Even though I've only recently begun this series, I've very excited to be a part of this tour. As a proud Aussie it's wonderful to be able to showcase an incredible Aussie author! Today, I have an exclusive guest post about one of the series more poignant and darker characters, the Riper Lenior written by Marianne De Pierres, as well as running expert from Shine Light to share with you guys!
It was important that Retra/Naif was able to care for him despite his bestial side, which meant he had to find something in her that made him question tradition and step outside his customs to connect with her. Often in novels, the hero is attracted to the heroine because she has some special power or attribute. To me, this then suggests that the whole relationship is based on a kind of accident of birth.
With Lenoir and Naif I wanted his desire for her to be very much about the person she is, and is becoming. Lenoir is captured by Naif’s intense loyalty and her propensity to stand by her principles and the people she cares for. This is so different to what Lenoir is used to from humans. Because of the nature of the world the Ripers have created on Ixion, he has tended to see only the hedonistic and selfish side of human nature. Because Naif’s reasons for coming the island are so different to the rest, her moral mindset and her values are, for him, like light cast into a dark corner.
At times, in the raw draft of the novels I took the level of sexuality between them too far and with some editorial advice pulled back. Often less is more and I think the tension and their intimated physical relationship is far more effective by NOT being too explicit. I hope you agree.
The end of SHINE LIGHT has left some people gasping. I can’t really discuss it in depth because it is a major spoiler, but I will stay that I tried to follow Naif and Lenoir’s relationship through to a natural conclusion (or not?). This is not a happy-ever-after story … this is a story of self-discovery, compromise, integrity, growth and survival. Lenoir and Naif are from different and incompatible species – any relationship between them must be fraught … almost like a test of character.
Their story continues long after Shine Light - at least in my mind and you should know that is it always complex and a little frightening. As the best kind of love always is…
Break each code at the end of every blog post on the tour and your name will go in the draw to win a**super mystery prize** basket. Email your answers to marianne@mariannedepierres.com
Ready for your next fix?
Meet Retra/Naif at http://badassbookie.blogspot.com/ It’s the last stop on our blog tour.
Did you miss the feature on the Ripers? See http://bookprobereviews.com/
For the full tour listing see http://www.burnbright.com.au/
‘Hurry!’ she breathed.
‘We are,’ said Emilia. ‘Markes is tired. Be patient.’
‘I’m fine,’ said Markes as he levered his body down the last length of the rope.
The six of them huddled close to Markes as he opened the sack. He handed out wooden torches soaked in fire fluid. ‘Take one each. Char, you and Jarrold will need them on the walk to the Grotto,’ he said.
‘What is the Grotto?’ asked Emilia.
‘It’s a tiered garden where the monks used to congregate to pray,’ said Charlonge. ‘There are ledges cut into the rock. Seats.’
‘And moonflowers,’ said Naif. She remembered how they’d entranced her on the night all the gangs had gathered there. She’d never seen such a thing back on Grave; a flower that bloomed only at night.
‘Where’s the flint?’ asked Charlonge.
‘Here.’ Markes reached into the bag again and brought out three strips of strike, giving one to Charlonge and the second to Naif.
‘Don’t light them yet,’ said Naif, ‘not until we’re further away from Vank.’
‘There’s something else,’ said Markes. He felt once more inside the bag and produced several roughly hilted daggers and some short lengths of rope. ‘These were all she could spare. She said we could tie them to branches to make longer swords.’
‘Why would you do that?’ asked Jarrold, snatching one eagerly.
‘If you’re close enough to a Night Creature to use a dagger by itself then you’re lost already,’ Naif explained to him.
‘We should go,’ said Charlonge, nervously glancing around. ‘We’ll meet you at the Grotto as soon as we’ve found the books.’
‘Be careful.’ Naif gave Charlonge a hug and touched Jarrold’s shoulder. ‘Listen to Char.’
Jarrod’s expression turned stubborn and she felt reluctant to leave him in that mood. He was used to doing as he wished.
Emilia hugged her brother farewell while admonishing him, and Markes punched his arm.
Liam stepped forward. While they’d been talking he’d already collected branches from the closest bushes and begun to tie the daggers onto them with the twine.
As he finished, he handed them out. Everyone took one, except Emilia, who refused.
‘You’ll have to keep mine when I go inside,’ Jarrold said to Charlonge.
‘Of course,’ she said grimly. Then the pair headed down the slope again towards the walls. The others watched until they couldn’t see them anymore.
‘Take!’ said Liam to Emilia, holding out the remaining spear. But she shrank against Markes.
Liam made a frustrated noise.
‘Leave her,’ said Naif. ‘Let’s go.’ She orientated herself between the lights streaking up the mountain side and the church. If they followed below the line of the kars, they wouldn’t get lost. ‘Char and Jarrold will have to be careful, so they could be some time. We must try to find Eve and Clash while we wait, tell them the news and get help to carry the books. My guess is that the League’ll be somewhere near Ravens. Charlonge said they always used the Lesser Paths around there to hide.’
Want to know what happens next? Visit http://badassbookie.blogspot.com/ to find out!
If she had a choice, Naif wouldn’t go back. But her friends will die if she doesn’t find a cure for the badges that are slowly killing them, and her brother is there, fighting against the Ripers who hold everyone in thrall. And Naif has knowledge that might save them all.
First she must solve the mystery of Ixion’s eternal night. Then she must convince everyone – rebels and revellers alike – to join her cause. And all the while, she must fight the urge to go to Lenoir – her greatest love, her mortal enemy.
The secrets of Ixion must be revealed. The evils must be stopped. A new dawn will come.
Bookworld // Booktopia
Meet Marianne de Pierres!
Marianne is an active supporter of genre fiction and has mentored many writers. She lives in Brisbane, Australia, with her husband, three sons and three galahs.
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I love this series! I am overly excited to read Shine Light. I wish it wasn't the end :(
ReplyDeleteI have books 1 and 2 I must read this series shortly. I have been meaning to do it for ages. Wonderful posting:D
I have always loved the artwork on these covers!