Sunday, May 31, 2015

Book Shelf: Flirty Dancing (The Ladybirds #1) by Jenny McLachlan

Bea Hogg is shy but fiery inside. When national dance competition Starwars comes to her school looking for talent, she wants to sign up. It's just a shame her best friend agreed to enter with school super-cow Pearl Harris. Bea will fight back! But when school hottie, Ollie Matthews, who also happens to be Pearl’s boyfriend, decides to enter the competition with Bea, she will have more than a fight on her hands.

This warm, nuanced, hilarious story about friendship, fortitude . . . and dancing is impossible not to fall in love with. Jenny’s voice is fresh and convincing, and she handles both darker and lighter elements of the story with equal panache.

More info on Goodreads......


Flirty Dancing by Jenny McLachlan is an extremely cute and fun novel that is a wonderful start to a promising new YA series. Sassy, sweet and actually quite addictive, this novel is the perfect way to spend an afternoon!

Flirty Dancing follows fifteen year old Beatrice "Bea" Hogg, and sees the shy but determined teenager discover the opportunity of a lifetime when a national dance competition hosts auditions and thanks to her quirky Nan, Bea manages to find herself paired up with her school’s resident hottie, Ollie Matthews. Discovering a natural talent she didn’t know she possessed, together Bea and Ollie jive their way up through the rounds and into the finals, with Bea discovering along the way a happier, more confidant version of herself.

When I picked up Flirty Dancing off my shelf, I had planned to read a few pages, maybe a chapter or two….but before I knew it I was halfway through the story and very eager to keep reading. Jenny McLachlan’s writing is easy to read and her voice fresh and fun. Flirty Dancing was honestly just a downright good book to read. It was light and enjoyable and very easy to breeze through; the kind of novel you start and then want to read all the way to the end.

The main character was young, but not at all childish considering she was only fifteen years old. Her voice was kind and sweet, and she came across as a down to earth, normal young girl with natural insecurities and normal feelings. McLachlan explores issues of teen bullying, first love and all the ups and downs of being a teenager in this novel, and through Bea perfectly.

There was really nothing about this novel I could fault. Bea was a great main character and McLachlan compliments her well with a great cast of supporting characters. There’s some true friends to Bea in this story and some real mean girls too. Ollie is a great love interest as an honest to goodness nice guy and Bea’s family, most especially her little sister Emma make for a lot of smiles and laughs.

Considering this series is set to follow Bea, Betty, Kat and Pearl in individual books, I’m very much looking forward to reading Betty’s story next in Love Bomb and then the subsequent stories that follow. A fantastic, easy read---I highly recommend Flirty Dancing if you’re looking for something fun and enjoyable!

Source: Sent for review by Bloomsbury Australia (Thank you Sonia!)
Format: Paperback
Buy it: Bookworld | The Nile | The Book Depository | Amazon
My Recommendation: Looking for a fun contemporary YA? This is perfect for you then!
Cover: It's cute and quirky.....
Will I read sequel/continue with series: Yes :)

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Spotlight: Golden by Melinda Michaels- Excerpt & Giveaway

On the blog today I have the pleasure of showcasing Golden by Melinda Michaels! Thanks to the lovely Melinda I've got a fantastic excerpt to share as well as a SIGNED copy of Golden to give away to one lucky international follower :)

High school senior Hanna Loch just suffered a blackout in front of her entire homeroom class. She hasn’t had one in over ten years, and she’s terrified—the last time she blacked out, she woke up with no memory of her life before. To make matters worse, no one can explain why it happens. For Hanna, bad things tend to come in threes.

And that doesn’t even begin to cover it . . .

When she learns she could be a descendant of someone who lived once upon a time, Hanna must put her trust in William Vann, a descendant of one of the most hated villains ever known. Their histories are intertwined in more ways than she expected, and he has answers about her past, answers even her family won’t share.

But is it safe to put her trust in someone who appears to be danger reincarnate, while trying to escape the darkness that tried to kill her ten years ago?

A loose fairytale retelling, GOLDEN is a story that’s just right, weaving together lost secrets, vengeful enemies, and what happens when fiction becomes reality.  


From Golden.....

The snowy mix that fell around her began to lighten up. She tucked one of her pale, shoulder-length strands behind her ear. Her hair was slightly wet and she grumbled at the thought of it frizzing as she watched the half-melted snowflakes disappear into the black pavement. She and the rest of New Hope were surprised at how mild the winter had been, and as she looked to the woods on either side of the road, she acknowledged the peacefulness of it all. The world was quiet and still and she couldn't help but think that it looked sort of enchanting.

She smiled to herself. She would have bet a week’s worth of tips that no one had ever called New Hope enchanting. The mist hung dreamlike in the air, as if a cloud had settled to earth; the falling wet snow made her feel strangely calm. She shook her head. . . maybe that blackout had affected her more than she thought.

Hanna hardly recognized the sound of screeching tires on wet pavement. She looked up and saw an old truck speeding towards her through the fog. She’d begun crossing the road without even knowing.

She inhaled sharply, lifting her hands as everything around her went into slow-motion. She thought about how stupid she was for putting her hands up, as if they’d deter the speeding pile of metal about to kill her. She saw everything in that instant before her impending death: the driver’s face, whose eyes were wide as he noticed her; the paper cup he held in front of his face, partially covering his expression; the cold wind that blew and the falling mist seemed suspended in mid air. She saw every detail as her thoughts were littered with inconsequential things instead of flashes of her life. She couldn’t move, even if she had the sense to try and jump out of the way.

Why do people hold their breath when they’re about to be injured? she wondered as she closed her eyes and braced herself. Her heart felt like it stopped as the screeching of rubber on pavement echoed around her. Did her body know that her heart was going to stop beating anyway, but decided to just cut out the middle man and quit on its own? This was a ridiculous thing to be thinking at the moment. Are these my last thoughts?

She felt the sudden rush of something big blow past her. She tried to match the sound of a speeding car and crunching metal to the image of the old truck running her over, but it didn’t match. Why was there crunching metal but no pain? Paralyzed with fear, she could barely move her legs. Opening her eyes, she saw something completely different from what she had expected a split second earlier.

She saw the old truck that was only a foot from where she stood and to her surprise, a brand new, light blue Ford F-150 was crunched up into the side of it. Smoke and vapors rose from the collision, and she could almost taste the gasoline coming from the wreck.

Want more? Get your copy of Golden today!
Melinda Michaels is the author of Golden and currently lives in Pennsylvania. A self-proclaimed historian with a rare sense of humor, Melinda finds an immense amount of joy in knowing useless facts, exploring historical places and drinking copious amounts of coffee. When she’s not writing she can be found researching obscured time periods for her own amusement or refurbishing old furniture. Melinda loves Philadelphia and visits often to enjoy the city with her husband Andrew. Together they have three rambunctious pets. Archie the Beagle, Winston the Boston Terrier and Beatrice the cat. Golden is the first in a Young Adult magic realism series.

Visit Melinda:
Website | Goodreads | Twitter | Facebook

I want to thank Melinda Michaels for being on the blog today :) Golden is happily sitting in my to-read pile and is something I whole heartedly look forward to reading. I urge you all to check out Melinda's novel and enter for your chance to win a signed copy!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Book Shelf: Withering Hope by Layla Hagen

Aimee’s wedding is supposed to turn out perfect. Her dress, her fiancé and the location—the idyllic holiday ranch in Brazil—are perfect.

But all Aimee’s plans come crashing down when the private jet that’s taking her from the U.S. to the ranch—where her fiancé awaits her—defects mid-flight and the pilot is forced to perform an emergency landing in the heart of the Amazon rainforest.

With no way to reach civilisation, being rescued is Aimee and Tristan’s—the pilot—only hope. A slim one that slowly withers away, desperation taking its place. Because death wanders in the jungle under many forms: starvation, diseases. Beasts.

As Aimee and Tristan fight to find ways to survive, they grow closer. Together they discover that facing old, inner agonies carved by painful pasts takes just as much courage, if not even more, than facing the rainforest.

Despite her devotion to her fiancé, Aimee can’t hide her feelings for Tristan—the man for whom she’s slowly becoming everything. You can hide many things in the rainforest. But not lies. Or love.

Withering Hope is the story of a man who desperately needs forgiveness and the woman who brings him hope. It is a story in which hope births wings and blooms into a love that is as beautiful and intense as it is forbidden.

More info on Goodreads.......


Withering Hope by Layla Hagen is a harrowing tale of survival against difficult odds and is a beautiful story about romance and hope.

Aimee is on her way to a ranch in Brazil to meet her fiancé for their wedding when the plane she is travelling in must make an emergency landing and crashes, leaving her and the pilot Tristan standard in the Amazon jungle. With little supplies and only a slim chance of rescues from the dense canopy, Aimee and Tristan must learn to survive in the harsh jungle environment they're stranded in, and as the weeks and months fly by, Aimee begins to realize the dangers are great and Tristan is slowly beginning to mean more to her than she ever expected. Her fiancé may still be waiting for her, but Aimee is slowly beginning to fall for Tristan, and soon neither can deny the attraction that simmers between them.....

I wasn't sure what to think of this novel heading into the story; I love these kinds of survival tales and though I'm an uber romantic, I was a little thrown off by the idea that the heroine falls for someone else while she is engaged.....but Layla Hagen wrote the romance between Aimee and Tristan in such a way that I couldn't help but want them to be together.

Though Withering Hope is told predominantly through Aimee's eyes, there are a few chapters told through Tristan's too that really allow for a well rounded story. Hagen's writing is simple, and it's easy to see the months fly by as Aimee and Tristan begin to exist in the jungle world they find themselves in.

Both Aimee and Tristan were great characters and I really appreciated the way Layla Hagen developed them within the story. Time spent in the jungle really opens the eyes of them both, with Aimee learning a lot about herself and what she truly feels and wants during this time. It's a big thing for her to accept her relationship with her fiancé is more platonic, especially as she finds something passionate and real in Tristan's arms. There's a lot of guilt and uncertainty expressed and I actually quite enjoyed seeing Aimee struggle within herself, but ultimately make the choice she does.

Aimee and Tristan were quite sweet in my eyes. There's a comradeship that develops between them as they rely on one another to survive, and I thought it clever that Tristan's background helped he and Aimee survive. They made a strong couple who felt deeply for one another, and Hagen includes the perfect amount of emotional moments filled with desperation and love as both Aimee and Tristan's lives are on the line at times.

Action packed and harrowing, but also incredibly sweet, Withering Hope is a lovely romantic tale that is sure to please with it's danger, attraction and undeniable desire.

Source: Sent for review by the author (Thank you Layla)
Format: Kindle ebook
Buy it: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes
My Recommendation: This was a great NA story! Worth a read.
Cover: I love this cover--perfect for the story.
Will I read sequel/continue with series: This is a standalone novel, but I'd read more by Layla Hagen for sure.....

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday #94

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking The Spine where you can spotlight an upcoming release that you're eagerly anticipating.

This week I'm waiting on.....
Illuminae by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff
Releases on: 20th October 2015
This morning, Kady thought breaking up with Ezra was the hardest thing she’d have to do.

This afternoon, her planet was invaded.

The year is 2575, and two rival megacorporations are at war over a planet that’s little more than an ice-covered speck at the edge of the universe. Too bad nobody thought to warn the people living on it. With enemy fire raining down on them, Kady and Ezra—who are barely even talking to each other—are forced to fight their way onto an evacuating fleet, with an enemy warship in hot pursuit.

But their problems are just getting started. A deadly plague has broken out and is mutating, with terrifying results; the fleet's AI, which should be protecting them, may actually be their enemy; and nobody in charge will say what’s really going on. As Kady hacks into a tangled web of data to find the truth, it's clear only one person can help her bring it all to light: the ex-boyfriend she swore she'd never speak to again.

Told through a fascinating dossier of hacked documents—including emails, schematics, military files, IMs, medical reports, interviews, and more—Illuminae is the first book in a heart-stopping, high-octane trilogy about lives interrupted, the price of truth, and the courage of everyday heroes.
I LOVE Aimee Kaufman's Starbound series with Meagan Spooner and am really excited to read more from her. This novel sounds really great--I have a love of alien invasion books, movies and tv series as well so I can't wait for this to be released!
What do you think of Illuminae? Will YOU be reading it?
And what are you waiting on this week?

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Book Shelf: Until The End (Sea Breeze #9) by Abbi Glines

The backstory that fans have been clamoring for - how Rock and Trisha fell in love - is the final installment in the sizzling Sea Breeze series.

Trisha Corbin always knew how to hide a bruise. And as long as it meant her momma's boyfriends wouldn't go near her little brother, Krit, it was worth it. But dreaming that Prince Charming would ever rescue her was pointless.

Rock Taylor always had a plan - a football scholarship for a major college team was within his reach - if he didn't let anything get in his way. But he'd never factored in trying to score a date with Trisha, the hottest girl in Sea Breeze. She was every man's walking fantasy, and she wouldn't even glance his way.
But when he finds her beaten and bruised, Rock knew his life was about to change and that he'd do anything to save Trisha Corbin, and keep her safe.

This special conclusion to the Sea Breeze series also contains the wrap-up stories of all your favourite Sea Breeze couples - the steamy romance won't stop until the very last page!

More info on Goodreads.....


Until the End is the final book in Abbi Glines sensational Sea Breeze series and finally tells the story of Rock and Trisha; heading back to the beginning before any of the other novels took place to show how this steadfast duo came to be together, before allowing us to revisit all the previous couples from the series once more and wrapping up a brilliant series in sensational form!

Although I'm really quite heartbroken to see this series come to an end and know I'll never again have the pleasure of starting a new Sea Breeze novel, I'm really quite thrilled with how this series concludes. Rock and Trisha have always been such a strong, cemented couple, from the moment the series began and it was wonderful to go back in time and discover how they actually came to be with one another. 

In a lot of ways this novel is kind of in two parts; the first being Rock and Trisha's story and the second featuring epilogues of all the other couple's we've followed throughout the series. Told through both Rock and Trisha's POV's and then in that of all the other characters, Until the End couldn't be a better conclusion to the series if you ask me. 

Abbi Glines took me on an emotional roller-coaster with Rock and Trisha and watching them fall in love and find each other was beautiful to behold. I think I appreciate them so much more after reading their prequel tale and as well as knowing what they've been through in their desire to have a family in the later Sea Breeze books. No one deserves happiness like they do, and now seeing all they've been though and how they managed to find happiness and strength in each other only makes me happier they managed to find a family in Preston's siblings, Daisy May, Brent and Jimmy. They're wonderful parents; breaking the cycle from the lives they had as children and teenagers, and Glines doesn't disappoint, weaving together an emotional, sexy and incredibly heartwarming story with their romance!

If it wasn’t enough to see Trisha and Rock falling in love in Until the End, Abbi Glines thrills us with the opportunity to follow all the previous couples in the series once more. Each has a short epilogue and allows readers to see what happened after their respective novels concluded. Each was sexy, sweet and highly entertaining, with the stories featuring Jason and Jess, Blythe and Krit and Dewayne and Sienna standouts for me! I found certain developments adorable, sweet and oh, so satisfying.

Glines ties the series up perfectly, and in the Abbi Glines fashion we have come to know and love. There’s no doubt in my mind that every moment of this series has been wonderful and worthwhile and I give Abbi Glines props for ending it so sensationally and giving her series the spectacular sendoff it deserves---brilliant, simply brilliant!

Source: Sent for review by Simon & Schuster Australia (Thank you Jen!)
Format: Paperback
Buy it: Bookworld | The Nile | The Book Depository | Amazon
My Recommendation: Don't miss this stunning NA series!
Cover: Defintely has a fresh feel, but doesn't blow me away....
Will I read sequel/continue with series: This is the final Sea Breeze novel, but I'll read WHATEVER Abbi Glines writes next!!

Monday, May 25, 2015

Owl Post #63

Inspired by The Story Siren's In My Mailbox, Owl Post allows us bloggers to showcase the books we've bought, won or received throughout the week and is hosted by Brodie over at Eleusinian Mysteries. We all know that the Owl Post is the fastest way to send and receive mail and they certainly make me happy every time they drop a book off.
Hey guys!
 It's that time again and I've got some new books to share with you :)
For Review:
From Simon & Schuster:
- Me Being Me Is Exactly as Insane as You Being You by Todd Hasak-Lowy
This novel sounds really different. I don't know if it's exactly my kind of novel, but I may give it a go one day.
- Denton Little's Deathdate by Lance Rubin
I'm a little intrigued by this novel. It sounds really different--may try to get around to it at some point. Oh and is it just me, but does the cover model look like Macaulay Culkin??
- The Potion Diaries by Amy Alward
I really love the sound of this novel! Sounds fun and exactly the kind of thing I would enjoy. Can't wait to read it!
.....Thank you guys!
From HarperCollins Australia:
- - An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir
After receiving a copy of this the week before last, I was a little surprised to discover a 2nd copy in my letterbox last week, lol. I may give a copy away :)
.....Thank you guys!
From Scholastic Australia:
- Thirst by Lizzie Wilcock
I hadn't heard of this before I received this copy, but I may give it a go eventually--it doesn't sound too bad.
- Seven Days by Eve Ainsworth
This novel sounds like it could be a very deep and meaningful read. Not necessarily my kind of novel, but I may read it one day :)
......Thank you guys!
And those are the novels I received last week!
What did the owls leave YOU recently?

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Free Ebooks

Hi everyone :)

It's time for some freebies. Enjoy!

Hope you managed to get something new :)

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Book Shelf: Mia and the Bad Boy (Backstage Pass #2) by Lisa Burstein

This good girl’s about to meet her match…

Ryder Brooks is living the dream—he’s famous, loved by millions of girls, and miserable. All he really wants is to write his own music, not Seconds to Juliet’s sugary sweet pop. In order to do that, though, the “bad boy” of the band will have to play by the rules. And that includes behaving with his new—and super cute—über-good-girl tutor.

Mia Reyes is in fangirl heaven. Tutoring her favorite member of her favorite band? It’s a dream come true…until it turns into a complete nightmare. Ryder is nothing like she thought. He’s crude, arrogant, and pretty much a total jerk. And the worst part? She’s roped into pretending to be his girlfriend so that no one finds out he’s being tutored. Fake kisses, plenty of PDA, and even sharing his hotel room…

But sometimes even the baddest of bad boys needs a little redemption.

More info on Goodreads....


Mia and the Bad Boy is the second novel in the Backstage Pass series, this time written by author Lisa Burstein and is another brilliant story that features sizzling romance, wonderful dialogue and is impossible to put down.

After the brilliance that was Aimee and the Heartthrob, I was really excited to see more of the Seconds to Juliet boys and I can say without a doubt that Mia and the Bad Boy is a worthy follow up! Straddling the YA and NA fence, Mia and the Bad boy this time tells the story of Ryder Brooks, the self professed "bad boy" of Seconds to Juliet and Mia Reyes, the girl who is brought in to tutor the failing rock star and ends up becoming his pretend girlfriend as well. As Mia and Ryder spend time together, their "fake" romance quickly becomes reality in this fun, sweet and highly addictive story!

A little birdy has told there will be five books in this series; I imagine detailing a romance between a different Seconds to Juliet member and their leading lady with each installment. If the first two novels are anything to go by, then there's a chance each novel may be written by a different author, something that has seen Aimee and the Heartthrob and Mia and the Bad Boy maintain the same fun, highly entertaining feel, whilst having very different characters, something that is very evident in the different personalities of all four main characters so far.

Mia and the Bad Boy, like Aimee and the Heartthrob before it, is told in Ryder and Mia's dual POV and allows readers to see into the minds and hearts of both main characters at opportune moments. Lisa Burstein's writing is solid; simple but well detailed and sees the author build Mia and Ryder's relationship in a way that is pure gold. The attraction, magnetism and passion that builds between them is spot on, and the chemistry is just the kind I love.

Ryder is a bad boy, but as Mia and the Bad Boy unfolds, the reasons behind Ryder's actions and attitude become clear. He'd guarded due to having been used in the past and you can't really blame the guy. Mia isn't the kind of girl Ryder expects to be attracted to, but she's honest, natural and a bit geeky; managing to become a friend to the guarded rock star even as the instant attraction between them simmers and builds in the background.

I loved both Ryder and Mia and haven't got a bad word to say about either of them! Though they're different, they're actually perfect for each other and I loved how Lisa Burstein wrote both their characters. Mia stands up to, and teases Ryder in a way he needs and Ryder is able to bring Mia out of her shell and help her discover confidence in herself. They better each other. Oh, and the chemistry is on fire too! Something that certainly doesn't make Mia and the Bad Boy hard to read.

Fun, sassy and perfectly paced, Mia and the Bad Boy is a delicious read! Lisa Burstein hits the nail on the head and cements Mia and the Bad Boy as a perfect tale if you're a fan of bad boys, boy bands and everything in between. I'm totally ready for the next book, no matter which remaining Seconds to Juliet member it features and can't wait for it's release; whenever that may be......

Source: Sent for review by Entangled Publishing (Thank you guys!)
Format: Kindle ebook through Netgalley
Buy it: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo
My Recommendation: If you like boy bands and rock starts this is the perfect YA series!
Cover: Awesome. And very sexy....
Will I read sequel/continue with series: Yes! Can't wait!

Friday, May 22, 2015

Blog Tour: Confessions of a Virgin Sex Columnist! by Kay Marie- Guest Post & Giveaway

I'm thrilled to be taking part in the blog tour for Confessions of a Virgin Sex Columnist by Kay Marie today thanks to YA Bound Book Tours. I read and reviewed this novel yesterday and loved it! Today Kay Marie is introducing you all to one of the "mean girls" of the novel, Blythe Keaton. Oh and I have a wonderful giveaway to share.....

From bestselling author Kaitlyn Davis, writing as Kay Marie, comes a new adult romantic comedy about a girl who'll soon discover that some secrets can't be kept forever, especially those of the heart.

My name is Skylar Quinn. I just moved to New York with my best friend Bridget, and I have a confession. Well, more than one. Okay, quite a few really. Fine, here goes!

Confession #1: I'm a sex columnist. Hold on, that's not really the confession. You see, I'm sort of a columnist.

Confession #2: I'm kind of in love with Bridget's older brother, Oliver. No, I was. No, I am. Wait, was? Am? Crap.

Confession #3: I've been avoiding Oliver for four years. Or I was until today, because he just moved in. Yes, you read that correctly. He's my new roommate. So that night we've both been pretending never happened, well, we might not be able to keep it a secret any longer.

And trust me, this is only the beginning.

Add on Goodreads or check out my 4 star review!


Character Spotlight – Blythe Keaton

Name: Blythe Keaton, the one and only

Occupation: Newspaper assistant, don’t remind her, and Manhattan socialite

Who Is She? The main character Skylar’s coworker who had been worki ng for the Style section long before Skylar started, and according to her, completely deserved a column of her own. So, basically, the coworker from hell. You migh t recognize the last name— she’s also the sister to Skylar’s boy interest of the moment, Patrick Keaton. Before you ask—yes, Skye is already aware she has issues and needs to stop getting crushes on people’s older brothers...

Loves: All things fashion, attending fall and spring collection previews, picking that perfect gown for a charity gala, her Birkin bag, having minions, and buying a new pair of Christian LouBoutin heels.

Hates: Models, dancers, usurpers of any kind, and women who walk around in hoodies. And B.O., but that’s just common sense.

Guilty Pleasures: Blythe doesn’t really see the point of guilty pleasures—everything she does is fabulous.

If you want to read the rest of my character spotlights, just keep following the tour :)
You can visit my pinterest board now for all of the character images and the original websites where I found them! Thank you!

Pinterest link:
In Her Own Words: I've always been a writer. I grew up duct taping my novels together, started writing complete manuscripts in high school and studied creative writing at Johns Hopkins University. Upon graduating, I decided it was finally time to actually give my dream career a chance. So, of course, I started writing a young adult paranormal romance series -- and no, I'm not jumping on the bandwagon. I've been a true paranormal supporter for my entire life! I blame my obsession almost completely on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, my all-time favorite television show. And, before you ask: Yes, I own every season... even the post WB ones! I especially challenge anyone to watch the first three seasons and not fall in love with Angel, securing a lifelong love of vampires! Other culprits of my paranormal obsession are some of my favorite authors: JK Rowling, Raymond Feist, Meg Cabot, Richelle Mead, Lynne Ewing and Tamora Pierce.

Visit Kay:

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Book Shelf: Confessions of a Virgin Sex Columnist! by Kay Marie

From bestselling author Kaitlyn Davis, writing as Kay Marie, comes a new adult romantic comedy about a girl who'll soon discover that some secrets can't be kept forever, especially those of the heart.

My name is Skylar Quinn. I just moved to New York with my best friend Bridget, and I have a confession. Well, more than one. Okay, quite a few really. Fine, here goes!

Confession #1: I'm a sex columnist. Hold on, that's not really the confession. You see, I'm sort of a columnist.

Confession #2: I'm kind of in love with Bridget's older brother, Oliver. No, I was. No, I am. Wait, was? Am? Crap.

Confession #3: I've been avoiding Oliver for four years. Or I was until today, because he just moved in. Yes, you read that correctly. He's my new roommate. So that night we've both been pretending never happened, well, we might not be able to keep it a secret any longer.

And trust me, this is only the beginning.

More info on Goodreads.....


Confessions of a Virgin Sex Columnist by Kaye Marie is a really bubbly and light-hearted romance featuring a witty and likable main character with a sassy and intelligent voice. 

Confessions of a Virgin Sex Columnist follows twenty-two year old journalist Skylar “Skye” Quinn who has just landed the job of a lifetime as the spunky new sex columnist in a New York newspaper……only problem is that Skye has no experience in the department she’s expected to give advice on. At all. That's right, Skye is a virgin and now she’s going to have to go all out if she wants to give believable, and honest advice. Throw in the fact her best friend's brother Ollie has just moved in with them, the guy Skye has loved for years but hasn’t seen since one disastrous night, and Skye is about to have to face her fears if she ever hopes to keep her job…..not to mention find love.

I was really impressed with Confessions of a Virgin Sex Columnist. This is this the kind of fun and energetic contemporary novels I adore; full of romance, humour, friendship and chemistry. Confessions of a Virgin Sex Columnist was well told, funny and romantic and I easily devoured this novel in a day. Though it’s advertised as a new adult novel, Confessions of a Virgin Sex Columnist is more on the minimal level, something that actually works for it. Each chapter starts off with a “confession” from Skye that gives you a little hint into what the chapter is about to entail, or answers a question you might have had some the last one.

Skye’s voice was so witty and quirky and it was so easy to relate to her because I could see myself in her. It was impossible to be anything but one hundred percent invested in her journey as she was such a normal, sweet girl. She enjoyed reading, didn’t worry unnecessarily about makeup or her hair and had a good chip on her shoulder. She had attitude, but not to the point that it overshadowed the innocence that seemed to radiate off her too.  

I loved the feeling of this novel. It was fun and cheeky and Kaye Marie manages to do a great job appealing to the young woman in all of us. Skye’s failed attempts at romance are entertaining and cringe worthy but very easy to read about. I adored the friendship Skye had with her best friend Bridget and thought they were really sweet.

Skye has two love interests in this book; Ollie, her best friend’s brother and someone Skye has always harbored feelings for and Patrick, a sexy well put together investment banker she meets and then dates. I have to say I really liked Patrick. Despite his wealth and status Patrick was actually a decent guy and I did actually like him, however anyone could see what direction the story was going in and who Skye was always going to end up with. Not that I’m complaining—Ollie was awesome in my book!

Flirty, funny and wonderfully written, I honestly think Confessions of a Virgin Sex Columnist could have made a great stand-alone novel, but with Kaye Maire ending the novel where she does and promising a sequel, I’m very interested to see what’s in store for Skye and Ollie next!

Source: Sent for review by YA Bound Book Tours and the author (Thank you ladies!)
Format: Kindle ebook
Buy it: Amazon
My Recommendation: This is an awesome contemporary novel--absolutely worth a read!
Cover: It's really bright, fun and quirky....I like it!
Will I read sequel/continue with series: Yes.....

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Blog Tour: Revive by Tracey Martin- Excerpt & Giveaway

Today I'm participating in the Blog Tour for Revive by Tracey Martin thanks to Xpresso Book Tours! Yesterday I posted my review and today I have an excerpt and giveaway to share :)

What the mind forgets, the heart remembers.

Alone in a train station bathroom, Sophia Hernandez has no memory of who she is or how she got there. All she’s certain of are three things: her college ID is a lie, bad people are coming for her, and no one can be trusted.

The only clue to her past is the fellow student who finds her. Although Sophia’s gut tells her Kyle is lying when he claims he can’t help her, his touch makes her heart race. Is it because of a red-hot natural attraction, or a missing memory of something far more dangerous?

As two mysterious, menacing men chase them from the station, Sophia’s memories return in frustrating fragments. So do deadly skills she didn’t know she had. In the next forty-eight hours, a loved one’s life will be on the line as she sifts through a mounting tangle of secrets and lies.
Including the most heart-wrenching secret of all. Not only isn’t she a normal college student, she isn’t even a normal human.

Warning: Contains one girl who is more than she seems, one boy who knows more than he’s telling, and enough twists to give you whiplash. Expect explosions of all kinds.

Add on Goodreads or check out my review!


From Revive......

“You okay?” Kyle asks. “More coming back?”

“Yeah, but nothing useful.” That’s a stretch, although I wouldn’t classify my memories about AnChlor or Kyle’s weird snooping as useful so much as revealing. Mostly of things I’m not sure I want to know.

Part of me is tempted once more to confront Kyle, but something stills my tongue. Another training instinct, I think. Kyle doesn’t realize that I know something about him. It might be useful to keep that memory to myself.

“Something’s got to be better than nothing,” he says.

The elevator dings and the doors open, depositing us on a random floor. The décor in this part of the building is very different. Instead of warm earth tones, the walls are white and sterile. I can’t help but think they give off an unfriendly vibe—lab-like. I don’t care for this section at all.

“Are you still angry at me?” Kyle asks.

We back up against the wall as a technician comes through. She pushes some kind of machine on wheels, and I wait for her to pass before answering. Her purple scrubs look totally cheery and out of place.

Although I’m fairly sure I shouldn’t trust him, I offer Kyle a weak smile. “I’m not angry. Just frustrated, and I’m sorry I snapped at you. I remember when you asked me out. You had a leaf in your hair. Did you know that?”

I didn’t. Not until the words came out of my mouth. Why aren’t the pleasant memories returning in as much detail as the unpleasant? Life is so unfair.

“I did?” Kyle runs his hand through his hair, then seems to realize what he’s doing. “That’s humiliating.”

“I liked the leaf. It was a souvenir of rolling on the grass together.” My brain doesn’t remember that either, not consciously. But whoa—my body sure does.

“Yeah? Well, I liked rolling on the grass together.” He takes my hands, tentatively, like he’s afraid I’ll twist his arms again. Then suddenly he’s standing so close. And getting closer. My back hits the wall, and I’m glad it’s there, supporting me.

Is it wrong that, in this moment, I don’t care if Kyle is this nameless enemy of mine? I want to pull him against me the rest of the way. Press my lips into his and his body into mine. Make myself forget all the unpleasant things I’m starting to remember and create newer, better memories. I’m burning up in my clothes and don’t care about anything else.

His nose touches mine. The gap between us is narrower than ever. Yet as I hold my breath, it’s achingly wide.

Then a door opens down the hall, and my eyes open.


Want more? Get your copy today!
Tracey Martin grew up outside of Philadelphia, the lucky recipient of a drama-free childhood, which is why she spent so much time reading about other people’s lives. It was while she was working on her doctorate in psychology that she had an epiphany–imaginary people are way more fun than real ones. And so she began writing. Never able to choose just one of anything, she currently writes both urban fantasy for adults and contemporary stories for teens.

She likes her coffee simple, her music epic, and her movies to contain explosions. A city girl at heart, she doesn’t understand how she and her husband ended up living in New Hampshire, but writing keeps her off the mean, small town streets.

Visit Tracey:


Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Book Shelf: Revive (Redzone #1) by Tracey Martin

What the mind forgets, the heart remembers.

Alone in a train station bathroom, Sophia Hernandez has no memory of who she is or how she got there. All she’s certain of are three things: her college ID is a lie, bad people are coming for her, and no one can be trusted.

The only clue to her past is the fellow student who finds her. Although Sophia’s gut tells her Kyle is lying when he claims he can’t help her, his touch makes her heart race. Is it because of a red-hot natural attraction, or a missing memory of something far more dangerous?

As two mysterious, menacing men chase them from the station, Sophia’s memories return in frustrating fragments. So do deadly skills she didn’t know she had. In the next forty-eight hours, a loved one’s life will be on the line as she sifts through a mounting tangle of secrets and lies.
Including the most heart-wrenching secret of all. Not only isn’t she a normal college student, she isn’t even a normal human.

Warning: Contains one girl who is more than she seems, one boy who knows more than he’s telling, and enough twists to give you whiplash. Expect explosions of all kinds.

More info on Goodreads......


Revive by Tracey Martin is a mysterious and at times fast paced novel that will have you piecing the clues together and hankering to discover just who, and what, the heroine is. 

Imagine waking up in a train station bathroom with who memory of who you are, how you’ve gotten there or how you’ve lived your life? This is the reality for Sophia Hernandez, a supposed college student who wakes up with no recollection of her life or who she is. All she knows if that Sophia isn’t her name, her life at college is a lie and there are nefarious people after her, only she doesn’t know how she knows these three important details. Armed with her wits, instincts and surprising ability to hold her own, Sophia sets out to determine who she is, and alongside Kyle, a cute and charming friend, begins to unravel just how she’s spent her last few weeks and why she feels like she’s been lying to everyone she knows……

Revive is one of those books that starts out extremely promising and while it doesn’t necessarily blow your mind, remains an enjoyable read. Tracey Martin kicks off Revive wonderfully and had me eager to discover just who Sophia was and what had happened to her. Over the course of the story however Revive lost me at a few times, and then managed to have me extremely interested at others.

Told through Sophia’s eyes, Revive switches back and forth throughout different periods of Sophia’s life in recent times as she begins to get certain memories back. This was a tad confusing at times and I felt like I needed to work to keep the timeline together in my mind upon occasion. Don’t get me wrong—I was thrilled to see memories return to Sophia and can understand why Martin reveals things the way she does, but that didn’t make it can less confusing at times. 

I was impressed with the revelation of who and what Sophia was. I thought it was smart and interesting. When Sophia’s mission was eventually revealed I found myself eager to discover X’s identify although I do admit I had a fair idea who it was before they were eventually revealed so that wasn’t a big surprise. 

Martin’s writing style was solid and I genuinely liked Sophia. She grew and became a better person thanks to her time searching for X and I think Martin has set the storyline up nicely for the next novel. To my understanding Revive will be a part of a series and I’m actually interested to see what Sophia, Kyle and the rest of her friends will do next now that they’d made their big escape.

Although Revive didn’t blow me away, it managed to keep me interested enough to follow the whole story and I do care about the characters. Worth a read for its mystery and unknown alone, I look forward to seeing where Tracey Martin takes this series next.

Source: Sent for review by Xpresso Book Tours and the author (thank you ladies!)
Format: Kindle ebook
Buy it: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo
My Recommendation: If you like mystery you might enjoy this.
Cover: I like the cover, it's quite cool and represents Sophia perfectly with how I picture her.
Will I read sequel/continue with series: I'm interested in seeing what happens yes, so probably yes......