The men might tease Rogue and call him pretty behind his back, but no one is going to say that to his face. As the vice president of the Cursed Ravens—and with an unpredictable and unruly temper—respect is given to him at any cost.
But Rogue reins himself in when he visits his mother in a local nursing home. Overwhelmed with guilt that he can’t take care of her himself, he can barely handle watching her fade away with dementia. And he knows the staff is exceptional—especially the sweet and beautiful caregiver who pays extra attention to his mom.
It isn’t easy working at a nursing home, but Zoe enjoys spending time with her favorite patient Anne. She knows Anne has a son who dutifully visits her, but when Zoe sees the tall, muscled, handsome stranger, she can tell he’s trouble—beautiful trouble. She knows he’s a Cursed Raven and she knows better than to admit she’s attracted to him. There’s no way she'll date an MC member. Been there done that. But as Zoe and Rogue start to get closer, they realize one way or another, they’ll have to fight to stay in each other’s lives.
More info on Goodreads.....
Going Rogue is the third novel in Chantal Fernando’s delectable Cursed Raven’s MC series and is another thrilling romance this time featuring Cursed Ravens Vice President Rogue and the woman who wins his heart.
Aged care worker Zoe wants nothing but the best for her patients. At the care facility where she works, Zoe makes sure to give everyone a little extra TLC, but she especially enjoys spending time with her favourite patient Anne. Zoe knows dementia suffer Anne’s son visits her often in the nursing home, but Zoe never expected him to be a tall, sexy as sin biker. Even though he takes his fair share of teasing over his looks, Rouge is more than a pretty face. Vice president of the Cursed Ravens MC, Rogue always makes sure to visit is ailing mother, even if she often doesn’t know who he is. Saddened by his visits, Rogue soon finds his eye drawn to the kind and beautiful woman who looks after his mum. Having been burnt in the past, Zoe is hesitant to begin a relationship with Rogue but as he wears down his walls Zoe begins to realise that sometimes to really live you need to take a chance……
Back with another easily addictive MC novel, Chantal Fernando this time features Cursed Ravens member Rogue who I’ve very much enjoyed seeing in the first two novels. Fast paced but also sporting sadness within its storyline Going Rogue is an emotional read that weaves humour, romance, angst and drama into its pages. Introducing readers to aged care worker Zoe, Going Rogue unfolds through her POV and see’s the kind but still assertive young woman fall under Rogue’s spell.
I liked both Rogue and Zoe. I had no doubt I would love Rogue—I’ve loved all the Cursed Ravens, but Zoe won me over with her caring nature, reserved personality and kindness. As Rogue romances Zoe and urges her to take a chance on him, Chantal Ferando incorporates lots of sharp dialogue, sweet moments and endearing developments. Of course the sex scenes are scorching and the chemistry undeniable, but I really liked Rogue force Zoe to come out of her shell and dare to put her trust in Rogue. Having been hurt before by someone not all too different from him, this was a big thing for Zoe and Rogue’s position with the MC didn’t always make things run smoothly.
Going Rogue was filled with all the passion and angst I expect from a Chantal Ferando novel and hit all the right notes. I’m not sure if Going Rogue will be the end of the series, but I do feel there are most stories to be had with some of the Cursed Raven members. Shack and Prez in particular hold a lot of promise and I would love to see Fernando feature them in future novels.
Addictive and fast reading, Going Rogue is another wonderful MC novel from my favourite MC writer. I urge readers to check out this fabulous series and can’t wait to see what Chantal Fernando releases next!

Source: Sent for review by Give Me Books and the author (Thank you ladies!)
Publisher: Pocket Star
Format: Kindle ebook
Release Date: August 6th 2018
Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo
Final Thoughts: Another great story. I do hope we can see more stories from some of the other characters down the track.
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