
Friday, November 14, 2014

Blog Tour: Krymzyn by BC Powell- Excerpt & Giveaway

Today the Blog Tour for Krymzyn by BC Powell stops by The Rest Is Still Unwritten thanks to Xpresso Book Tours! Author BC Powell shares his favourite book-to-movie adaptions and I have a SIGNED copy of Krymzyn to giveaway :)

Chase was twelve the first time he arrived in a strange land where dark, ominous clouds never move, ancient trees violently spring to life during Darkness, and people seem to live without emotion. Doctors tell him they’re hallucinations, but he knows his visits are real. She’s there-Sash-and she’s more real than anyone he’s ever known.

His visits stop but, as years pass, the memories haunt Chase. Without warning, the young man suddenly finds himself again in a world called Krymzyn. Arriving during Darkness, he’s rescued from death by the extraordinary, beautiful but terrifying young woman he first met when he was twelve.

When Chase is thrust into the war of balance against vile creatures who threaten all who live there, Sash helps him understand his purpose in Krymzyn. A dark secret from the beginning of time reveals he might be able to stay there forever. To prove he belongs in Krymzyn and be with the only woman he can ever love, Chase will have to risk his own life in the ultimate battle.


by BC Powell

I may have a slight bias towards fantasy, horror, and sci-fi, but my top ten books to films are:

10. “Blade Runner”- Dark and moody, the Ridley Scott film based on the Philip K. Dick novel “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?” is one of my favorites in the sci-fi genre. It’s an exceptional dystopian story that examines what it truly means to be human, and the film really captured the proper mood to examine the themes of the book.

9. “The Jungle Book” - My all-time favorite Disney movie and a story, both in the written word and on the screen, that I loved as a child. Rudyard Kipling captivated my imagination as a young reader, and I read his stories to my children when they were small. The movie was also a staple in our house as my children were growing up.

8. “Harry Potter” - I read the series once, but I’ve seen all of the movies three or four times. In my opinion, they do an exceptional job of bringing J.K. Rowling’s fabulous words to life. I mean, who wouldn’t want to go to Hogwarts! “The Prisoner of Azkaban” is my personal favorite.

7. “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” - I recently watched this movie again after years of not seeing it. I was impressed by how well the story held up over time, and how moving it is. I immediately picked up my tattered and worn copy of the Ken Kesey novel to read again.

6. “The Shining” - One of the most terrifying books I’ve ever read. While there were substantial changes made in the movie, it still captured the same essence of fear and psychological trauma contained in the book. The Stephen King novel is a horror masterpiece.

5. “Lord of the Rings” - Some die-hard LOTR book fans may disagree, but I thought the movies were a spectacular adaptation of Tolkien’s books. Although there were a few noticeable changes, the story was exceptionally well told, and the character struggles hit the mark. My biggest gripe was that Tom Bombadil, one of the most intriguing characters Tolkien wrote, wasn’t in the film. 

4. “Field of Dreams” (“Shoeless Joe Jackson Comes to Iowa”) - The W.P. Kinsella novel is one of my all time favorite books, and the movie is in my personal top ten favorites. It’s a very different type of fantasy, but fantasy nonetheless. As both a father and a son, I can’t help but get misty every time I hear, “Hey, Dad, you wanna have a catch?”

3. “The Princess Bride” - I didn’t read the 1973 William Goldman novel until after seeing
the movie. The movie is spectacular, and the book is an equally great read. The fairytale aspects of the story combined with the use of comedy make this a very different tale than most fantasy novels or movies. In the end, I laughed, I cheered, and I was touched emotionally. What more can you ask for from a film or a book?

2. “The Shawshank Redemption” - Yes, I’m a huge Stephen King fan in case you haven’t noticed. I read everything he writes and enjoy every word. This is one of my favorite books of his, and the movie captured the story perfectly. I feel that it’s the best non-horror story he ever wrote, although “The Body” is a close second. The film is timeless.

1. “To Kill a Mockingbird” - Not fantasy. Not sci-fi. Not horror. But when I was a child, certain scenes of this movie frightened me in a way fantasy can’t because it is so real. As a teenager, I read the book after having already seen the movie. To this day, it’s one of the most amazing novels I’ve ever read. The book and movie are both in my top five favorites of all time. I go back and forth on which is better, the film or the book. They’re both spectacular.

BC Powell is a fantasy author from Los Angeles, CA. "Krymzyn" is his debut science fiction fantasy novel, the first book in a series titled "The Journals of Krymzyn."
Powell has a diverse background, having held several creative positions in the entertainment industry, including executive roles at ABC-TV and Technicolor. In recent years, he's authored several non-fiction works, primarily educational books and training programs for trading the financial markets. He dual majored in journalism and philosophy at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas.

Writing fiction has been his lifelong passion and goal. "Krymzyn" is his first published novel and represents, in his words, "finally finding the story I want to tell with characters that are able to bring that story to life." He's an avid reader and lists Ernest Hemingway, Frank L. Herbert, Stephen King, Jane Austen, and Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. as his favorite authors.

Brad, as he prefers to go by in personal communication, lives with his longtime girlfriend, three sons from a previous marriage, and their rescue dog and cat. He enjoys hiking, ocean kayaking, spending time at Southern California beaches, movies, and reading.
Visit BC:
As I mentioned, I have ONE (1) SIGNED copy of Krymzyn to give away to one lucky follower thanks to Xpresso Book Tours and author BC Powell! Giveaway is open to US, Canada, and UK residents ONLY unfortunately. To enter, simple comment letting me know how you follow with a way to contact you. Giveaway will run from today until December 5th!


  1. Hi!
    I follow by email:, you can contact me by that email too.
    Thanks for the giveaway :)

  2. Hi Rachel - Thank you for having me on your blog and hosting the giveaway. I really appreciate you taking part in the tour! All my best.

    BC Powell

    ps don't enter me for the book giveaway. I think I might already have a copy ;)

  3. I loved the HP movies they were really well casted especially! Great list! :)

  4. This sounds like such a wonderful new series.

    I follow via email at michelle_willms at yahoo dot com. That's also a great way to reach me. Thanks for the chance to win.


Hi everyone!

Thanks so much for leaving a comment at The Rest Is Still Unwritten! I read each and every comment, even if I don't reply to them all and appreciate your interest in my blog.

Hope you have a great day and Happy Reading!