
Sunday, May 1, 2011

Interview and Giveaway with Mayandree Michel

I was lucky enough to recently read a pre-release of Mayandree Michel's debut novel Betrayal, the first in her new The Descendants series, thanks to the wonderful author herself.
I have to say, usually historical’s aren't my kind of thing, but Mayandree manages to weave an incredible tale full of Greek Myth, romance and the paranormal world we all know and love.

I was thrilled to have the opportunity to interview her and to celebrate the release of Betrayal, Mayandree has offered up a SIGNED paperback copy to ONE lucky reader as well!


Hi Mayandree, first I’d like to thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. I’m very excited to talk to you and have the opportunity to interview you....

Congrats on the release of your debut novel, Betrayal, that was released recently. What can readers expect from it?

Thank you. I’m pretty excited about it. Readers who give Betrayal a try should expect an exciting and original story filtered with the magic of Greek mythology, romance, and shocking scandal. I hope that they come away feeling refreshed by the unique story.

There are so many fabulous characters in Betrayal, is there anyone who has an extra special place within your heart?
They all do… even the villains.

Where did you get the idea for Betrayal? Is it something that just came to you?
The idea for Betrayal came from my obsession with Greek mythology, the love stories and the violent tragedies and time travel. I love reading anything to do with either so I figured why not write about that. I had actually written a few short stories based on vampires but I knew the YA market was saturated with it. But I love vamps and werewolves so I knew I would incorporate both in my books but not as the focus.

If you had the opportunity to travel back in time to any era which would it be and why?
I would love to go back to the Victorian era (mostly for the gowns), and around the time of the Trojan war (I’m guessing 500 b.c.) – just to dress in a gorgeous toga and a gold wreathe crown and maybe catch a quick gladiator fight (pretty gory I’d imagine but good).

Who is your fave Greek God?
I have two: Athena (she exudes strength) and Nemesis ( who doesn’t like a little revenge).

Have you always hoped to write and publish a book or was this just something that fell into place?
I’ve always enjoyed writing, whether it was just short stories or poetry. No, I never ever thought to publish a book. Most people who know me know me more as an artist which is what I’ve always focused on. But one day I told my husband the idea I had for The Descendants series, and he loved it and told me to go for it. And so I started to write Betrayal.

What’s the best advice you’d give to readers who wanted to follow in your footsteps and have a novel published?
Read and familiarize yourself with the genre you wish to write in and write a little every day, and read even more. I chose to self-publish because I felt it left me in more control over what I choose to write. It may not be the route another writer may wish to take but it works for me.

Considering this, what is the best advice you’ve ever been given?
I think the best advice I’ve been given as a writer is to write every day.

Who has inspired you the most throughout your childhood and adult life?
My mother. She has always encouraged me to read…everything from books to the newspaper and I believe that her push led me to write.

Who is your favourite author/s?
As an adult I enjoy Anne Rice and Edith Wharton, and when I was a kid, Judy Blume and Beverly Cleary’s works the most.

If you could only ever read one book for the rest of your life, which book would it be?
Wow, I have a few with my own included but I’d have to say Bid Time Return by Richard Matheson. It was renamed ‘Somewhere in Time’ after the movie was made.

Do you have a favourite book series? If yes, which one and why?
No, because I usually end up only liking one or two out of the series.

6 Quick questions:
1. Favourite colour?
2. Favourite ice-cream flavour?
Rum Raisin
3. Lucky number?
Ha! I wish I had the lucky numbers for the lottery! LOL!
4. Vampires or werewolves?
Vampires, of course, the meaner the better!
5. Heels or Flats?
Depends on the occasion but mostly flats
6. Dogs or cats?
Definitely dogs!


Where there is love and power, there is always... betrayal.

At seventeen, Cordelia is an ordinary teen with an extraordinary and frightening secret. A secret that induces vivid dreams which she not only experiences true love, but crippling fear while barely escaping with her life each night.

After a life altering event, Cordelia has an unexpected encounter with Evan, the mysterious boy from her dreams, who reveals who and what she is; a descendant of the Greek gods. At that moment everything she knows of her world is a lie, and she must leave the present and go into the past to assume the role she was put on this earth for; safeguarding her ancient empire amidst evil forces that toil hastily to destroy it.

In a race against time, Cordelia must decide if she is truly a part of this dangerous world, or risk defying the gods, and ultimately lose the boy who has put a claim on her heart.

**Read my review of Betrayal here:

**Find out more about Mayandree Michel at:

**Read the excerpt for Betrayal here:

**Buy Betrayal as paper back or ebook from Amazon here:

Now for the GIVEAWAY.....


~It runs from the 1st of May until the 8th of May 2011. The winner will be contacted afterwards
~It’s open to US and AUSTRALIAN applicant’s ONLY.
~You MUST be a follower to enter. ~The winner will be chosen by and notified by email. If you do not respond within 48 hours a new winner will be chosen.

To enter simply fill out the FORM here:

Extra enteries for:

~Following me on Goodreads +1
~Tweeting this contest +1
~Blogging this contest +5
~Grabbing my button +5
~Following Michel’s blog here: +1
~Becoming a fan of Michel on FB here: +1
~Following Mayandree on Twitter (@MayandreeMichel) +1
~Following Me on Twitter (@RachyBee) +1
~Leaving a comment about the interview/contest +1

Good luck everyone!


  1. Great interview and giveaway! This book looks beautiful. :) I love mythology.

  2. What a great giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity. And who doesn't love a good story steeped in mythology?

  3. Great interview, the book sounds so awesome! The cover is gorgeous too, thanks for the chance to win!

  4. Wow. Great interview. I have not had the opportunity to read Mayandree yet. I just found out about her today. I would love to read Betrayal.

    Thank you so much for the giveaway!!

  5. Really great interview! Very nice questions! :)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    Chey @ The Chey Show

  6. Thanks for the interview!! Definately putting it on my TBR list

  7. Great interview. I was excited to learn that the idea comes form Greek Mythology. I love history and mythology, and Athena is my favorite goddess along with Artemis!! So excited to learn that Athena is a favorite for Mayandree. :)

    Betrayal sounds like an amazing book. I am definitely adding it to my to-read list.


  8. This books sounds so exciting , I am also obsessed with Greek Mythology - my fave gods I am not sure I have a bit of fondness for them all.

  9. Sounds like a great book. Thank you both for the interview and giveaway.

  10. Awesome interview and giveaway! I love the cover.


  11. Great interview. I have just found your site through another blog and thank you for participating in the Spring Carnival Blog giveaway. Thank you for your efforts.

  12. I wish I knew the lucky numbers to the lotter too! Thanks for the great interview!

  13. This was a great interview. I love this cover, it is fantastic!! This cover would catch my eye in a bookstore, and I would buy it. Nine times out of ten, I would love the book (that is odd to me). This also looks like a very good read. It is on my TBR list!!!


  14. This is wonderful! The interview was great and the book is beautiful!

  15. I would definately want to go back to the Victorian era or the time of Trojan war too.
    Great interview and beautiful cover - that dress is gorgeous!

    (seems the word verification doesn't agree - it was iciroba lol)

  16. I really want to read this one. I love the idea behind it! Great interview! Like Ms. Michel I would love to visit the Victorian era for the dresses too though being in that much fabric without a/c might also be torture.

  17. Hi everyone! Thanks to your great response to this Giveaway.
    This book is brilliant and whoever wins will love it! Trust me ;)

  18. Great giveaway! Hope I get to read her story soon. :)

  19. Fabulous giveaway! Thanks so much for hosting! This is super exciting. :)


  20. thank you for the wonderful interview and great giveaway!!!

  21. I love the interview -- Not sure about the Rum Raisin ice cream though -- lol

    The cover is GORGEOUS!!! Truly eye catching and I would pick it up in the store to read the back of the book!

    blazesandbubbles AT gmail DOT com

  22. I'm so excited to have found your blog and this book sounds awesome. Thanks

  23. this book looks great! Adding to my to read list for sure!!

  24. Great interview!! The cover to this book is gorgeous and it sounds amazing. Thanks for the contest

  25. Thanks for the giveaway and for participating in this blog hop! I LOVE the cover of this book which has been on my wish list for a while.


Hi everyone!

Thanks so much for leaving a comment at The Rest Is Still Unwritten! I read each and every comment, even if I don't reply to them all and appreciate your interest in my blog.

Hope you have a great day and Happy Reading!