
Monday, October 10, 2011

In My Mailbox #21

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren where bloggers can share the books they bought, borrowed or received throughout the week. For more info on just what it is and how to participate, head here.

Hello my darlings! How has the last week been for you? I hope you had a fantastic one, filled with reading, fun and excitement.
I got a few great books this week, including some I'm very, very eager to read. I ended up buying a few books too, even after I told myself repeatedly to save money, lol. Lets check it out......

I bought:
Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor: Seriously, I've devoured this book already and it's epic! I thoroughly recommend! You can check out my review here.

~Percy Jackson and the Sword of Hades by Rick Riordan: This is a novella in the Percy Jackson series and it was really cheap on the Book Depository (like $3) and before it my fingers were doing the walking and I was purchasing it. Haha.

~The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan: This is the first book in the Heroes of Olympus series; a spin-off of Percy Jackson set in the same world. I loved Percy and I don't know what it took me so long to get this, but I can't wait to start it.

~Envy by J.R. Ward: This is the 3rd The Fallen Angels book. Love this series and love J.R. Ward. Totally awesome!

For review:
I received from Bloomsbury:
After Obsession by Carrie Jones and Steven E. Wedel: I really loved Carrie's Need series, so I'm interested to see how this collaboration works out. Plus who doesn't love a great ghost story? Thanks Bloomsbury!

I received from Simon & Schuster Australia:
Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick: This is the 3rd Hush, Hush book and let me say....squee! I was a little disappointed with Crescendo, but this book means more Patch so I'm totally in! Thanks a bunch Caroline!

What did you guys get in your mailbox this week.


  1. I love your cover of Daughter of Smoke and Bone. Enjoy all your new reads!

  2. Oooh, awesome stack this week~

    Demi @ Only Somewhat Queer


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Hope you have a great day and Happy Reading!