one believes her suspicions about Mordred.

To save King Arthur, Morgan must reach the greatest Royal Relic in the world—the Grail—before Mordred does. It’s a journey that will challenge her in ways she’s never been challenged before. Traveling deep into a land of darkness, she will need to overcome the ghosts of her past to find her true power.

Can Morgan defeat Mordred and save King Arthur? And this time, can she defend Camelot without destroying herself? In this third book in the Le Fay series, author Realm Lovejoy reveals secrets from the past as Morgan’s epic journey unfolds.


Discover the series Kirkus Reviews dubs, "Camelot meets Hogwarts meets Panem in this intriguing, well-written beginning to a planned YA series."
Check it out on Goodreads!
Henge (Book One) is currently FREE on Amazon! Begin Morgan's journey today!
From Grail....

Footsteps sound across the marble. I swallow and get back to mopping, watching the marble and wood patterns beneath become shiny with the cleanser. It’s a small relief to be surrounded by beauty after being locked in my closet room. I study the depth of the wood grains, the slices of gold and sparkling black marbles.

The steps stop in front of me. A clearing of the throat.

I grab the handle of the bucket, preparing my leave. “I will be out of your way,” I say briskly.

“Morgan?” the voice says.

I halt, meeting eyes with Lancelot. 

He looks a bit older too. The grays in his eyes more somber like the ancient temple rocks I saw in Avalon, stained with mist and forgotten by man. There’s a welt over his left brow that wasn’t there earlier.
The space between us seems defined as the light rays slice past me, toward him. We stand there with dust glinting in front of us for what seems like minutes. 

“Sir Lancelot,” I say, straightening. “I’m in your way. Excuse me.”

“Morgan,” he repeats.

I tighten my grasp on the handle, worried as to where this is going. I push away the memories of him. 

“I’m sorry,” he says, not taking his eyes off mine. “I didn’t know what to do. I saw you in the cafeteria serving the food and I… well, I froze up with shock. I heard about the parole thing. I didn’t know you’d be… doing work like this.” He shakes his head. “What am I saying? I’m glad you’re alive.”

“Thank you,” I reply stiffly.

“I wanted to see how you’re doing.”

Having someone want to “see” me seems worse than being invisible.

“This is how I’m doing,” I say, motioning to the mop and my work—the shiny floor.

The glossiness ends at the halfway point between us, like a dividing line. He moves his foot, the boot coming a smidgen closer.

“This is… not acceptable,” he says. 

I tense even more, afraid to know what he means.

“This,” he says again, pointing to the mop, the bands, and my terrible jumpsuit. “You are so much more than this. The Cabinet is crazy to have someone so gifted waste away.”

“Lancelot,” I blurt out, terrified by his care and where it has led to before. “Don’t pity me. Just move on. Forget about everything—about me. That’s what everyone else is doing.”

“Nobody will ever forget about you. Right now everyone is desperate to feel safe and normal. I admit even I’m desperate and tempted to jump into denial. And you. I’ve never seen you like this, not even in prison.”

I snort. “Jumpsuits weren’t my thing, exactly.”

He points at my face. “I mean, your eyes. You have dead eyes. It’s not like you to meekly mop and serve food quietly while keeping your head down. What happened to your inner fire?”

I open my palm to observe my burn wounds with a bitter smile. “I’m a little burnt out, I guess.”

“At least you still have your morbid sense of humor,” Lancelot comments.

Want more? Trust me you do!

Realm Lovejoy is an American writer and an artist. She grew up in both Washington State and the Japanese Alps of Nagano, Japan. Currently she lives in Seattle and works as an artist in the video game industry. CLAN is her first book. You can find out more about her and her books at

Visit Realm:

Free Ebooks

Hello lovelies! I hope you've all had a fabulous week :) I've got some freebies to share with you today. Hope you enjoy.....

Did you manage to get something new?
I know I did!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Book Shelf: Passionate Addiction (Reckless Beat #2) by Eden Summers

He’s been her ultimate untouchable desire.

Nothing says happy birthday like a rock god flying thousands of miles to surprise a woman he's never met. But that's exactly what happens to Gabi Smith when she gives her long distance best friend a flippant invitation to her laid back girl’s night out. She never expected to turn on the dance floor and find Blake Kennedy’s gaze holding her body captive.

She’s his everything and he’s never laid eyes on her.

Gabi means more to Blake than life itself. She’s his strength, his savior, and the only person who helped to vanquish his demons. No one means more to him than his angel. So when things between them start to sizzle, he's ready to fight for the future he never thought he would deserve.

Skeletons from his past will threaten his only chance at love...

Blake has come a long way—with Gabi's help—to leave the hell of his youth behind him, but sometimes memories don’t want to stay buried. Determined to stand on his own for once, Blake is willing to stretch the truth to keep his troubles from burdening the woman he adores.

Little white lies can create black holes in any relationship. Only time will tell if an Aussie with a heart of gold will forgive her bad-boy boyfriend or if the deceit will end his passionate addiction.

More info on Goodreads.....


Passionate Addiction is the tantalizing second novel in the Reckless Beat series by Eden Summers and is a passionate and emotional romance that gives its predecessor a run for its money with its electricity, sass and flair!

Having connected through an online support group for individuals with addictions, Gabi Smith and Blake Kennedy have been best friends for years, speaking every day online and over the phone but never meeting face to face. The will happen when one of them are a member of an internationally renowned rock band and the other a humble girl from Australia still saddened by her beloved brother’s death due to drugs. Yet all that changes when Blake surprises the girl he’s loved for years and fly’s to Australia to crash her birthday party! She’s been his best friend, confidant and the most important person in his life since they first spoke, while Gabi has secretly fantasied about the unattainable rock star who owns her heart. Sparks fly as soon as they lay eyes on each other and as they embark on a whirlwind romance, have Blake and Gabi just begun their happily ever after or will the secrets of Blake’s past tear them apart?

My goodness does Eden Summers know how to write delicious, sexy, and emotion filled tales! Every part of this sexy book bled through to me; I felt the giddy anticipation as Blake prepares to meet Gabi for the first time in the flesh, I felt the deep, powerful love that burned between them as they finally acted on the years long love and desire they had for the other and I felt every painful thought and emotion Gabi went through when Blake hurt her. The characters came to life and the story were so well told and vibrant. I love these rockers and the gals in their lives—Blake, Mitch, Mason, Sean, Ryan, Leah, Alana, Gabi….they’re all such perfect additions to the NA world.

Considering how deeply in love with each other Blake and Gabi, in some senses the relationship and romance between them may have seemed too quick, but Summers give Blake and Gabi this solid foundation of friendship and years of correspondence online and over the phone. They fell in love before they ever met the other in person, so in Passionate Addiction, all we're seeing is them finally being able to be physical and intimate with the person they’ve loved for such a long time.

I thoroughly enjoyed all the interactions between Gabi and Blake as well as all the other characters throughout Passionate Addiction. Having met Blake in the first novel, he really was so much softer and sweeter than I was expecting. I loved the dedicated, determined side of him we met in this novel and honestly thought Gabi was a worthy match for him. I thought it was super sweet the way they met and loved how Eden Summers gave them an almost fairytale like story....with a lot of angst, emotion and drama woven in that is.

Finishing up nicely, Passionate Addiction sets up the next full length novel in the series, Sidney and Masons story Undesired Lust wonderfully and leaves me keen to read the short novella Reckless Weekend next!

Sent for review by author (Thank you Eden!)
Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform              
Kindle ebook
Release Date: November 14th 2013
The Book Depository | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo
Final Thoughts:
Another great tale--I loved it!


Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Waiting on Wednesday #159

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking The Spine where you can spotlight an upcoming release that you're eagerly anticipating.

This week I'm waiting on.....
Reunited by Colleen Houck
Releases on: August 8th 2017
After surviving her otherworldly adventure, Lily wakes up on her nana’s farm having forgotten everything. Her sun prince, her travels to Egypt, and her journey to the Afterlife are all distant memories.
But Lily is not the girl she once was. Her body is now part human, part lion, and part fairy. And if that isn’t bad enough, she must now harness this power of three and become Wasret: a goddess destined to defeat the evil god Seth once and for all.
With the help of her old friend Dr. Hassan, Lily departs on her final voyage through the cosmos and across the plains of Egypt. On the journey, she will transform into the being she is destined to become.
Reunited is the heart-pounding conclusion to the Reawakened series.
It is time for Lily to find her sunset.

Having read and enjoyed the two previous books in this trilogy, I'm super keen for this conclusion to be released. Colleen Houck has penned a really interesting series and I'm exicted to see how things end of Lily and those in her life. My only fear is the dreaded love triangle, but seeing as Houck has written a love-hexagon.....I'm hoping this won't be an issue. Bring on August!
What do you think of this series? Have you had a chance to read it yourself?
And what are YOU waiting on this week?

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Book Shelf: Teach Me to Forget by Erica M. Chapman

Ellery's bought the gun, made arrangements for her funeral, and even picked the day. A Wednesday. Everything has fallen into place.

Now all she has to do is die.

When her plans go awry and the gun she was going to kill herself with breaks, she does the one thing she has control over--return it and get a new one. After tormenting the crusty customer service associate by trying to return the gun with the wrong receipt, Ellery gets caught by the security guard who also happens to be someone she knows--the annoyingly perfect Colter Sawyer from her English class.

Colter quickly uncovers what she's hiding and is determined to change her mind. After confessing a closely held secret of his own, he promises not to tell hers. Ellery tries to fight her attraction to him as the shadows of her past cling tight around her, but when she's faced with another tragedy, she must decide whether her love for one boy is more important than a lifetime of pain.

More info on Goodreads.....


Erica M. Chapman's debut novel Teach Me To Forget is a beautiful and compelling tale of emotion, honesty and powerful themes all woven together with layered characters, sassy dialogue and a swoon-worthy romance.

Ellery Stevens wants to kill herself. She's bought the gun, decided on the day and even made arrangements for her funeral. Everything is going according to plan....until the gun she uses breaks on the day. So Ellery does what any sane person would do...she decides to return it and get a new one. Only customer service doesn't smile upon a seventeen year old returning a shotgun with the wrong reciept, and soon Ellery finds herself being escorted from the mall by a security guard. A security guard who happens to go to her school and is someone she knows. Colter Sawyer, jock and seemingly perfect individual, quickly discovers Ellery's secret and is determined to change her mind. Colter's got secrets of his own and is one of the few people able to understand Ellery's pain. He's refusing to give up on her even as Ellery is determined to fight her attraction to Colter and find another way to die. As Colter tries to convince Ellery to live, will another tragedy push her over the edge? Or will Ellery finally discover a reason to live and be able to move on from her pain?

Having devoured Teach Me To Forget, I have absolutely no hesitation in giving it the perfect five star rating I've given it. None at all. Erica M. Chapman details an incredibly written and powerful novel with this story. Teach Me To Forget deals with strong, important themes whilst managing to mix romance, friendship and sarcasm into a story that follows a strappy, strong voiced heroine. There's the perfect blend of entertainment and thought provoking situations blended together with lyrical writing and wonderful dialogue.

It's impossible to read this tale and not be completely won over by Ellery. She's guilt ridden and in pain but very determined. And she actually manages to instill a lot of logic into her attempts at suicide. Through Ellery, Erica M. Chapman highlights how easily it is to miss someone's pain and how it's often those who keep their intentions a secret that are actually the most serious about ending their lives. Throughout Teach Me To Forget, you will feel Ellery's pain, feel her uncertainly and feel her confusion as Colter begins to make her question her intensions.

There's no quick fix in this novel as Elley's pain is real and unbending, but Elley's chance at salvation does come in the form of Colter Sawyer who quickly makes it his mission to watch over Ellery and try to convince her to live. There was nothing about Colter I didn't like--he really was a beautiful soul who managed to be cheeky, honest and swoon-worthy all at the same time. As with Ellery, Colter felt real and I really did love him as a person as well as a love interest.

The relationship between Ellery and Colter is a big part of Teach Me To Forget, as what starts out as Colter trying to save Ellery from herself soon turns into an endearing, honest and emotional romance. There's so much authenticity to Ellery and Colter as a couple. Chapman manages to wonderfully capture the anticipation, uncertainty and awkwardness that comes as two people start to fall in love and begin to blossom, even as one remains determined to fight their feelings for as long as possible. There's a wonderful chemistry between Ellery and Colter and I thought they were such an adorable couple.

There's so much about Teach Me To Forget to love. Ellery has a snarky and sarcastic personality that bleeds through the story while Chapman instills a lot of heart wrenching emotion within the story alongside some fabulous minor characters who give the story depth and life.

Sensationally written, featuring a witty dialogue and a romance that feels real, Teach Me To Forget is a beautiful novel that I doubt my review will do justice for but can't recommend regardless! One of my favourite books this year!

Sent for review by publisher (Thank you guys!)
Publisher: Merit Press
Format: Hardback

Release Date: December 2nd 2016
The Book Depository | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo
Final Thoughts: Emotional, moving and beautifully written, Teach Me To Forget is a wonderful story I highly recommend!

Monday, December 12, 2016

Owl Post #107

Inspired by The Story Siren's In My Mailbox, Owl Post allows us bloggers to showcase the books we've bought, won or received throughout the week and is hosted by Brodie over at Eleusinian Mysteries. We all know that the Owl Post is the fastest way to send and receive mail and they certainly make me happy every time they drop a book off.
It's Owl Post time! I'm thrilled to share some great books with you this week :)
For Review:
From Pan Macmillan:
- Truthwitch by Susan Dennard
I've heard some really great things about this book and I think it sounds like a fabulous fantasy tale. Looking forward to reading it before the sequel comes out in the near future.
- A Quiet Kind of Thunder by Sara Barnard
I'm be taking part in the Aussie blog tour for this novel in January, but boy does it sounds amazing. This could be a really incredible contemporary and I really hope it lives up to my expecations.
....Thank you guys!
I Bought:
- Jax by J.L. Perry
I've already had the pleasure of reading Jax and loving it. Had to have my own paperback copy to put on my shelf! Check out my review here if you want.
- The Darkest Torment by Gena Showalter
I loooove this series so very much. I don't know why it's taken me so long to finally get myself a copy of this 13th installment, but I'm certainly ready to read this tale.
And those are my book goodies this week.
What did the owls bring YOU?

Friday, December 9, 2016

Aussie YA Bloggers Secret Santa Blog Hop 2016

This year, I'm taking part in the Aussie YA Bloggers' Secret Santa! This is my first time participating, so I'm excited to join on all the fun. Today I'm sharing my post in the blog hop :)

1. What are your top 5 favourite books this year?

2. What are your top 5 favourite Aussie YA books this year?
It wasn't until I started to answer this question that I realized how many books by Aussie authors I had read this year. It was hard to narrow it down, but here are my faves:
 3. How did you go with your Goodreads challenge?
I actually went really good. I always aim for 100 books in a year and I'm currently at 143 books so far. I'm hoping to reach the 150 mark by years end. You can see a complete list of the books I've read here.

4. What is your favourite blogging moment of 2016?
I've had such great times throughout 2016, but I had an absolute blast at the Sydney Author Event this year. So many authors gathered in one place at one time is a blogger and book lovers dream and this event didn't disappoint. I got to meet Nalini Singh and Christina Lauren--two of my fave authors!

5. What are your blogging goals for 2017?
The same one I say every more active, post more unique content--that kind of stuff. I'm generally pretty frequent with my blog, normally one post a day but I want to find more time to be active on other peoples blogs.

6. What books are you looking forward to in 2017?
There is waaaay too many to name, but a picture is worth a thousand words right.....

7. What is your favourite thing about the Aussie YA community?
The fact they seem to be as passionate about books as me. People in real life (AKA outside the internet) don't always seem to understand why you love, adore and worship books as much as you do, but you can almost guarantee the other bloggers will totally get why your heart is broken after a book finishes, you've fallen in love with a character or are dying for a new book to come out. And think you're still totally sane.....

Leave 3 clues for your santee below!

1. You're a writer as well as a reader.
2. You have a lot of beautiful pictures on your blog.
3. You seem very wonderful.

This InLinkz widget is not allowed in this website. You can still view the linkup here

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Cover Reveal: The Darkest Promise by Gena Showalter

The Lords of the Underworld by Gena Showalter is one of my favourite series ever and I'm soooooo excited to take part in the cover reveal for book number 13, The Darkest Promise featuring Cameo and Lazarus!

New York Times bestselling author Gena Showalter returns with a sizzling Lords of the Underworld story about an iron-willed sovereign and the somber beauty who melts him with a glance…

Possessed by the demon of Misery, Cameo isn't allowed to experience joy. If she dares, her memory is wiped clean. With no other recourse, she sneaks into a land more fantastical than any fairy tale, determined to find the one man with the key to her redemption. 

Lazarus the Cruel and Unusual rules his kingdom with a single unwavering focus: to build his army and annihilate his enemies. Nothing distracts him—until Cameo. He is relentless in his quest to make her smile…and seduce her into his bed. 

As dark forces conspire against them, threatening to destroy the fragile bond they've forged, the once-calm Lazarus grows crazed. Every heart-stopping kiss and wicked touch causes Cameo to teeter on the brink of happiness. But if she falls, she risks forgetting him forever…


Gena Showalter is the New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author of the spellbinding Lords of the Underworld series, two young-adult series—Everlife and The White Rabbit Chronicles—and the highly addictive Original Heartbreakers series.  
She’s hard at work on her next novel, a tale featuring an alpha male with a dark side and the strong woman who brings him to his knees. You can learn more about Gena, her menagerie of rescue dogs and all her upcoming books at or

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