
Monday, August 28, 2017

Book Shelf: Nineteen Letters by Jodi Perry


Nineteen. There’s something about that number; it not only brought us together, bonding us forever, it also played a hand in tearing us apart.

The nineteenth of January 1996. I’ll never forget it. It was the day we met. I was seven and she was six. It was the day she moved in next door, and the day I developed my first crush on a girl.

Exactly nineteen years later, all my dreams came true when she became my wife. She was the love of my life. My soul mate. My everything. The reason I looked forward to waking up every morning.

Then tragedy struck. Nineteen days after we married, she was in an accident that would change our lives forever. When she woke from her coma, she had no memory of me, of us, of the love we shared.

I was crushed. She was my air, and without her I couldn’t breathe.

The sparkle that once glistened her eyes when she looked at me was gone. To her, now, I was a stranger. I had not only lost my wife, I had lost my best friend.

But I refused to let this tragedy be the end of us. That’s when I started to write her letters, stories of our life. Of when we met. About the happier times, and everything we had experienced together.

What we had was far too beautiful to be forgotten.

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Nineteen Letters is Jodi Perry’s latest release and is easily this talented author’s best work yet! Beautiful and emotional from start to finish, Nineteen Letters is perfect for those who love Nicholas Sparks and Jodi Picoult and details a heart-warming tale of tragedy, hope and the power of real love.

Jemma and Braxton have the perfect relationship. The envy of all their friends, it seems nothing could destroy the love these childhood neighbours, turned best friends, then lovers share ….until Jemma is in a car accident just nineteen days after their wedding and wakes up with no memory of who she is and no recollection of her husband. Brax is distraught that his beloved wife has no memory of the life they’ve shared but loving her more than anything, he is determined to stand by her side and support her as she adjusts to her new reality. Wanting to help her understand their relationship, Braxton begins a series of nineteen letters to Jem that detail and recount all their special moments and with each letter, Jemma finds herself falling in love with her husband all over again…..but will they ever get back the perfect love they once shared if Jemma can’t remember it?

As someone who loves Jodi Perry’s novels, both written under the name Jodi Perry and J.L. Perry, I have to say Nineteen Letters is my favourite book she has released by far. Though not as explicit and sexual as some of her other work, Nineteen Letters is an emotional and poignant read with a beautiful storyline, endearing characters and a powerful love story. Nineteen Letters is an emotion packed story, wonderfully told on Perry’s part and something I could not put down.

After the accident that costs Jemma her memories, Nineteen Letters unfolds through Brax and Jem’s varying POV’s as well as a series of gorgeously told letters Braxton writes to his wife that describe some of the most important moments of their life together, from their childhood as neighbours to partners in life and love. Honestly, every single one of the letters were wonderful to read. I felt like I’d lived a lifetime as Braxton recounted his and Jemma’s relationship across nineteen beautifully told and heart-warming stories.

Jemma and Braxton are two strong personalities you can’t help but fall in love with, especially considering Braxton may quite possibly the most perfect man on the planet after the way in which he reacts to his wife’s memory loss. Hurting and in pain himself, Brax is steadfast, understanding, caring and honourable as he supports Jem throughout her recovery even as she pushes him away in the beginning.

The ending of Nineteen Letters is absolutely perfect in my eyes. Jodi Perry doesn’t give Braxton and Jemma a band aid solution to their problems and doesn’t make everything they’ve been through miraculously disappear, but instead gives them an honest and true conclusion that is so beautiful and hopeful after all they’ve experienced together. Truly perfect.

From beginning to end, Jodi Perry writes Nineteen Letters so exceptionally that you’re guaranteed to feel every emotion possible throughout the course of the book. There is nothing about Nineteen Letters I can fault. The storyline was fabulous, the characters strong and the romance endearing. A brilliant read I highly recommend!

Source: Sent for review by Give Me Books and Jodi Perry (Thank you ladies!)
Publisher: Hachette Australia
Format: Kindle ebook
Australian RRP: $19.99
Release Date: August 29th 2017
Purchase: Bookworld | Booktopia | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo
Final Thoughts: Nineteen Letters is simply a beautiful tale and I highly recommend it.

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