Welcome to the Australian blog tour for Spark by Brigid Kemmerer, thanks to Allen & Unwin and of course the lovely Brigid Kemmerer!
Today, as part of my stop I will be chatting with Brigid about the second book in her Elemental's series, Spark. You can also check out my review of Spark in the previous post or head here.
Let’s begin, shall we? :)
1. First I have to say congratulations on Sparks’s release! I quite literally devoured Spark the moment it hit my greedy little paws and I couldn’t help but feel the difference between it and its predecessor Storm. Obviously, this time we’re seeing things from Gabriel’s eyes and he’s quite different from his brother Chris, but what’s the biggest difference for you this time round?
Well, definitely the character. Chris was unsure and kind and struggling to find out how to stand out among his brothers. Gabriel is full of rage and guilt and doesn’t know how to deal with that. On top of that, Spark took a lot of research. I wanted to make sure I nailed the feel of being inside a fire, so I repeatedly interviewed my local fire chief, and even then, sent him dozens of midnight emails.
2. Readers all over the world have fallen in love with your series and I know I speak for them all when I say how excited we were to finally get to hear Gabriel’s tale. Tell us all the about workings going in your mind as you’re writing about him?
Gabriel is quite possibly the easiest Merrick brother to write. He thinks something, and he says or does it. I think we all have anger inside that we just can’t express, because of societal pressures or expectations or whatever (like, I can’t punch someone who steals my parking place). With Gabriel, if he feels it, you know it, and it was almost cathartic to write a character that way.
3. Gabriel may steal the show in Spark, but there’s no way I can forget about Layne. Despite her past, she’s such a strong, independent young woman. Is there anything of yourself written in Layne?
Oh, dear Layne! I used to ride horses competitively, so I definitely threw that in there from my own experiences. But she’s also shy and insecure but not afraid to stand up for herself. I was taunted and teased in grade school, and my mom taught me to stand up to those bullies, so there’s definitely some of that in Spark.
4. So far you’ve written about two awesome heroines, and both books have been filled with incredible characters but everyone is quite rightly going gaga over the four very different, but still oh so sexy Merrick brothers. I have a certain soft spot for Micheal, but is there a brother who holds an extra special place in your heart?
I love them all! Honestly, I could no sooner choose one of my kids. (Okay, I do have a special spot in my heart for Michael, too.)
5. Hehe. Glad I'm not the only one loving Michael ;) In most series authors give us a sexy male lead, sometimes two if we’re lucky. You’ve given us FIVE—the Merrick brothers AND Hunter! Let me just say THANK YOU! (Haha). One swoon worthy male character just wasn’t enough, huh?
Haha! I guess I just love the brotherly dynamic. They’re so much fun to write. In Spirit, which follows Hunter, it’s very different to see the Merrick brothers from the outside.
6. There’s so much depth to your novels. They’re not just action-packed and supernaturally driven, but rather stories full of flawed and layered characters. Why was that so important for you to write this way?
Thank you! When I started writing, I knew I wanted to write something paranormal, but I didn’t want to ignore the people. That’s what I like so much about television shows like Supernatural or The Vampire Diaries – there’s a human element, too.
7. You're more than welcome Brigid. Do you have a special place you like to write?
Yes! I love to go to Starbucks.
8. Who has been the biggest inspiration throughout your life?
My mom! She’s always supported me. My husband is pretty great, too.
9. Nawww. My mum's my biggest inspiration too--looks like we have that in common! If you could meet one person, living or read, real or fiction, who would you want to meet and why?
Christopher Pike! I was a big fan of his novels when I was a teenager, and I’d love to meet him and figure out how his brain works.
10. Your third Elemental novel, Spirit, will be released in May of next year. We all know it’s going to feature Hunter (yay!) but any hints on what we can expect?
Oh, Hunter! It was tough living inside Hunter’s head. He has a very different outlook on life. But don’t think you’ll be missing the Merrick brothers. After a fallout with his grandfather, Hunter finds himself needing a place to live…
6 Quick Questions:
1. Cats or dogs? Dogs!
2. Favourite colour? Green
3. Favourite food? French fries
4. Lucky number? I … don’t know.
5. Day or night? Day. I’m a morning person.
Thanks so much for answering my questions Brigid! Congrats once more on Sparks release and good luck with all your upcoming endeavours. I can’t wait to see what we get from you next!
Sometimes he can even control it. And sometimes he can’t. Like the fire that killed his parents.
Gabriel has always had his brothers to rely on, especially his twin, Nick. But when an arsonist starts wreaking havoc on their town, all the signs point to Gabriel. Only he’s not doing it.
More than Gabriel’s pride is at stake -- this could cost him his family, maybe his life. And no one seems to hear him. Except a shy sophomore named Layne, a brainiac who dresses in turtlenecks and jeans and keeps him totally off balance. Layne understands family problems, and she understands secrets. She has a few of her own.
Gabriel can’t let her guess about his brothers, about his abilities, about the danger that’s right at his heels. But there are some risks he can’t help taking.
The fuse is lit…
Purhcase Spark:
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"Day. I’m a morning person."
I still don't understand this strange breed of human.
WONDERFUL interview, guys! And I loved that it was a very Spark-centric interview, with lots of delicious Gabriellic questions ^__^
Ha! Me either Sarah! Someone getting out of bed early? Willingly? Sounds foreign to me ;)
DeleteOf course! Any less Gabriel wouldn't have been right!
WOnderful Interview Rachel! Brigid is so nice and generous with her responses. Gabriel was just sigh worthy in this book:D
Thanks Michelle! Brigid truely is a sweetie. She was so great with her answers :) ♥