
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday #32

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking The Spine where you can spotlight an upcoming release that you're eagerly anticipating.

This week I'm waiting on....
Nameless by Lili St. Crow
Releases on: April 4th 2013.
Add it on Goodreads!

A dark and eerie retelling of Snow White from Lili St. Crow, New York Times bestselling author of the Strange Angels series.

Sixteen-year-old Camille doesn’t remember her life before she was adopted by the powerful Vultusino family—the missing childhood years that left her scarred and silent. Now she lives a life of luxury, protected by the supernatural Mafia Vultusinos, specially Nico, her adopted brother.

But Cami knows that she is not really Family. She is a mortal with a past that lies buried in trauma. And it’s not until a mysterious boy approaches her and reveals scars of his own that Cami begins to uncover the secrets of her past . . . to find out where she comes from and what danger she now finds herself in.

Well, hello Nameless, come to mumma! My goodness to I love fairytale re-tellings and this one sounds just devine! Snow White is one we haven't seen recently, plus it's by Lili St. Crow, author of the Strange Angels series! I must have this book! Soon, like real soon!

Now don't you just love the sound of Nameless? Are you going to at it to your TRB list?
And, what are YOU waiting on this week!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Blog Tour: Blood Bond by Heather Hildenbrand Character Interview + GIVEAWAY!

Welcome to my stop on the Blood Bond by Heather Hildenbrand blog tour!!

This is one of my favourite self published series and although I'm yet to read Blood Bond myself, I just adored the first two books. For my stop I'm, umm, chatting with the uber sexy Alex :) What can I say? I'm an Alex girl and I jumped at the chance to dig around inside his head. Heather has also offered up one e-copy of Blood Bond to one of my followers, but more about that later......

Today, I’m thrilled to announce that Alex, one of the sexy male leads and love interests of Tara in the Dirty Blood series and the "other" guy in her life, has popped in for a chat.

And by the way, when I say “popped in” I mean my dear friend and author Heather Hildenbrand and I have kidnapped him and lugged his roughly one-hundred-and-sixty pounds down to my basement where we proceeded to make sure he was as comfy as possible in a nice old chair and handcuffs. Nothing but the best for Alex, hehehe.

Luckily Alex was a good sport about the whole thing—handcuffs and dark rooms are nothing new for him--and didn’t mind my interrogation, err, I mean interview about one of my favourite topics--- all things Alex!

Lets find out what happened.....

Welcome Alex! I’m so thrilled you could take time out of your busy hunting schedule to, ah, drop in for a chat. If there’s anything I can get you....tea, coffee, looser handcuffs, don’t hesitate to let me know.

I’m good, thanks *says sarcastically* Let’s get on with it.

Excellent! The tale of your latest adventures in the Dirty Blood series has recently been told with the 3rd book, Blood Bond, releasing on August 31st, and a little birdie told me that it’s been quite an emotional roller coaster ride for you lately. I think we’re all coming to realise just how much you’ve been struggling with your growing feelings for Tara and your responsibilities as a Hunter. How do you manage to balance both desires while still staying true to yourself?

I wouldn’t call being a Hunter “desire,” exactly. It’s more like “who I am.” And Tara… she’s a Hunter too. I mean, deep down, in the way it counts, she is. She wants to protect people—it doesn’t get more Hunter than that. We’re the same, even if she doesn’t want to admit it.

*eyes Alex flirtingly* Alex, Alex, certainly made an entrance in the Dirty Blood series. Most fans were happily on Team Wes but the moment you appeared, they quickly jumped ship. That’s a certain ‘hunk’ status that surrounds you, how do you feel about that?

*eyes you suspiciously* I don’t know anything about any status. *pauses with a new gleam in his eye* Wait, they like me better than him? Does Wes know about this? … *grins* Does Tara?

Hmmmm, I  don't know how Tara feels about that. Would be interesting to find out....but speaking of Tara, you and her got off to a rocky start. Sparks flew, and not always in a good way, but when was it that you first began seeing her in a particular light? Was there ever a moment with her that made you stop and think, “Wow”?

The first day of training, if I’m being honest. Not that being kicked in the groin was particularly attracting but it did make me realize she wasn’t going to be who I thought she was. But if we’re talking strictly ‘wow factor’ then I guess that night at the dance sticks out in my mind. That dress… *shakes head* …it was memorable. And the way she … the way she ran to me when I walked away. That was memorable too.

What was the first thing you thought when you found out that you would be the one training Tara?

I wasn’t happy, that’s for sure. But like I said, she surprised me. She wasn’t some spoiled, full-of-herself, rich kid with entitlement issues. Well, okay, she was a little full of herself, but it’s warranted. Tara’s got enough raw talent to outweigh the lack of training. She’s decent in a fight and she’ll watch your back. I respect that about her.

Let’s take a look at your own personal training sessions. What are your daily training sessions like? And please feel free to be as specific as know, shirt on or off, sweat dripping down your half naked body and....Whoops. Digressing....

*eye roll* Okay, um… well, I run a lot. It clears my mind, makes it easy to stop thinking for a while. *smirks* It also makes it impossible for a certain training student to run her mouth and piss you off. So yeah, I like running. When I’m on my own, I run farther. Six miles is a nice distance. Not too far, but it stretches the muscles. And I hit the gym a couple of days a week. Usually the weights but sometimes I’ll put some gloves on and hit the bag. Mostly when a certain training student has irritated me that day. *shrugs* I get pretty sweaty from that, if you’re asking, and it’s easier without a shirt for those workouts.

You know I'd love to witness one of these workouts. Purely to understand you as a character of course, However. Moving on.... Imagine there are no werewolves attacking you for a little while. No Miles, no Cause, no Wesley as competition for Tara’s affections and you could take her out on a nice, normal date. What would you have planned?

*sighs* I’ve thought about that a lot and here’s the thing, Tara’s not normal. Neither am I. Even without The Cause, she’d be unworthy of normal. So the date idea would have to be pretty rockstar. Go big, or go home, you know? I think I’d take her somewhere unexpected, like a Cliffside picnic, after which we could do something cool like base jumping or rock climbing. I know the girl complains about running but she’s still very physical. She wouldn’t want to sit inside some stuffy restaurant. I love that about her. Plus… the adrenaline rush from something like base jumping is incredible. Emotions are heightened … *clears throat* I think it could work to my advantage.

Oh, somethings tells me you'd have no problem using that to your advantage *grins*
It’s no surprise that you and Wes aren’t the best of friends *snorts* but there has to be something that you admire about the guy?

*scowls* This interview never leaves this room all right?

*Girls Nod* Scouts honour!

Okay … There is one thing. His control. It’s gotta be hard trying to keep the animal in him reined in. I’ve seen enough Werewolves to know there’s a temper there and a fierceness even in good times. When he found out I’d kissed Tara, honestly, I expected him to come after me immediately, but he didn’t. He held himself in check. For her. I wouldn’t have done the same.

What’s something we’d be surprised to discover about you?

*groans* I’ll tell you, but again, nothing I say leaves this room. *pauses* I’m afraid of dolls. You know, those porcelain, creepy-faced, life-like things. They just sit on someone’s mantel and stare out at you, like they’re watching. *shivers* It’s beyond creepy. I don’t like them.

Describe yourself in one sentence?

Resigned to the hardness in life.

Where do you see yourself next? Are there any little hints you might want to give about what you’re up to next? *very eager for answer*

Uh-uh, no. This interrogation was agreed to because it wasn’t about my work. I can’t tell you anything about what happens next. Edie will have my ass if she finds out I’ve told you anything about what we’re doing. I will say this: anything I do, anything I have done, is all for the greater good. For humankind, for Hunters, for Tara. Even when it doesn’t look like it. You tell her I said that. *jaw clenches. Eyes grow intense* Tell her. Promise me.

*Girls nod* We promise.

6 quick questions:

1. Favourite colour? Red.
2. Day or night? Day.
3. Lucky number? You make your own luck.
4. Rain or shine? Shine
5. Favourite memory? My mother.

Now, that certainly was fun! I know I could get used to having you around Alex. Why Tara doesn’t just pick you already and run, I’ll never know. So *Looks across at Alex* I guess I should release you now, huh? *grumbles* *releases Alex reluctantly*

Well, thanks for stopping in for a chat! Anytime you wanna come and hang out, maybe run away to Vegas together, feel free to let me know.

Thanks for um, kidnapping me? And for the vote of confidence. At least someone realizes Tara’s making a mistake, even if that someone isn’t her. But after what I just pulled, I doubt she’ll be changing her mind anytime soon. Anyway … *rubs wrist once cuffs are gone* I better get going. I need to try and explain myself to Edie. Or die trying. See you ladies later. *waves and disappears up the stairs.*

*waves goodbye* Bye! Call me if you change your name about Vegas!


Now, wasn't that fun? I have to say a BIG THANKS to the always awesome Heather Hildenbrand for allowing me to fulfill my fantasy and "kidnap" Alex. I certainly enjoyed interrogating---ehh, I mean interviewing him!

Want to meet Alex yourself? You can find him and Tara in the latest installment of the Dirty Blood series.....


If I had to choose one word to sum up all of my problems, this would be it. Without hybrids, I wouldn’t have to watch my best friend slowly becoming a monster. Without hybrids, I could let go of the mentality “hunt or be hunted.” CHAS wouldn’t be scouring the Earth, intent on slaughtering and using Alex to do it. Without hybrids, I wouldn’t have to be on guard that losing my temper meant losing my shape. There would be no monster inside me, struggling to get out.

Then again, without hybrids, I wouldn’t have Wesley St. John.

Buy Blood Bond from:
Amazon // Kobo // Barnes & Noble

Add the entire series on Goodreads!
Dirty Blood // Cold Blood // Blood Bond


Meet Heather!

Heather Hildenbrand was born and raised in a small town in northern Virginia where she was homeschooled through high school. She now lives in coastal VA, a few miles from the Atlantic Ocean, with her husband and two adorable children. She works from home, part time, as a property manager and when she's not furiously pounding at the keyboard, or staring off into space whilst plotting a new story, she's helping her husband with DIY projects in their home (he woodworks - she paints) or she's lying on the beach, soaking in those delicious, pre-cancerous rays.

Heather loves Mexican food, hates socks with sandals, and if her house was on fire, the one thing she'd grab is her DVR player.

You can find out more about her and her books at

Or stalk her here:
-Facebook Fan Page

Heather is a co-founder of Accendo Press, a publishing group she operates with fellow authors: Angeline Kace and Jennifer Sommersby. Accendo (a-CH-endo), A Latin word, means “to kindle, illuminate, inflame, or set fire.” This is something Accendo strives to do inside a reader’s imagination with every title released. For a complete list of titles and author bios, visit


Thanks to Heather, I have ONE e-copy of Blood Bond up for grabs! To enter simply comment letting me know what you thought of the interview with a way to contact you.

-Contest is INTERNATIONAL and will run from the 19th of September (today) until the 3rd of October
-Winner will have their pick of format.


+1 Follow me on GFC
+1 Follow Heather on TWITTER
+1 Follow Heather on FACEBOOK

Please leave all links and names in your comment :)  Goodluck to everyone who enters!


Once more, a BIG THANKS goes to Heather Hildenbrand for inviting me to be a part of this tour and for helping provide this wonderful interview with Alex! You flat out rock, Heather!

Thank you for joining me as part of the tour and be sure to check out Heather's website for more tour goodies including giveaways, exclusive scenes from Alex's POV and more interviews with him AND Wes!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Book Shelf: The Golden Lily (Bloodlines #2) by Richelle Mead

Sydney Sage is an Alchemist, one of a group of humans who dabble in magic and serve to bridge the worlds of humans and vampires. They protect vampire secrets—and human lives.

Sydney would love to go to college, but instead, she’s been sent into hiding at a posh boarding school in Palm Springs, California–tasked with protecting Moroi princess Jill Dragomir from assassins who want to throw the Moroi court into civil war. Formerly in disgrace, Sydney is now praised for her loyalty and obedience, and held up as the model of an exemplary Alchemist.

But the closer she grows to Jill, Eddie, and especially Adrian, the more she finds herself questioning her age–old Alchemist beliefs, her idea of family, and the sense of what it means to truly belong. Her world becomes even more complicated when magical experiments show Sydney may hold the key to prevent becoming Strigoi—the fiercest vampires, the ones who don’t die. But it’s her fear of being just that—special, magical, powerful—that scares her more than anything. Equally daunting is her new romance with Brayden, a cute, brainy guy who seems to be her match in every way. Yet, as perfect as he seems, Sydney finds herself being drawn to someone else—someone forbidden to her.

When a shocking secret threatens to tear the vampire world apart, Sydney’s loyalties are suddenly tested more than ever before. She wonders how she's supposed to strike a balance between the principles and dogmas she's been taught, and what her instincts are now telling her.

Should she trust the Alchemists—or her heart?
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The Golden Lily is the latest instalment in the Bloodlines series; a spin off series of the ever successful Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead and like its predecessor proves to be an engaging, addicting and exciting world and story to get lost in!

What can I say besides, Richelle Mead rocks! While I’m yet to read her adult books (silly me) her enticing YA books never fail to captivate me and The Golden Lily is no exception! I was heart-broken, yes heart-broken, when VA came to an end, but I’m finding the world of Bloodlines and the characters within it to be more than a good substitute—in fact there are moments when I’m left thinking VA who? The tone and pace of The Golden Lily doesn’t race as previous Richelle Mead books have, but it’s still such an enjoyable read regardless. Every moment is entertaining in some way or other and there’s always a purpose for the things we discover and explore.

The Bloodlines series continues to step out on its own and hold it’s own as its plot line develops, differing somewhat from that of VA. Mead continues to tell tales with as much emotion, action and flair that made the first series brilliant while allowing the previously little known VA characters to shine as we follow them in The Golden Lily. Some of the characters we loved are back and the ones who intrigued us, but who were lost in amongst the other feature characters of Vampire Academy constantly steal your heart in this series! Once again Sydney, Adrian, Jill and Eddie are back, with Angeline once more popping up. However, VA fans will go crazy over the fact that our very own Russian cowboy jumps back into the picture as he teams up with Sonya to do some more research on bring people back from being Strigori. Let me just insert a dreamy sigh while I think of Dimitri..... *sigh*

Sydney is exceptional as our main character and Richelle Mead writes her very different to that of her previous heroine Rose, with Sydney having her own individual strengths, however showing her very different vulnerabilities and flaws. And good golly do I love Sydney! I don’t think there’s been a moment yet where I haven’t been gaga over this girl—in fact, she’s giving Rose a mighty big run for her money. More than I thought possible. Sydney is one of those naturally lovable heroines, that you truly love reading about her. She’s likable and is constantly growing. Seeing her begin to alter the way she perceives things is amazing and the rich, almost motherly way she interacts with all the other characters is awesome.

I must add that I especially soak up every moment she and Adrian spend together. And while she is incredible intelligent, it’s a stroke of brilliance the way Richelle Mead writes Sydney’s character so that in the moments when she appears to blind or naive to social situations it makes totally sense, because she is actually socially awkward. For someone that has been home schooled and has never experienced the kind of social situations that Sydney finds herself in throughout The Golden Lily it’s completely reasonable that she’d act that way. It makes sense that she’d struggle with things like dating and that she’d miss certain signs from a certain dark haired, green eyed Moroi that that were there all along!

And on that front......if there was ever a character that I want to see find happiness and to become so much more it’s Adrian! Snarky, witty, and somewhat naughty Adrian is really beginning to become a different person. That being said everything about him that with love, everything that makes him Adrian is still there even as we see that serious side of his, that sweet side, one not so confidant, one that has more vulnerabilities then we as the reader have ever seen before. And is he awesome or what!?! While I’m trying, so, soooooo hard not to give away too many spoilers, seeing him bare so much of himself at the end of this book, seeing him acknowledge what we readers have been thinking yes, yes, yes about for so long and then have the book end the way it did broke my heart. How could Richelle Mead do that to him?!? To US?!? It’s just cruel!

But oh, forbidden love! Is there a better kind? Is there anything better than seeing two people so perfect for each other, so in sync with each other struggle with what they feel? With what they believe and know to be right? Ooooh, I just love it! It’s so juicy and addictive. Even in the beginning, as we see in The Golden Lily, the connection and tension that arises between Sydney and Adrian is so electric, even in this early part, that it’s evident where they’re heading, even if they (or Sydney) are not ready to face it. And let’s face it.....there isn’t a VA or Bloodlines fan out there who doesn’t want Adrian to find a HEA with Sydney. After the heartbreak he experienced at the end of Last Sacrifice, I know one of the most appealing things about Bloodlines was the prospect of seeing him find the one he is truly meant to be with.

So basically, The Golden Lily was everything I was expecting and more. I knew Mead would continue to branch out on her world, and while the direction she went in wasn’t overly expected, I’m expecting big things from this series and anguish as only she knows how to write. I know Richelle Mead has a lot up her sleeve and with the final pages tearing out my heart I’m already marking my calendar for the next book, The Indigo Spell! This is one you don’t wanna miss!

Source: I bought it.
Format: Paperback
AU Release Date: Available now!
Buy it: Booktopia // The Nile // The Book Depository
Recommendation: This world is one of the best vampire worlds I've ever gotten lost in, and if you've ever liked a vampire book, you'll want to check this series out! (My recommendation is read the first series, Vampire Academy first, though.)
Cover: It's nice, but I don't love it like I loved the Bloodlines one.
Will I read sequel/continue with series: Yes. YES, a hundred times, yes!


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday #31

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking The Spine where you can spotlight an upcoming release that you're eagerly anticipating.

This week I'm waiting on....

Vengeance Bound by Justina Ireland
Releases on: April 2nd 2013.
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The Goddess Test meets Dexter in an edgy, compelling debut about one teen’s quest for revenge… no matter how far it takes her.

Cory Graff is not alone in her head. Bound to a deal of desperation made when she was a child, Cory’s mind houses the Furies—the hawk and the serpent—lingering always, waiting for her to satisfy their bloodlust. After escaping the asylum where she was trapped for years, Cory knows how to keep the Furies quiet. By day, she lives a normal life, but by night, she tracks down targets the Furies send her way. And she brings down Justice upon them.

Cory’s perfected her system of survival, but when she meets a mysterious boy named Niko at her new school, she can’t figure out how she feels about him. For the first time, the Furies are quiet in her head around a guy. But does this mean that Cory’s finally found someone who she can trust, or are there greater factors at work? As Cory’s mind becomes a battlefield, with the Furies fighting for control, Cory will have to put everything on the line to hold on to what she’s worked so hard to build.

Um, The Goddess Test meets Dexter? Yes please! That one sentence and I wanna read this before I've already read the description. The. Sounds. Epic! Although it makes me think more of Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini meets Dexter, but boy does this sound excellent. Honestly, I love these kinds of reads and if I had this in my hand right now, I'd be reading it!

What do you think of Vengence Bound? Do you want it?
Plus, tell me, what are YOU waiting on this week!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Book Shelf: Between the Lines by Jodi Picoult & Samantha van Leer

What happens when happily ever after... isn't?

Delilah hates school as much as she loves books. In fact, there's one book in particular she can't get enough of. If anyone knew how many times she has read and re-read the sweet little fairy tale she found in the library, especially the popular kids, she'd be sent to social Siberia... forever.

To Delilah, though, this fairy tale is more than just words on the page. Sure, there's a handsome (well, okay, hot) prince, and a castle, and an evil villain, but it feels as if there's something deeper going on. And one day, Delilah finds out there is. Turns out, this Prince Charming is real, and a certain fifteen-year-old loner has caught his eye. But they're from two different worlds, and how can it ever possibly work?

Together with her daughter Samantha Van Leer, #1 New York Times bestselling author Jodi Picoult has written a classic fairy tale with a uniquely modern twist.

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Written by mother and daughter duo Jodi Picoult and Samantha Van Leer, Between the Lines is a fresh, utterly magical novel that explores what really happens when a book is closed in a fun, romantic tale that is sure to captivate from start to finish!

This is one of those rare books that simply takes your breath away with its uniqueness. A story that’s beautiful in its simplicity yet stunning in its rich, unique storyline, Between the Lines is like nothing I’ve read before. It’s a wonderful example of sheer imagination, with its fun, engaging storyline and vivid characters. Honestly, who ever thought about what happens when the story is finished or put down? I know I certainly hadn’t before now, but Jodi Picoult and her talented daughter Samantha Van Leer sure have, blessing us with this unique novel that’s literally magic.

Told in duel perspectives between main characters Delilah and Oliver, and featuring chapters of the actual “story” within the story, this book was simply a joy to read. I picked it up planning on reading only a few chapters, but quickly found myself engrossed and unable to put it down. Really, it’s just a catching storyline—a fictional character who no longer wants to be a part of the story—and you can’t help but want to know what happens. Will Oliver become a part of Delilah’s world or will he forever be stuck within the book, forced to relive the same story over and over again?

With perfect, flowing writing and littered with beautiful pictures and graphics, Between the Lines held my attention from start to finish as Delilah and Oliver fought to get our reluctant prince out of the book and into the real world. I must say I found the stunning pictures that accompanied the story to be a wonderful touch. Not only were they beautiful to look at, but they added a new layer to the story as they illustrated the scenes unfolding before your eyes.

I must admit I had Toy Story flash backs as we saw the characters within Between the Lines interact and live on when no one was reading the story. I adored how different Picoult and Van Leer made them. They really were nothing like the characters they “acted” as in the “story”, rather they had unique, interesting personalities that really were nothing like the characters they personified during the fictional story they were all a part of.

Oliver and Delilah shone as our main characters—two very different people; one a flesh and blood teenage girl and the other a fictional book character that yearned for more, and yet they connected so well. Seeing them interact and stumble their way into getting Oliver out of the book and into Delilah’s world was just purely wonderful and held so many moments that made me smile.

From start to finish, Between the Lines was just a fantastic book to read. Whether you’re a fairytale fan or are just a reader looking for something a little bit different and yet allows you to use your imagination, this is the book for you! Easily pulling you into this exciting, captivating fairytale featuring a modern twist, Between the Lines is one book that won’t disappoint!

Source: Sent for review by Allen & Unwin (Thank you guys!)
Format: Paperback
AU Release Date: Available now!
Buy it: Booktopia // The Nile // The Book Depository
Recommendation: This is a the perfect book if you want something fun, fresh and magical.
Cover: I LOVE our Aussie cover! I think it's the best out of the whole lot.
Will I read sequel/continue with series: As this is a stand alone, I can't read the sequel, but I might read more from these authors if they wrote similar books.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Owl Post #4

Hello, my lovelies and welcome to another week's Owl Post!

I only have a three books to share with you this week which means I may finally make a teeny weeny dent in my to-read list ;)

Inspired by The Story Siren's In My Mailbox, Owl Post allows us bloggers to showcase the books we've bought, won or received throughout the week and is hosted by Brodie over at Eleusinian Mysteries. We all know that the Owl Post is the fastest way to send and recieve mail and they certainly make me happy every time they drop a book off.

For Review:
From Simon & Schuster Australia......
-Poison Princess by Kresley Cole
I haven't read any of Kresley Cole's adult novels, although I've heard nothing but rave review about them, but boy am I excited for this one. The entire story sounds epic and that cover.....get out of here! It's incredible!
.......Thank you Caroline!
From HarlequinTEEN Australia......
-The Lost Prince by Julie Kagawa
SQUEE! OMG. It's here! The first book in The Iron Fey spin-off featuring Ethan! I'd just about die of excitment if that didn't mean I wouldn't be able to read this, lol. This is my next read!
......Thank you Polina, you goddess you!
From Allen & Unwin.....
-Spark by Brigid Kemmerer
Yay! Spark. Spark. Spark! SPARRRRKKK! I'm reading this right now and I'm totally in love with Gabriel Merrick. He's a total honey!
.....Thank you guys!
 And that's me for this week :)
Tell me what the owls dropped off in YOUR mailbox this week!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Book Shelf: Alice in Zombieland (White Rabbit Chronicles #1) by Gena Showalter

She won’t rest until she’s sent every walking corpse back to its grave. Forever.

Had anyone told Alice Bell that her entire life would change course between one heartbeat and the next, she would have laughed. From blissful to tragic, innocent to ruined? Please. But that’s all it took. One heartbeat. A blink, a breath, a second, and everything she knew and loved was gone.

Her father was right. The monsters are real….

To avenge her family, Ali must learn to fight the undead. To survive, she must learn to trust the baddest of the bad boys, Cole Holland. But Cole has secrets of his own, and if Ali isn’t careful, those secrets might just prove to be more dangerous than the zombies….

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Brimming with tantalizing romance, delicious humour and edge of your seat action, Alice in Zombieland proves once and for all that Gena Showalter is a literacy master! With a fresh new take on zombies, this book is sure to have you begging for more. I promise you’ve never seen zombie’s like this before!

It wouldn’t be fair to start this review without noting that I am a HUGE Gena Showalter fan. Her books never fail to captivate me, and Alice in Zombieland is no exception what so ever! From the moment I turned the first page, this book had my attention. Wars could have broken out and I wouldn’t have noticed. Gena’s effortless writing and amazing ability to create intricate storylines is at it’s best in Alice in Zombieland, and her fresh take on a paranormal creature we’ve all seen a hundred times is masterful. I guarantee you; there isn’t a book out there with this take on zombies and I loved that! Add in the oh, so awesome inspiration of and reference to Alice in Wonderland that dances throughout the book and this fresh look at zombies is an absolute delight!

As far as heroines go, Alice Bell just plain out rocks! Despite the pain she feels due to her recent family tragedy, Ali, as she likes to be known, is a perfect example of a strong female lead. The resourcefulness, stubbornness and intelligence she demonstrates throughout the book make her fantastic to follow. She’s quick thinking and not afraid to say what she feels. Her sharp tongue and attitude, especially where Cole is concerned, make her a joy to read about and you can’t help but love her. Honestly, this is my kind of girl; one who knows the dangers but fights anyway simply because it’s what she knows is right and what she has to do. Written with the kind of spark and flair that make a great heroine, Ali is going to be one hell of a character to follow throughout the rest of the series!

Now, you will have to excuse me while I wipe the drool off my chin before I talk about a little guy named Cole Holland. Not that he’s anyone special, not that he’s anyone worth noting. He’s only one of the sexiest guys I’ve seen in YA fiction lately! And with his violet eyes, tattoos, and nipple ring (yes, nipple ring) he’s not exactly traditional, but my goodness does this boy know how to make a girl swoon. I can certainly see why he has Ali turning to mush. Gena Showalter certainly knows how to write tough, fierce, and gorgeous male leads with all the sensitivity, kindness and wit that us female readers love. Cole is P-E-R-F-E-C-T. Really, I’m ready to start the Cole Holland fan club. With his dark good looks and protective nature, Cole is the perfect match for Ali.

It’s so evident from the very beginning that Ali and Cole are going to have something. It’s undeniable. The moment they see each other, they’re gone, but not in the way you’d expect. The best part about the romance Showalter so masterfully weaves between Ali and Cole is the chemistry. It’s a gradual thing that intensifies over time, but the sexual tension the two of them share is no less electrifying. It sizzles through the pages and enhances every shared moment between them. From heated kisses to hilarious dialogue, these two have it in spades and will are guaranteed to have you smiling, laughing and shaking your head. All in the best way, of course.

One of the best parts about this book, and really any Gena Showalter book in general, are the characters. Showalter has a fantastic ability of creating vibrant characters, different in personality, but all perfect to the storyline. Every single one of the characters in Alice in Zombieland was captivating in their personalities, sense of humour and the way in which they interacted with one another. From the chemistry shared between our two lovebirds to the fabulous friendships and relationships shown between the other characters, every one of them complimented each other so brilliantly. Apart from Ali and Cole, the other characters stole my heart also. From the cold Mackenzie, who I think isn’t what she seems to the awesome, I-wish-she-was-my-best-friend Kat and her on again/of again boyfriend Frosty; they all had my heart. I admit, I had a feeling about what Kat’s secret was for quite a while, but that didn’t lessen the sadness when we did find out for ourselves.

And yet, you know the worst part about this book; the only thing that makes me want to hide under a rock and bawl? The fact that, since this book doesn’t officially hit stores until October, I have to wait over a year for the next instalment of The While Rabbit Chronicles! Now that just isn’t flair. Considering all the brilliancy that is Alice in Zombieland, I want to be able to dive into the next book A.S.A.P, but alas that’s just not possible *sigh*

Featuring a fast paced and addictive storyline, this is one book you don’t want to miss. Gena Showalter manages to create a fantastic zombie tale with no apocalypse needed and take zombies straight into the modern world. With an exhilarating and revealing ending and with all the hints thrown about, I’m sure Gena Showalter has plenty of twists and turns up her sleeve yet to be dished out. Alice in Zombieland sets the stage for what looks to be a fantastic, engaging new series and I for one cannot wait to discover what’s in store for Alice next!

Source: Sent for review by HarlequinTEEN Australia. (Thanks Polina--you rock!)
Format: Paperback ARC
AU Release Date: October 2012
Pre-order it: Booktopia // The Nile // The Book Depository
Recommendation: If you love thrilling, romantic stories with kick ass characters, this is a must read--I guarantee you love it!
Cover: Ah-mazing! Honestly, it's beautiful!
Will I read sequel/continue with series: MOOOOOOORE! Yes, please more.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Book Shelf: Beautiful Disaster (Beautiful #1) by Jamie McGuire

The new Abby Abernathy is a good girl. She doesn’t drink or swear, and she has the appropriate percentage of cardigans in her wardrobe. Abby believes she has enough distance between her and the darkness of her past, but when she arrives at college with her best friend, her path to a new beginning is quickly challenged by Eastern University's Walking One-Night Stand.

Travis Maddox, lean, cut, and covered in tattoos, is exactly what Abby needs—and wants—to avoid. He spends his nights winning money in a floating fight ring, and his days as the ultimate college campus charmer. Intrigued by Abby’s resistance to his appeal, Travis tricks her into his daily life with a simple bet. If he loses, he must remain abstinent for a month. If Abby loses, she must live in Travis’s apartment for the same amount of time. Either way, Travis has no idea that he has met his match.

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Beautiful Disaster is an electrifying, utterly addictive read that will steal your heart, steal your soul and leave you completely breathless!

Trying to put her past behind her, Eastern University student Abby Abernathy’s life is about to be shaken up when she meets Travis Maddox, the university’s biggest “bad boy” who’s pertinence for fighting, drinking, smoking and using women is well known throughout campus. Abby quickly proves that she won’t be like one of Travis’s other girls and when their initial meeting blossoms into an unexpected friendship that soon cascades into something more, something thrilling, desperate and completely unpredictable, Abby soon finds that Travis is willing to do anything to keep her with him and it’ll mean doing the ones thing she’s no sure she can do......surrendering her heart.

My goodness.....this book......I have no words! Honestly, I don’t know how to properly articulate my thoughts and emotions towards Jamie McGuire’s deliciously addictive novel Beautiful Disaster. From the very first page, I was glued to this novel; stuck, entrapped, totally and completely and this is considering this isn’t my usual type of read. Beautiful Disaster had my complete and utter attention from the very first chapter and only got better and better as the novel progressed. I’m easily adding it to the list of the best books I’ve read this series, not to mention my all time fave list!

I have to say, going into this I didn’t expect too much from it. Normally, I’m not a fan of contemporary romance, not to mention destructive relationships, but the intense, perfectly written tale Jamie McGuire weaves together in Beautiful Disaster is so complex and layered that it really does work. While it’s certainly for a mature audience, my mind was blown with the rich, steamy story McGuire has written where the chemistry between main characters Abby “Pigeon” and Travis is so thrilling, so compelling that the entire story bleeds with their attraction, their passion and desperation for one another.

Beautiful Disaster encompasses a lot of the collage spirit in a very dark, harsh way. Set in Eastern University, this book has a fantastic cast of characters to shape the novel, including Abby’s best friend America and her boyfriend Shepley (who also happens to be Travis’s cousin) but none more so that main characters Abby and Travis. It’s undeniable that Pigeon and Travis’s relationship is in fact destructive at times, but the histories and complexities that McGuire gives these two characters makes it understandable and allows it to work. And, as the author Jamie McGuire never shies away from the fact that Abby and Travis relationship is a disaster, pointing it other through the eyes of her characters many times throughout the book.

As our heroine and leading lady Abby is the perfect match for Travis. While painted as the good girl; innocent and sweet, Abby is far from fragile, easily able to stand up for herself. From the very beginning Abby makes it clear that she’s not willing to take any of Travis crap and proves just how strong she can be as she meets him head on. I must admit Abby’s inability to admit her feelings annoyed me at times, but you know what....I still love this girl. It’s hard not to. She was stubborn and hard headed, but sweet and vulnerable at times. And no matter what anyone says, she had the strength to walk away from Travis at times.

Gah. Travis Maddox! Wow. Not quite sure how to tackle him. What a character. Really. What a character! The ultimate bad boy, Travis is incredibly flawed and raw. He’s a womanizer, he’s intense, he’s stubborn, he’s dangerous. However he’s also insecure, over protective, irrational and about a dozen other things I’m not going to name. His rash personally blends with his stubbornness and temper to create a Molotov cocktail of a man who just lights the pages of this book up. It seems irrational to adore Travis.....but I do. Jamie McGuire created the ultimate destructive boyfriend and made me like him. No, she made me love him. There’s a vulnerability in Travis that Abby sees; that you in turn see as the reader and it’s this allows Travis to steal you heart, even as he slowly steals Abby’s. He has his flaws and he makes his mistakes; good golly does he make his mistakes, but he truly, truly does change once his “Pidge” is a part of his life and it’s this grow, this change within him that makes him the amazing character he is.

It would be impossible to speak about this book and not talk about the relationship between Abby and Travis, especially as this book is ALL about the relationship between these two collage students. Oh golly, the chemistry in this book....just wow! I’ve mentioned it earlier on in my review, but it’s just a never ending rush; weaving, twisting and bleeding out of the pages. Abby and Travis’s relationship is passionate and desperate relationship and drives the novel. There’s a sweetness and tenderness to it that’s impossible to ignore and a comfort that both these two people find with one another. Their romance can border on unhealthy at times but that doesn’t make it any less spectacular or brilliant.

With intense, passionate romance and loveable, abet flawed characters, Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire is truly a “beautiful disaster” to read. This book isn’t for the faint of heart however while it may not be for everyone this book could quite possibly become your new obsession......

Source: Sent for review by Simon & Schuster Australia (Thank you Caroline!)
Format: Paperback finished copy.
AU Release Date: Available now!
Buy it: Booktopia // The Nile // The Book Depository
Reccomendation: This book isn't for those faint of heart, but if your a fan of Simone Elkeles Perfect Chemistry and are looking for something romantic, dark and gritty, this is the book for you!
Cover: Wow, I just love it! Simply, but so striking!
Will I read sequel/continue with series: YES. YES. YES! I'm already counting down the days for more

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday #30

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Breaking The Spine where you can spotlight an upcoming release that you're eagerly anticipating.

This week I'm waiting on....

City of a Thousand Dolls by Miriam Forster
Releases on: February 5th 2013.

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The girl with no past, and no future, may be the only one who can save their lives.

Nisha was abandoned at the gates of the City of a Thousand Dolls when she was just a child. Now sixteen, she lives on the grounds of the isolated estate, where orphan girls apprentice as musicians, healers, courtesans, and, if the rumors are true, assassins. Nisha makes her way as Matron’s assistant, her closest companions the mysterious cats that trail her shadow. Only when she begins a forbidden flirtation with the city’s handsome young courier does she let herself imagine a life outside the walls. Until one by one, girls around her start to die.

Before she becomes the next victim, Nisha decides to uncover the secrets that surround the girls’ deaths. But by getting involved, Nisha jeopardizes not only her own future in the City of a Thousand Dolls—but her own life.

Ooooh. This one sounds interesting. This City of a Thousand Dolls seems like a real intresting place and with romance and mysterious deaths, this book is one I'm eager to get my hands on.

Doesn't think look like an awesome read?
Tell me, what areYOU waiting on this week!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Owl Post #3

Hello, my lovelies and welcome to another week's Owl Post!

I only have a few books to share with you this week and not a crazy amount of books :)

Inspired by The Story Siren's In My Mailbox, Owl Post allows us bloggers to showcase the books we've bought, won or received throughout the week and is hosted by Brodie over at Eleusinian Mysteries. We all know that the Owl Post is the fastest way to send and recieve mail and they certainly make me happy every time they drop a book off.

I Bought:
-Born of Silence by Sherrilyn Kenyon
I'm a massive Sherrilyn Kenyon fan and devour pretty much anything I can get my hands on. LOVE her League series and Darling's book was one I just had to read ASAP (yes, I've already read it :P) and I cannot wait for more!
-Enslave Me Sweetly by Gena Showalter
-Ecstast In Darkness by Gena Showalter
More of Gena's Alien Huntress series that I ordered arrived this week. Just waiting on one more to get here and then I'll have them all.
I Won:
-Born Wicked by Jessica Spotswood
I was sooooo excited to win a SIGNED copy of this thanks to Brodie and Lisa's Valentines Day Celebrations and it finally arrived the other day. I have to say a BIG THANKS to author Jessica Spotswood for re-sending it to be after it was sent back to her due to my change of address. Thanks so much Jessica--I really appeaciate it. Jessica also sent me some swag so extra thanks for that! And a massive thanks to Brods and Lisa again--you gals are just made of awesome!

And that's all I got this week.
Tell me what the owls dropped off in YOUR mailbox this week!