
Monday, September 19, 2011

Mammon Tour: Character Interview

Hi everyone! Welcome to the third stop on the Mammon blog tour. Today I'll be featuring an interview with Grace, the book's brave, witty female lead and tomorrow J.B. stops by to guest post!
With Mammon centering around two siblings, the dynamic between the two often comes into play and we have the opportunity to follow two very different individuals.
First off I want to thank the author, J.B. Thomas for asking me to be a part of this tour--I'm very honoured.

Now allow me to introduce you to Grace who has kindly joined me here at The Rest Is Still Unwritten today.....

Hey Grace! It’s so wonderful to be interviewing you. You certainly bring a strong aspect of “girl power” to Mammon and I’m excited to have you on the blog with me today!

Hi Rachel. Nice to be here.

Things sure have changed for you recently. Losing your parents must have been tough, but being thrust into this whole new world must be as equally as difficult. How are you coping with it?

It’s a bit easier now than it was in the first few weeks. I didn’t understand why everyone seemed to be so heartless about it. Like it was no big deal, the way Mum and Dad were killed. Then I learned about what some of the other mercenaries have been through, and how they have lost family in a similar way – and it made me feel better, strangely. I do feel like I’m starting to belong. Sarah has really helped me.

At least you have your brother to go along on the ride with, although heaven knows Joes doesn’t make it easy for you at times. He seems to be impulsive, rarely listens and often gets himself into trouble during the book. Are you sure you two are related? Although, hmmm.....some of the things you did in Mammon....oh, yep. Yep. I see it. Ha! Tell me what it’s like facing everything with your big brother by your side?

Joe can be really annoying, but I do think that we will work well together in the future. He puts on a tough exterior, but that’s all an act. Deep down, he’s really anxious about his gift. He doesn’t want to make mistakes, and he wants to live up to everyone’s expectations. I feel like we stabilise each other – he stops me over-thinking things, and I stop him acting impulsively (I hope!).

You certainly do there--you two are the perfect balance. We all know about Joe’s super powerful, destroy-the-world-if-they-got-out-of-control powers, but you’re no slacker yourself. The Order has never seen anything like your telepathic abilities before and you’ve certainly taken to training like a duck to water, excluding a few mishaps right at the very beginning. How are you finding dealing with your gift, when you’re not too busy making people do the little teapot dance that is?

Ha! My brother would like to think he’s super powerful. But I can get inside his head whenever I want to…I think. He can be difficult. But speaking seriously, the telepathy is not easy to live with. I mean, it was hard at first. I got a bit carried away…It’s hard to deal with that kind of power. Even when you reason with yourself, there’s always the temptation to manipulate others so that you get what you want. But then – that would make me no better than a demon. I think that one day I might master this gift of mine. Or at least get good at it.

I can definatly see you mastering your gift! Word on the street is that you’ve recently begun a whirlwind romance with a certain sexy Russian *wink* *wink* Not that I can blame you. So come on, dish girl, dish! We’re all friends here. What was it that first attracted you to Ivan, besides the obvious, I mean? And leave no details out.....

Ivan didn’t seem like a soldier. Oh, he’s really tough, sure, but there was something different about him, even at first glance, so far away. Then, he came closer and I couldn’t help but stare into his eyes. That’s where I found him – in his eyes. It sounds silly, I know. He’s a really strange guy compared to the boys I’ve known. He’s smart, and I think some people would be surprised as just how intelligent he is. He plays music and reads a lot, which I like.
When he is close to me, I feel warm all over. I feel secure with him. I think that’s the answer. Sure, he’s hot. I mean, really hot. But there’s something more…like no-one will hurt me while he’s alive. Yes, I feel safe with him.

Awww, I think all girls wanna find that kind of safety. And finally. It’s been a wild ride lately, but I can’t see it winding down for you just yet. What do you think is in store for you next Grace and where do you hope this journey takes you?

I don’t know. All I know is that I don’t want to lose Ivan. So many unexpected things have happened – it’s really hard to say what the future holds. But I get the feeling it won’t be boring!

I do too and I'm certainly lookinf forward to finding out. Thanks again for stopping by and talking so candidly with me Grace!

Sure, Rachel. Anytime.

A big thank-you goes out to J.B again for this awesome interview with Grace!

J.B. Thomas was born in Perth in 1971. Adopted at four weeks of age, she grew up in a beachside suburb with three brothers. After graduating with an Arts degree, she worked as a writer in public relations roles with government, educational and non-profit organisations. She was inspired to write The Ferryman Chronicles by speculating what life would be like if demons lived among ordinary (and not-so-ordinary) humans. J.B. Thomas lives in Perth, Western Australia with her husband where she has taught high school English for the past nine years. During this time she has run creative writing clubs and produced literary anthologies of student work. She is a longtime fan of Great Danes, and when she’s not writing or reading, she watches films, walks her dog, George, and on occasion can be found playing online games. Mammon is her first novel.

And while you're here, check out my recent interview with J.B and my review of Mammon!

Plus, don't forget to come back tomorrow to check out what I'm sure will be a fantastic guest post by J.B!

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