A Midsummer's Nightmare? Robin Goodfellow. Puck. Summer Court prankster, King Oberon's right hand, bane of many a faery queen's existence—and secret friend to Prince Ash of the Winter Court. Until one girl's death came between them, and another girl stole both their hearts.
Now Ash has granted one favor too many and someone's come to collect, forcing the prince to a place he cannot go without Puck's help—into the heart of the Summer Court. And Puck faces the ultimate choice—betray Ash and possibly win the girl they both love, or help his former friend turned bitter enemy pull off a deception that no true faery prankster could possibly resist.
Blurb from Goodreads.....
This short story was brilliant! It was Puck and Julie Kagawa’s Iron Fey series at it’s very best. It incorporated everything that makes things series so brilliant—beauty, humour, adventure and captivated me from the very beginning! It was so nice getting a tiny glimpse into the crazy inner workings of Pucks mind. While I’m still an Ash girl all the way, there’s something I love so much about Puck. He’s naughty and mischievous and just outright fun. While I’ll never want Megan to be with anyone but Ash, I’m glad for Puck in this series and I love that he’s just a good, loyal friend to her.
Of course my only issue with this story was that it’s wasn’t long enough. Not that it could ever be....I always hate it when these books end because I want them to go on forever. This was a great little adventure and it’s whet my appetite for The Iron Knight so much more. I’m looking forward to the final book even more than I thought possible and cannot wait to see how Megan, Ash and Pucks story ends!
Rating: **** stars
Recommend: Yes!
Did I Buy, Borrow or is it an ARC: Got for free
Recommend Buy or Borrow: Buy
Ebook or Actual Book: Ebook
Cover: Love the green
Read sequel/continue with series: Yes!!!!
Download it for FREE from Harlequin here: http://ebooks.eharlequin.com/8F2F37E4-97DF-43DF-9080-93381FFA27D1/10/141/en/ContentDetails.htm?ID=6FEE7B3A-8BA2-46ED-9410-81ACE573B95D
Now Ash has granted one favor too many and someone's come to collect, forcing the prince to a place he cannot go without Puck's help—into the heart of the Summer Court. And Puck faces the ultimate choice—betray Ash and possibly win the girl they both love, or help his former friend turned bitter enemy pull off a deception that no true faery prankster could possibly resist.
Blurb from Goodreads.....
This short story was brilliant! It was Puck and Julie Kagawa’s Iron Fey series at it’s very best. It incorporated everything that makes things series so brilliant—beauty, humour, adventure and captivated me from the very beginning! It was so nice getting a tiny glimpse into the crazy inner workings of Pucks mind. While I’m still an Ash girl all the way, there’s something I love so much about Puck. He’s naughty and mischievous and just outright fun. While I’ll never want Megan to be with anyone but Ash, I’m glad for Puck in this series and I love that he’s just a good, loyal friend to her.
Of course my only issue with this story was that it’s wasn’t long enough. Not that it could ever be....I always hate it when these books end because I want them to go on forever. This was a great little adventure and it’s whet my appetite for The Iron Knight so much more. I’m looking forward to the final book even more than I thought possible and cannot wait to see how Megan, Ash and Pucks story ends!
Rating: **** stars
Recommend: Yes!
Did I Buy, Borrow or is it an ARC: Got for free
Recommend Buy or Borrow: Buy
Ebook or Actual Book: Ebook
Cover: Love the green
Read sequel/continue with series: Yes!!!!
Download it for FREE from Harlequin here: http://ebooks.eharlequin.com/8F2F37E4-97DF-43DF-9080-93381FFA27D1/10/141/en/ContentDetails.htm?ID=6FEE7B3A-8BA2-46ED-9410-81ACE573B95D
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