Newly possessed by the demon of Wrath, Sienna Blackstone is racked by a ruthless need to punish those around her. Yet in Paris's arms, the vulnerable beauty finds soul-searing passion and incredible peace. Until a blood feud between ancient enemies heats up.
Will the battle against gods, angels and creatures of the night bind them eternally—or tear them apart?
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The Darkest Seduction proves to be one of the most exciting, heart-pounding Lords of the Underworld stories, and Gena Showalter doesn’t disappoint with the tale pretty much every LOTU fan has been waiting for!
I’m finding it really hard to explain my feelings on this particular book and actually have it make sense. I had both high expectations and no expectations at all when going into this book. I adore this series, but I felt as though Showalter was beginning to struggle after the last two books. I loved both Amun’s and Strider’s tales, but there was this tiny inkling in the back of my mind that told me they weren’t up to the same standard as some of the earlier books in the series. And yet the Darkest Seduction is the Lord of the Underworld series at its best! This is one of my fave LOTU books! Showalter wrote it so spectacularly—everything fit and went together perfectly and the entertaining and sensual plotline had my attention from the first page! It had everything I’ve come to expect from this series....heart-stopping action, incredible romance and all the humour that make this series a joy to read.
In this book we finally get to see Paris get his girl. Paris and Sienna have had the most complicated relationship in this series. Their few interactions in the past have been shaky at best and a mess at worse. He attempted to use her, she kidnapped him so the Hunters could torture him, they then had “apparently” emotionless sex together so he wouldn’t die and then he tried to flee and she died as a result. And yet for whatever reason none of them understood they were drawn to one another, often not knowing if they liked or hated each other. Then....after her death things changed. Suddenly events allowed them to see each other in different lights and their feelings changed until all they both wanted was to be with the other. Honestly, it seemed strange to me, all that yearning to be with each other but in this book it made complete sense. I felt their desire to be with each other, even if it seemed hopeless.
You know, I’ve never really loved Paris. Oh, I liked him enough. I emphasised with his pain and I felt for him, but he never really stood out for me. His pain and torment has been such a prominent feature in the series for so long now that I really just wanted him to find his woman and get on with it. I still never saw him as anything other than a tormented man in the background..... but sure has changed how! What a fantastic character Paris is! Who would have guessed that the man who housed Promiscuity would be the Lord that craved monogamy and commitment the most? My heart broke for him in this book. It really did. Until this book, until I got this glimpse into his head and saw his dedication and devotion to Sienna in a new light I never completely understood their relationship and why he felt so strongly for her.
I never understood why he wanted her the way he did and with their complicated history, why he would risk so much for her. Now I think he may potentially be one of the strongest of the Lords. To go through everything he’s been through and everything he’s willing to do for takes a lot of strength. With Sienna being the only woman Paris could apparently be with more than once it opened up a new door for him, the chance to be with the woman he cared about and truly loved. I loved his fierce protectiveness and desire to be with her and take care of her no matter what—it was wonderful.
Alight, who here doesn’t like Sienna? Have you lost your freaking mind people?!? Hunter or not, Sienna is one of the best leading ladies to grace this series! I know I’ve probably said that about heriones in the past, but Sienna is everything a heroine should be. While she’s far from perfect, she’s brave and manages to find her spirit throughout this book. She’s very normal, and even somewhat plain, but that’s the beauty of her. She’s very normal, and as everything she’s been through and is currently going through changes her it just makes her even better to read about. Her ability to accept Paris exactly as he is, to be able to let go of everything he’s done in the past and to make him understand he doesn’t need to be ashamed with her is just remarkable. She’s exactly what he needs and she allowed him to be himself.
Paris and Sienna as a couple are incredible. Despite their history, or perhaps because of it, the sparks between them run wild! Neither is the same person they were when they first met, but their desire to be with each other strengthens their relationship. Seeing them fall in love after all they’ve both been through is beautiful. Their interactions were entertaining and the sex between them hot. I love how highly they think of one another; how Sienna loves Paris for being nothing more than who he is and who is able to ignore all the horrible, however justified, things he’s done in the past and how Paris sees Sienna as the most beautiful thing in his world and how he won’t take other people disrespecting her, even his friends. They accept each others fault and mistakes in the past and they love each other regardless—it’s beautiful.
Showalter has written this story perfectly, however there is a lot going on throughout the book. With so many sub-storylines taking place and unfolding, one could be mistaken for getting a tad confused. But it you manage to keep track (like I just barely managed to) you’ll see all the incredible possibilities set up for this series and even Showalter’s new spin-off Wicked Nights series that have been set up! There are only three Lords left single now, Torin, Kane and the sad, but beautiful female Cameo and I’m oh, so eager for their stories! I’m thinking Kane will be next and we’ll get to see what happens to him and his mysterious female Horseman. That leaves Torin and Cameo and with some new developments in this book for Torin I’m hoping he’ll finally find his HEA with a woman he can touch...hmmm, how about Viola? A hilarious new addition to the series, this goddess and houser of Narcissism looks to be an interesting character. Cameo will be interesting and now I’m wondering about Hades. It seems like an odd fit, but the “Shadow Man” proved to be an interesting new development and considering who and what he is, who better to be with the Lord of Misery?
Oh, but then there’s William, Galen and Legion. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Galen and Legion need to be together. I’ve always throughout Galen was more than he seems and in The Darkest Seduction he proves he truly cares about Legion and after all the horror she’s endured, she deserves to find some happiness and feel safe and loved. And Willy! Yes Willy! We all know who his heart belongs to even if he’s too afraid to go there. Gena Showalter has got a lot in store for him and I for one cannot wait to see what awaits him in his story.
As the 9th book in the series, The Darkest Seduction comes with big revelations and big shocks! Major plot changes, and completions, will see the series head in a new direction and the inclusion of new characters shows that Gena Showalter is far from done when it comes to this series! CANNOT WAIT FOR MORE!

Source: I bought it.
Format: Paperback.
Buy it: Booktopia // The Nile // The Book Depository
Recommendation: This is one of my fave PNR series and I highly reccomend it to anyone who loves strong heriones and tortured heroes as well as humor, action and romance!
Cover: It's the prettiest of them all, even if this isn't how I picture Sienna.
Will I read sequel/continue with series: Hells to the yes!!

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