
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Blog Tour: Masquerade by Cambria Herbert Giveaway! *CONTEST CLOSED*

Welcome to the Heven and Hell Blog Tour!

Cambria Herbert's first novel in the Heven and Hell series, Masquerade, releases on the 16th of December and to celebrate Masquerade is on tour! Cambria has a fantastic tour lined up with Giveaways, Interviews, Guest Posts, Reviews and more planned as well as an amazing "Masquerade Ball" with some beautiful goodies to be given away including jewellery and masks.

Today as part of the tour, I'm giving away an ecopy of Masquerade to one lucky winner. Make sure you also check out my previous post with my review of Masquerade here!


Before. Everything was so much better Before. I wasn’t haunted by nightmares, my place at school was secure and my face was flawless. Now, I’m a freak and everything has changed. The worst part is that I can’t remember the night I was sentenced to the shadows. The memory has been stolen from me and I just can’t shake the feeling that someone, something is out there -watching.

Just when I think I have my life handled, Sam, with his intimidating golden stare and shiver inducing voice, makes me realize that I don’t know anything. He makes me see that my scars don’t matter. That they never mattered. I can’t help but fall for him, completely unknowing that he knows exactly how I got this way. Not knowing he was involved.

Heven has no idea how closely death stalks her. She has no idea what I have done to keep her alive. I fear the day she learns my secrets, finds out what I really am. But even then I cannot stop, I vow to make things right. Finally her hunter will be hunted, Heaven and Hell, faith and sin will battle, and we will be victorious. But first, Heven must learn to be what she never imagined. I know her strength is there – I feel it. If we are to overcome all odds, she must push past her flaws - her frailties - to become much more.


~To win an ecopy of Masquerade simply be a follower and comment below with a way to reach you :)
~Giveaway will run for the rest of the tour (until the 31st) after which I'll pick a winner.

Go back to where it all began!

Before, the exciting prequel to Masquerade is available from Smashwords for FREE until the 31st of January 2012, so be sure to head on over and download it to read all about the events that lead up to Masquerade!

Get it here!

Meet Cambria Hebert!

Cambria Hebert is an author, a blogger and a latte sipper. She has an irrational fear of chickens (EWWW!) and is obsessed with werewolves. She would rather have coffee (Starbucks please!) than food and her favorite TV show is the Vampire Diaries. You can find her stalking the YA aisles of Barnes and Noble with her iphone glued to her hand.

Visit Cambria:
Goodreads / Website / Twitter / Facebook

I'd like to thank Cambria Hebert for inviting me to be a part of the tour--thank-you so much for including me in the fun! Be sure to head to Cambria's website for the full tour schedule, including the stop for the Masquerade Ball and don't forget to check out the next stop on the tour tomorrow over at Sapphyria's Book Reviews!


  1. I'd love to win a copy of this novel~ Been hearing some good things about it! Thank you~

    demi dot lee dot j at gmail dot com

  2. I'd like to read Masquerade. thanks for the free prequel!

  3. Hi!
    Thanks for this giveaway :) I'm looking for the prequel on smashwords, thanks for the infos!

    GFC: Proserpine


  4. Hm... This book sounds pretty intense (as is the cover). I'll take a look at the prequel. Thanks for the giveaway!
    GFC: Jen

  5. Woot woot! What a kickin post you put together! Thank you for being part of the Heven and Hell tour! You rock!

  6. Hi Rachel!
    What a lovely blog! I loved Masquerade. I am glad you enjoyed it as well.

  7. Thanks for the giveaway! I'd love to join:

  8. thx for the giveaway! sounds like an awesome book!

  9. Great cover and story! Thank you for the giveaway.
    GFC follower as Diana

    artgiote at gmail dot com

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Count me in !
    GFC: TheDaydreamer3

    rallu.93 (at) gmail (Dot) com

  12. Sounds like an awesome read. I zipped out to Smashwords and downloaded the prequel.
    alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

  13. I would love to read Masquerade; I loved "Before" :)
    Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!



Hi everyone!

Thanks so much for leaving a comment at The Rest Is Still Unwritten! I read each and every comment, even if I don't reply to them all and appreciate your interest in my blog.

Hope you have a great day and Happy Reading!