
Sunday, February 7, 2016

New Year Blogging & Reading Resolutions

2016 promises to be a another great year. There'll be more books to read and fall in love with, authors to meet and events to attend. If anyone's like me then you've already got big plans.

So we may be in February already, but I've  made a few new year resolutions where The Rest Is Still Unwritten and my own reading practices are concerned and I thought I might share them with you all.

Here's what I promise this year:

I'm going to be making it my mission to include more giveaways on the blog. I'm a bit of a swag hoarder--I've got tonnes of it sitting around--and I'm going to try and share the love around with my lovely follows. Oh and my 5 Year Blogoversary is coming up in March so I'll be giving away some signed books, some signed swag and other goodies. Stay tuned!
**And on a side note: If there are any authors out there who might be interesting in throwing in some goodies (ebooks, swag etc) shoot me an email**

There' always tones of reviews, blog tours, blitzs and memes on The Rest Is Still Unwritten, but this year I'm going to try to make sure there's more interviews, random fun book posts and other bits and pieces about :)

This doesn't effect my blog so much as those of my lovely followers and my blogging friends. I must admit I've gotten a bit slack in commenting and following those around the blogosphere and I intend to change that this year.

I know this may sound silly considering the fact I do soooo much reading as it is, but I'm really hoping to get to some of the books that have been on my shelf for a long time. You know books that sounded fab and I had to finish, or sequels I had to have but never got to. Here's an idea of what I mean; click here to see the books I was hoping to read in 2015 for the same reason. I've read ONE on this list only. ONE. Need to do better this year.

Have you made any blogging or reading centered resolutions this year?
If you have I'd love to hear about them in the comments!

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Hi everyone!

Thanks so much for leaving a comment at The Rest Is Still Unwritten! I read each and every comment, even if I don't reply to them all and appreciate your interest in my blog.

Hope you have a great day and Happy Reading!