Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Waiting on Wednesday #245

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking The Spine where you can spotlight an upcoming release that you're eagerly anticipating.

This week I'm waiting on.....

Queen of Ruin by Tracy Banghart 
Releases on: July 2nd 2019
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A fierce sequel full of sisterhood, heart pounding action, betrayal, and intrigue in the royal court in a series that "breathes new life into the feminist story of oppression and resistance" (Publisher's Weekly).

Banished by Asa at the end of Grace and Fury, Nomi and Malachi find themselves powerless and headed towards their all-but-certain deaths. Now that Asa sits on the throne, he will stop at nothing to make sure Malachi never sets foot in the palace again. Their only hope is to find Nomi's sister, Serina, on the prison island of Mount Ruin. But when Nomi and Malachi arrive, it is not the island of conquered, broken women that they expected. It is an island in the grip of revolution, and Serina--polite, submissive Serina--is its leader.

Betrayal, grief, and violence have changed both sisters, and the women of Mount Ruin have their sights set on revenge beyond the confines of their island prison. They plan to sweep across the entire kingdom, issuing in a new age of freedom for all. But first they'll have to get rid of Asa, and only Nomi knows how.

Separated once again, this time by choice, Nomi and Serina must forge their own paths as they aim to tear down the world they know, and build something better in its place.

The stakes are higher and the battles bolder in Tracy Banghart's unputdownable sequel to Grace and Fury.

Tracy Banghart has always been an author I love (try her Rebel Wing series--it's amazing!) and Grace and Fury has been a favourite of mine this year. So it say I'm excited for Queen of Ruin in an understatement! I CANNOT WAIT until this book releases so that I can join Nomi and Serina (and Malachi!) again on their thrilling journey!!

Have you read Grace and Fury? If not you totally should!
And what are YOU waiting on this week?


Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Book Shelf: Dragon Mated (Supernatural Prison #3) by Jaymin Eve

In the epic conclusion to the Supernatural Prison trilogy, Jessa Lebron finds herself deep in the world of Larkspur, the dragon king. She will have to play it smart and fight with everything to stay one step ahead of him and while at times it’s tough to keep her focus, she will do anything to escape and reunite with her boys, the Compass quads.

Of course, it’s impossible to be where she is and not dig deeper into the curse of the dragon mark. As more information is uncovered, she starts to understand why she, of all supernaturals, was the one to be singled out. And this changes everything she thought she knew.

Turns out she doesn’t know a damn thing.

There will be decisions to make. Tough decisions. Jessa has to be strong enough for the sake of the supernatural races, but sometimes that’s easier said than done.

More info on Goodreads.....


Dragon Mated is the third and final novel in the Supernatural Prison series by Jaymin Eve and is an action packed conclusion to a trilogy full of supernatural creatures, bonds of family and a fight to prevent a powerful King from destroying the supernatural world forever.

Jessa Lebron is currently being held prisoner by the dragon king, after his escape from his centuries long imprisonment. Larkspur has big plans for the supernatural race and for some reason those plans include Jessa. This means she has been ripped away from her mate Braxton and the rest of her pack. Desperate to get back to her loved ones, Jessa quickly decides to attempt an escape but with the dragon king adamant about keeping her by his side, her escaping may only be the beginning of Jessa’s troubles. There’s a fight on the horizon and it’s outcome threatens everything Jessa holds dear. Can the dual wolf and dragon shifter find the strength to defeat an enemy who is said to be unkillable? Or will the dragon king destroy all the supernatural races with his dragon marked army?

Dragon Mated brings to an end Jaymin Eve’s Supernatural Prison series but it’s not without new developments, revelations and plenty of action. Picking up directly where the previous novel left off, Dragon Mated is a fast paced story that builds to an epic battle. Jaymin Eve once again features Jessa front and centre and she and her pack face the dragon king now that he has been freed.

Jessa has been an easy enough character to follow, although I'd be lying if I didn't say she has not been without her faults. Her smart mouth has grown on me however, as has the connection she shares with the other characters, her "pack". At first the closeness of Jessa and the Compass brothers seemed somewhat forced, but overtime I feel like it has come to seem more natural and easier for me to enjoy as the reader.

This series has been one I have enjoyed more with each instalment that passes. I feel that Jaymin Eve has developed things well over time and as Dragon Mated brings to a close this trilogy, I find myself very excited to begin the spin-off that focuses on each remaining unmated Compass brothers (and Louis!) starting with Maximus and Mischa's story. After the events featuring them in the last two books, I'm looking forward to seeing them find their way back to each other.

Source: I read through Kindle Unlimited (I also own a signed paperback copy)
Publisher: Published independently
Format: Kindle ebook
Release Date: March 18th 2016
Purchase: The Book Depository | Amazon | Barnes & Noble
Final Thoughts: A good conclusion to Jessa's tale; I'm ready to read the spin-off series.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Owl Post #222

Inspired by The Story Siren's In My Mailbox, Owl Post allows us bloggers to showcase the books we've bought, won or received throughout the week and is hosted by Brodie over at Eleusinian Mysteries. We all know that the Owl Post is the fastest way to send and receive mail and they certainly make me happy every time they drop a book off.
Hi book lovers and happy Monday! It was my birthday this week and my brothers were kind enough to buy me books and book vouchers!
I Bought:
 - We Three Heroes by Lynette Noni
I love Lynette Noni's Medoran Chronicles and am stoked to read this one. I love Jordan, Bear and D.C. and can't wait to see through there eyes!
- Sea Witch by Sarah Henning 
Ocean based novels are becoming big in YA lately and this is definitely one I'm keen to dive into. 

- Eve of Man by Giovanna & Tom Fletcher
I hadn't heard of this one until I saw it in store, but I really like the sound of it and am hoping it's as good as it appears. 

 - The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas 
I may be the only one who hasn't read this book yet but I certainly plan to rectify this soon!

And that's me!
What did the owls bring you this week?

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Book Shelf: Smoke and Iron (The Great Library #4) by Rachel Caine

The opening moves of a deadly game have begun. Jess Brightwell has put himself in direct peril, with only his wits and skill to aid him in a game of cat and mouse with the Archivist Magister of the Great Library. 

With the world catching fire, and words printed on paper the spark that lights rebellion, it falls to smugglers, thieves, and scholars to save a library thousands of years in the making... if they can stay alive long enough to outwit their enemies. 

More info on Goodreads....


Smoke and Iron is the fourth novel in The Great Library series by Rachel Caine and is an action packed story of adventure, danger and intricately laid plans that will keep readers entranced until long after the final page.

Jess Brightwell has placed himself in grave danger at the hands of the Archivist Magister of the Great Library. Disguised as his brother, Jess hopes to bring the Library down from within, but none of his wits and cunning will be enough to save him if his deception is discovered. As a mighty rebellion gains traction thanks to Jess and his friends, those who dare to stand up to the Archivist will have to rely on their shared love of knowledge in order to gain their freedom. Jess and his friends are once again imperative to success, but when things begin to fall apart will the revolution be over before it truly begins?

Smoke and Iron is another deftly depicted instalment in The Great Library series, showcasing Rachel Caine’s artfully skilled ability at world building and pacing as she once again brings her series to life. Smoke and Iron is well-structured and the story flows well, with each chapter and subsequent events within said chapter purposely written to drive the storyline forward and set things up. Admittedly there are some moments that were slower than others, but that only ramped up the anticipation for me.

Unlike the previous novels in the series told solely through Jess’s perspective, Smoke and Iron varies it’s chapters and follows Jess, Morgan, Khalila and Scholar Wolf primarily with also all of our beloved characters---Glain, Captain Santi, Thomas etc---featuring at least once. Given the geographical distance between some of them, this was a really smart change on Rachel Caine’s part as it afforded a better view of what was going on within the novel.

Jess and his friends are still in the midst of the battle of their lives as they fight to overthrow the Archivist and restore the Great Library to its former glory and easy of knowledge. This fight is not without its dangers and losses and as Caine continues to build the stakes and weave the story, it’s impossible not to back Jess and his fellow scholars as they stand against those who have corrupted their beloved Library and beliefs.

All the characters in this series are so very different but complement each other so beautifully. They all have important roles to play and the variation of personalities and dynamics make for interesting reading. It’s wonderful to see the connection these very different people share; they truly are a family and as they fight for their beliefs, and each other, Rachel Caine manages to include some moments of sweetness and true friendship in the story.

Smoke and Iron climbs to a dramatic conclusion as Jess and the gang take on the Archivist with startling results. I’m very excited to see what will happens next with the brimming of a new world order evident in the final chapters of the novel. Rachel Caine can’t release the next novel fast enough as I’m not ready to let go of this thrilling series just yet!

Source: Sent for review by publisher (Thank you guys!)
Publisher: Allison & Busby (Allen & Unwin)
Format: Paperback
Australian RRP: $16.99
Release Date: August 2018
Purchase: Angus & Robertson | Booktopia | The Book Depository | Amazon
Final Thoughts: Another fabulous Great Library novel. I can't wait for more.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Blog Tour: Undefined by Jessica Ruddick- Excerpt & Giveaway

Welcome to the Blog Tour for Undefined by Jessica Ruddick thanks to YA Bound Book Tours!

Hopefully you check out my review that I posted yesterday and you enjoy the excerpt and tour wide giveaway I have to share with you today.

The truth about her past may define her future.

Sophie loves being an elemental. Being able to bend the natural world to her will is thrilling, even if the need for secrecy is putting a cramp in her dating life. Lately, though, her powers have been growing, making it difficult to resist the heady temptation to use her gifts.

Trying to balance the elemental world with having a normal life is tough enough without her overbearing, way-too-perfect, and way-too-good-looking guardian Aidan watching—and judging—her every move. The trouble is she’s not sure where she fits in and she’s sure as heck not ready to conform to stringent elemental rules.

But when secrets about her life are revealed and outside forces threaten everything Sophie holds dear, she must embrace who she is or risk losing it all.

Add on Goodreads or check out 4 star my review!


From Undefined....

I trotted out to the garage behind our house, which had been converted into a fully outfitted gym with state- of -the-art machines. They seemed like a waste since Aidan preferred to torture me with CrossFit- style training, which meant lots of heavy ropes and tires. And running. Lots and lots of running. Why oh why is there so much running?

When I walked in, Aidan was pounding on a punching bag, using his normal rhythm — jab, jab, cross, jab, jab, cross. If I were blindfolded in a room full of boxers, I would have been able to pick him out. It was a music all his own. He danced around the bag, his movements graceful.

I'd once told him he moved like a ballerina, and I was probably lucky he hadn't used my face as a punching bag. I'd meant it as a compliment, but he hadn't taken it that way. Maybe I should have compared him to a bullfighter instead. I was pretty sure they were graceful. He probably would have preferred I compare him to the bull.

I watched him for a moment, admiring the way his triceps flexed with each hit. His focus was unyielding, his eyes never leaving his target. Beads of perspiration had formed in the hair at the nape of his neck, which connected to impressively defined traps. He might h ave been a domineering control freak, but he was built like a Greek god — tan with muscle lines so sharp I could cut myself on them.

Aidan turned, and his baby blues zeroed in on me as if he knew what I was thinking.

Whatever. I could appreciate that he was good-looking. That didn ’ t mean I was attracted to him.

“I'm sorry about your mom, ” I said. That probably wasn't exactly the right sentiment, but there was no good way to tactfully say, It sucks that your mom is such a bitch. 

He turned back to the bag. “Nothing to be sorry about.”

Aidan didn't instruct me, which was unusual, so I started stretching on my own, figuring a run would be in the works.

"What's up with the vote?” I pulled my foot up to my butt to stretch my quad. "Why is it such a big deal? Why is Vic so angry about it?”

The process seemed perfectly democratic and civilized — voters cast their ballots, and hopefully the best option won.

"He ’ s not mad about the vote,” Aidan said, as if that should have been obvious. “He’s mad about the qualifications for elemental status.”

I’d loved my grandparents, but times like this made me angry about t heir decision to keep me removed from the elemental society only to have me thrust in to it when I was twelve. Nearly six years later, and I still wasn't caught up.

“You're going to have to fill me in.”

“They use an abilities test to determine who qualifies.”

“Oh,” I said softly, understanding.

Generally, female elementals were stronger than males. In f act, the strongest male elemental was only as powerful as the average mid-level female elemental. A lot of males — including Vic and Aidan — showed little to no ability, though they carried the trait that could be passed down to their children.

It was never something that seemed to bother them. After all, we were forbidden from using our powers anyway, so they weren't missing out on much, other than the occasional trick to keep the clouds from blocking the sun on a visit to the beach. Now their lack of ability would be used against them by a community to which they'd dedicated their whole lives.

It was utterly unfair, but no one had asked my opinion. As an underage elemental, I had no say in anything. But there had to be a better way. Maybe they could analyze our DNA or something. Was being an elemental a clear-cut part of our genes, like the X and Y chromosome? Or was it more along the lines of a sliding scale, like how a person could be three percent Native American? If that were the case, it still begged the question of where to draw the line.

Since I didn't have the answer to that dilemma, I would focus on the other one.

“What do you think about leaving the agreement?” I asked.

“I have no opinion,” he said.

Yeah, right. Aidan was many things, but neutral was not one of them. Of course, if what he said about the abilities test was true, his opinion wouldn't matter anyway.

“Come on.” He ripped the Velcro on his gloves open. “I think we need a run.”

Want more? Get your copy of Undefined today!


Jessica Ruddick is a 2014 Golden Heart finalist for her new adult novel, Letting Go, which was inspired by her own college experiences. She lives in Virginia and is married to her college sweetheart—their first date was a fraternity toga party (and nothing inspires love like a toga, right?). When she doesn’t have her nose in a book or her hands on a keyboard, she can be found wrangling her two rambunctious sons, taming two rowdy but lovable rescue dogs, and battling the herd of dust bunnies that has taken up residence in her home. To learn more about Jessica, please visit her website at

Visit Jessica:

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Book Shelf: Undefined by Jessica Ruddick

The truth about her past may define her future.

Sophie loves being an elemental. Being able to bend the natural world to her will is thrilling, even if the need for secrecy is putting a cramp in her dating life. Lately, though, her powers have been growing, making it difficult to resist the heady temptation to use her gifts.

Trying to balance the elemental world with having a normal life is tough enough without her overbearing, way-too-perfect, and way-too-good-looking guardian Aidan watching—and judging—her every move. The trouble is she’s not sure where she fits in and she’s sure as heck not ready to conform to stringent elemental rules.

But when secrets about her life are revealed and outside forces threaten everything Sophie holds dear, she must embrace who she is or risk losing it all.

More info on Goodreads.....


Undefined is Jessica Ruddick’s latest release and is the first novel in her new Elemental Saga, kicking off what looks to be a promising new series perfect for fans of Vampire Academy and those who enjoy their novels full of magic, adventure and hints of romance.

Teenager Sophie is an Elemental, able to bend nature to her will. She loves being able to control the elements of water, fire, earth and air, but lately her powers are becoming dangerously high. Sophie also wants a normal life, but when you’re a part of a secret race of individuals, it makes dating hard. It also doesn’t help that her next door neighbour and brooding guardian Aiden trails her every move. When a series of weather occurrences point to a rogue elemental targeting innocents, Sophie and her family are put on alert. Then Sophie finds herself in unexpected danger and she soon realises that there are secrets surrounding her world she never knew about and she’ll have to manage to harness her abilities if she wants to survive….

Having previously read and enjoyed Jessica Ruddick’s novel Legacy, I was very excited to read her latest release and thrilled to discover it was another enjoyable story. Introducing readers to a world of individuals able to harness the elements, Ruddick sets up the beginning of her new series really well with likable characters, an easy to follow storyline and enough moments of danger and romance to satisfy readers.

Main character Sophie was fairly easy to follow. She was a normal teenage girl who is facing your typical teen drama and angsts; dating, high school, peer pressure, jealousy and bullying as well as facing the difficulties that come with being an elemental. Sophie has a lot of potential as a character that I think will come with age and experience. I’m keen to see where Ruddick plans to take her as an individual.

A love interest in Undefined comes in the form of Aiden, who Sophie has known for many years and has only just begun to feel more than friendship for. Aiden is your typical male lead who is strong, capable and swoon-worthy. He’s somewhat of a brooding bad boy and pseudo-cousin figure for Sophie but the tension between them is an underlining current to the story and sweet. I’m hoping for a lot more romantic and chemistry filled moments between them in the future.

Jessica Ruddick has set the beginnings to what looks like an intriguing storyline. We’ve only been introduced to the tip of the iceberg where the elemental world is concerned and I’m hopeful we’ll discover a lot more as the series progresses. Ending with a cliffhanger, Undefined leaves me ready and raring for more.

Source: Sent for review by YA Bound Book Tours and the author (Thank you guys!)
Publisher: Jessica Ruddick Books, LLC
Format: Kindle ebook
Release Date: October 22nd 2018
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iBooks
Final Thoughts: A good start to what I'm sure will be an enjoyable series. I'll definitely be reading more.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Blog Tour: Nemesis by Kat Ross- Excerpt & Giveaway

Welcome to the Blog Tour for Nemesis by Kat Ross thanks to Xpresso Book Tours! Nemesis is the fourth novel in the Fourth Talisman series and is another brilliant installment. Yesterday I posted my 4 star review and today I'm excited to be showcasing the novel.

In the fourth volume of the Fourth Talisman series, Nazafareen risks everything on a desperate gamble to stop the Vatras once and for all…

With Meb safely among her own people, Nazafareen has finally embraced her dangerous fire magic. She is the Fourth Talisman, destined to free the heirs from the wards binding their own extraordinary power. With Nocturne and Solis poised on the brink of war, the choices she makes will decide the fate of mortals and daevas alike.

Determined to confront Culach and make amends, Nazafareen goes to Val Moraine, setting off a chain of events that ultimately leads her deep into the perilous wasteland called the Kiln and the faceless enemy waiting there. But the ancient hatred that shattered the world a millennium before is stronger and far more devious than she and her companions imagine.

Is the Viper truly dead? And can Nazafareen triumph without facing the darkness that lurks within her own heart?

Add on Goodreads or check out my review!

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Check out the rest of the series here!

From Nemesis.....

The harsh light of a hundred pitch-soaked torches banished any scrap of shadow from the chamber at the heart of the Rock. Perched like a faithful hound at the foot of the throne, Javid wished for the gentler candlelight that had illuminated the bier of old King Cambyses. True, it smelled better since his body had been whisked away to its tomb. But Javid had come to dread the daily ritual that was about to unfold, and there would be no looking away.

A discreet snuffling behind him indicated the presence of King Shahak. He slouched in the throne, red eyes fixed on the terrified courtiers assembled before him. The sound had become so familiar, Javid barely registered it. The King was either snorting spell dust or stanching a nosebleed with his handkerchief. He’d grown alarmingly emaciated and the purple robes hung on his bones like a deflated air sack.

Or like the horrors decorating the far wall.

“Where are our pets?” he asked.

Shahak’s voice was the only thing that hadn’t changed. It was pleasant, mellifluous. If you didn’t look at him, you might think he was still sane.

A whey-faced chamberlain bowed low and scampered to the door, gesticulating frantically at the guards there. The King did not like to be kept waiting. It was a fine line between disobedience and disloyalty, and finer still between disloyalty and treason.

Shortly after his ascension, there had been the usual slew of assassination attempts orchestrated by factions loyal to the Queen. The skins of these traitors had been nailed up for display, which, while perhaps stretching the bounds of good taste, wouldn’t be unheard of except for the fact that they were whole, without a single mark.

Corporeal division was the technical term for it, Shahak had confided to him later.

All Javid remembered were the screams as the unfortunate assassin found himself standing there with his skin in a pile next to the platter of poisoned dates.

After the last one, three days prior, things grew quiet. Subdued, one might say.

The chamberlain hurried back inside the throne room and made the prostration.

“They are here, your Royal Highness,” he informed the floor. “A small matter with the leashes caused the delay.”

Snuffling. “We understand. But see it doesn’t happen again.”

The courtiers shrank against the walls as three handlers entered, each wearing leather gloves and holding a thin gold chain. Creeping along next to them were creatures unique in the annals of natural science. Feathers mingled with scales and fur. Two had beaks, one a hairy snout. The smallest licked its chops and Javid felt a stab of pity.

It was feeding time at Shahak’s private zoo.

Two cooks trailed the handlers, bearing platters of raw meat, minced and bloody.

Javid rose to his feet as the King descended the throne and selected a morsel.

“Come.” He patted his leg and the little one waddled over, sniffing at the treat. “Yes, this is for you, Dadash.” Shahak fed the creature, patting its head fondly. Dadash, which meant little brother, was his favorite, being the most compliant.

But the handlers had to yank on the leashes to get the others to come. The biggest emitted a low growl, its gaze fixed on the king. Shahak gave a rattling laugh that sounded like pebbles tossed into a well.

“Now, now. You will eat from my hand or not at all.”

With a temperamental lash of its tail, the thing opened its beak and snapped the scrap of meat from Shahak’s palm, swallowing it whole. She—Javid still thought of it as she—had fierce yellow eyes and he feared she might peck the king, but she thought better of it and gobbled the rest.

The middle one still hung back, as far away as its lead would permit. Shahak strode over and seized the leash, dragging the thing to heel. Javid could never tell if it was fear or defiance that made the middle son recalcitrant, but Shahak was having none of it. He whispered a few words, too low to hear, and gave it back to the handler.

“Return them to their cages.”

The nobles watched silently as the royal family trotted to the door, the smallest one waddling a bit from its repast.

Shahak stood frozen for a moment as if he’d forgotten where he was. Then he made a brusque gesture and the audience withdrew, velvet slippers whispering against stone. Javid sensed their relief at being dismissed and tried not to feel envious.

Kat Ross worked as a journalist at the United Nations for ten years before happily falling back into what she likes best: making stuff up. She’s the author of the dystopian thriller Some Fine Day, the Fourth Element fantasy trilogy (The Midnight Sea, Blood of the Prophet, Queen of Chaos), and a new gaslamp mystery series that opens with The Daemoniac and continues with The Thirteenth Gate. She loves myths, monsters and doomsday scenarios. For more information about Kat’s books, come visit her at

Visit Kat:

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Book Shelf: Nemesis (Fourth Talisman #4) by Kat Ross

In the fourth volume of the Fourth Talisman series, Nazafareen risks everything on a desperate gamble to stop the Vatras once and for all…

With Meb safely among her own people, Nazafareen has finally embraced her dangerous fire magic. She is the Fourth Talisman, destined to free the heirs from the wards binding their own extraordinary power. With Nocturne and Solis poised on the brink of war, the choices she makes will decide the fate of mortals and daevas alike.

Determined to confront Culach and make amends, Nazafareen goes to Val Moraine, setting off a chain of events that ultimately leads her deep into the perilous wasteland called the Kiln and the faceless enemy waiting there. But the ancient hatred that shattered the world a millennium before is stronger and far more devious than she and her companions imagine.

Is the Viper truly dead? And can Nazafareen triumph without facing the darkness that lurks within her own heart?

More info on Goodreads..... 


Nemesis is the fourth instalment in Kat Ross’s Fourth Talisman series and is another deeply enjoyable novel full of rich imagery, dangerous situations and character interactions that will keep you hooked until the final page.

Nazafareen has once more found herself in the centre of a massive fight as she and her allies prepare to take on the fire wielding Vatras. As the Oracle of Delphi marches on the Danai, Nazafareen heads to Val Moraine to make amends with Culach and continue the search for the missing heirs. As a chain of events see Nazafareen and her companions head into the dangerous wasteland known as the Kiln, Nazafareen, Darius and those who dare travel with her will need all their wits, courage and abilities to face the enemy waiting there. War is on the horizon but with so many factors still up in the air, will the Vatras win or will Nazafareen managed to triumph once again?

At this point in time I would read pretty much anything Kat Ross writes. I’ve adored her Fourth Element series and the Dominion novels she’s released so far. And I’m absolutely enjoying this Fourth Talisman series, with Nemesis easily another great read. Nemesis really was just a downright good story. Ross picks up the novel where the previous instalment left off and once again draws readers into a mythical desert world with ancient characteristics and elements.

Blending elements of adventure and romance Nemesis unfolds primarily through the eyes of Nazafareen but also features chapters featuring Darius, Culach and Javid amongst others, allowing readers a diverse understanding of what is happening throughout the novel. Nazafareen still continues to be a fabulous heroine to follow and I continue to love Culach who has become an unexpected favourite character of mine during this series.

There is a lot going on within Nemesis with Nazafareen facing unexpected dangers and a growing determination to stop the Vatras as different dangers arise across the empire. Nicodemus proves to be an intriguing contradiction whose motives often remain unclear but who proves to be more than he seems. I have to really commend Kat Ross for managing to create characters you first hate and then come to love. First Culrach and now Katrin and Nicodemus.

With losses appearing in the story, triumph is far from guaranteed. Nemesis features some fantastic developments in its final few chapters with plenty of surprises. Nemesis races to an absolutely sensational ending that is heartbreaking and heart stopping and just downright incredible. I would never have expected Nemesis’s conclusion and Kat Ross has me dying to get my hands on the next novel as soon as I can!

Source: Sent for review by Xpresso Book Tours and the author (Thank you ladies!)
Publisher: Acorn
Format: Kindle ebook
Release Date: October 20th 2018
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iBooks
Final Thoughts: The ending of Nemesis was amazing and I'm DYING for Kat Ross to release the next one straight away!

Friday, October 19, 2018

Book Shelf: Dragon Mystics (Supernatural Prison #2) by Jaymin Eve

When the formidable power of Jessa Lebron's mark was unleashed, during her impulsive foray into Vanguard, the American supernatural prison, she learned the truth. She's a dual shifter: wolf, and as an added bonus, dragon - of the fluffy persuasion. Yep, she's one special cupcake.

Now, pursued by the Four, powerful hunters of the dragon marked, she has no choice but to run. At least she has her impossibly gorgeous and infuriating best friends by her side, the Compass quads. Not only are they powerful and hella useful in a fight, but most of the time they're also semi-entertaining too.

With only one month left until the supposed resurrection of the dragon king, this pack will find out soon enough what happens in the world of the dragon mystics. 

More info on Goodreads.....


Dragon Mystics is the second novel in Jaymin Eve’s New Adult series, Supernatural Prison and is another fast paced and thrilling paranormal novel with romance, action and burning bonds of friendship and family.

When the truth about her dragon mark was revealed, Jessa Lebron also discovered something unexpected about herself; she’s a dual shifter---wolf and dragon both. Now she finds herself hunted by the Four; hunters of the dragon marked who will stop at nothing to kill all those linked to the Dragon King….and they have Jessa in their sights. Traveling to Romania with the Compass brothers and her newly found sister, Jessa quickly discovers there’s more dangerous forces in play than she ever imagined. Time is running out before the Dragon King is foretold to rise and Jessa and her companions are in for a fight if they want to prevent it from happening, even as someone in their pack is being swayed to the other side…...

Picking up where the first novel, Dragon Marked left off, Dragon Mystics was another enjoyable read that does its predecessor proud. I think this series seems to be getting better as it goes—I definitely find myself caring about the characters more and being interested in their welfare. I'm keen to see what happens to a lot of them, not just Jessa.

Dragon Mystics once more follows Jessa in a fast moving story. There seems to be a lot happening with Jessa finding herself once more in various dangerous situations. Jaymin Eve includes the latest layer to her series with the introduction of a Sanctuary for Dragon Marked individuals as well as the mystics who oversee it. Everything within the series so far seems to be setting up the potential rise of the Dragon King who will possibly bring about the apocalypse. Readers such as myself will find themselves keen to see how everything ties in together.

There more romance in this instalment of the series with Jessa and Braxton’s relationship heating up. Their romance seems like a natural progression within the series; I knew it was going to happen as Jaymin Eve threw hints in throughout the first novel that Jessa and Braxton would eventually cross the lines from friends to lovers. There’s also romance from the other Compass brothers within the story as Maximus and Tyson find themselves being drawn and caught up with females themselves. I know there is a spin-off series after this one that features the remaining unmated Compass brothers and Louis so I’m excited to see who those boys end up with.

Dragon Mystics was a solid read that utilities all the elements I enjoyed about the first novel whilst building on them. Jaymin Eve leaves this instalment on a cliffhanger and has me ready to jump straight into the third and final book in the trilogy, Dragon Mated.

Source: Read via Kindle Unlimited (I also own a signed paperback copy)
Publisher: Published by author
Format: Kindle ebook
Release Date: July 28th 2015
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository
Final Thoughts: This series is definitely getting better. Keen to read more.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Waiting on Wednesday #244

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking The Spine where you can spotlight an upcoming release that you're eagerly anticipating.

This week I'm waiting on.....
The Everlasting Rose by Dhonielle Clayton
Releases on: March 5th 2019
In this sequel to the instant New York Times bestseller, Camille, her sister Edel, and her guard and new love Remy must race against time to find Princess Charlotte. Sophia's Imperial forces will stop at nothing to keep the rebels from returning Charlotte to the castle and her rightful place as queen. With the help of an underground resistance movement called The Iron Ladies-a society that rejects beauty treatments entirely-and the backing of alternative newspaper The Spider's Web, Camille uses her powers, her connections and her cunning to outwit her greatest nemesis, Sophia, and restore peace to Orleans.

The Belle's started somewhat slow for me, but I felt the novel got better over time. So much so that I am genuinely eager to read this sequel. I'm honestly not too much of a fan of the cover (though I'm stoked they kept the same cover model!), but I am hopeful that the story it houses will be good. 

Have you read The Belles? What did you think?
And what are you waiting on this week?

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Book Shelf: The Kiss Quotient (The Kiss Quotient #1) by Helen Hoang

A heartwarming and refreshing debut novel that proves one thing: there's not enough data in the world to predict what will make your heart tick.

Stella Lane thinks math is the only thing that unites the universe. She comes up with algorithms to predict customer purchases--a job that has given her more money than she knows what to do with, and way less experience in the dating department than the average thirty-year-old.

It doesn't help that Stella has Asperger's and French kissing reminds her of a shark getting its teeth cleaned by pilot fish. Her conclusion: she needs lots of practice--with a professional. Which is why she hires escort Michael Phan. The Vietnamese and Swedish stunner can't afford to turn down Stella's offer, and agrees to help her check off all the boxes on her lesson plan--from foreplay to more-than-missionary position...

Before long, Stella not only learns to appreciate his kisses, but to crave all the other things he's making her feel. Soon, their no-nonsense partnership starts making a strange kind of sense. And the pattern that emerges will convince Stella that love is the best kind of logic...

More info on Goodreads....


The Kiss Quotient is Helen Hoang's debut novel and is an absolutely sensational tale littered with sizzling chemistry, endearing moments and powerful displays of love.

Stella Lane is a wealthy, successful economist who prefers analyzing data than interacting with people. As someone who has Asperger's, Stella finds social interactions difficult and awkward, but when her mother reminds her it's time for her to settle down and find a husband, Stella decides to hire a male escort to help her learn to be a good girlfriend. As his mother continues to undergo cancer treatment, Michael Larson found himself facing unending bills, so he decided to put his good looks to use to make extra money on the side. As an escort, Michael has a firm rule about no-repeat clients, but when Stella hires him to help her to learn how to be in a relationship, her unique proposal is too tempting to turn down. Spending time together sees them begin to care for one another, but with Michael's past hanging over him and Stella's fears always close to home will they be able to find happiness together? Or will they let true love slip away?

Having heard nothing but great things about The Kiss Quotient, I was very excited to read Helen Hoang's debut. The concept sounded so good and having now read the novel myself, I can one hundred percent see why the world has fallen in love with Stella and Michael's story.

The Kiss Quotient was just so very beautiful and so very moving to read. Deliciously written with tangible characters, sexual tension through the roof and sex scenes that were electric and not repetitive, The Kiss Quotient  genuinely was just a wonderfully addictive novel to get lost in. Full of plenty of engaging and entertaining moments as well as two protagonists I absolutely fell in love with, there is nothing about The Kiss Quotient that I could fault--except maybe that it eventually ended and I still wanted to stay lost in Stella and Michael's world.

Even though it is a rom-com at it's base, Helen Hoang did just a fantastic job creating a love story that dares to be different with The Kiss Quotient. The Kiss Quotient features a heroine with Asperger's syndrome, a developmental disability that effects how people perceive the world around them and interact with others, and boy to I have to commend Hoang on how she wrote Stella. I feel she depicted a woman with this kind of autism so beautifully and respectfully.

Stella managed to capture my heart so entirely but I still appreciated seeing her written in all her honestly. My heart really hurt for her as she faced her feelings of inadequacy throughout the novel and tried to do, and be, better. Stella was a beautiful soul and I thoroughly loved seeing her find happiness with Michael who appreciated her for everything she was.

And Michael! Well, Michael may just be my next favourite book boyfriend. Escorting aside, Michael could quite possibly be the perfect man in so many ways; he was charming and kind and so patient with Stella. I loved seeing him love so deeply and adore Stella so completely. Even being in his head was a pleasure as he was intelligent and capable and down to earth. I just adored him.

Helen Hoang writes a romance to be remembered with Stella and Michael's relationship. In the beginning she hires him to teach her about sex and relationships but as their connection develops, there's no denying that Stella and Michael have something very real and special. Their romance is built through many thoughtful and endearing moments, sexual tension and care. They just go; making one another happy in a way that is effortless and beautiful.

I honestly could just go on and on about this novel. The Kiss Quotient is such a fantastic story and won my heart and so with it's adorable romance and fantastic characters. I cannot wait to see Helen Hoang expand on her world with the companion novel featuring Michael's cousin Khai and adore the diversity we saw within this tale!

I highly recommend The Kiss Quotient. This is definitely a favourite of mine in 2018 and all time and will stay with me for a long time, especially as I plan to revisit Stella and Michael down the track. Theirs is a story I can see myself getting lost in again and again.....

Source: I purchased
Publisher: Corvus
Format: Paperback
Release Date: July 5th 2018
Purchase: Angus & Robertson | Booktopia | The Book Depository | Amazon
Final Thoughts: I LOVED this book and cannot wait to read the next one in the series!

Monday, October 15, 2018

Owl Post #221

Inspired by The Story Siren's In My Mailbox, Owl Post allows us bloggers to showcase the books we've bought, won or received throughout the week and is hosted by Brodie over at Eleusinian Mysteries. We all know that the Owl Post is the fastest way to send and receive mail and they certainly make me happy every time they drop a book off.
Welcome to this weeks Owl Post! I only received one book this week, but it's a goodie!
I Bought:
- Escaping from Houdini by Kerri Maniscalco
I absolutely devoured the first two book in this series and the pre-ordered this straight away. This will legit be my next read as I'm absolutely dying to read this novel! 

And that's me this week!
What did the owls bring YOU?