
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Giveaway: Win 1 of 3 ebooks of A Matter of Perception by Tahlia Newland *Giveaway Closed*

Tahlia Newland writes young adult/adult urban fantasy. Her stories are the result of a unique imagination and have action, humour, a touch or more of romance, and a smidgen of philosophy. To celebrate the release of A Matter of Perception, her anthology of urban fantasy & magical realism stories, she is giving away three ebook copies.

If you ask Tahlia how she is different to other urban fantasy authors, she’ll say,
“I’m the one that makes you stare at the world around you and wonder if you’re seeing reality or just your version of it. I’m not the only one who sees the circus of life, but I’m one who might be able to help you see it. Oh, and watch out for the shadow with the flaming eyes standing over your shoulder, you might not be able to see it, but I can assure you it’s there.”

Why short stories?
Short stories are perfect for today’s world, especially for young people with little money and many demands on their time. You can read a short story on the bus or in the half hour while you wait for your date to pick you up. Good short stories, like these, get straight to the point, are highly engaging and have powerful endings, often with a twist.

About A Matter of Perception:
Do you see what I see? Take a bunch of supernatural beings, a battle of magical light, a mysterious hole in the pavement, a dream of a future past and a pair of rose-coloured glasses, mix them with a little romance and a smidgen of philosophy and you might be left wondering if it isn’t all just a matter of perception. This thought-provoking collection of urban fantasy and magical realism stories includes ‘The Drorgon Slayer’s Choice’ and ‘The Boneyard’, a semi finalist in the Aussiecon 4 Make Ready fantasy/scfi competition of 2010.

Purchase Links:
Amazon –
Smashwords -

Author links:
If you read Tahlia’s books please help out by posting a review on Goodreads and Amazon. Click on the titles for links to the relevant pages.

Author Bio:
Tahlia is an avid reader, an extremely casual high school teacher & an occasional mask-maker. She reads and writes urban fantasy for adults & young adults and likes to challenge readers to look more closely at the nature of their world, their mind and their perception. After creating and performing in Visual Theatre shows for 20 years, she is now a bone-fide expatriate of the performing arts. She lives in an Australian rainforest, is married with a teenage daughter and love cats, but she doesn’t have one because they eat native birds.

Giveaway details:

To win 1 of the 3 ecopies Tahlia Newland has so kindly offered, please like ‘Tahlia Newland, author,’ on Facebook here! and comment with a way to contact you as well as the name you liked under please. Giveaway is open to EVERYONE and ends Dec 16th!
Good-luck and thank-you to Tahlia for offering this awesome giveaway!


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  2. XD Thanks so much for the giveaway! I just got a kindle!
    Samantha D

  3. Thank you for the giveaway! I liked Tahlia Newland, author,’ on Facebook as Demitra Giote.

    artgiote at gmail dot com

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thank you!!! =)

    Facebook as: Anna Tarquilli

    My E-mail:

  6. Wow, this book seems interesting! Thanks for this opportunity!
    I liked the author's page as Ari Lark :)
    and my e-mail is


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