So, naturally, I have a few more confessions to make.
Confession #1: I came up with what I thought would be the perfect plan to keep my relationship with Ollie a secret—pretend to get back together with John!
Confession #2: It backfired. A lot.
More info on Goodreads.....
Confessions of an Undercover Girlfriend is the sequel to Kay Marie’s fabulous contemporary romance Confessions of a Virgin Sex Columnist and is a deliciously fun and romantic follow-up that will thrill readers with more Skylar and Ollie awesomeness.
Skylar Quinn is no longer a virgin sex columnist thanks to her fabulous boyfriend Ollie, but if Skye thought things would be easy now that she’s got the man of her dreams, she’s been sorely mistaken. Ollie is still driving Skye mad in the most ingenious, and sensual, of ways, but frightened to tell her best friend she’s dating, and totally sleeping with, her brother sees Skye form a plan to convince Bridget she’s getting back with her ex. A secret romance may sound good in theory, but the reality isn’t nearly as good and soon stolen kisses and secret nights aren’t enough. But with all of Skye’s lies starting to backfire, will the cost of keeping her romance with Ollie secret see Skye lose him in the process?
Having loved and devoured Confessions of a Virgin Sex Columnist, I was ecstatic to discover Kay Marie had a sequel in the works and Confessions of an Undercover Girlfriend doesn’t disappoint. Skye is back with her own special brand of wit and quirk and relatable nature. One of the reasons I seem to enjoy this series—besides the delectable romance and brilliant dialogue---is because Skye is actually really relatable to me. I see a lot of myself in her, and that hasn’t changed since the first novel.
Confessions of an Undercover Girlfriend explores the next stage in Skye and Ollie’s journey now that they have acknowledged their feelings and acted upon the desire that has burned between them. In this sequel author Kay Marie details how Skye reacts to finally being with Ollie and puts her characters to the test as they come to understand that being together isn’t always smooth sailing and they’ll actually have to fight for their relationship.
As sweet, adorable and utterly perfect Skye and Ollie are together, it was nice seeing them fumble at times and have problems like a normal couple. It made them real. Marie explores them in a relatable way that sees that delicious chemistry they share woven into life like situations as Skye faces telling Bridget, their families and the world around them that she and Ollie are a couple, while also attempting to overcome the fears she still has about their relationship.
Skye and Ollie continue to blaze in the chemistry department, and even though they’re intimate with each other now, Kay Marie keeps things fairly tame; instead choosing to temp you just enough with the chemistry between them as you know what happens between them as they sizzle together.
So very fun and sweet, Confessions of an Undercover Girlfriend is an excellent sequel that easily satisfied this reader. I don’t know whether Kay Marie has plans to write any more books in the series, but with Confessions of an Undercover Girlfriend ending the way it does, I’m pretty satisfied with Skye’s tale, even if I’d take more of her and Ollie if the chance ever arose.
A great contemporary romance, if you like wonderful chemistry between characters and a romance you can really get behind, this series is for you as Kay Marie will easily make you fall in love with Skye, Ollie and their adorable romance!

Source: Sent for review by author (Thank you Kay!)
Publisher: Independently published
Format: Kindle ebook
Release Date: October 11th 2016
Purchase: Amazon
Final Thoughts: Confessions of an Undercover Girlfriend is a great sequel that I devoured! I'll definitely read more by Kay Marie whether she writes another book in this series or something else entirely!
Thank you so much for this awesome review, Rachel!! So happy you enjoyed the sequel :) and so grateful you joined the tour!