Cinder, a gifted mechanic, is a cyborg. She’s a second-class citizen with a mysterious past, reviled by her stepmother and blamed for her stepsister’s illness. But when her life becomes intertwined with the handsome Prince Kai’s, she suddenly finds herself at the center of an intergalactic struggle, and a forbidden attraction. Caught between duty and freedom, loyalty and betrayal, she must uncover secrets about her past in order to protect her world’s future.
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As far as fairytale retellings go Cinder is one of the best. Set in New Beijing, Cinder blends together the traditional fairytale of Cinderella with futuristic machines and royal affairs in a fun, easy read that you simply can’t help but get lost in! The traditional plot housed within Cinderella gets an overhaul as we see Cinder, a mechanic and cyborg navigate the world of New Beijing where she discovers secrets, finds blossoming romance and then faces some shocking truths.
One of the things this book had going for it was the setting and overall feeling! Marissa Meyer has done a fantastic job with her world building and her detail and descriptions easily allow you to fall into the story. The science fiction world that Cinder and her friends inhabit is enthralling. It’s captivating. You cannot help but become addicted to the story set within this amazing world. While the plot was somewhat predictable and not at all surprising it was easily entertaining. There was plenty of adventure and humour to keep me entertained and just the right amount of hinted romance to keep me on my toes. If ever there was a way for a been-there-done-that fairytale to get a makeover it’s Cinder!
With such a vivid world, the story needed a cast of fantastic characters to back it up and Meyer doesn’t disappoint! Almost every character Cinder meets throughout the story is fabulous and well crafted, especially the vibrant android Iko Cinder’s closest friend and the charming Prince Kai. They all helped build the story and make it what it was and their animated personalities and fun interactions with Cinder managed to steal my heart every time.
I loved Cinder! As the protagonist, she had plenty of fire and spirit, and despite her cyborg nature was very human. Considering that she’s part machine and that wires make up a lot of her internal system, I was thrilled to see how normal Cinder remained. She felt natural fears and insecurities a normal person would and even though she wasn’t able to show her emotions, she still felt them. Smart and quick thinking, with an intelligence that allowed her to look at things critically, Cinder was self sufficient and able to get what had to be done, done.
Now as for Prince Kaito, I found Kai to be charming, kind and extremely likeable. This guy is awesome! Unlike some male leads in fairytales, Mayer has managed to give him some actual personality and it was easy to see just how deeply he cared about his people, wanting to do right by them. Choosing their interests above his own shows a lot about his character and it’s no surprise that Cinder fell for him.
Throughout the story, with the future of the Eastern Commonwealth always on the line, it was interesting watching the friendship and even relationship that develops between Cinder and Kai. Knowing the secrets Cinder keeps and then learning more about her, as the reader you always know that their relationship is in for some tough times. However as it blossoms slowly, into a sweet and endearing one, I’d be lying if I didn’t say I’m vying for them. Meyer broke my heart with what she did to them and I’ll certainly be praying for a happy ending for them.
There are some big developments at the end of this book, ones that change everything Cinder knows. Marissa Meyer ends her first novel in The Lunar Chronicles with a cliffhanger that’s just downright mean! Cinder is an impressive futuristic debut by Meyer that will captivate you and leave you begging for more, more, MORE!

Source: I bought. Format: Paperback.
AU Release Date: Available now!
Buy it: Booktopia // The Nile // The Book Depository
Recommendation: If you love fairytale retellings and sci-fi then this book is for you!
Cover: I LOVE this cover. It's simple but sooooo striking!
Will I read sequel/continue with series: YES!

I've been wondering whether to read this one but you make it sound like I should! Great review :-)
ReplyDeleteIt is a really great read Belle. A refreshing take on a fab fairytale!
DeleteYay I'm so glad you enjoyed this book. I LOVED it too. Hoping the sequel is just as good. Great review!
ReplyDeleteI have my fingers crossed that the sequel is just as good too Erin! Looking forward to seeing where Meyer takes this series :)
DeleteEeeee!! Rach, I LOVED THIS ONE.
I really loved... well, everything you described :D
Kai and Cinder and Iko and... :D
This book was awesome--looking forward to book #2!