
Thursday, October 27, 2011

YOU GIVE= WE GIVE Progress Update #3

Date: 27/10/2011 (I'm soooo sorry I'm late with this. This post should have been up on the 22nd. Silly Internet making things hard)

Progress Thoughts:
I admit I've had a slight decrease of books donated, but I'm still so grateful to all the books we're receiving. Gabby from Harlequin has been incredible, sending Jess, Brodie and I a massive ammount of books--thank-you from the bottom of my heart. It just makes my spirit soar to see all that we're able to do and the knowledge that there are so many generous people out there is just amazing to me.

Picture Evidence:

The top line are more books my mum purchased for the campaign. I just can't stop the woman! Oh, and I bought Department 19 myself to donate. It was on sale from Kmart so I snapped it up. The second row are more picture books and YA novels that we were able to purchase with the donated funds received through Pay-Pal. Thank-you for everyone who donated. Every dollar counts!

Here are the books Gabby sent me. Although we are mainly collecting children's and YA books, I'm so thrilled to have some to donate to adults too. After all they deserve something too, right? A BIG thank-you to Gabby once more and Harlequin!

Future Hopes: It goes without saying I want to bless as many people this Christmas and I hope you all get behind the cause. Some more fantastic prize packs have been added so head on over to the main page to check out for yourself and be a part of this amazing campaign!

Links to each of our Blogs:

Jess @ She Known As Jess BlogSpot
Brodie @ Eleusinian Mysteries
Rachel @ The Rest Is Still Unwritten

Thank you Note:
A HUGE thank you to every single author and publisher who donated novels toward both our prize packs and the Christmas tree. You guys are amazing and we cannot thank you enough for your generosity and kindness!


A HUGE thank you to every single blogger, reader and anyone who has donated novels toward our Christmas tree piles. You guys are amazing and we cannot thank you enough for your generosity and kindness!

You Give = We Give.

Would you like to make someone’s life a little brighter this Christmas? Then be sure to check out our event You Give = We Give, for not only the chance to give but also the chance to WIN amazing Prize Packs yourself!

Donating Options:
You Give = We Give will run from September 10th until December 15. During the event you can either:

- PayPal = Big or Small – Every Dollar Counts!

- Donate through PayPal - We all have a donate button on our blogs.

- Buy a book from an online bookstore and have it sent to us.
Book Depository / Amazon / An Online Store

- Personally send us any extra books you have laying around .

Sending a novel through an online store or personally; email us for an address to send them too.

YouGive_WeGive (AT) hotmail (DOT) com


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Hope you have a great day and Happy Reading!